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Planning Application: N6/2009/1054/LB


Decided - Granted

Mrs A Ward





  • Peartree

  • Councillor Russ Platt
  • Councillor Duncan Jones
  • Councillor Simon Goldwater






There are no constraints associated with this application



If any documents do not appear to be shown below, please email including the case number. We will endeavour to publish any missing items within 10 working days.

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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Design & Access Statement
387635.pdf (69802 kb) Application--Design And Access Statement (DMS Info Document: 387635 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73)
Consultee Response
389905.pdf (19 kb) Environment Agency (DMS Info Document: 389905 Page No(s).: 1) 16/07/2009
389917.pdf (26 kb) Network Rail (DMS Info Document: 389917 Page No(s).: 1) 16/07/2009
389948.pdf (173 kb) Natural England (DMS Info Document: 389948 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5) 16/07/2009
391612.pdf (16 kb) Environment Agency (DMS Info Document: 391612 Page No(s).: 1) 23/07/2009
Decision Notice PDF
N6_2009_1054_LB.pdf (107 kb) Decision Notice PDF 09/05/2017
Officer Report
2009-1054.pdf (43 kb) Officer Report 24/02/2016
Amended Plans
Block One Ground Floor Plan.PDF (3366 kb) Block One Ground Floor Plan (DMS Info Document: 387641 Page No(s).: 1)
Block 1 First Floor WGC AL (0) 111.PDF (3229 kb) Block 1 First Floor WGC AL (0) 111 (DMS Info Document: 387682 Page No(s).: 1)
Proposed Masterplan Parking Layout WGC AL (0) 012.PDF (3663 kb) Proposed Masterplan Parking Layout WGC AL (0) 012 (DMS Info Document: 387689 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 261 - Proposal Sections.PDF (2882 kb) WGC AL (0) 261 - Proposal Sections (DMS Info Document: 387698 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 011 - ROOF LAYOUT.PDF (3449 kb) WGC AL (0) 011 - ROOF LAYOUT (DMS Info Document: 387702 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 152 Aerial View.PDF (1616 kb) WGC AL (0) 152 Aerial View (DMS Info Document: 387703 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 151 Master Plan Views.PDF (2088 kb) WGC AL (0) 151 Master Plan Views (DMS Info Document: 387704 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 010 - Ground floor layout.PDF (3356 kb) WGC AL (0) 010 - Ground floor layout (DMS Info Document: 387706 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 113 - Block 1 - Roof.PDF (3280 kb) WGC AL (0) 113 - Block 1 - Roof (DMS Info Document: 387721 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC (0) 114 - Elevations Block 1.PDF (3522 kb) WGC (0) 114 - Elevations Block 1 (DMS Info Document: 387726 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 121 - Block 2 - Second & Roof Plan.PDF (3356 kb) WGC AL (0) 121 - Block 2 - Second & Roof Plan (DMS Info Document: 387733 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 124 - Block 2 - elevations.PDF (3476 kb) WGC AL (0) 124 - Block 2 - elevations (DMS Info Document: 387737 Page No(s).: 1)
Drainage & Utility Services Report - Appendix 4.6 .PDF (2549 kb) Drainage & Utility Services Report - Appendix 4.6 no 2 (DMS Info Document: 387763 Page No(s).: 1)
Drainage & Utility Services Report - Appendix 4.6 .PDF (6148 kb) Drainage & Utility Services Report - Appendix 4.6 - no 2 (DMS Info Document: 387765 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 135 - Block 3.PDF (3418 kb) WGC AL (0) 135 - Block 3 (DMS Info Document: 387767 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 140 - Block 4 - Ground & first floor.PDF (3687 kb) WGC AL (0) 140 - Block 4 - Ground & first floor (DMS Info Document: 387769 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 141 - Block 4 - Second & Third Floor & .PDF (3812 kb) WGC AL (0) 141 - Block 4 - Second & Third Floor & roof plan (DMS Info Document: 387771 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 145 - Block 4 -.PDF (3827 kb) WGC AL (0) 145 - Block 4 - (DMS Info Document: 387773 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 150 - Site Elevations.PDF (4003 kb) WGC AL (0) 150 - Site Elevations (DMS Info Document: 387775 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 160 - Site sections.PDF (3242 kb) WGC AL (0) 160 - Site sections (DMS Info Document: 387777 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 200 - Former Roche Building - Existing .PDF (6343 kb) WGC AL (0) 200 - Former Roche Building - Existing floor Plans (DMS Info Document: 387779 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 201 - Former Roche Building - Existing .PDF (6342 kb) WGC AL (0) 201 - Former Roche Building - Existing First, Second & third floor plan (DMS Info Document: 387781 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 210 - Former Roche Building - Existing .PDF (3239 kb) WGC AL (0) 210 - Former Roche Building - Existing elevations (DMS Info Document: 387783 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 211 - Former Roche Building - Existing .PDF (3206 kb) WGC AL (0) 211 - Former Roche Building - Existing Sections (DMS Info Document: 387786 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 250 - Former Roche Building - Proposal .PDF (3053 kb) WGC AL (0) 250 - Former Roche Building - Proposal Basement Floor Plan (DMS Info Document: 387788 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) - 251 Former Riche Building - Proposal.PDF (2571 kb) WGC AL (0) - 251 Former Riche Building - Proposal Ground Floor Plan (DMS Info Document: 387791 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 252 - Former Roche Building - Proposal .PDF (53 kb) WGC AL (0) 252 - Former Roche Building - Proposal First floor Plan (DMS Info Document: 387793 Page No(s).: 1)
