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Planning Application: N6/2015/0294/PP


Decided - Granted

Mr Chris Carter

Former Shredded Wheat Factory Welwyn Garden City AL8 6UN

Outline planning permission for part demolition, repair, restoration, extension and conversion of the former Shredded Wheat factory complex to include demolition of all buildings and structures except the original 1920's silos, production hall, grain store and boiler house. Refurbishment and change of use of the retained listed buildings to provide 2 Class C3 residential units, a Class C1 boutique/budget hotel, Class B1(a) offices, a Class A4 pub/bar, a Class D1 crèche and a Class D2 gym/dance/exercise studio. Erection of up to 850 Class C3 dwellings to potentially include up to 80 Class C2 (and/or C3 assisted living units), Class A1 retail, Class A3/A4 restaurants/cafés/bars/pubs, Class D1 community use and healthcare and Class D2 gym/dance/exercise studio floorspace. Provision of external space for leisure and recreation to include a linear park, external games/play area, allotments and a skate park. Creation of internal estate roads, paths, vehicle and cycle parking. Associated highway works comprising the widening of footways and the provision of cycle ways to Broadwater Road and Bridge Road, works to Hyde Way, junction remodelling works and the erection of a new footbridge from Bridge Road. Phase 1 (Blocks 2,3,4,5,6 & 7 on land to the north and west of Hyde Way and northern part of Block 1) – Includes Appearance, Means of Access, Landscaping, Layout and Scale in addition to all associated highway works . Phase 2 (Blocks 8,9,10,11 & 12 and southern part of Block 1 on land to the south of Hyde Way) – Includes Means of Access with Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping reserved



  • Peartree

  • Councillor Russ Platt
  • Councillor Duncan Jones
  • Councillor Simon Goldwater


Mr J Waterhouse

Flitcroft House 114-116 Charing Cross Road London WC2H 0JR

7 St John's Road Harrow HA1 2EY
Description Distance
Listed Buildings Combined 0.00
Listed Buildings Combined 11.47
Employment Area 0.00
Cycle Paths 0.00
Cycle Paths 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 30mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 30mm 0.00
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Flood Zone Surface Water 100mm 0.00
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Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00
Sand and Gravel Belt 0.00
Brownfield Land Register 0.00
Brownfield Land Register 0.00
Brownfield Land Register 0.00



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Committee Minutes
$$Minutes published.pdf (0 kb) Committee Minutes 07/07/2017
EAST & WEST ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-04-0021-ZXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - East & West Elevations 25/02/2015
NORTH & SOUTH ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-04-0020-ZXX - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - North and South Elevations 25/02/2015
NORTH & SOUTH ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-05-0022-ZXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - North & South Elevations 25/02/2015
SILO COURTYARD ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-05-0023-ZXX - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Silo Courtyard Elevations 25/02/2015
NORTH & SOUTH ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-00-0033-ZXX - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Demolition - North & South Elevations 25/02/2015
EAST & WEST ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-00-0034-ZXX - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Demolition - East & West Elevations 25/02/2015
2455-T-00-0050-ZXX-04.PDF (0 kb) Site Elevations - Phase 1 Elevations, AA BB CC 29/03/2016
Floor Plans
EIGHTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-04-0009-ZO9 - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Eighth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
FIFTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-04-0006-ZO6 - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Fifth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-04-0002-ZO2 - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - First Floor Plan 25/02/2015
LOWER GROUND FLOOR - 2455-T-04-0000-ZOO - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Lower Ground Floor 25/02/2015
FOURTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-04-0005-ZO5 - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Fourth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
SEVENTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-04-0008-ZO8 - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Seventh Floor Plan 25/02/2015
SECOND FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-04-0003-ZO3 - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Second Floor Plan 25/02/2015
SIXTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-04-0007-ZO7 - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Sixth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
THIRD FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-04-0004-ZO4 - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Third Floor Plan 25/02/2015
UPPER GROUND FLOOR - 2455-T-04-0001-ZO1 - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Upper Ground Floor 25/02/2015
Landscape Plans
01459110.pdf (0 kb) Ecological Assessment (DMS Info Document: 868186 Page No(s).: 1)
01459113.pdf (0 kb) Redacted Aboricultural Implications Assessment (DMS Info Document: 868189 Page No(s).: 1)
01459186.pdf (0 kb) Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment (DMS Info Document: 868244 Page No(s).: 1)
01459188.pdf (0 kb) Redacted Landscape Design Statement (DMS Info Document: 868246 Page No(s).: 1)
01459190.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P001 Landscape Masterplan (DMS Info Document: 868248 Page No(s).: 1)
01459191.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P003 - Site Section A & B (DMS Info Document: 868249 Page No(s).: 1)
01459192.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P004 Site section C & D (DMS Info Document: 868250 Page No(s).: 1)
01459193.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P005 - Site section E (DMS Info Document: 868251 Page No(s).: 1)
01459194.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P100 - Overall General Arrangement (DMS Info Document: 868252 Page No(s).: 1)
01459196.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P101 - Detailed General Arrangement sheet 1 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868255 Page No(s).: 1)
01459231.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P102 - Detailed General Arrangement Sheet 2 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868291 Page No(s).: 1)
01459232.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DRP103 Deatailed General Arrangement sheet 3 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868292 Page No(s).: 1)
01459233.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P104 Detailed General Arrangement sheet 4 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868293 Page No(s).: 1)
01459234.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P105 - Vertical Landscapes (DMS Info Document: 868294 Page No(s).: 1)
01459235.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P301 - Planting Plan sheet 1 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868295 Page No(s).: 1)
01459236.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P302 Planting Plan sheet 2 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868296 Page No(s).: 1)
01459237.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P303 Planting Plan sheet 3 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868297 Page No(s).: 1)
01459238.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P304 Planting Plan Sheet 4 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868298 Page No(s).: 1)
01459239.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P401 - Detailed Sections sheet 1 of 6 (DMS Info Document: 868299 Page No(s).: 1)
01459240.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P402 - Detailed Sections sheet 2 of 6 (DMS Info Document: 868300 Page No(s).: 1)
01459241.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P403 - Detailed Sections - Sheet 3 of 6 (DMS Info Document: 868301 Page No(s).: 1)
01459242.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P404 - Detailed Sections sheet 4 of 6 (DMS Info Document: 868302 Page No(s).: 1)
01459243.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P405 - Detailed Sections Sheet 5 of 6 (DMS Info Document: 868303 Page No(s).: 1)
01459244.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P406 - Detailed Sections sheet 6 of 6 (DMS Info Document: 868304 Page No(s).: 1)
01459245.pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P902 - Tree Protection Plan (DMS Info Document: 868305 Page No(s).: 1)
01459110(1).pdf (0 kb) Ecological Assessment (DMS Info Document: 868186 Page No(s).: 1)
01459113(1).pdf (0 kb) Redacted Aboricultural Implications Assessment (DMS Info Document: 868189 Page No(s).: 1)
01459186(1).pdf (0 kb) Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment (DMS Info Document: 868244 Page No(s).: 1)
01459188(1).pdf (0 kb) Redacted Landscape Design Statement (DMS Info Document: 868246 Page No(s).: 1)
01459190(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P001 Landscape Masterplan (DMS Info Document: 868248 Page No(s).: 1)
01459191(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P003 - Site Section A & B (DMS Info Document: 868249 Page No(s).: 1)
01459192(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P004 Site section C & D (DMS Info Document: 868250 Page No(s).: 1)
01459193(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P005 - Site section E (DMS Info Document: 868251 Page No(s).: 1)
01459194(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P100 - Overall General Arrangement (DMS Info Document: 868252 Page No(s).: 1)
01459196(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P101 - Detailed General Arrangement sheet 1 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868255 Page No(s).: 1)
01459231(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P102 - Detailed General Arrangement Sheet 2 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868291 Page No(s).: 1)
01459232(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DRP103 Deatailed General Arrangement sheet 3 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868292 Page No(s).: 1)
01459233(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P104 Detailed General Arrangement sheet 4 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868293 Page No(s).: 1)
01459234(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P105 - Vertical Landscapes (DMS Info Document: 868294 Page No(s).: 1)
01459235(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P301 - Planting Plan sheet 1 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868295 Page No(s).: 1)
01459236(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P302 Planting Plan sheet 2 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868296 Page No(s).: 1)
01459237(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P303 Planting Plan sheet 3 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868297 Page No(s).: 1)
01459238(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P304 Planting Plan Sheet 4 of 4 (DMS Info Document: 868298 Page No(s).: 1)
01459239(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P401 - Detailed Sections sheet 1 of 6 (DMS Info Document: 868299 Page No(s).: 1)
01459240(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P402 - Detailed Sections sheet 2 of 6 (DMS Info Document: 868300 Page No(s).: 1)
01459241(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P403 - Detailed Sections - Sheet 3 of 6 (DMS Info Document: 868301 Page No(s).: 1)
01459242(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P404 - Detailed Sections sheet 4 of 6 (DMS Info Document: 868302 Page No(s).: 1)
01459243(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P405 - Detailed Sections Sheet 5 of 6 (DMS Info Document: 868303 Page No(s).: 1)
01459244(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P406 - Detailed Sections sheet 6 of 6 (DMS Info Document: 868304 Page No(s).: 1)
01459245(1).pdf (0 kb) BMD.219.DR.P902 - Tree Protection Plan (DMS Info Document: 868305 Page No(s).: 1)
BMD.219.RP.LDC.006 Phase 2 - Landscape Design Code.pdf (0 kb) Phase 2 - Landscape Design Code 29/03/2016
MAIN GRAND ENTRANCE STAIR - 2455-T-04-0041-ZXX - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Main Grand Entrance Stair 25/02/2015
SECTIONS - 2455-T-04-0030-ZXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Sections 25/02/2015
TYPICAL FAÇADE DETAIL - 2455-T-04-0040-ZXX - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Typical Facade Detail 25/02/2015
EXISTING - FULL EXTENT - 2455-T-00-0014-ZXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Site Plans - Existing - Full Extent 25/02/2015
EXISTING SITE PLAN INDICATING PHASE 1 & 2- 2455-T-00-0001-ZXX - REV 3.PDF (0 kb) Site Plans - Existing Site Plan Indicating Phase 1 & 2 25/02/2015
FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION - 2455-T-00-0027-Z01 - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Demolition - First Floor Demolition 25/02/2015
FOURTH FLOOR DEMOLITION - 2455-T-00-0030-Z04 - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Demolition - Fourth Floor Demolition 25/02/2015
GROUND FLOOR DEMOLITION - 2455-T-00-0026-Z00 - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Demolition - Ground Floor Demolition 25/02/2015
SECOND FLOOR DEMOLITION - 2455-T-00-0028-Z02 - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Demolition - Second Floor Demolition 25/02/2015
SITE PLAN DEMOLITION - 2455-T-00-0025-ZXX - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Demolition - Site Plan Demolition 25/02/2015
THIRD FLOOR DEMOLITION - 2455-T-00-0029-Z03 - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Demolition - Third Floor Demolition 25/02/2015
FIFTH FLOOR DEMOLITION - 2455-T-00-0031-Z05 - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Demolition - Fifth Floor Demolition 25/02/2015
D-GA-XX-603.pdf (0 kb) Drainage Plan - Below Ground Drainage Layout 25/02/2015
D-GA-XX-604.pdf (0 kb) Drainage Plan - Below Ground Drainage 25/02/2015
D-GA-XX-605.pdf (0 kb) Drainage Plan - Below Ground Drainage 25/02/2015
D-GA-XX-606.pdf (0 kb) Drainage Plan - Below Ground Drainage 25/02/2015
D-GA-XX-607.pdf (0 kb) Drainage Plan - Below Ground Drainage 25/02/2015
D-GA-XX-601.pdf (0 kb) Drainage Plan - Below Ground Drainage - Basement 25/02/2015
D-GA-XX-602.pdf (0 kb) Drainage Plan - Below Ground Drainage - Basement 25/02/2015
D-GA-XX-608.pdf (0 kb) Drainage Plan - Below Ground Drainage 25/02/2015
19040 sheet 4.pdf (0 kb) Utility Survey - Sheet 4 25/02/2015
19040 sheet 5.pdf (0 kb) Utility Survey - Sheet 5 25/02/2015
19040 sheet 6.pdf (0 kb) Utility Survey - Sheet 6 25/02/2015
19040 sheet 1.pdf (0 kb) Utility Survey - Sheet 1 25/02/2015
19040 sheet 2.pdf (0 kb) Utility Survey - Sheet 2 25/02/2015
19040 sheet 3.pdf (0 kb) Utility Survey - Sheet 3 25/02/2015
SP106 Rev B - Hydeway East Access.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Hydeway East Access 27/02/2015
SP107 Rev B - Hydeway Junction.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Hydeway Junction 27/02/2015
SP108 Rev B - Hydeway East Access.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Hydeway East Access 27/02/2015
SP109 Rev B - Hydeway Junction.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Hydeway Junction 27/02/2015
SP110 Rev B - Hydeway Junction access.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Hydeway Junction access 27/02/2015
SP112 Rev A - Hydeway hammerhead.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Hydeway Hammerhead 27/02/2015
SP113 Rev A - 12m RDV - Hydeway Hammerhead.pdf (0 kb) Transport - 12m RDV - Hydeway Hammerhead 27/02/2015
SP114 Rev A - Car & Taxi in Hydeway.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Car & Taxi in Hydeway 27/02/2015
SP115 Rev A - Car reversing in Hydeway.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Car reversing in Hydeway 27/02/2015
SP116 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender 27/02/2015
SP117 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender 27/02/2015
SP118 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender 27/02/2015
SP119 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender 27/02/2015
SP120 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender 27/02/2015
SP121 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender 27/02/2015
SP123 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender 27/02/2015
SP126 Rev C - Car Park Block 6.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Car Park Block 6 27/02/2015
SP127 Rev C - Car Park Block 7.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Car Park Block 7 27/02/2015
SP128 Rev B - Car Park Block 7.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Car Park Block 7 27/02/2015
SP129 Rev B - Car Park Block 2.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Car Park Block 2 27/02/2015
SP130 Rev B - Car Park Block 2.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Car Park Block 2 27/02/2015
SP131 Rev A - Car Park Block 8.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Car Park Block 8 27/02/2015
SP133 Rev A - Car Park Block 9.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Car Park Block 9 27/02/2015
SP134 Rev A - Car Park Block 10.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Car Park Block 10 27/02/2015
SP135 Rev A - Car Park Block 11.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Car Park Block 11 27/02/2015
SP136 Rev A - Car Park Block 12.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Car Park Block 12 27/02/2015
SP137 Rev A - Car Park Block 1.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Car Park Block 1 27/02/2015
SP138 Rev A - Path Analysis - Coach.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Path Analysis - Coach 27/02/2015
SP139 Rev A - Refuse Vehicle in Block 3.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Refuse Vehicle in Block 3 27/02/2015
Transport Assessment Figures.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Transport Assessment Figures 27/02/2015
VS101 Rev B - Visibility Splays at Octabout.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Visibility Splays at Octabout 27/02/2015
VS102 Rev B - Visibility Splays at Hydeway.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Visibility Splays at Hydeway 27/02/2015
VS103 Rev C - Visibility Splays at Bridge Road Access.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Visibility Splays at Bridge Road Access 27/02/2015
VS104 Rev C - Visibility on Bridge Road Access.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Visibility on Bridge Road Access 27/02/2015
VS105 Rev D - Visibility on Network Rail access Road.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Visibility on Network Rail access Road 27/02/2015
VS106 Rev B - Visibility on Broadwater Road.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Visibility on Broadwater Road 27/02/2015
VS107 Rev B - Visibility at Southern Access.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Visibility at Southern Access 27/02/2015
101 Rev B - Network Rail Access Road.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Network Rail Access Road 27/02/2015
EL103 Rev D - Public Transport Accessibility.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Public Transport Accessibility 27/02/2015
PL106 Rev A Proposed Junction Layout.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Proposed Junction Layout 27/02/2015
PL108 Proposed Junction Layout - Broadwater Rd - Chequers.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Proposed Junction Layout - Broadwater Rd - Chequers 27/02/2015
PL109 Rev H - Proposed Broadwater Road Improvements.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Proposed Broadwater Road Improvements 27/02/2015
PL111 Rev G - Bridge Road Improvements.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Bridge Road Improvements 27/02/2015
PL112 Rev E - Site Accessibility Map.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Site Accessibility Map 27/02/2015
PL113 Rev C - Pedestrian Accessibility.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Pedestrian Accessibility 27/02/2015
2455-T-03-0021-Z01.PDF (0 kb) Transport - Off Road Cycle Accessibility 27/02/2015
PL116 Rev C - Vehicular Accessibility.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Vehicular Accessibility 27/02/2015
PL117 Rev C - Servicing- Refuse- Emergency Vehicles plan.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Servicing- Refuse- Emergency Vehicles plan 27/02/2015
PL120 Proposed road layout (Broadwater- Osborn Way - Stanborough Road).pdf (0 kb) Transport - Proposed road layout (Broadwater- Osborn Way - Stanborough Road) 27/02/2015
SP101 Rev B Path Analysis - Bridge Road.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Path Analysis - Bridge Road 27/02/2015
SP102 Rev B Path analysis - Bessemer Road.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Path analysis - Bessemer Road 27/02/2015
SP103 Rev B - Path Analysis Bridge Road East.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Path Analysis Bridge Road East 27/02/2015
SP104 Rev B - Path Analysis Broadwater Road.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Path Analysis Broadwater Road 27/02/2015
SP105 Rev B - Hydeway East.pdf (0 kb) Transport - Hydeway East 27/02/2015
2455-T-00-0017-ZXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Phase 2 publicly accessible & private amenity space 29/03/2016
2455-T-00-0018-ZXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Phase 2 building typologies 29/03/2016
2455-T-00-0021-ZXX-08.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Site Sections - AA,BB,CC & DD 29/03/2016
2455-T-00-0022-ZXX-08.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Site Sections - EE,FF & GG 29/03/2016
2455-T-00-0023-ZXX-09.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Site Sections - HH, II & JJ 29/03/2016
1309-14 PL134 - Hydeway Proposed Highway Boundaries (Rev C).pdf (0 kb) Transport - Hydeway Proposed Highway Boundaries (Rev C) 29/03/2016
1309-14 PL140 - Bridge Road Proposed Improvements (Without Centre Line).pdf (0 kb) Transport - Bridge Road Proposed Improvements (Without Centre Line) 29/03/2016
2455-T-00-0099-ZXX-02.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Phase 1 29/03/2016
2455-T-00-0024-ZXX-08.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Site Levels 29/03/2016
2455-T-00-0060-ZXX-06.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Ground Floor Uses & Active Frontages 29/03/2016
1309-14 PL139 - Broadwater Road Proposed Improvements (Without Centre Line).pdf (0 kb) Transport - Broadwater Road Proposed Improvements (Without Centre Line) 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P305A Block 2A Planting Plan.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Planting Plan - Block 2A 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P401B Sections 1 of 7.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Sections - Sheet 1 of 7 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P404B Sections 4 of 7.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Sections - Sheet 4 of 7 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P407 Sections 7 of 7 (Additional Section Goodman Square).pdf.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Sections - Sheet 7 of 7 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P701 Sustainable Drainage Strategy Plan and Section.pdf (0 kb) Sustainable Drainage Strategy Plan and Section 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P702 Sustainable Drainage Strategy Plan and Section.pdf (0 kb) Sustainable Drainage Strategy Plan and Section 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P703 Ecology Enhancements Strategy.pdf (0 kb) Ecology Enhancements Strategy 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P704 Ecology enhancements.pdf (0 kb) Ecology enhancements 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P705A Overall General Arrangement Amendments.pdf (0 kb) Overall General Arrangement Amendments 29/03/2016
Street Scene
Hideway_V01.jpg (0 kb) Artists Impression - Hydeway 15/08/2016
Main_Square_V01.jpg (0 kb) Artists Impression - Main Square 15/08/2016
Hunters_Gardens_V01(1).jpg (0 kb) Artists Impression - Hunters Garden 31/08/2016
Production_hall_square_Raised_V01.jpg (0 kb) Artists Impression - Production Hall 31/08/2016
Design & Access Statement
D & A STATEMENT PART 1 REDACTED.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 1 - Redacted 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 2 REDACTED.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 2 - Redacted 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 3.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 3 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 4 REDACTED.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 4 - Redacted 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 4.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 4 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 5.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 5 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 6.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 6 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 7.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 7 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 8.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 8 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 9.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 9 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 10.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 10 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 11.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 11 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 12.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 12 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 13.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 13 24/02/2015
D & A STATEMENT PART 14 REDACTED.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Part 14 - Redacted 24/02/2015
20160315_DAS-Planning Application Addendum_Part1.pdf (0 kb) DAS-Planning Application Addendum_Part1 29/03/2016
20160315_DAS-Planning Application Addendum_Part2.pdf (0 kb) DAS-Planning Application Addendum_Part2 29/03/2016
20160315_DAS-Planning Application Addendum_Part3.pdf (0 kb) DAS-Planning Application Addendum_Part3 29/03/2016
20160315_DAS-Planning Application Addendum_Part4.pdf (0 kb) DAS-Planning Application Addendum_Part4 29/03/2016
20160315_DAS-Planning Application Addendum_Part5.pdf (0 kb) DAS-Planning Application Addendum_Part5 29/03/2016
20160315_DAS-Planning Application Addendum_Part6.pdf (0 kb) DAS-Planning Application Addendum_Part6 29/03/2016
01458055.pdf (0 kb) PART 1 REDACTED (DMS Info Document: 867502 Page No(s).: 1)
01458057.pdf (0 kb) PART 2 REDACTED (DMS Info Document: 867504 Page No(s).: 1)
01458061.pdf (0 kb) PART 3 (DMS Info Document: 867508 Page No(s).: 1)
01458063.pdf (0 kb) PART 4 REDACTED (DMS Info Document: 867510 Page No(s).: 1)
01458066.pdf (0 kb) PART 5 (DMS Info Document: 867513 Page No(s).: 1)
01458068.pdf (0 kb) PART 6 (DMS Info Document: 867515 Page No(s).: 1)
01458070.pdf (0 kb) PART 7 (DMS Info Document: 867517 Page No(s).: 1)
01458078.pdf (0 kb) PART 8 (DMS Info Document: 867520 Page No(s).: 1)
01458079.pdf (0 kb) PART 9 (DMS Info Document: 867521 Page No(s).: 1)
01458084.pdf (0 kb) PART 10 (DMS Info Document: 867526 Page No(s).: 1)
01458099.pdf (0 kb) PART 11 (DMS Info Document: 867541 Page No(s).: 1)
01458101.pdf (0 kb) PART 12 (DMS Info Document: 867543 Page No(s).: 1)
01458137.pdf (0 kb) PART 13 (DMS Info Document: 867568 Page No(s).: 1)
01458138.pdf (0 kb) PART 14 REDACTED (DMS Info Document: 867569 Page No(s).: 1)
01458055(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 1 REDACTED (DMS Info Document: 867502 Page No(s).: 1)
01458057(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 2 REDACTED (DMS Info Document: 867504 Page No(s).: 1)
01458061(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 3 (DMS Info Document: 867508 Page No(s).: 1)
01458063(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 4 REDACTED (DMS Info Document: 867510 Page No(s).: 1)
01458066(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 5 (DMS Info Document: 867513 Page No(s).: 1)
01458068(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 6 (DMS Info Document: 867515 Page No(s).: 1)
01458070(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 7 (DMS Info Document: 867517 Page No(s).: 1)
01458078(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 8 (DMS Info Document: 867520 Page No(s).: 1)
01458079(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 9 (DMS Info Document: 867521 Page No(s).: 1)
01458084(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 10 (DMS Info Document: 867526 Page No(s).: 1)
01458099(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 11 (DMS Info Document: 867541 Page No(s).: 1)
01458101(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 12 (DMS Info Document: 867543 Page No(s).: 1)
01458137(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 13 (DMS Info Document: 867568 Page No(s).: 1)
01458138(1).pdf (0 kb) PART 14 REDACTED (DMS Info Document: 867569 Page No(s).: 1)
Environmental Impact Assessment
Non Technical Summary(1).pdf (0 kb) Non Technical Summary 29/03/2016
# Volume 1 Front Cover & Contents.pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Front Cover & Contents 29/03/2016
Chapter 01 Introduction(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 01 Introduction 29/03/2016
Chapter 02 EIA Methodology(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 02 EIA Methodology 29/03/2016
Chapter 03 Existing Land Uses and Activities(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 03 Existing Land Uses and Activities 29/03/2016
Chapter 04 Alternatives and Design Evolution(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 04 Alternatives and Design Evolution 29/03/2016
Chapter 05 The Development(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 05 The Development 29/03/2016
Chapter 06 Development Programme Demolition & Construction(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 06 Development Programme 29/03/2016
Chapter 07 Socio-Economics(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 07 Socio-Economics 29/03/2016
Chapter 08 Townscape and Visual Amenity_Redacted(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 08 Townscape & Visual Amenity Redctd 29/03/2016
Chapter 09 Heritage(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 09 Heritage 29/03/2016
Chapter 10 Ecology(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 10 Ecology 29/03/2016
Chapter 11 Ground Conditions & Contamination(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 11 Ground Cond & Contamination 29/03/2016
Chapter 12 Foul Water Drainage(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 12 Foul Water Drainage 29/03/2016
Chapter 13 Noise and Vibration(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 13 Noise and Vibration 29/03/2016
Chapter 14 Air Quality(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 14 Air Quality 29/03/2016
Chapter 15 Microclimate(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 15 Microclimate 29/03/2016
Chapter 16 Cumulative Effects(2).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 16 Cumulative Effects 29/03/2016
Chapter 17 Summary of Mitigation Measures(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 1 - Chapter 17 Summary of Mitigation Measures 29/03/2016
# Volume 2 Front Cover & Contents.pdf (0 kb) Volume 2 - Front Cover & Contents 29/03/2016
Appendix 2.1 EIA Scoping Study Report_Redacted(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 2 - Appendix 2.1 EIA Scoping Study Rep - Redacted 29/03/2016
Appendix 2.2 EIA Scoping Opinion_Redacted(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 2 - Appendix 2.2 EIA Scoping Opinion - Redacted 29/03/2016
Appendix 2.3 EIA Scoping Opinion Response Letter_Redacted(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 2 - Appendix 2.3 EIA Scoping Opin Resp - Redact 29/03/2016
Appendix 2.4 EIA Consultation Correspondence_Redacted(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 2 - Appendix 2.4 EIA Consultation Corresp - Redctd 29/03/2016
Appendix 7.1 Weekly Household Expenditure Breakdown(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 2 - Appendix 7.1 Weekly House Expend Breakdown 29/03/2016
Appendix 7.2 Completed Development Child Yield Calculations(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 2 - Append 7.2 Complete Develpmt Child Yield Calc 29/03/2016
Appendix 8.1 Townscape Glossary of Terms(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 2 - Appendix 8.1 Townscape Glossary of Terms 29/03/2016
Appendix 8.2 Townscape Planning Policy and Guidance(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 2 - Appendix 8.2 Town Plan Policy and Guidance 29/03/2016
Appendix 8.3 Townscape and Visual Amenity Methodology Notes(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 2 - Appendix 8.3 Town and Visual Amenity Method 29/03/2016
Appendix 8.4 Arboricultural Implications Assessment(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 2 - Append 8.4 Arboricultural Implications Assess 29/03/2016
Appendix 9.1 Heritage Statement(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 2 - Appendix 9.1 Heritage Statement 29/03/2016
00 Volume 3 Front Cover & Contents.pdf (0 kb) Volume 3 - Front Cover & Contents 29/03/2016
Appendix 10.1 Ecological Assessment(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 3 - Appendix 10.1 Ecological Assessment 29/03/2016
Appendix 11.1 Phase 1 Environmental Assessment (Jan 2015)_Redacted(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 3 - Append 11.1 Phase 1 Env Assess(01/2015) - Redct 29/03/2016
Appendix 11.2 Factual and Interpretive Report (Jan 2015)_Redacted(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 3 - Appd 11.2 Fact & Interpretive Rep(01/2015)Redct 29/03/2016
Appendix 12.1 FRA and Drainage Strategy(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 3 - Appendix 12.1 FRA and Drainage Strategy 29/03/2016
Appendix 13.1 Glossary of Acoustic Terms(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 3 - Appendix 13.1 Glossary of Acoustic Terms 29/03/2016
Appendix 13.2 Noise Assessment Report(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 3 - Appendix 13.2 Noise Assessment Report 29/03/2016
Appendix 13.3 Demolition & Construction Noise Assessment Methodology & Assessment.pdf (0 kb) Volume 3 - Appd 13.3 Demol/Constr Noise Assess Method 29/03/2016
Appendix 14.1 Air Quality Scoping Note(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 3 - Appendix 14.1 Air Quality Scoping Note 29/03/2016
Appendix 14.2 Air Quality Assessment_Redacted(1).pdf (0 kb) Volume 3 - Appendix 14.2 Air Quality Assessment_Redacted 29/03/2016
Planning Statement
Landscape Design Statement_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Landscape Design Statement - Redacted 24/02/2015
PLANNING STATEMENT FEBRUARY 2015.pdf (0 kb) Planning Statement 24/02/2015
Shredded Wheat Heritage Statement Feb 2015.pdf (0 kb) Shredded Wheat Heritage Statement Feb 2015 24/02/2015
Statement of Community Involvement_Redacted(1).pdf (0 kb) Statement of Community Involvement_Redacted 24/02/2015
Planning Statement Addendum Final.pdf (0 kb) Planning Statement Addendum Final 29/03/2016
Transport Statement