former Roche Building.PDF (54 kb) former Roche Building (DMS Info Document: 387805 Page No(s).: 1)
Decision Notice
392587.pdf (156 kb) Miscellaneous (DMS Info Document: 392587 Page No(s).: 1,2,3)
387663.pdf (10389 kb) Application--Heritage Statement (DMS Info Document: 387663 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21)
Site Plan
Application--Site Plan.PDF (64 kb) Application--Site Plan (DMS Info Document: 387630 Page No(s).: 1)
WGC AL (0) 001 - Existing Site Condition.PDF (960 kb) WGC AL (0) 001 - Existing Site Condition (DMS Info Document: 387708 Page No(s).: 1)
Application--Existing Site Location Plan.PDF (51 kb) Application--Existing Site Location Plan (DMS Info Document: 387799 Page No(s).: 1)
Application--Proposed Site Location Plan.PDF (149 kb) Application--Proposed Site Location Plan (DMS Info Document: 387801 Page No(s).: 1)
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Hertfordshire Building Control Limited 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
Natural England Consultation Service 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
DP9 100 Pall Mall London SW1Y 5NQ 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
BioPark Broadwater Road Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 3AX 29/06/2009 20/07/2009
80 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
82 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
83 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
84 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
85 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
86 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
87 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
88 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
89 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
90 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
91 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
92 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
93 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
94 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
95 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
96 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
97 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
98 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
99 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
100 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
101 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
102 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
103 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
104 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
105 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
106 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
107 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
108 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
109 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
110 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
111 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
112 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TU 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
113 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
115 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
117 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
119 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
121 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
123 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
125 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
127 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
129 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
131 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
133 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
135 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
137 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
139 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
141 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
143 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
145 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
147 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
149 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
151 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
153 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
155 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
157 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
159 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
161 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
163 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
165 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
167 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
169 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
171 Broadwater Crescent WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3TT 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
1 Moatwood Green WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3SN 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
3 Moatwood Green WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3SN 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
5 Moatwood Green WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3SN 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
7 Moatwood Green WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3SN 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
28 Well Garth WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3AF 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
37 Broadwater Road WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3AX 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