1309-14 TA01 App A - Cycle Map(1).pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App A - Cycle Map 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App B - Bus Timetables(1).pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App B - Bus Timetables 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App C - PIA Data.pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App C - PIA Data 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App D - Traffic Surveys(1).pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App D - Traffic Surveys 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App E - TN07 - Baseline Modelling.pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App E - TN07 - Baseline Modelling 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App F - TN06 - Trip Generation Methodology.pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App F - TN06 - Trip Generation Methodology 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App G - TN09 - Future Modelling.pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App G - TN09 - Future Modelling 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App H - TN08 - SPD Trip Gen Comparison.pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App H - TN08 - SPD Trip Gen Comparison 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App I - Junction A - Future (Rev A).pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App I - Junction A - Future (Rev A) 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App J - Junction B - Future (Rev A).pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App J - Junction B - Future (Rev A) 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App K - Junction D (Existing Layout) (Rev A).pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App K - Junction D (Existing Layout) (Rev A) 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App L - Junction E - Future & Mitigation (Rev A.pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App L-Junction E-Future & Mitigation Rev A 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App M - Junction F - Future - Flat (Existing + .pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App M - Junction F - Future - Flat 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App N - Junction G (Existing Layout) (Rev B).pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App N - Junction G (Existing Layout) (Rev B) 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App O - Junction D (Proposed Layout) (Rev A).pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App O - Junction D (Proposed Layout) (Rev A) 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App P - Junction G (Proposed Layout) (Rev A).pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App P - Junction G (Proposed Layout) (Rev A) 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App Q - Access H.pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App Q - Access H 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App R - Access I.pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App R - Access I 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App S - Access J.pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App S - Access J 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App T - Access K.pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App T - Access K 24/02/2015
1309-14 TA01 App U - Access L.pdf (0 kb) 1309-14 TA01 App U - Access L 24/02/2015
Transport Assessment - Feb 2015.pdf (0 kb) Transport Assessment - Feb 2015 24/02/2015
Framework Travel Plan - Feb 2015.pdf (0 kb) Framework Travel Plan - Feb 2015 24/02/2015
1309-14 - TN13 - Parking Allocation Explanation for WHBC - Rev D.pdf (0 kb) TN13 - Parking Allocation Explanation for WHBC - Rev D 29/03/2016
1309-14 - TN14 - Waste Access Strategy - Rev B.pdf (0 kb) TN14 - Waste Access Strategy - Rev B 29/03/2016
1309-14 - TN15 - Northern Access - Rev B.pdf (0 kb) TN15 - Northern Access - Rev B 29/03/2016
1309-14 - TP01 - Framework Travel Plan (Rev E) Text, Fig & App.pdf (0 kb) TP01 - Framework Travel Plan (Rev E) Text, Fig & App 29/03/2016
01459246.pdf (0 kb) Framework Travel Plan - Feb 2015 (DMS Info Document: 868306 Page No(s).: 1)
01459247.pdf (0 kb) Transport Assessment - Feb 2015 (DMS Info Document: 868307 Page No(s).: 1)
01459248.pdf (0 kb) Transport Assessment Figures (DMS Info Document: 868308 Page No(s).: 1)
01459249.pdf (0 kb) List of Figures and drawings (DMS Info Document: 868309 Page No(s).: 1)
01459252.pdf (0 kb) 101 Rev B - Proposed Access Road (DMS Info Document: 868312 Page No(s).: 1)
01459253.pdf (0 kb) PL06 Rev A - Proposed Junction Layout (DMS Info Document: 868313 Page No(s).: 1)
01459254.pdf (0 kb) PL108 - Proposed Junction Layout Broadwater Road/Chequers (DMS Info Document: 868314 Page No(s).: 1)
01459255.pdf (0 kb) PL109 Rev H - Proposed Broadwater Road Improvements (DMS Info Document: 868315 Page No(s).: 1)
01459256.pdf (0 kb) PL111 Rev G - Bridge Road Proposals (DMS Info Document: 868316 Page No(s).: 1)
01459257.pdf (0 kb) PL112 Rev E - Site Accessibility Map (DMS Info Document: 868317 Page No(s).: 1)
01459258.pdf (0 kb) PL113 Rev C - Pedestrain Accessibility (DMS Info Document: 868318 Page No(s).: 1)
01459259.pdf (0 kb) PL114 Rev D - Off Road Cycle Accessibility (DMS Info Document: 868319 Page No(s).: 1)
01459260.pdf (0 kb) EL103 Rev D - Public Transport Accessibility (DMS Info Document: 868320 Page No(s).: 1)
01459262.pdf (0 kb) PL116 Rev C - Vehicular Accessibility (DMS Info Document: 868322 Page No(s).: 1)
01459320.pdf (0 kb) PL117 Rev C - Servicing- Refuse- Emergency Vehicles plan (DMS Info Document: 868362 Page No(s).: 1)
01459325.pdf (0 kb) PL120 Proposed road layout (Broadwater- Osborn Way - Stanborough Road) (DMS Info Document: 868365 Page No(s).: 1)
01459326.pdf (0 kb) SP101 Rev B Path Analysis - Bridge Road (DMS Info Document: 868366 Page No(s).: 1)
01459327.pdf (0 kb) SP102 Rev B Path analysis - Bessemer Road (DMS Info Document: 868367 Page No(s).: 1)
01459328.pdf (0 kb) SP103 Rev B - Path Analysis Bridge Road East (DMS Info Document: 868368 Page No(s).: 1)
01459330.pdf (0 kb) SP104 Rev B - Path Analysis Broadwater Road (DMS Info Document: 868370 Page No(s).: 1)
01459350.pdf (0 kb) SP104 Rev B - Path Analysis Broadwater Road (DMS Info Document: 868379 Page No(s).: 1)
01459351.pdf (0 kb) SP106 Rev B - Hydeway East Access (DMS Info Document: 868380 Page No(s).: 1)
01459357.pdf (0 kb) SP107 Rev B - Hydeway Junction (DMS Info Document: 868386 Page No(s).: 1)
01459359.pdf (0 kb) SP108 Rev B - Hydeway East Access (DMS Info Document: 868388 Page No(s).: 1)
01459360.pdf (0 kb) SP109 Rev B - Hydeway Junction (DMS Info Document: 868389 Page No(s).: 1)
01459362.pdf (0 kb) SP110 Rev B - Hydeway Junction access (DMS Info Document: 868391 Page No(s).: 1)
01459363.pdf (0 kb) SP112 Rev A - Hydeway hammerhead (DMS Info Document: 868392 Page No(s).: 1)
01459378.pdf (0 kb) SP114 Rev A - Car & Taxi in Hydeway (DMS Info Document: 868406 Page No(s).: 1)
01459379.pdf (0 kb) SP113 Rev A - 12m RDV - Hydeway Hammerhead (DMS Info Document: 868407 Page No(s).: 1)
01459380.pdf (0 kb) SP115 Rev A - Car reversing in Hydeway (DMS Info Document: 868408 Page No(s).: 1)
01459381.pdf (0 kb) SP116 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868409 Page No(s).: 1)
01459383.pdf (0 kb) SP117 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868411 Page No(s).: 1)
01459387.pdf (0 kb) SP118 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868413 Page No(s).: 1)
01459388.pdf (0 kb) SP119 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868414 Page No(s).: 1)
01459392.pdf (0 kb) SP120 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868416 Page No(s).: 1)
01459393.pdf (0 kb) SP121 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868417 Page No(s).: 1)
01459399.pdf (0 kb) SP123 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868420 Page No(s).: 1)
01459404.pdf (0 kb) SP126 Rev C - Car Park Block 6 (DMS Info Document: 868423 Page No(s).: 1)
01459405.pdf (0 kb) SP127 Rev C - Car Park Block 7 (DMS Info Document: 868424 Page No(s).: 1)
01459411.pdf (0 kb) SP128 Rev B - Car Park Block 7 (DMS Info Document: 868430 Page No(s).: 1)
01459412.pdf (0 kb) SP129 Rev B - Car Park Block 2 (DMS Info Document: 868431 Page No(s).: 1)
01459413.pdf (0 kb) SP130 Rev B - Car Park Block 2 (DMS Info Document: 868432 Page No(s).: 1)
01459414.pdf (0 kb) SP131 Rev A - Car Park Block 8 (DMS Info Document: 868433 Page No(s).: 1)
01459415.pdf (0 kb) SP133 Rev A - Car Park Block 9 (DMS Info Document: 868434 Page No(s).: 1)
01459416.pdf (0 kb) SP134 Rev A - Car Park Block 10 (DMS Info Document: 868435 Page No(s).: 1)
01459417.pdf (0 kb) SP135 Rev A - Car Park Block 11 (DMS Info Document: 868436 Page No(s).: 1)
01459419.pdf (0 kb) SP136 Rev A - Car Park Block 12 (DMS Info Document: 868438 Page No(s).: 1)
01459420.pdf (0 kb) SP137 Rev A - Car Park Block 1 (DMS Info Document: 868439 Page No(s).: 1)
01459421.pdf (0 kb) SP138 Rev A - Path Analysis - Coach (DMS Info Document: 868440 Page No(s).: 1)
01459422.pdf (0 kb) SP139 Rev A - Refuse Vehicle in Block 3 (DMS Info Document: 868441 Page No(s).: 1)
01459423.pdf (0 kb) VS101 Rev B - Visibility Splays at Octabout (DMS Info Document: 868442 Page No(s).: 1)
01459426.pdf (0 kb) VS102 Rev B - Visibility Splays at Hydeway (DMS Info Document: 868444 Page No(s).: 1)
01459427.pdf (0 kb) VS103 Rev C - Visibility Splays at Bridge Road Access (DMS Info Document: 868445 Page No(s).: 1)
01459443.pdf (0 kb) VS104 Rev C - Visibility on Bridge Road Access (DMS Info Document: 868451 Page No(s).: 1)
01459454.pdf (0 kb) VS105 Rev D - Visibility on Network Rail access Road (DMS Info Document: 868459 Page No(s).: 1)
01459458.pdf (0 kb) VS1056 Rev B - Visibility on Broadwater Road (DMS Info Document: 868461 Page No(s).: 1)
01459475.pdf (0 kb) VS107 Rev B - Visibility at Southern Access (DMS Info Document: 868476 Page No(s).: 1)
01459505.pdf (0 kb) Appendix A - Cycle Map (DMS Info Document: 868488 Page No(s).: 1)
01459506.pdf (0 kb) Appendix B - Bus Timetables (DMS Info Document: 868489 Page No(s).: 1)
01459507.pdf (0 kb) Appendix C - PIA Data (DMS Info Document: 868490 Page No(s).: 1)
01459513.pdf (0 kb) Appendix D - Traffic Survey Data (DMS Info Document: 868493 Page No(s).: 1)
01459557.pdf (0 kb) Appendix E - Baseline Modelling (DMS Info Document: 868514 Page No(s).: 1)
01459565.pdf (0 kb) Appendix F - Trip Generation Modelling (DMS Info Document: 868518 Page No(s).: 1)
01459566.pdf (0 kb) Appendix G - Future Modelling (DMS Info Document: 868519 Page No(s).: 1)
01459581.pdf (0 kb) Appendix H - SPD Trip Gen Comparison (DMS Info Document: 868531 Page No(s).: 1)
01459599.pdf (0 kb) Appendix I - Junction A - Future (Rev A) (DMS Info Document: 868540 Page No(s).: 1)
01459600.pdf (0 kb) Appendix J - Junction B - Future (Rev A) (DMS Info Document: 868541 Page No(s).: 1)
01459620.pdf (0 kb) Appendix K - Junction D (Existing Layout - Rev A) (DMS Info Document: 868549 Page No(s).: 1)
01459629.pdf (0 kb) Appendix L - Junction E - Future & Mitigation - Rev A (DMS Info Document: 868559 Page No(s).: 1)
01459630.pdf (0 kb) Appendix M - Junction F - Future-Flat(ex & pro- Rev A) (DMS Info Document: 868560 Page No(s).: 1)
01459631.pdf (0 kb) Appendix N - Junction G (Existing Layout) (Rev B) (DMS Info Document: 868561 Page No(s).: 1)
01459632.pdf (0 kb) Appendix O - Junction D (Proposed Layout) (Rev A) (DMS Info Document: 868562 Page No(s).: 1)
01459633.pdf (0 kb) Appendix P - Junction G (Proposed Layout- Rev A) (DMS Info Document: 868563 Page No(s).: 1)
01459634.pdf (0 kb) Appendix Q - Access H (DMS Info Document: 868564 Page No(s).: 1)
01459635.pdf (0 kb) Appendix R - Access I (DMS Info Document: 868565 Page No(s).: 1)
01459637.pdf (0 kb) Appendix S - Access J (DMS Info Document: 868567 Page No(s).: 1)
01459648.pdf (0 kb) Appendix T - Access K (DMS Info Document: 868569 Page No(s).: 1)
01459649.pdf (0 kb) Appendix U - Access L (DMS Info Document: 868570 Page No(s).: 1)
01459246(1).pdf (0 kb) Framework Travel Plan - Feb 2015 (DMS Info Document: 868306 Page No(s).: 1)
01459247(1).pdf (0 kb) Transport Assessment - Feb 2015 (DMS Info Document: 868307 Page No(s).: 1)
01459248(1).pdf (0 kb) Transport Assessment Figures (DMS Info Document: 868308 Page No(s).: 1)
01459249(1).pdf (0 kb) List of Figures and drawings (DMS Info Document: 868309 Page No(s).: 1)
01459252(1).pdf (0 kb) 101 Rev B - Proposed Access Road (DMS Info Document: 868312 Page No(s).: 1)
01459253(1).pdf (0 kb) PL06 Rev A - Proposed Junction Layout (DMS Info Document: 868313 Page No(s).: 1)
01459254(1).pdf (0 kb) PL108 - Proposed Junction Layout Broadwater Road/Chequers (DMS Info Document: 868314 Page No(s).: 1)
01459255(1).pdf (0 kb) PL109 Rev H - Proposed Broadwater Road Improvements (DMS Info Document: 868315 Page No(s).: 1)
01459256(1).pdf (0 kb) PL111 Rev G - Bridge Road Proposals (DMS Info Document: 868316 Page No(s).: 1)
01459257(1).pdf (0 kb) PL112 Rev E - Site Accessibility Map (DMS Info Document: 868317 Page No(s).: 1)
01459258(1).pdf (0 kb) PL113 Rev C - Pedestrain Accessibility (DMS Info Document: 868318 Page No(s).: 1)
01459259(1).pdf (0 kb) PL114 Rev D - Off Road Cycle Accessibility (DMS Info Document: 868319 Page No(s).: 1)
01459260(1).pdf (0 kb) EL103 Rev D - Public Transport Accessibility (DMS Info Document: 868320 Page No(s).: 1)
01459262(1).pdf (0 kb) PL116 Rev C - Vehicular Accessibility (DMS Info Document: 868322 Page No(s).: 1)
01459320(1).pdf (0 kb) PL117 Rev C - Servicing- Refuse- Emergency Vehicles plan (DMS Info Document: 868362 Page No(s).: 1)
01459325(1).pdf (0 kb) PL120 Proposed road layout (Broadwater- Osborn Way - Stanborough Road) (DMS Info Document: 868365 Page No(s).: 1)
01459326(1).pdf (0 kb) SP101 Rev B Path Analysis - Bridge Road (DMS Info Document: 868366 Page No(s).: 1)
01459327(1).pdf (0 kb) SP102 Rev B Path analysis - Bessemer Road (DMS Info Document: 868367 Page No(s).: 1)
01459328(1).pdf (0 kb) SP103 Rev B - Path Analysis Bridge Road East (DMS Info Document: 868368 Page No(s).: 1)
01459330(1).pdf (0 kb) SP104 Rev B - Path Analysis Broadwater Road (DMS Info Document: 868370 Page No(s).: 1)
01459350(1).pdf (0 kb) SP104 Rev B - Path Analysis Broadwater Road (DMS Info Document: 868379 Page No(s).: 1)
01459351(1).pdf (0 kb) SP106 Rev B - Hydeway East Access (DMS Info Document: 868380 Page No(s).: 1)
01459357(1).pdf (0 kb) SP107 Rev B - Hydeway Junction (DMS Info Document: 868386 Page No(s).: 1)
01459359(1).pdf (0 kb) SP108 Rev B - Hydeway East Access (DMS Info Document: 868388 Page No(s).: 1)
01459360(1).pdf (0 kb) SP109 Rev B - Hydeway Junction (DMS Info Document: 868389 Page No(s).: 1)
01459362(1).pdf (0 kb) SP110 Rev B - Hydeway Junction access (DMS Info Document: 868391 Page No(s).: 1)
01459363(1).pdf (0 kb) SP112 Rev A - Hydeway hammerhead (DMS Info Document: 868392 Page No(s).: 1)
01459378(1).pdf (0 kb) SP114 Rev A - Car & Taxi in Hydeway (DMS Info Document: 868406 Page No(s).: 1)
01459379(1).pdf (0 kb) SP113 Rev A - 12m RDV - Hydeway Hammerhead (DMS Info Document: 868407 Page No(s).: 1)
01459380(1).pdf (0 kb) SP115 Rev A - Car reversing in Hydeway (DMS Info Document: 868408 Page No(s).: 1)
01459381(1).pdf (0 kb) SP116 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868409 Page No(s).: 1)
01459383(1).pdf (0 kb) SP117 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868411 Page No(s).: 1)
01459387(1).pdf (0 kb) SP118 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868413 Page No(s).: 1)
01459388(1).pdf (0 kb) SP119 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868414 Page No(s).: 1)
01459392(1).pdf (0 kb) SP120 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868416 Page No(s).: 1)
01459393(1).pdf (0 kb) SP121 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868417 Page No(s).: 1)
01459399(1).pdf (0 kb) SP123 Rev C - Refuse Vehicle and Fire Tender (DMS Info Document: 868420 Page No(s).: 1)
01459404(1).pdf (0 kb) SP126 Rev C - Car Park Block 6 (DMS Info Document: 868423 Page No(s).: 1)
01459405(1).pdf (0 kb) SP127 Rev C - Car Park Block 7 (DMS Info Document: 868424 Page No(s).: 1)
01459411(1).pdf (0 kb) SP128 Rev B - Car Park Block 7 (DMS Info Document: 868430 Page No(s).: 1)
01459412(1).pdf (0 kb) SP129 Rev B - Car Park Block 2 (DMS Info Document: 868431 Page No(s).: 1)
01459413(1).pdf (0 kb) SP130 Rev B - Car Park Block 2 (DMS Info Document: 868432 Page No(s).: 1)
01459414(1).pdf (0 kb) SP131 Rev A - Car Park Block 8 (DMS Info Document: 868433 Page No(s).: 1)
01459415(1).pdf (0 kb) SP133 Rev A - Car Park Block 9 (DMS Info Document: 868434 Page No(s).: 1)
01459416(1).pdf (0 kb) SP134 Rev A - Car Park Block 10 (DMS Info Document: 868435 Page No(s).: 1)
01459417(1).pdf (0 kb) SP135 Rev A - Car Park Block 11 (DMS Info Document: 868436 Page No(s).: 1)
01459419(1).pdf (0 kb) SP136 Rev A - Car Park Block 12 (DMS Info Document: 868438 Page No(s).: 1)
01459420(1).pdf (0 kb) SP137 Rev A - Car Park Block 1 (DMS Info Document: 868439 Page No(s).: 1)
01459421(1).pdf (0 kb) SP138 Rev A - Path Analysis - Coach (DMS Info Document: 868440 Page No(s).: 1)
01459422(1).pdf (0 kb) SP139 Rev A - Refuse Vehicle in Block 3 (DMS Info Document: 868441 Page No(s).: 1)
01459423(1).pdf (0 kb) VS101 Rev B - Visibility Splays at Octabout (DMS Info Document: 868442 Page No(s).: 1)
01459426(1).pdf (0 kb) VS102 Rev B - Visibility Splays at Hydeway (DMS Info Document: 868444 Page No(s).: 1)
01459427(1).pdf (0 kb) VS103 Rev C - Visibility Splays at Bridge Road Access (DMS Info Document: 868445 Page No(s).: 1)
01459443(1).pdf (0 kb) VS104 Rev C - Visibility on Bridge Road Access (DMS Info Document: 868451 Page No(s).: 1)
01459454(1).pdf (0 kb) VS105 Rev D - Visibility on Network Rail access Road (DMS Info Document: 868459 Page No(s).: 1)
01459458(1).pdf (0 kb) VS1056 Rev B - Visibility on Broadwater Road (DMS Info Document: 868461 Page No(s).: 1)
01459475(1).pdf (0 kb) VS107 Rev B - Visibility at Southern Access (DMS Info Document: 868476 Page No(s).: 1)
01459505(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix A - Cycle Map (DMS Info Document: 868488 Page No(s).: 1)
01459506(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix B - Bus Timetables (DMS Info Document: 868489 Page No(s).: 1)
01459507(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix C - PIA Data (DMS Info Document: 868490 Page No(s).: 1)
01459513(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix D - Traffic Survey Data (DMS Info Document: 868493 Page No(s).: 1)
01459557(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix E - Baseline Modelling (DMS Info Document: 868514 Page No(s).: 1)
01459565(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix F - Trip Generation Modelling (DMS Info Document: 868518 Page No(s).: 1)
01459566(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix G - Future Modelling (DMS Info Document: 868519 Page No(s).: 1)
01459581(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix H - SPD Trip Gen Comparison (DMS Info Document: 868531 Page No(s).: 1)