DIGITIMER LTD 37 Hyde Way WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3BE 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
41 Broadwater Road WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3AX 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
STREET RECORD Broadwater Crescent Hertfordshire 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
UNIT 1 Broad Court WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3BL 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
UNIT 2 Broad Court WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3BL 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
UNIT 3 Broad Court WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3BL 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
UNITS 4 TO 6 Broad Court WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3BL 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
FIRST FLOOR ALBANY PLACE Hyde Way WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3UQ 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
1-2 GROUND FLOOR ALBANY PLACE Hyde Way WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3UQ 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
1 GROUND FLOOR ALBANY PLACE Hyde Way WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3UQ 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
2 ALBANY PLACE Hyde Way WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3UQ 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
1 ALBANY PLACE Hyde Way WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3UQ 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
3 ALBANY PLACE Hyde Way WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3UQ 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
3 GROUND FLOOR ALBANY PLACE Hyde Way WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3UQ 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
29-30 Broadwater Road WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3AY 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
BROADWATER HOUSE 43-45 Broadwater Road WELWYN GARDEN CITY Hertfordshire AL7 3AX 18/06/2009 09/07/2009
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2023/2503/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition number 44 (Phasing Details), on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ 0
6/2023/1078/COND Confirmation that all conditions associated with planning reference 6/2016/1882/FULL and 6/2016/1883/LB have been discharged Part Discharged 0
6/2023/0093/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 19 (Details of Public Cycle parking) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2023/0191/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition number 2 (construction management plan), on planning permission 6/2020/3420/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/2507/COND Submission of details pursuant of condition 12 (Ecology) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/2190/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 9 (SuDS plan management and maintenance plan for Blocks 10 and 11) for planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/2191/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 52 (provision of open space in relation to Block 10 and 11) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/2192/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 22 (Car club implementation and management scheme for Block 10 and 11) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/2106/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 17(b) (Highway management and maintenance) on planning reference 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2022/2024/COND Submission of details pursuant to conditions 14 and 15(a) (off-site highway improvement works) on planning application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Withdrawn 0
6/2022/1942/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 18 (Travel plan) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/1569/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 32 (landscaping) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2022/0612/COND Submission of details pursuant of condition 20 (cycle parking) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2021/2762/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 27 (noise), on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2021/2736/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 28 (lighting) on planning application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Part Discharged 0
6/2021/2737/COND Submission of details pusuant to condition 19 (details of cycle parking) on planning application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Refused 0
6/2021/0181/MAJ Hybrid planning application comprising: Detailed Planning Application for 399 Private Rented Sector (PRS) dwellings and 153 dwellings (Class C3), 250 units of residential care accommodation for the elderly (Use Class C2) with associated communal facilities, 15,247m2 of community and commercial hub (Use Classes E and F1) with associated cycling hub, car parking, access, landscaping, public art and other supporting infrastructure; and Outline Planning Application for up to 418 dwellings (Class C3) with all matters reserved except access. 0
6/2021/0170/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 on permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2020/3420/MAJ Demolition of existing buildings and construction of 289 residential units (Use Class C3) and community hub (Use Class E/F.2), with public realm and open space, landscaping, access, associated car and cycle parking, refuse and recycling storage and supporting infrastructure. Refused 0