01459599(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix I - Junction A - Future (Rev A) (DMS Info Document: 868540 Page No(s).: 1)
01459600(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix J - Junction B - Future (Rev A) (DMS Info Document: 868541 Page No(s).: 1)
01459620(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix K - Junction D (Existing Layout - Rev A) (DMS Info Document: 868549 Page No(s).: 1)
01459629(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix L - Junction E - Future & Mitigation - Rev A (DMS Info Document: 868559 Page No(s).: 1)
01459630(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix M - Junction F - Future-Flat(ex & pro- Rev A) (DMS Info Document: 868560 Page No(s).: 1)
01459631(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix N - Junction G (Existing Layout) (Rev B) (DMS Info Document: 868561 Page No(s).: 1)
01459632(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix O - Junction D (Proposed Layout) (Rev A) (DMS Info Document: 868562 Page No(s).: 1)
01459633(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix P - Junction G (Proposed Layout- Rev A) (DMS Info Document: 868563 Page No(s).: 1)
01459634(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix Q - Access H (DMS Info Document: 868564 Page No(s).: 1)
01459635(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix R - Access I (DMS Info Document: 868565 Page No(s).: 1)
01459637(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix S - Access J (DMS Info Document: 868567 Page No(s).: 1)
01459648(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix T - Access K (DMS Info Document: 868569 Page No(s).: 1)
01459649(1).pdf (0 kb) Appendix U - Access L (DMS Info Document: 868570 Page No(s).: 1)
Consultee Response
Comment-Thames Water-.pdf (0 kb) Comment-Thames Water-10.9.15 10/09/2015
Comments.htm (0 kb) Comment-Herts Police-10.9.15 10/09/2015
Comments (1).htm (0 kb) Comment-Fire Safety Officer-15.9.15 15/09/2015
natural.pdf (0 kb) Comment-Natural England-14.9.15 16/09/2015
165214 NE response.pdf (0 kb) Comment-Natural England-14.9.15-attachment 16/09/2015
NE Feedback Form June 2015.pdf (0 kb) Comment-Natural England-14.9.15-attachment 16/09/2015
pdf.pdf (0 kb) Comment-Historic Environment Advisor-18.9.15 21/09/2015
Consultee response 2015-0294(1).pdf (0 kb) Comments - Historic England - Redacted 05/10/2015
122768-02.pdf (0 kb) Comments - Environment agency 13/10/2015
NHS East and North Herts CCG S106 response - Shredded Wheat site, WGC.pdf (0 kb) NHS East and North Herts CCG - S106 response 16/10/2015
Shredded Wheat Broadwater Road Sept15.pdf (0 kb) Hertfordshire County Council Development Services 18/12/2015
Comment - Fire Safety Inspector - 29.5.15 red.pdf (0 kb) Fire Safety Inspector - Redacted 29/05/2015
Comment - Historic England - 11.6.15 red 1.pdf (0 kb) Historic England - Email Redacted 11/06/2015
Comment - Historic England - 11.6.15.pdf (0 kb) Historic England - Redacted 11/06/2015
Comment - Historic Environment Advisor - 11.6.15 red.pdf (0 kb) Historic Environment Advisor - Redacted 11/06/2015
Comment -Highways - 3.6.15 red.pdf (0 kb) Highways - Redacted 03/06/2015
Comments - Environmental Minerals and Waste Planning - 14-05-15 red.pdf (0 kb) Environmental Minerals and Waste Planning - Redacted 14/05/2015
COMMENTS - HIGHWAYS ENGLAND - 07-05-15.pdf (0 kb) Highways England - Redacted 07/05/2015
Comments - Network Rail - 14-05-15 red.pdf (0 kb) Network Rail - Redacted 14/05/2015
Comments - NHS East and North Hertfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group - 15-05-15 red.pdf (0 kb) NHS East and North Hertfordshire - Redacted 15/05/2015
COMMENTS - THAMES WATER - 07-05-15.pdf (0 kb) Thames Water - Redacted 07/05/2015
COMMENTS - THAMES WATER - 26-05-15.pdf (0 kb) Thames Water - Redacted 26/05/2015
COMMENTS - TWENTIETH CENTURY SOCIETY - 20-05-15 red.pdf (0 kb) Twentieth Century Society - Redacted 20/05/2015
COMMENTS - WELWYN HATFIELD ACCESS GROUP - 19-05-15 orig.pdf (0 kb) Welwyn Hatfield Access Group 19/05/2015
comments received 21-5-15 Council for British Archaeology.pdf (0 kb) Council for British Archaeology 21/05/2015
Conservation Officer Response.pdf (0 kb) Administration Documents 07/07/2015
Herts Middlessex Wildlife Trust - comments 6-5-15.pdf (0 kb) Herts Middlessex Wildlife Trust - Redacted 06/05/2015
Natural England - 6-5-15.pdf (0 kb) Natural England 06/05/2015
OBSERVATION - Hertfordshire Police - 26.5.15.pdf (0 kb) Hertfordshire Police - Redacted 26/05/2015
original comments 6-5-15 - Herts Middlesex Wildlife Trust.pdf (0 kb) Herts Middlessex Wildlife Trust 06/05/2015
Sport England - 19.5.15 red.pdf (0 kb) Sport England - Redacted 19/05/2015
Former Shredded Wheat outline planning permission application(1).pdf (0 kb) Comments - WHBC Environmental Health.pdf 13/04/2015
Former Shredded Wheat outline planning permission application additional info.pdf (0 kb) Recon Comments - WHBC Environmental Health.pdf 28/04/2016
N6-2015-0294-PP Rec.pdf (0 kb) Recon Comments - Highways England.pdf 28/04/2016
N620150294PP.pdf (0 kb) Recon Comments - Affinity Water.pdf 28/04/2016
Comments (4).htm (0 kb) Recon Support - Hertfordshire Constaubulary 04/05/2016
Former Shredded Wheat Factory Response(1).pdf (0 kb) Recon Comments - Hertfordshire Constabulary.pdf 05/05/2016
184143 Letter.pdf (0 kb) Recon Comments - Natural England 05/05/2016
122768-03.pdf (0 kb) Recon Comments - Environment Agency 06/05/2016
Former Shredded Wheat Outline Application May 2016 (N6 2015 0294 PP).pdf (0 kb) Recon Comments - Herts Waste & Minerals 12/05/2016
plan_rl_13-05-2016_10-44-45_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Recon Comments - Herts Fire & Rescue.redacted 13/05/2016
N620150294PP - Former Shredded Wheat Factory Bridge Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 6UN Formal Application Response letter FA.pdf (0 kb) Recon Objection - Lead Local Flood Authority 16/05/2016
3rd Party Planning Application - N6_2015_0294_PP- April 2016.pdf (0 kb) Recon Comments - Thames Water 17/05/2016
Email-amendments - N6 2015 0294 PP Former Shredded Wheat Factory Bridge Road .msg (0 kb) Recon Comments - HCC Archaeology 20/05/2016
Email-Former Shredded Wheat Factory - Bridge Road Broadwater Road Welwyn Garden City - Proposed Land.msg (0 kb) Recon Comments - WHBC Landscaping 20/05/2016
From1.pdf (0 kb) Recon Comments - Herts Historic Environment 23/05/2016
Ref N6_2015_0294_PP - Former Shredded Wheat Factory, Bridge Road, Welwyn Garden City.pdf (0 kb) Recon Comments - Network Rail 23/05/2016
0294_2016_05 Revised application_Let01.pdf (0 kb) Recon Comments - Welwyn Hatfield Access Group 26/05/2016
Email-201608151200350335N620150294PP - Former Shredded Wheat Factory, Bridge Road, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6UN Formal A.msg (0 kb) Recon Lead Local Flood Authority Conditions 15/08/2016
N620150294PP - Former Shredded Wheat Factory Bridge Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 6UN Formal Application Response letter FA(1).pdf (0 kb) Conditional -Lead Local Flood Authority 15/08/2016
fromer shredded wheat factory highway authority comments N6 2015 0294 PP Final.pdf (0 kb) Hertfordshire Highways 06/02/2017
Email-3rd Party Planning Application - N6 2015 0294 PP - Amended Wording.pdf (0 kb) Comments - Thames Water 23/03/2017
WELWYN GARDEN CITY SOCIETY.pdf (0 kb) Late Rep - Welwyn Garden City Society 30/03/2017
01477306.msg (0 kb) Herts Middlessex Wildlife Trust - comments 6-5-15 (DMS Info Document: 880625 Page No(s).: 1)
01477315.pdf (0 kb) Natural England - 6-5-15 (DMS Info Document: 880631 Page No(s).: 1)
01477703.pdf (0 kb) COMMENTS - THAMES WATER - 07-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 880883 Page No(s).: 1,2,3) 11/05/2015
01477705.pdf (0 kb) COMMENTS - HIGHWAYS ENGLAND - 07-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 880884 Page No(s).: 1,2) 11/05/2015
01480153.pdf (0 kb) Comments - Environmental Minerals and Waste Planning - 14-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 882408 Page No(s).: 1,2,3) 19/05/2015
01480165.pdf (0 kb) Comments - Network Rail - 14-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 882413 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4) 19/05/2015
01480365.pdf (0 kb) COMMENTS - WELWYN HATFIELD ACCESS GROUP - 19-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 882653 Page No(s).: 1)
01480663.pdf (0 kb) Sport England - 19.5.15 (DMS Info Document: 882916 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) 20/05/2015
01480805.pdf (0 kb) COMMENTS - TWENTIETH CENTURY SOCIETY - 20-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 883048 Page No(s).: 1,2,3) 21/05/2015
01481426.pdf (0 kb) comments received 21-5-15 Council for British Archaeology (DMS Info Document: 883400 Page No(s).: 1)
01481737.pdf (0 kb) OBSERVATION - Hertfordshire Police - 26.5.15 (DMS Info Document: 883722 Page No(s).: 1) 27/05/2015
01482180.pdf (0 kb) COMMENTS - THAMES WATER - 26-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 884044 Page No(s).: 1,2) 28/05/2015
01483099.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Fire Safety Inspector - 29.5.15 (DMS Info Document: 884628 Page No(s).: 1,2) 01/06/2015
01483105.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Environment Agency - 28.5.15 (DMS Info Document: 884629 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5,6) 01/06/2015
01484270.pdf (0 kb) Comment -Highways - 3.6.15 (DMS Info Document: 885129 Page No(s).: 1,2) 03/06/2015
01486898.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Historic England - 11.6.15 (DMS Info Document: 886585 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4) 12/06/2015
01487089.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Historic Environment Advisor - 11.6.15 (DMS Info Document: 886739 Page No(s).: 1,2) 12/06/2015
01487122.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Historic England - 11.6.15 (DMS Info Document: 886747 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7) 12/06/2015
01493420.pdf (0 kb) Conservation Officer Response (DMS Info Document: 890349 Page No(s).: 1)
01494963.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Community & Environment Services Manager - 10.7.15 (DMS Info Document: 891368 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) 14/07/2015
01495891.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Environmental Health Technical Officer - 16.7.15 (DMS Info Document: 891781 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
01477306(1).msg (0 kb) Herts Middlessex Wildlife Trust - comments 6-5-15 (DMS Info Document: 880625 Page No(s).: 1)
01477315(1).pdf (0 kb) Natural England - 6-5-15 (DMS Info Document: 880631 Page No(s).: 1)
01477703(1).pdf (0 kb) COMMENTS - THAMES WATER - 07-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 880883 Page No(s).: 1,2,3) 11/05/2015
01477705(1).pdf (0 kb) COMMENTS - HIGHWAYS ENGLAND - 07-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 880884 Page No(s).: 1,2) 11/05/2015
01480153(1).pdf (0 kb) Comments - Environmental Minerals and Waste Planning - 14-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 882408 Page No(s).: 1,2,3) 19/05/2015
01480158(1).pdf (0 kb) Comments - NHS East and North Hertfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group - 15-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 882410 Page No(s).: 1,2,3) 15/05/2015
01480165(1).pdf (0 kb) Comments - Network Rail - 14-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 882413 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4) 19/05/2015
01480365(1).pdf (0 kb) COMMENTS - WELWYN HATFIELD ACCESS GROUP - 19-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 882653 Page No(s).: 1)
01480663(1).pdf (0 kb) Sport England - 19.5.15 (DMS Info Document: 882916 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) 20/05/2015
01480805(1).pdf (0 kb) COMMENTS - TWENTIETH CENTURY SOCIETY - 20-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 883048 Page No(s).: 1,2,3) 21/05/2015
01481426(1).pdf (0 kb) comments received 21-5-15 Council for British Archaeology (DMS Info Document: 883400 Page No(s).: 1)
01481737(1).pdf (0 kb) OBSERVATION - Hertfordshire Police - 26.5.15 (DMS Info Document: 883722 Page No(s).: 1) 27/05/2015
01482180(1).pdf (0 kb) COMMENTS - THAMES WATER - 26-05-15 (DMS Info Document: 884044 Page No(s).: 1,2) 28/05/2015
01483099(1).pdf (0 kb) Comment - Fire Safety Inspector - 29.5.15 (DMS Info Document: 884628 Page No(s).: 1,2) 01/06/2015
01483105(1).pdf (0 kb) Comment - Environment Agency - 28.5.15 (DMS Info Document: 884629 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5,6) 01/06/2015
01484270(1).pdf (0 kb) Comment -Highways - 3.6.15 (DMS Info Document: 885129 Page No(s).: 1,2) 03/06/2015
01486898(1).pdf (0 kb) Comment - Historic England - 11.6.15 (DMS Info Document: 886585 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4) 12/06/2015
01487089(1).pdf (0 kb) Comment - Historic Environment Advisor - 11.6.15 (DMS Info Document: 886739 Page No(s).: 1,2) 12/06/2015
01487122(1).pdf (0 kb) Comment - Historic England - 11.6.15 (DMS Info Document: 886747 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7) 12/06/2015
01493420(1).pdf (0 kb) Conservation Officer Response (DMS Info Document: 890349 Page No(s).: 1)
01494963(1).pdf (0 kb) Comment - Community & Environment Services Manager - 10.7.15 (DMS Info Document: 891368 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) 14/07/2015
01495891(1).pdf (0 kb) Comment - Environmental Health Technical Officer - 16.7.15 (DMS Info Document: 891781 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
Neighbour Representation - Without Personal Information
Original 81 Crawford Road_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) 81 Crawford Road 27/04/2015
SUPPORT - 38 ATHELSTAN WALK SOUTH - 12-05-15 red.pdf (0 kb) 38 Athelstan Walk South 12/05/2016
Support - 9 Penn Way 27-4-15.pdf (0 kb) 9 Penn Way 28/04/2015
Redacted OBJECTION - 81The Vineyard - 26.4.15 a.pdf (0 kb) 81 The Vineyard 27/04/2015
OBSERVATION - 72 PENN WAY - 13-05-15 red.pdf (0 kb) 72 Penn Way 13/05/2015
OBJECT - 72 PENN WAY - 11-05-15.pdf (0 kb) 72 Penn Way 11/05/2015
comments - 5 Youngs Rise 7-5-15.pdf (0 kb) 5 Youngs Rise 07/05/2015
OBJECTION - 136 Cole Green Lane - 15-05-15 red.pdf (0 kb) 136 Cole Green Lane 15/05/2015
OBJECTION - 136 Cole Green Lane - 5.6.15.pdf (0 kb) 136 Cole Green Lane 08/06/2015
Comments (2).htm (0 kb) Recon Comment - 136 Cole Green Lane, AL7 3JE 24/04/2016
Comments (3).htm (0 kb) Recon Objection - 6 Salvisberg Court ,Otto Road,WGC, 25/04/2016
Lorna Gee - N620150294PP objection.pdf (0 kb) Recon Objection - 6 Salvisberg Court ,Otto Road,WGC.pdf 25/04/2016
Comments (5).htm (0 kb) Objection - 4 Salvisburg Court,Otto Road, 05/05/2016
Comments (6).htm (0 kb) Objection - 4 Salvisburg Court,Otto Road 05/05/2016
Comments (7).htm (0 kb) Objection - 81 Crawford Road,Hatfield 22/05/2016
Shredded Wheat Factory N6 2015 0294 PP.docx (0 kb) Objection - Hertfordshire Gardens Trust Attachment 23/05/2016
Comments (8).htm (0 kb) Objection - Hertfordshire Gardens Trust 23/05/2016
Shedded_wheat-attachment_52016.doc (0 kb) Objection - Assoc for Industrial Archaeology 23/05/2016
Comments (9).htm (0 kb) Objection - Assoc for Industrial Archaeology 23/05/2016
CycleParkingGuide_std.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 136 Cole Green Lane, WGC 23/05/2016
Comments (10).htm (0 kb) Objection - 136 Cole Green Lane, WGC 23/05/2016
Comments (11).htm (0 kb) Objection - 136 Cole Green Lane, WGC 23/05/2016
Spenhill Planning and EIA site notices 22 April 2016.pdf (0 kb) Site Notices 22 April 2016 25/04/2016
Legal Agreement
S106_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Planning Performance Agreement - Redacted 25/09/2014
2015 0294 Shredded Wheat S106 agreement dated 18 08 17 Reduced redacted.pdf (0 kb) S106 18 August 2017 redacted 24/08/2017
Officer Report PDF
2015-0294-PP Former Shredded Wheat Factory Main Application.pdf (0 kb) Committee Report 22/03/2017
Delegated Report_N620150294PP(8).pdf (0 kb) Officer Report PDF 18/08/2017
Amended Plans
2455-T-01-0001-D01-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 1 - First Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-01-0000-D00-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 1 - Ground Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-01-0002-D02-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 1 - Roof Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-01-0020-DNO-06.PDF (0 kb) Block 1 - Elevations 29/03/2016
2455-T-01-0021-DXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 1 - Elevations & Sections 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0000-Z00-06.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 2 & 3 - Ground Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0001-Z01-07.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 2 & 3 - First Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0010-ZAA-07.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 2 & 3 - Section AA 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0012-ZCC-07.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 2 & 3 - Section BB and CC 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0020-Z00-08.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Ground Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0021-Z01-08.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - First Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0022-Z02-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Second Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0023-Z03-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Third Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0024-Z04-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Fourth Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0025-Z05-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Fifth Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0026-Z06-06.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Roof Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0030-AXX-06.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Building A Elevations North,South,East,West 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0031-BXX-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Building B Elevations East,West,North-East & North-West 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0035-AEA-06.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Building A Detailed Elevation East 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0036-BWE-06.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Building B Detailed Elevation West 29/03/2016