6/2020/2354/EIA Request for a screening opinion to determine whether an Environmental Statement is required for a proposed redevelopment of BioPark, Broadwater Road, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3AX Objection 0
6/2020/2100/FULL Change of use of land for the sale of hot food for a period of 12 months, including siting of associated vendors, seating and waste arrangements Granted 0
6/2020/1952/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 31 (materials) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ. Granted 0
6/2020/0486/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 31 (Materials) on planning application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2020/0348/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 32 (phased landscaping plan) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/3208/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 5 (construction management plan) and 23 (remediation groundwater monitoring) on planning permission N6/2015/0294/PP Granted 0
6/2019/3179/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 33 (For each block no development shall commence above ground level details of means of enclosure. For each block no premises or dwelling shall be occupied until the approved means of enclosure has been implemented) on planning application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/3180/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 49 (labour strategy) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/2785/COND Submission of details pursuant to conditions 23 (car parking management plan) Part B-Phase 1 (blocks 10 and 11) and 24 (delivery and servicing plan) Phase 1 (block 10 and 11) on application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/2778/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 44 (phasing details) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/2786/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 25 (detailed scheme to protect the proposed development of that phase or block from traffic noise, railway noise and noise associated with other uses on the site) on planning application 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/2717/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 46 (open access ducting for fibre optic cable to serve a range of next generation access compatible telecommunication services to multi point destinations and all buildings including residential, commercial and community across the development) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/2706/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 10 (construction method statement) 11 (construction management plan) and 40 (site waste management plan) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/2708/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (penetrative methods) and 4 (borehole management scheme) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/1938/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 10 (External Lighting) on planning application 6/2018/3078/VAR Granted 0
6/2019/1948/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 5a (submission of handrail and balustrade materials) on application 6/2018/3085/VAR Granted 0
6/2019/1847/COND Confirmation that conditions attached to application N6/2010/1776/MA have been complied with Part Discharged 0
6/2019/1788/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 5 (Surface water Discharge) 6 (Drainage System) 52 (Provision of open space/play space) 35 (Delivery of accessible Housing) 13 (Highways) 37 (Vehicle access Point to Pall Mall Site) 50 (Refuse Storage Arrangements)on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ Granted 0
6/2019/1346/VAR Flexible land use for floorspace within Blocks 1, 4, 5 (Class B1/D1/D2 uses), the creation of 542 sq.m of additional floorspace (Class B1/D1/D2) within Block 1, and agreement to minimum floorspace quantums for the Class B1, Class D1 and Class D2 floorspace across the site. Granted 0
6/2019/1299/VAR Variation of Condition 52 (provision of open space and play space) on planning permission 6/2018/0171/MAJ to remove the skate park Refused 0
6/2018/3078/VAR Variation of condition 13 (approved plans and drawing numbers) on planning permission 6/2016/1882/FULL Granted 0
6/2018/3085/VAR Variation of condition 7 (Drawing Numbers) on approved Listed building consent 6/2016/1883/LB Granted
6/2018/3082/ADV Installation of 19 flat metal plate signs mounted by clamps to HCC lamp standards 15cm x 15cm Granted
6/2018/2738/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 12 (scheme to protect accommodation in the eastern wing from traffic noise) on planning permission 6/2016/1882/FULL Part Approved / Part Refused
6/2018/2708/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (materials) on planning permission 6/2016/1882/FULL Part Approved / Part Refused
6/2018/2709/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (cycle parking) on planning permission 6/2016/1882/FULL Refused 0
6/2018/2710/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 4 (construction method statement) on planning permission 6/2016/1882/FULL Granted 0
6/2018/2711/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 5 (landscaping) on planning permission 6/2016/1882/FULL Refused 0
6/2018/2725/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 13 (Phases 1 (desktop) and 2 (intrusive investigation) Geo-Environmental Assessment) on planning permission 6/2016/1882/FULL Granted