2455-T-02-0040-ZXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 2 & 3 - West & East Elevations 29/03/2016
2455-T-03-0020-Z00.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Ground Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-03-0032-ZNO.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - First Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-03-0022-Z02.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Second Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-03-0023-Z03.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Third Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-03-0024-Z04.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Fourth Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-03-0025-Z05.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Fifth Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-03-0026-Z06.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Sixth Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-03-0027-Z07.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Roof Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-03-0030-ZXX.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - North, South & West Elevations 29/03/2016
2455-T-03-0031-ZXX.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Residential Block - Elevations 29/03/2016
2455-T-03-0032-ZNO.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - North Elevation - Detailed 29/03/2016
2455-T-03-0033-ZEA.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - East Elevation - Detailed 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0000-Z00-08.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Ground Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0003-Z03-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Third Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0004-Z04-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Fourth Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0005-Z05-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Fifth Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0006-Z06-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Sixth Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0007-Z07-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Seventh Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0008-Z08-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Roof Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0020-ZXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - North & South Elevation 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0021-AXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - East & West Elevation 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0022-ZXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - East & West Elevation 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0023-ZXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - South & West Elevation 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0024-ZXX-04.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Town House & Building 7D Elevations 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0025-AXX-04.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Perimeter Building Elevations 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0030-ZXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Sections 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0045-AXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Building 6A Detailed Elevation East 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0046-BXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Building 6B Detailed Elevations 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0000-ZB1-06.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Basement Level Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0001-Z00-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Ground Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0002-Z01-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - First Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0003-Z02-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Second Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0004-Z03-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Third Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0005-Z04-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Fourth Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0006-Z05-06.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Fifth Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0007-Z06-06.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Sixth Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0008-Z07-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Roof Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0020-ZXX-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - North & South Elevations 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0021-ZXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - East & West Elevations 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0022-ZXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - East & West Elevations 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0023-ZXX-06.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - North & South Elevations 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0025-AXX-03.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Building A Side Elevations 05/04/2016
2455-T-07-0030-ZXX-06.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Sections 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0044-AXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Building 7A Detailed West Elevation 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0045-CXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Townhouse C - Detailed Elevation 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0046-CXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - 4 Storey Townhouses C Detailed Elevation 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0047-BXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Building 7B Detailed Elevation 29/03/2016
2455-T-07-0048-DXX-05.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Building 7D Detailed Elevation 29/03/2016
2455-T-00-0004-ZXX-09.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Car Access 29/03/2016
2455-T-00-0005-ZXX-09.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Service & Delivery Vehicle Access 29/03/2016
2455-T-00-0006-ZXX-09.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Pedestrian & Cycle Access 29/03/2016
2455-T-00-0007-ZXX-06.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Development Phasing 29/03/2016
2455-T-00-0020-ZXX-08.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Section Location 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P001B Illustrative Landscape Masterplan.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Illustrative Landscape Masterplan 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P003A Illustrative Site Sections.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Illustrative Site Sections - Sheet 1 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P004A Illustrative Site Sections.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Illustrative Site Sections - Sheet 2 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P005A. Illustrative Site Sections.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Illustrative Site Sections - Sheet 3 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0001-Z01-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - First Floor Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-06-0002-Z02-07.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Second Floor Plan 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P101C Detailed GA - Sheet 1 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Detailed GA - Sheet 1 of 4 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P102C Detailed GA - Sheet 2 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Detailed GA - Sheet 2 of 4 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P103C Detailed GA - Sheet 3 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Detailed GA - Sheet 3 of 4 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P104C Detailed GA - Sheet 4 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Detailed GA - Sheet 4 of 4 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P105C Vertical Landscapes.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Vertical Landscapes 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P301B Planting Plan - Sheet 1 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Planting Plan - Sheet 1 of 4 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P302B Planting Plan - Sheet 2 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Planting Plan - Sheet 2 of 4 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P303B Planting Plan - Sheet 3 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Planting Plan - Sheet 3 of 4 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P304B Planting Plan - Sheet 4 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Planting Plan - Sheet 4 of 4 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P100C Overall General Arrangement.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Overall General Arrangement 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P402B Sections 2 of 7.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Sections - Sheet 2 of 7 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P403B Sections 3 of 7.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Sections - Sheet 3 of 7 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P405B Sections 5 of 7.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Sections - Sheet 5 of 7 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P406B Sections 6 of 7.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Sections - Sheet 6 of 7 29/03/2016
BMD.219.DR.P902A Tree Protection Plan.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Tree Protection Plan 29/03/2016
2455-T-01-0000-D00-05.PDF (0 kb) 2455-T-01-0000-D00-05 11/05/2016
2455-T-00-0015-ZXX-10.pdf (0 kb) Phase 2 Parameter Plan 15/06/2016
Consultants Report
0294(1).pdf (0 kb) Comment-Environmental Health Officer-1.10.15 02/10/2015
Email to NPCU regarding the updated ES 25th April 2016.pdf (0 kb) Letter to NPCU re Environmental Statement 25/04/2016
Memo Style_Redacted(1).pdf (0 kb) RE Broadwater Road - Extension of Time 10/05/2016
170508-Former_Shredded_Wheat_Site-NI_Ltr_LPA.pdf (0 kb) Letter from Secretary of State confirming application not called in for decision 08/05/2017
Decision Notice
Decision Notice_N620150294PP.pdf (0 kb) Decision Notice PDF 18/08/2017
660336 Former Shredded Wheat Factory DBA_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Archaeological Desk Based Assessment - Redacted 24/02/2015
Flood Risk Assessment & Drainage Strategy.pdf (0 kb) Flood Risk Assessment & Drainage Strategy 24/02/2015
Arboricultural_Implications_Assessment_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Arboricultural_Implications_Assessment - Redacted 24/02/2015
Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment.pdf (0 kb) Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment 24/02/2015
Ecological Assessment.pdf (0 kb) Ecological Assessment 24/02/2015
Acoustic Report.pdf (0 kb) Acoustic Report 24/02/2015
Air Quality Assessment_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Air Quality Assessment_Redacted 24/02/2015
Daylight and Sunlight Report 2015_02_12_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Daylight and Sunlight Report 2015_02_12_Redacted 24/02/2015
Phase 1 Environmental Assessment - Version 290115_Part1_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Phase 1 Environmental Assessment - Part 1 - Redacted 24/02/2015
Phase 1 Environmental Assessment - Version 290115_Part2.pdf (0 kb) Phase 1 Environmental Assessment - Part 2 24/02/2015
Phase 1 Environmental Assessment - Version 290115_Part3.pdf (0 kb) Phase 1 Environmental Assessment - Part3 24/02/2015
Phase 1 Environmental Assessment - Version 290115_Part4.pdf (0 kb) Phase 1 Environmental Assessment - Part4 24/02/2015
Phase 1 Environmental Assessment - Version 290115_Part5.pdf (0 kb) Phase 1 Environmental Assessment - Part5 24/02/2015
Phase 1 Environmental Assessment - Version 290115_Part6.pdf (0 kb) Phase 1 Environmental Assessment - Part6 24/02/2015
Welwyn (2342.18) Geotechnical Report 290115_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Welwyn (2342.18) Geotechnical Report 290115_Redacted 24/02/2015
WGC BREEAM Pre-assessment - Ver 5.pdf (0 kb) WGC BREEAM Pre-assessment - Ver 5 24/02/2015
WGC Energy Statement - Ver 4.pdf (0 kb) WGC Energy Statement - Ver 4 24/02/2015
WGC Sustainability Statement - Ver 4.pdf (0 kb) WGC Sustainability Statement - Ver 4 24/02/2015
4228 - 16.02.16 - Welwyn Garden City BREEAM Pre-assessment - Ver 6.pdf (0 kb) Welwyn Garden City BREEAM Pre-assessment - Ver 6 29/03/2016
4228 - 16.02.25 - WGC Housing Standards Compliance - Ver 1.pdf (0 kb) Welwyn Garden City Housing Standards Compliance - Ver 1 29/03/2016
4228 - 16.02.26 - Welwyn Garden City Sustainability Statement - Ver 6.pdf (0 kb) Welwyn Garden City Sustainability Statement - Ver 6 29/03/2016
4228 - 16.02.29 - Welwyn Garden City Energy Statement - Ver 6.pdf (0 kb) Welwyn Garden City Energy Statement - Ver 6 29/03/2016
160224 WGC Broadwater Road FRA Addendum RevA (with Appendices).pdf (0 kb) Broadwater Road FRA Addendum RevA (with Appendices) 29/03/2016
Addendum Daylight and Sunlight Report 2015_08_18_Redacted(1).pdf (0 kb) Addendum Daylight and Sunlight Report - Redacted 29/03/2016
BMD.219.EA.003. Ecological Assessment.pdf (0 kb) BEcological Assessment 29/03/2016
BMD.219.RP.006A Consultation Response Ecology.pdf (0 kb) Consultation Response Ecology 29/03/2016
BMD.219.RP.007A Consultation Response Arboriculture.pdf (0 kb) Consultation Response Arboriculture 29/03/2016
BMD.219.RP.008B Additional Product Information.pdf (0 kb) Additional Product Information 29/03/2016
BMD.219.RP.AIA.004_Arboricultural_Implications_Assessment_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Arboricultural_Implications_Assessment - Redacted 29/03/2016
Addendum Daylight and Sunlight Report 2015_08_18_Redacted Red.pdf (0 kb) Addendum Daylight and Sunlight Report - Redacted 29/03/2016
BMD.219.RP.LDS.002A Landscape Design Statement_Redacted Reduced.pdf (0 kb) Landscape Design Statement - Redacted 29/03/2016
WGC_Phase 2 design Code_rev 06.pdf (0 kb) Phase 2 Design Code V6 15/06/2016
BMD.219.RP.LDC.006A Phase 2 - Landscape Design Code_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Phase 2 Landscape Design Code 19/07/2016
160722 WGC FRA Appendix 2 Rev- (with Appendixes).pdf (0 kb) Flood Risk Assessment Addendum Report 2. July 2016 27/07/2016
Roof Plans
ROOF PLAN - 2455-T-04-0010-Z10 - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 4 & 5 - Roof Plan 25/02/2015
ROOF PLAN DEMOLITION - 2455-T-00-0032-Z06 - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Demolition - Roof Plan Demolition 25/02/2015
Site Notice
Site Notice_N620150294PP.pdf (0 kb) Site Notice 22/04/2016
Superseded Plans
ELEVATIONS & SECTIONS - 2455-T-01-0021-DXX - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Block 1 - Elevations & Sections 25/02/2015
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-01-0001-D01 - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Block 1 - First Floor Plan 25/02/2015
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-01-0000-D00 - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Block 1 - Ground Floor Plan 25/02/2015
ROOF PLAN - 2455-T-01-0002-D02 - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Block 1 - Roof Plan 25/02/2015
ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-01-0020-DNO - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 1 - Elevations 25/02/2015
BUILDING A - DETAILED ELEVATION EAST - 2455-T-02-0035-AEA - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Building A Detailed Elevation East 25/02/2015
BUILDING B - DETAILED ELEVATION WEST - 2455-T-02-0036-BWE - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Building B Detailed Elevation West 25/02/2015
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-02-0021-Z01 - REV 07.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - First Floor Plan 25/02/2015
FOURTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-02-0024-Z04 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Fourth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-02-0020-Z00 - REV 07.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Ground Floor Plan 25/02/2015
ROOF PLAN - 2455-T-02-0026-Z06 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Roof Plan 25/02/2015
SECOND FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-02-0022-Z02 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Second Floor Plan 25/02/2015
THIRD FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-02-0023-Z03 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Third Floor Plan 25/02/2015
BUILDING A - ELEVATIONS NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST - 2455-T-02-0030-AXX - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Building A Elevations North,South,East,West 25/02/2015
FIFTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-02-0025-Z05 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Fifth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
FOURTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-03-0024-Z04 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Fourth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-03-0020-Z00 - REV 06 2.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Ground Floor Plan 25/02/2015
FIFTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-03-0025-Z05 - REV 07.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Fifth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-03-0021-Z01 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - First Floor Plan 25/02/2015
NORTH ELEVATION - DETAILED - 2455-T-03-0032-ZNO - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - North Elevation - Detailed 25/02/2015
RESIDENTIAL BLOCK - ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-03-0031-ZXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Residential Block - Elevations 25/02/2015
EAST ELEVATION - DETAILED - 2455-T-03-0033-ZEA - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - East Elevation - Detailed 25/02/2015
BUILDING B - ELEVATIONS EAST, WEST, NORTH-EAST &NORTH-WEST - 2455-T-02-0031-BXX - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 2 - Building B Elevations East,West,North-East & North-West 25/02/2015
2455-T-03-0023-Z03.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - North and South Elevations 29/03/2016
SECOND FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-03-0022-Z02 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Second Floor Plan 25/02/2015
SIXTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-03-0026-Z06 - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Sixth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
THIRD FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-03-0023-Z03 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Third Floor Plan 25/02/2015
ROOF PLAN - 2455-T-03-0027-Z07 - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Block 3 - Roof Plan 25/02/2015
EAST & WEST ELEVATION - 2455-T-06-0021-AXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - East & West Elevation 25/02/2015
BUILDING 6A - DETAILED ELEVATION EAST - 2455-T-06-0045-AXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Building 6A Detailed Elevation East 25/02/2015
BUILDING 6B - DETAILED ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-06-0046-BXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Building 6B Detailed Elevations 25/02/2015
FOURTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-06-0004-Z04 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Fourth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-06-0000-Z - REV 07.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Ground Floor Plan 25/02/2015
NORTH & SOUTH ELEVATION - 2455-T-06-0020-ZXX - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - North & South Elevation 25/02/2015
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-06-0001-Z01 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - First Floor Plan 25/02/2015
SECOND FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-06-0002-Z02 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Second Floor Plan 25/02/2015
SECTIONS - 2455-T-06-0030-ZXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Sections 25/02/2015
SEVENTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-06-0007-Z07 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Seventh Floor Plan 25/02/2015
SIXTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-06-0006-Z06 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Sixth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
SOUTH & WEST ELEVATION - 2455-T-06-0023-ZXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - South & West Elevation 25/02/2015
THIRD FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-06-0003-Z03 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Third Floor Plan 25/02/2015
TOWN HOUSE & BUILDING 7D ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-06-0024-ZXX - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Town House & Building 7D Elevations 25/02/2015
FIFTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-06-0005-Z05 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Fifth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
PERIMETER BUILDING ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-06-0025-AXX - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Perimeter Building Elevations 25/02/2015
ROOF PLAN - 2455-T-06-0008-Z08 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - Roof Plan 25/02/2015
BUILDING 7B - DETAILED ELEVATION - 2455-T-07-0047-BXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Building 7B Detailed Elevation 25/02/2015
BUILDING 7D - DETAILED ELEVATION - 2455-T-07-0048-DXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Building 7D Detailed Elevation 25/02/2015
BUILDING A - SIDE ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-07-0025-AXX - REV 02.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Building A Side Elevations 25/02/2015
EAST & WEST ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-07-0021-ZXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - East & West Elevations 25/02/2015
4 STOREY TOWNHOUSES C - DETAILED ELEVATION - 2455-T-07-0046-CXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - 4 Storey Townhouses C Detailed Elevation 25/02/2015
BASEMENT LEVEL PLAN - 2455-T-07-0000-ZB1 - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Basement Level Plan 25/02/2015
BUILDING 7A - DETAILED WEST ELEVATION - 2455-T-07-0044-AXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Building 7A Detailed West Elevation 25/02/2015
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-07-0002-Z01 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - First Floor Plan 25/02/2015
FOURTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-07-0005-Z04 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Fourth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-07-0001-Z00 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Ground Floor Plan 25/02/2015
FIFTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-07-0006-Z05 - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Fifth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
SECTIONS - 2455-T-07-0030-ZXX - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Sections 25/02/2015
SIXTH FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-07-0007-Z06 - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Sixth Floor Plan 25/02/2015
THIRD FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-07-0004-Z03 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Third Floor Plan 25/02/2015
TOWNHOUSE C - DETAILED ELEVATION - 2455-T-07-0045-CXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Townhouse C - Detailed Elevation 25/02/2015
ROOF PLAN - 2455-T-07-0008-Z07 - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Roof Plan 25/02/2015
SECOND FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-07-0003-Z02 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - Second Floor Plan 25/02/2015
SECTION BB and CC - 2455-T-02-0012-ZCC - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 2 & 3 - Section BB and CC 25/02/2015
WEST & EAST ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-02-0040-ZXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 2 & 3 - West & East Elevations 25/02/2015
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-02-0001-Z01 - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 2 & 3 - First Floor Plan 25/02/2015
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - 2455-T-02-0000-Z00 - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 2 & 3 - Ground Floor Plan 25/02/2015
SECTION AA - 2455-T-02-0010-ZAA - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Blocks 2 & 3 - Section AA 25/02/2015
EAST & WEST ELEVATION - 2455-T-06-0022-ZXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 6 - East & West Elevation 25/02/2015
EAST & WEST ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-07-0022-ZXX - REV 04.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - East & West Elevations 25/02/2015
NORTH & SOUTH ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-07-0020-ZXX - REV 06.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - North & South Elevations 25/02/2015
NORTH & SOUTH ELEVATIONS - 2455-T-07-0023-ZXX - REV 05.PDF (0 kb) Block 7 - North & South Elevations 25/02/2015
CAR ACCESS - 2455-T-00-0004-ZXX - REV 4.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Car Access 25/02/2015
DEVELOPMENT PHASING - 2455-T-00-0007-ZXX - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Development Phasing 25/02/2015
PEDESTRIAN & CYCLE ACCESS - 2455-T-00-0006-ZXX - REV 4.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Pedestrian & Cycle Access 25/02/2015
SERVICE & DELIVERY VEHICLE ACCESS - 2455-T-00-0005-ZXX - REV 4.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Service & Delivery Vehicle Access 25/02/2015
SECTION LOCATION - 2455-T-00-0020-ZXX - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Section Location 25/02/2015
EXTENT OF PHASE 2 BUILDING ENVELOPE - 2455-T-00-0015-ZXX - REV 03.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Extent of Phase 2 Building Envelope 25/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P001 Illustrative Landscape Masterplan aaaa.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Illustrative Landscape Masterplan 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P003.Illustrative Site Sections - Sheet 1.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Illustrative Site Sections - Sheet 1 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P004.Illustrative Site Sections - Sheet 2.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Illustrative Site Sections - Sheet 2 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P005.Illustrative Site Sections - Sheet 3.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Illustrative Site Sections - Sheet 3 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P100 Overall General Arrangement.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Overall General Arrangement 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P101 Detailed GA - Sheet 1 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Detailed GA - Sheet 1 of 4 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P102 Detailed GA - Sheet 2 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Detailed GA - Sheet 1 of 2 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P103 Detailed GA - Sheet 3 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Detailed GA - Sheet 1 of 3 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P104 Detailed GA - Sheet 4 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Detailed GA - Sheet 1 of 4 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P105 Vertical Landscapes.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Vertical Landscapes 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P301 Planting Plan - Sheet 1 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Planting Plan - Sheet 1 of 4 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P302 Planting Plan - Sheet 2 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Planting Plan - Sheet 2 of 4 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P303 Planting Plan - Sheet 3 of 4 .pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Planting Plan - Sheet 3 of 4 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P304 Planting Plan - Sheet 4 of 4.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Planting Plan - Sheet 4 of 4 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P401 Sections - Sheet 1 of 6.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Sections - Sheet 1 of 6 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P402 Sections - Sheet 2 of 6.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Sections - Sheet 2 of 6 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P403 Sections - Sheet 3 of 6.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Sections - Sheet 3 of 6 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P404 Sections - Sheet 4 of 6.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Sections - Sheet 4 of 6 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P405 Sections - Sheet 5 of 6.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Sections - Sheet 5 of 6 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P406 Sections - Sheet 6 of 6.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Sections - Sheet 6 of 6 27/02/2015
BMD.219.DR.P902 Tree Protection Plan.pdf (0 kb) Landscape - Tree Protection Plan 27/02/2015
2455-T-00-0015-ZXX-09.PDF (0 kb) Masterplan - Extent of Phase 2 Building Envelope 29/03/2016
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Hertfordshire Building Control Limited 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 06/05/2015
Hertfordshire Building Control Limited 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Hertfordshire Building Control Limited 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Hertfordshire Building Control Limited 21/03/2017
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust 21/03/2017
Hertfordshire Building Control Limited 18/08/2017
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust 18/08/2017
WHBC - Conservation Andrew Robley 21/03/2017
WHBC - Conservation Andrew Robley 18/08/2017
WHBC - Conservation Andrew Robley 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
WHBC - Conservation Andrew Robley 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
WHBC - Conservation Andrew Robley 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
The Council for British Archaeology Carol Barrowclough 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
The Council for British Archaeology Carol Barrowclough 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 21/05/2015
The Council for British Archaeology Carol Barrowclough 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
The Council for British Archaeology Carol Barrowclough 21/03/2017
The Council for British Archaeology Carol Barrowclough 18/08/2017
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings Case Officer 18/08/2017
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings Case Officer 21/03/2017
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings Case Officer 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings Case Officer 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings Case Officer 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
East & North Herts Clinical Commissioning Group Chis Badger 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
East & North Herts Clinical Commissioning Group Chis Badger 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
East & North Herts Clinical Commissioning Group Chis Badger 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
East & North Herts Clinical Commissioning Group Chis Badger 21/03/2017
East & North Herts Clinical Commissioning Group Chis Badger 18/08/2017
CPRE Hertfordshire Chris Berry 18/08/2017
CPRE Hertfordshire Chris Berry 21/03/2017
CPRE Hertfordshire Chris Berry 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
CPRE Hertfordshire Chris Berry 21/04/2014 12/05/2014
CPRE Hertfordshire Chris Berry 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
The Victorian Society Conservation Advisor 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
The Victorian Society Conservation Advisor 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
The Victorian Society Conservation Advisor 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
The Victorian Society Conservation Advisor 21/03/2017
The Victorian Society Conservation Advisor 18/08/2017
The Georgian Group Conservation Case Officer 18/08/2017
The Georgian Group Conservation Case Officer 21/03/2017
The Georgian Group Conservation Case Officer 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
The Georgian Group Conservation Case Officer 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
The Georgian Group Conservation Case Officer 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Natural England Consultation Service 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Natural England Consultation Service 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 06/05/2015
Natural England Consultation Service 21/04/2014 12/05/2014 14/09/2015
Natural England Consultation Service 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Natural England Consultation Service 21/03/2017
Natural England Consultation Service 18/08/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Tony Crump 21/03/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Tony Crump 18/08/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Tony Crump 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Tony Crump 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Tony Crump 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
NHS Emily Perry 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
NHS Emily Perry 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
NHS Emily Perry 09/09/2015 19/09/2015 16/10/2015
NHS Emily Perry 18/08/2017
NHS Emily Perry 21/03/2017
Lead Local Flood Authority Fiona Lai 18/08/2017
Lead Local Flood Authority Fiona Lai 21/03/2017
Lead Local Flood Authority Fiona Lai 22/04/2016 02/05/2016 15/08/2016
Lead Local Flood Authority Fiona Lai 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Lead Local Flood Authority Fiona Lai 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 16/05/2016
Hertfordshire County Council - Adult Care Services Gary Heathcote 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Hertfordshire County Council - Adult Care Services Gary Heathcote 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Hertfordshire County Council - Adult Care Services Gary Heathcote 18/08/2017
Hertfordshire Constabulary Gerry Brophy 18/08/2017
Hertfordshire Constabulary Gerry Brophy 21/03/2017
Hertfordshire Constabulary Gerry Brophy 09/09/2015 19/09/2015 10/09/2015
Hertfordshire Constabulary Gerry Brophy 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 26/05/2015
Hertfordshire Constabulary Gerry Brophy 22/04/2016 02/05/2016 04/05/2016
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 06/02/2017
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 21/03/2017
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 18/08/2017
Hertfordshire County Council Herts Health and Welbeing Board 21/03/2017
Hertfordshire County Council Herts Health and Welbeing Board 18/08/2017