6/2018/2503/COND Submission of details pursuant to Condition 1 Parts 2 (Site Investigation Scheme Environmental Assessment) and 3 (Verification Plan) and Condition 3 Parts 1 ,2 & 3 (Site Characterisation, Submission of Remediation Scheme and Implementation of Approved Remediation Scheme) and 5 (Long-Term Monitoring and Maintenance) on Planning Permission N6/2015/0294/PP Granted 0
6/2018/2022/FULL Replacement of full-height windows with french doors and installation of window Granted
6/2018/1928/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 5 (Listed Building details) on listed building consent 6/2016/1883/LB Granted 0
6/2018/1924/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (materials) on planning permission 6/2016/1883/LB Part Discharged 0
6/2018/1925/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (internal materials) on planning permission 6/2016/1883/LB Part Discharged 0
6/2018/1926/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (construction method statement) on Listed Building Consent 6/2016/1883/LB Granted 0
6/2018/0960/LB Repair, restoration, extension and conversion of the retained original 1920's silos, production hall, grain store and boiler house to provide 5,096 sq.m of flexible business floorspace (Use Class B1), 265 sq.m Combined Heat and Power (Sui Generis), 2,494 sq.m International Art Centre (Use Class D1), 1,226 sq.m Gymnasium (Use Class D2), 1,576 sq.m of restaurant/coffee shop/bar (Use Class A1/ A3/A4/A5) and Creche/Day Nursery of 644 sq.m. Granted
6/2018/0171/MAJ Creation of a mixed-use quarter comprising the erection of up to 1,340 residential dwellings including 414 (31%) affordable dwellings (Use Class C3); 114 extra care homes (Use Class C2); the erection of a civic building comprising 497 m² of health (Use Class D1), 497 m² of community use (Use Class D1), 883 m² of office (Use Class B1) and 590 m² of retail (Class A1/A2/A3/A4/A5); alterations, additions and change of use of Grade II Listed Building and retained Silos to provide 5,279 m² of flexible business floorspace (Use Class B1), 270 m² Combined Heat and Power (Sui Generis), 2,057 m² International Art Centre (Use Class D1), 1,235 m² Gymnasium (Use Class D2), 1,683 m² of restaurant/coffee shop/bar (Use Class A1/A3/A4/A5), Creche/Day Nursery (Use Class D1) of 671 m² as well as a Network Rail TOC Building (Use Class B1) of 360 m²; plus associated car parking, access, landscaping, public art and other supporting infrastructure. Granted 0
6/2017/2688/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (details of existing building and photographic record survey) on listed building consent N6/2015/0293/LB, dated 30/03/2017 Granted
6/2017/2490/EIA Request for a screening opinion at the Former Shredded Wheat Factory, Bridge Road, WGC. Granted 0
6/2017/2491/EIA Request for a scoping opinion at the Former Shredded Wheat Factory, Bridge Road, WGC. Granted 0
6/2017/2496/VAR Variation of condition 1 (specification of proposed works) and 3 (contract for redevelopment and planning permission granted) on planning permission N6/2015/0293/LB, dated 30/03/2017 Granted
6/2017/2142/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (Contamination), 4 (Site Waste Management Plan), 5 (Construction Management Plan) and 7 (Landscape and Ecology Management Plan) on Planning Permission 6/2015/0294/PP, dated 18/08/2017 Part Approved / Part Refused 0
N6/2015/0293/LB Part demolition, repair, restoration, extension and conversion of the former Shredded Wheat factory complex to include demolition of all buildings and structures except the original 1920's silos, production hall, grain store and boiler house. Refurbishment and change of use of the retained listed buildings to provide 2 Class C3 residential units, a Class C1 boutique/budget hotel, Class B1(a) offices, a class Class A4 pub/bar, a class Class D1 crèche and a Class D2 gym/dance/exercise studio Granted 0
N6/2015/0294/PP Outline planning permission for part demolition, repair, restoration, extension and conversion of the former Shredded Wheat factory complex to include demolition of all buildings and structures except the original 1920's silos, production hall, grain store and boiler house. Refurbishment and change of use of the retained listed buildings to provide 2 Class C3 residential units, a Class C1 boutique/budget hotel, Class B1(a) offices, a Class A4 pub/bar, a Class D1 crèche and a Class D2 gym/dance/exercise studio. Erection of up to 850 Class C3 dwellings to potentially include up to 80 Class C2 (and/or C3 assisted living units), Class A1 retail, Class A3/A4 restaurants/cafés/bars/pubs, Class D1 community use and healthcare and Class D2 gym/dance/exercise studio floorspace. Provision of external space for leisure and recreation to include a linear park, external games/play area, allotments and a skate park. Creation of internal estate roads, paths, vehicle and cycle parking. Associated highway works comprising the widening of footways and the provision of cycle ways to Broadwater Road and Bridge Road, works to Hyde Way, junction remodelling works and the erection of a new footbridge from Bridge Road. Phase 1 (Blocks 2,3,4,5,6 & 7 on land to the north and west of Hyde Way and northern part of Block 1) – Includes Appearance, Means of Access, Landscaping, Layout and Scale in addition to all associated highway works . Phase 2 (Blocks 8,9,10,11 & 12 and southern part of Block 1 on land to the south of Hyde Way) – Includes Means of Access with Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping reserved Granted 0
N6/2015/0231/MA Erection of a temporary tower for peregrine falcon nesting box Granted
N6/2011/2520/DS Discharge of conditions 4 (plans west elevation), 5 (detailed plans) and 6 (structural demolition and new works) of planning permission N6/2009/1054/LB Granted

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