Hertfordshire County Council Herts Health and Welbeing Board 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Hertfordshire County Council Herts Health and Welbeing Board 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Hertfordshire County Council Herts Health and Welbeing Board 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Hertfordshire County Council Historic Environment Advisor 22/04/2016 02/05/2016 20/05/2016
Hertfordshire County Council Historic Environment Advisor 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 11/06/2015
Hertfordshire County Council Historic Environment Advisor 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Hertfordshire County Council Historic Environment Advisor 21/03/2017
Hertfordshire County Council Historic Environment Advisor 18/08/2017
Hertfordshire County Council Development Services Jacqueline Nixon 21/03/2017
Hertfordshire County Council Development Services Jacqueline Nixon 18/08/2017
Hertfordshire County Council Development Services Jacqueline Nixon 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Hertfordshire County Council Development Services Jacqueline Nixon 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Hertfordshire County Council Development Services Jacqueline Nixon 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
NHS Justin Spencer 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
NHS Justin Spencer 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
NHS Justin Spencer 21/04/2014 12/05/2014
NHS Justin Spencer 18/08/2017
NHS Justin Spencer 21/03/2017
Hertfordshire Gardens Trust Kate Harwood 21/03/2017
Hertfordshire Gardens Trust Kate Harwood 18/08/2017
Hertfordshire Gardens Trust Kate Harwood 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Hertfordshire Gardens Trust Kate Harwood 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Hertfordshire Gardens Trust Kate Harwood 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 22/04/2016 02/05/2016 20/05/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 18/08/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 21/03/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council - Transportation Lorraine Davis 21/03/2017
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 21/03/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council - Transportation Lorraine Davis 18/08/2017
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 18/08/2017
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council - Transportation Lorraine Davis 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council - Transportation Lorraine Davis 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council - Transportation Lorraine Davis 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 21/03/2017
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 18/08/2017
Hertfordshire County Council - Waste & Minerals Martin Wells 21/03/2017
Hertfordshire County Council - Waste & Minerals Martin Wells 18/08/2017
Hertfordshire County Council - Waste & Minerals Martin Wells 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 14/05/2015
Hertfordshire County Council - Waste & Minerals Martin Wells 22/04/2016 02/05/2016 12/05/2016
Hertfordshire County Council - Waste & Minerals Martin Wells 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Ancient Monuments Society Matthew Saunders 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Ancient Monuments Society Matthew Saunders 21/03/2017
Ancient Monuments Society Matthew Saunders 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Ancient Monuments Society Matthew Saunders 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Ancient Monuments Society Matthew Saunders 18/08/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Milan Johnston 21/03/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Milan Johnston 18/08/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Milan Johnston 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Milan Johnston 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Milan Johnston 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Welwyn Hatfield Access Group Mr B Wilson 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Welwyn Hatfield Access Group Mr B Wilson 22/04/2016 02/05/2016 26/05/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Access Group Mr B Wilson 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 19/05/2015
Welwyn Hatfield Access Group Mr B Wilson 21/03/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Access Group Mr B Wilson 18/08/2017
Highways England Mr Eric Cooper 21/03/2017
Highways England Mr Eric Cooper 18/08/2017
Highways England Mr Eric Cooper 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 07/05/2015
Highways England Mr Eric Cooper 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Highways England Mr Eric Cooper 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
WHBC - Affordable Housing Mr Jeremy Morton 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
WHBC - Affordable Housing Mr Jeremy Morton 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
WHBC - Affordable Housing Mr Jeremy Morton 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
WHBC - Affordable Housing Mr Jeremy Morton 18/08/2017
WHBC - Affordable Housing Mr Jeremy Morton 21/03/2017
Herts Fire & Rescue Service Mr John Parker 18/08/2017
Herts Fire & Rescue Service Mr John Parker 21/03/2017
Herts Fire & Rescue Service Mr John Parker 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 29/05/2015
Herts Fire & Rescue Service Mr John Parker 09/09/2015 19/09/2015 15/09/2015
Herts Fire & Rescue Service Mr John Parker 22/04/2016 02/05/2016 13/05/2016
Network Rail Ms Amanda Ashton 22/04/2016 02/05/2016 23/05/2016
Network Rail Ms Amanda Ashton 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Network Rail Ms Amanda Ashton 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 14/05/2015
Network Rail Ms Amanda Ashton 21/03/2017
Network Rail Ms Amanda Ashton 18/08/2017
Environment Agency Natasha Smith 18/08/2017
Environment Agency Natasha Smith 21/03/2017
Environment Agency Natasha Smith 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 29/05/2015
Environment Agency Natasha Smith 09/09/2015 19/09/2015 13/10/2015
Environment Agency Natasha Smith 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Thames Water, Development Control Nicky McHugh 22/04/2016 02/05/2016 17/05/2016
Thames Water, Development Control Nicky McHugh 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Thames Water, Development Control Nicky McHugh 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 07/05/2015
Thames Water, Development Control Nicky McHugh 21/03/2017 13/03/2017
Thames Water, Development Control Nicky McHugh 18/08/2017
NHS Nicola Bell 21/03/2017
NHS Nicola Bell 18/08/2017
NHS Nicola Bell 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 15/05/2015
NHS Nicola Bell 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
NHS Nicola Bell 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
NHS England GP Premises Office Planning Consultation 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
NHS England GP Premises Office Planning Consultation 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
NHS England GP Premises Office Planning Consultation 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
NHS England GP Premises Office Planning Consultation 18/08/2017
NHS England GP Premises Office Planning Consultation 21/03/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Planning Policy 18/08/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Planning Policy 21/03/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Planning Policy 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Planning Policy 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Planning Policy 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Affinity Water Ltd Planning Team 22/04/2016 02/05/2016 28/04/2016
Affinity Water Ltd Planning Team 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Affinity Water Ltd Planning Team 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Affinity Water Ltd Planning Team 21/03/2017
Affinity Water Ltd Planning Team 18/08/2017
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 18/08/2017
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 21/03/2017
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 21/04/2014 12/05/2014 01/10/2015
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
The Twentieth Century Society Rosie Shaw 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
The Twentieth Century Society Rosie Shaw 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 20/05/2015
The Twentieth Century Society Rosie Shaw 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
The Twentieth Century Society Rosie Shaw 21/03/2017
The Twentieth Century Society Rosie Shaw 18/08/2017
Sport England Roy Warren 21/03/2017
Sport England Roy Warren 18/08/2017
Sport England Roy Warren 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 19/05/2015
Sport England Roy Warren 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Sport England Roy Warren 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Hertfordshire County Council - Social Services Ted Maddex 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Hertfordshire County Council - Social Services Ted Maddex 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Hertfordshire County Council - Social Services Ted Maddex 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Hertfordshire County Council - Social Services Ted Maddex 18/08/2017
Hertfordshire County Council - Social Services Ted Maddex 21/03/2017
British Transport Police Tim Ramskill 21/03/2017
British Transport Police Tim Ramskill 18/08/2017
British Transport Police Tim Ramskill 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
British Transport Police Tim Ramskill 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
British Transport Police Tim Ramskill 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Hertfordshire County Council - Rights of Way North Tom Goldsmith 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Hertfordshire County Council - Rights of Way North Tom Goldsmith 21/04/2015 12/05/2015
Hertfordshire County Council - Rights of Way North Tom Goldsmith 09/09/2015 19/09/2015
Hertfordshire County Council - Rights of Way North Tom Goldsmith 21/03/2017
Hertfordshire County Council - Rights of Way North Tom Goldsmith 18/08/2017
Historic England Tom Goodman 18/08/2017
Historic England Tom Goodman 21/03/2017
Historic England Tom Goodman 09/09/2015 19/09/2015 05/10/2015
Historic England Tom Goodman 21/04/2014 12/05/2014 11/06/2015
Historic England Tom Goodman 22/04/2016 02/05/2016 28/04/2016
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
81 Crawford Road Hatfield AL10 0PF 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
81 Crawford Road Hatfield Herts AL10 0PF
72 Penn Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 3EF 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Association for Industrial Archaeology, The Ironbridge Institute, Ironbridge Gorge Museum, Coalbrookdale, Telford, TF8 7DX
38 Athelstan Walk South Welwyn Garden City AL7 3SJ 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
136 Cole Green Lane Welwyn Garden City AL7 3JE 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
136 Cole Green Lane Welwyn Garden City AL7 3JE
5 Youngs Rise Welwyn Garden City AL8 6RT 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
4 Salvisburg Court Otto Road Welwyn Garden City AL7 3EQ
9 Penn Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 3EE 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Hertfordshire Gardens Trust Ashridge Berkhamsted HP4 1NS
4 Salvisburg Court Otto Road Welwyn Garden City AL7 3EQ
6 Salvisberg Court Otto Road Welwyn Garden City AL7 3EQ
72 Penn Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 3EF 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
81 The Vineyard Welwyn Garden City AL8 7PX 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Network Rail Floor 2A, desk 19 George Stephenson House Toft Green York YO1 6JT 21/04/2015 12/05/2015 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Pall Mall Investments Ltd 144 Clapton Common London E5 9AG 23/04/2015 14/05/2015 22/04/2016 02/05/2016
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2023/2503/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition number 44 (Phasing Details), on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ 0
6/2023/0093/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 19 (Details of Public Cycle parking) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/2507/COND Submission of details pursuant of condition 12 (Ecology) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/2190/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 9 (SuDS plan management and maintenance plan for Blocks 10 and 11) for planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/2191/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 52 (provision of open space in relation to Block 10 and 11) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/2192/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 22 (Car club implementation and management scheme for Block 10 and 11) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/2106/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 17(b) (Highway management and maintenance) on planning reference 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2022/2024/COND Submission of details pursuant to conditions 14 and 15(a) (off-site highway improvement works) on planning application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Withdrawn 0
6/2022/1942/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 18 (Travel plan) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/1569/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 32 (landscaping) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/1147/FULL Temporary change of use of land for the sale of hot food for a period of 18 months, with associated seating and waste storage arrangements Granted 0
6/2022/0612/COND Submission of details pursuant of condition 20 (cycle parking) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2021/2762/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 27 (noise), on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2021/2736/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 28 (lighting) on planning application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2021/2737/COND Submission of details pusuant to condition 19 (details of cycle parking) on planning application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Refused 0
6/2021/0671/MAJ Erection of 317 dwellings (Class C3) with associated access, parking, landscaping and other supporting infrastructure, and outline planning for up to 404 dwellings (Class C3) with all matters reserved for access. 0
6/2021/0181/MAJ Hybrid planning application comprising: Detailed Planning Application for 399 Private Rented Sector (PRS) dwellings and 153 dwellings (Class C3), 250 units of residential care accommodation for the elderly (Use Class C2) with associated communal facilities, 15,247m2 of community and commercial hub (Use Classes E and F1) with associated cycling hub, car parking, access, landscaping, public art and other supporting infrastructure; and Outline Planning Application for up to 418 dwellings (Class C3) with all matters reserved except access. 0
6/2021/0170/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 on permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2020/2100/FULL Change of use of land for the sale of hot food for a period of 12 months, including siting of associated vendors, seating and waste arrangements Granted 0
6/2020/1952/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 31 (materials) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ. Granted 0
6/2020/1035/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 25 (scheme of sound insulation) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Refused 0
6/2020/0486/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 31 (Materials) on planning application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2020/0348/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 32 (phased landscaping plan) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/3208/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 5 (construction management plan) and 23 (remediation groundwater monitoring) on planning permission N6/2015/0294/PP Granted 0
6/2019/3179/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 33 (For each block no development shall commence above ground level details of means of enclosure. For each block no premises or dwelling shall be occupied until the approved means of enclosure has been implemented) on planning application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/3180/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 49 (labour strategy) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/2785/COND Submission of details pursuant to conditions 23 (car parking management plan) Part B-Phase 1 (blocks 10 and 11) and 24 (delivery and servicing plan) Phase 1 (block 10 and 11) on application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/2778/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 44 (phasing details) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/2786/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 25 (detailed scheme to protect the proposed development of that phase or block from traffic noise, railway noise and noise associated with other uses on the site) on planning application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/2717/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 46 (open access ducting for fibre optic cable to serve a range of next generation access compatible telecommunication services to multi point destinations and all buildings including residential, commercial and community across the development) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/2706/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 10 (construction method statement) 11 (construction management plan) and 40 (site waste management plan) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/2708/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (penetrative methods) and 4 (borehole management scheme) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/1938/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 10 (External Lighting) on planning application 6/2018/3078/VAR Granted 0
6/2019/1948/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 5a (submission of handrail and balustrade materials) on application 6/2018/3085/VAR Granted 0
6/2019/1847/COND Confirmation that conditions attached to application N6/2010/1776/MA have been complied with Part Discharged 0
6/2019/1788/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 5 (Surface water Discharge) 6 (Drainage System) 52 (Provision of open space/play space) 35 (Delivery of accessible Housing) 13 (Highways) 37 (Vehicle access Point to Pall Mall Site) 50 (Refuse Storage Arrangements)on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/1347/FULL Extensions and improvements (398m2) to retained original 1920s Silos, Production Hall, Grain Store and Boiler House to enable the creation of an International Art Centre, including enhanced connectivity and access, and flexible uses within Block 4 and Block 5 (B1/D1/D2 Use Classes). Granted 0
6/2019/1346/VAR Flexible land use for floorspace within Blocks 1, 4, 5 (Class B1/D1/D2 uses), the creation of 542 sq.m of additional floorspace (Class B1/D1/D2) within Block 1, and agreement to minimum floorspace quantums for the Class B1, Class D1 and Class D2 floorspace across the site. Granted 0
6/2019/1330/FULL Alterations and amendments to planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ, for the erection of a five-storey community bridge building (1,257m2) for flexible use (b1/d1/d2 use classes), incorporating a minimum of 338 square metres of D2 use class floor space, the removal of the skate park. Refused 0
6/2019/1299/VAR Variation of Condition 52 (provision of open space and play space) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ to remove the skate park Refused 0
6/2019/0826/LB Extensions and improvements to retained original 1920s Silos, Production Hall, Grain Store and Boiler House to enable the creation of an International Art Centre, including enhanced connectivity and access. Granted 0
6/2018/3078/VAR Variation of condition 13 (approved plans and drawing numbers) on planning permission 6/2016/1882/FULL Granted 0
6/2018/3085/VAR Variation of condition 7 (Drawing Numbers) on approved Listed building consent 6/2016/1883/LB Granted 0
6/2018/3082/ADV Installation of 19 flat metal plate signs mounted by clamps to HCC lamp standards 15cm x 15cm Granted 0
6/2018/2738/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 12 (scheme to protect accommodation in the eastern wing from traffic noise) on planning permission 6/2016/1882/FULL Part Approved / Part Refused 0
6/2018/2708/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (materials) on planning permission 6/2016/1882/FULL Part Approved / Part Refused 0
6/2018/2709/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (cycle parking) on planning permission 6/2016/1882/FULL Refused 0
6/2018/2710/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 4 (construction method statement) on planning permission 6/2016/1882/FULL Granted 0
6/2018/2725/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 13 (Phases 1 (desktop) and 2 (intrusive investigation) Geo-Environmental Assessment) on planning permission 6/2016/1882/FULL Granted 0
6/2018/2503/COND Submission of details pursuant to Condition 1 Parts 2 (Site Investigation Scheme Environmental Assessment) and 3 (Verification Plan) and Condition 3 Parts 1 ,2 & 3 (Site Characterisation, Submission of Remediation Scheme and Implementation of Approved Remediation Scheme) and 5 (Long-Term Monitoring and Maintenance) on Planning Permission N6/2015/0294/PP Granted 0
6/2018/1928/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 5 (Listed Building details) on listed building consent 6/2016/1883/LB Granted 0
6/2018/1924/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (materials) on planning permission 6/2016/1883/LB Part Discharged 0
6/2018/1925/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (internal materials) on planning permission 6/2016/1883/LB Part Discharged 0
6/2018/1926/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (construction method statement) on Listed Building Consent 6/2016/1883/LB Granted 0
6/2018/1929/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 6 (render samples) on planning permission 6/2016/1883/LB Granted 0
6/2018/1464/FULL Erection of a replacement staircase at the northern end of passenger footbridge Withdrawn 0
6/2018/0960/LB Repair, restoration, extension and conversion of the retained original 1920's silos, production hall, grain store and boiler house to provide 5,096 sq.m of flexible business floorspace (Use Class B1), 265 sq.m Combined Heat and Power (Sui Generis), 2,494 sq.m International Art Centre (Use Class D1), 1,226 sq.m Gymnasium (Use Class D2), 1,576 sq.m of restaurant/coffee shop/bar (Use Class A1/ A3/A4/A5) and Creche/Day Nursery of 644 sq.m. Granted 0
6/2018/0171/MAJ Creation of a mixed-use quarter comprising the erection of up to 1,340 residential dwellings including 414 (31%) affordable dwellings (Use Class C3); 114 extra care homes (Use Class C2); the erection of a civic building comprising 497 m² of health (Use Class D1), 497 m² of community use (Use Class D1), 883 m² of office (Use Class B1) and 590 m² of retail (Class A1/A2/A3/A4/A5); alterations, additions and change of use of Grade II Listed Building and retained Silos to provide 5,279 m² of flexible business floorspace (Use Class B1), 270 m² Combined Heat and Power (Sui Generis), 2,057 m² International Art Centre (Use Class D1), 1,235 m² Gymnasium (Use Class D2), 1,683 m² of restaurant/coffee shop/bar (Use Class A1/A3/A4/A5), Creche/Day Nursery (Use Class D1) of 671 m² as well as a Network Rail TOC Building (Use Class B1) of 360 m²; plus associated car parking, access, landscaping, public art and other supporting infrastructure. Granted 0
6/2017/2688/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (details of existing building and photographic record survey) on listed building consent N6/2015/0293/LB, dated 30/03/2017 Granted 0
6/2017/2490/EIA Request for a screening opinion at the Former Shredded Wheat Factory, Bridge Road, WGC. Granted 0
6/2017/2491/EIA Request for a scoping opinion at the Former Shredded Wheat Factory, Bridge Road, WGC. Granted 0
6/2017/2496/VAR Variation of condition 1 (specification of proposed works) and 3 (contract for redevelopment and planning permission granted) on planning permission N6/2015/0293/LB, dated 30/03/2017 Granted 0
6/2017/2142/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (Contamination), 4 (Site Waste Management Plan), 5 (Construction Management Plan) and 7 (Landscape and Ecology Management Plan) on Planning Permission 6/2015/0294/PP, dated 18/08/2017 Part Approved / Part Refused 0
6/2016/1882/FULL Change of use of former Roche Products Factory (Class B offices, research and manufacturing) to provide 34 residential units (Class C3) across basement, ground and first to third floors, with associated external alterations including excavation to the rear lightwell of southern elevation, additional and altered fenestration to the northern and southern elevations, creation of additional car parking and associated landscaping, together with internal alterations including the subdivision and reconfiguration of floorspace, the introduction of 5 new spiral staircases and provision of servicing within the building Granted 0
6/2016/1883/LB Change of use of former Roche Products Factory (Class B offices, research and manufacturing) to provide 34 residential units (Class C3) across basement, ground and first to third floors, with associated external alterations including excavation to the rear lightwell of southern elevation, additional and altered fenestration to the northern and southern elevations, creation of additional car parking and associated landscaping, together with internal alterations including the subdivision and reconfiguration of floorspace, the introduction of 5 new spiral staircases and provision of servicing within the building. Granted 0
6/2016/0457/FULL Improvements to footbridge to include a new floor finish, lighting and the restoration of the existing lattice steel structure Granted 0
N6/2015/0409/EI Request for scoping opinion under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) Environmental Impact Aassessment Regulations 2011 Granted
C6/1987/7031/AD Two illuminated signs and eight non-illuminated signs Granted 0
N6/2015/0442/MA Erection of a temporary hoarding Granted
C6/1988/0771/FP Erection of a single storey building for use as gatehouse Granted 0
C6/1988/1187/FP Extension to factory by provision of a covered yard Granted 0
C6/1988/1188/FP Extension to factory by provision of covered loading bays Granted 0
N6/2015/0293/LB Part demolition, repair, restoration, extension and conversion of the former Shredded Wheat factory complex to include demolition of all buildings and structures except the original 1920's silos, production hall, grain store and boiler house. Refurbishment and change of use of the retained listed buildings to provide 2 Class C3 residential units, a Class C1 boutique/budget hotel, Class B1(a) offices, a class Class A4 pub/bar, a class Class D1 crèche and a Class D2 gym/dance/exercise studio Granted
N6/2015/0231/MA Erection of a temporary tower for peregrine falcon nesting box Granted 0
N6/2014/1227/MA Erection of office building, toilet facilities and gatehouse Withdrawn 0
N6/2014/0851/LUP Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed alterations to external elevation and new ramp Granted 0
N6/2013/2305/MA Alterations to existing access road Granted
N6/2011/2520/DS Discharge of conditions 4 (plans west elevation), 5 (detailed plans) and 6 (structural demolition and new works) of planning permission N6/2009/1054/LB Granted 0
N6/2011/0611/FP Erection of replacement bridge and construction of bridge link building, including lift, ticket machine and bicycle parking Granted
N6/2010/2461/FP Retention of use of land into a temporary car park for 12 months Refused
N6/2010/2055/MA Full Planning Permission for part demolition, repair, restoration, extension and conversion of the former Shredded Wheat factory complex to provide retail (A1 & A3), business (B1), heritage centre (D1), energy centre, new leisure centre building and Civic Square building including residential and retail (A1 to A5). Associated alterations to existing vehicular and pedestrian access and highway layout within and around the site, including the creation of two vehicular access ramps to basement parking, hard and soft landscaping, the provision of a civic square, park, public and private open space, pedestrian walkways to include the upgrade of the existing pedestrian footpath over the railway line and associated enabling works. Outline Planning Permission for development of land to the west and south of the shredded wheat factory to comprise the following uses: Retail (A1 & A5), business (B1), hotel (C1), residential, to include: houses, flats, care home and YMCA (C2 & C3); doctors surgery and pharmacy (D1); with all matters reserved apart from means of access Refused
N6/2010/1776/MA Erection of 209 dwellings and the retention and alteration of the existing listed building for community uses, together with associated open space, landscaping, car parking and new access arrangements Approval Subject to s106 0
N6/2002/0025/TP WORKS TO TREES COVERED BY TPO 151 Withdrawn 0
N6/1999/0449/FP Replacement of existing fire ladder Granted
N6/1999/0450/LB Replacement of existing fire escape ladder Granted
N6/1999/0120/FP Alterations to external elevations Granted
N6/1998/0792/OP Construction of 2602m2 of floorspace for use within Class B1, B2 and B8 within one building and associated access, parking and manoeuvring areas Withdrawn
N6/1998/0753/AD Erection of 4 No. non illuminated totem signs at entrances Granted 0
N6/1998/0331/LB Building alteration and installation of equipment in existing office room, with air inlets and outlets through new louvres in existing windows Granted
N6/1998/0332/FP Building alteration and installation of equipment in existing office room, with air inlets and outlets through new louvres in existing windows Granted 0
N6/1997/0683/FP Proposed alterations and extension to existing sub station Granted
N6/1997/0427/FP Provision of new louvre in external wall Granted
N6/1997/0428/LB Removal of existing window and replace with louvre and internal alterations Granted 0
N6/1997/0257/FP Four storey extension to side of food processing area: extension to existing intake enclosure, and relocation of existing weighbridge Granted
N6/1997/0258/LB Four storey extension to side of food processing area; extension to existing intake enclosure, and relocation of existing weighbridge Granted 0
N6/1996/0937/LB Erection of 3.5m high temporary safety hoarding Granted 0
N6/1996/0938/FP Erection of 3.5m high temporary safety hoarding Granted
N6/1996/0887/FP Erection of housing around waste food compactor Granted
N6/1996/0888/LB Erection of housing around waste food compactor Granted
N6/1996/0539/FP Retention of temporary office building. Granted 0
N6/1996/0457/FP Erection of 1.3m high wire net fencing Granted
N6/1996/0429/FP The stationing of a temporary portakabin for office use Granted 0
N6/1995/0934/LB Partial demolition and rebuilding of external wall and replacement of glazing to 5 ground floor windows on Bridge Road frontage. Relocation of external fire door and internal alterations. Granted
N6/1995/0935/FP Replacement of glazing to five ground floor windows on Bridge Road frontage and relocation of fire door. Granted
N6/1995/0715/LB Reduction of wheat intake hoppers and construction of enclosure over remaining hopper. Granted
N6/1995/0716/FP Reduction of wheat intake hoppers and construction of enclosure over remaining hopper. Granted 0
N6/1995/0498/FP Reduction in area of existing raised roof, erection of external enclosed staircase and external alterations Granted 0
N6/1995/0499/FP Installation of waste compactors in yard including alterations to loading dock Granted 0
N6/1995/0471/LB Installation of waste compactors in yard including alterations to loading dock Granted
N6/1995/0472/LB Replace glass with stainless steel in west elevation Granted
N6/1995/0473/LB Reduction in area of existing raised roof, extension of internal mezzanine floor, erection of external enclosed staircase and external alterations Granted
N6/1994/0720/FP The repositioning of existing external fire escape stairs, and erection of a new electrical switchroom and extended canopy Granted
N6/1994/0721/LB The repositioning of an external fire escape stair, and erection of a new switchroom and extended canopy Granted 0
N6/1992/0774/LB Replacement of existing two fuel oil storage tanks with two water storage tanks; new pump house with contractors changing room Granted 0
N6/1992/0617/FP Erection of two replacement storage tanks, new pumphouse and locker room Granted
N6/1992/0431/FP Installation of loading docks Granted 0
N6/1992/0406/LB Alterations to silo elevation Granted
N6/1992/0407/FP Erection of two porches over existing entrances Granted
N6/1992/0408/LB Erection of two porches over existing staircases and enlargement of two windows Granted
N6/1992/0391/FP Infil of existing ground floor windows fronting Broadwater Road Granted
N6/1992/0137/FP Retention of temporary office building Granted 1
N6/1991/0679/LB Erection of 3 non-illuminated signs Granted
N6/1991/7039/AD Erection of three non-illuminated signs Granted
N6/1991/0154/FP Erection of rail freight building Granted 0
N6/1989/0724/FP Provision of new access road, closure of existing highway and re-routing of footpath Withdrawn 0
N6/1989/7007/AD Externally illuminated lettering and logo Granted 0
N6/1989/0047/FP Extension to factory (Class B2) at third floor level Granted 0
N6/1989/0048/LB Extension to factory (Class B2) at third floor level Granted 0
C6/1987/0078/FP Erection of four fire escapes Granted 0
C6/1987/0079/LB Erection of four fire escapes (Application received February, 1987) Granted
C6/1987/1034/FP Use of land for industrial purposes (Class B2) following closure of highway, with new access road, car parking and modification to footbridge Refused
C6/1986/0726/ Replacement windows in building 2&4 Granted 0
C6/1986/0775/ Erection of one bulk silo for storage and outloading Granted 0
C6/1985/0561/FP Alterations to elevation and new fire escape Granted
C6/1985/0562/LB Alteration to roof and elevation and provision of new fire escape stairs. (Application received August, 1985) Granted 0
C6/1984/0552/ Rail freight terminal and associated parking Granted 0
C6/1984/0668/ Rail freight terminal (Phase II of building) Granted 0
N6/1982/0605/ Extension to penthouse of existing factory for additional cooking area Granted 0
N6/1982/0606/LB Extension to penthouse of existing factory (Application received November, 1982) Granted
N6/1981/0294/ Pedestrian safety fence to Hyde Way frontage Granted 0
N6/1981/0367/ Two Transline portable units for temporary site accommodation Granted 0
N6/1981/0594/ Security office facing Hydeway. Granted 0
N6/1981/0595/LB Security office facing Hydeway (Application received October, 1981) Granted 0
N6/1980/0398/ 100ft. chimney Granted 0
N6/1979/0042/ Alterations to provide a ticket room Granted 0
N6/1979/0094/ Gatehouse and fence Granted 0
N6/1979/0362/ Warehouse with vehicle maintenance shop and ancillary offices Granted
N6/1978/0220/ Vehicle maintenance and office buildings Refused 1
N6/1978/0226/ Demolition of existing buildings and erection of new warehouse including ancillary offices and vehicle maintenance shop Granted 0
N6/1978/0353/ Alterations to accesses and new security fencing Granted 0
N6/1978/0571/ Weighbridge and underground oil store Granted 0
N6/1977/0520/ Extension to toilets of sports and social club Granted 0
N6/1977/7019/AD Illuminated box sign Granted 0
N6/1977/7025/AD Illuminated projecting and wall signs Granted
N6/1975/0569/ Replacement garage Granted 0
E/1964/1123/ Temporary offices Granted 0
E/1962/1271/ N/A No Information 0

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