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Tree Preservation Order: 24 (1976)

Mardley Heath Welwyn Welwyn AL6 0TT

For the continued amenity of the land.

Type Count Identifier Species
Area Mixed Species

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Tree Preservation Order
01360453.pdf (440 kb) TPO 24 A3 Order + Plan (DMS Info Document: 795956 Page No(s).: 1)
TPO 24 A3.pdf (432 kb) Tree Preservation Order 24/11/2017
Application Number Proposal Decision
6/2025/0117/HOUSE Erection of a two storey rear extension, following the demolition of existing extension. Alterations to existing hipped gable and the replacement of existing dormer windows to the rear elevation with a single box dormer
6/2024/2413/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for a single storey side and rear extensions, with insertion of roof light to rear, alterations to openings to front and side elevations Refused
6/2024/2410/HOUSE Proposed loft conversion, with alterations to the roof including raising the roof height and formation of dormers to the front and rear elevations Granted
6/2024/2336/TPO T1- Scot’s Pine. Reduction to lower growth point beyond tear. Removal of large diameter dead wood. Tree has been storm damaged and left with a damaged extended limb (previous inclusion) over the property. I would like to serve a 5 day notice as it is liable to snap out due to the lateral weight over the house TPO 640 G6 Granted
6/2024/1990/TPO 13 x multi-stemmed beech (Fagus sylvatica) trees to the front of the property to be crown reduced by 20% and deadwood removed TPO 641 (2017) G6 Granted
6/2024/1922/TPO Oak tree to reduce by 25% back to previous cuts (TPO 641 (2017)) Granted
6/2024/0758/FULL Retention of outdoor seating area Granted
6/2024/1895/TPO 2 x Silver birches branches thinned out. Fell 1 x Hornbeam. (TPO 641 G5 (2017)) Refused
6/2024/1624/TPO Beech tree 30% reduction (covered by TPO 24 (1976) A3) Granted
6/2024/1537/HOUSE Erection of additional storey, single storey side extension and front and rear porch canopy following the demolition of existing conservatory and garage, chimney removal and façade alterations. Granted
6/2024/1209/TPO TPO 642 (2017) G2 and TPO 24 A3 T1. Spruce (Picea abies) next to the gate entrance to have a light push back by 5-10% (2-3.5-feet / up to 1 meter) T2. Spruce (Picea abies) to have the largest low limb removed which is overhanging the path. T3. Spruce (Picea abies) to be trimmed back by 10-15% (3.5 – 5-feet / 1-1.5 meters) to control it’s spread. T4. Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) tree in the back garden to undergo a 30% crown reduction (up to 10-feet / 3 meters). The lowest 5 branches around the tree to be removed. T5. Apple (Malus domestica) tree in the back garden is to be lightly hand pruned by up-to 20% (2-feet / 0.6 meters) One large limb to be removed to move it back from the new decking which is being built Granted
6/2024/1180/TPO Covered by TPO 24 A3 1 x Beech to reduce by approximately 2.5m in height and 1.5m in width. Tree is close to property, also causing large shading afternoon onwards Granted
6/2024/1105/TPO TPO 642 (2017) T4 The tree concerned is the only one in the vicinity. It is a Beech tree. The proposed works are 20% crown reduction, pruning to previous points Granted
6/2024/1125/TPO 2 x Oaks to reduce back to previous pruning points. Under TPO 24 A3 or TPO640 (2017) G3 Granted
6/2024/0782/TPO T1 to fell uprooted silver birch (Betula pendula). Granted
6/2024/0743/TPO 1 x Austrian pine to reduce selected over long limbs (identified in photograph ‘selected branches to reduce’. Granted
6/2024/0734/TPO 1 x Beech to reduce by approximately 4m in height. The upper canopy is to be reduced by approximately 2m and the lower canopy by up to 4m. Tree has a large included union at the tree Biforcates. There is also lower bark cracking on each side below the inclusions. The aim is to reduce stress on the union while reducing size of the tree also minimising debris & bird droppings falling on cars TPO 24 A3 Granted
6/2024/0557/TC T1. Oak to reduce the crown by up to 3m (radius) except the north-west/roadside of crown. Give a 2-metre clearance of the roof. TPO 641 (2017) T11 Granted
6/2024/0341/TPO T1 Pine, reduce overhanging branches over 15a The Drive by up to 1m to suitable growth points. Retaining 1.5-2m of canopy over the boundary line. T2 Beech, reduce overhanging branches over 15a The Drive by up to 2-3m to suitable growth points. Retaining 2-2.5m of canopy over the boundary line. Granted
6/2024/0531/HOUSE Erection of part single storey and part two storey front and rear extension Granted
6/2024/0445/HOUSE Erection of a two storey rear and side extension with roof alterations including proposed front dormer following the demolition of existing conservatory, conversion of existing garage and the widening of existing driveway to accommodate parking for 3 No. Vehicles Granted
6/2024/0410/TPO T2 Pine- to lower the height to suitable growth points up to 3 metres. T3 Pine- to lower the height to suitable growth points up to 1.5 - 2 meters. T4 Pine- to lower the height to suitable growth points up to 1.5 - 2 metres. T5 Pine- to lower the height to suitable growth points up to 2 metres. Trees within TPO 640 (2017) G2 Granted
6/2024/0141/TPO Hornbeam tree (3 Mardley Heights) to crown reduce overhanging branches by 30%. Beech tree (5 Mardley Heights) to crown reduce overhanging branches by 30%. Covered by TPO 24 A3. Granted
6/2024/0325/TPO T1 & T2 Oak trees - pollard by 30%. T3 Silver birch fell to ground level. TPO area 24 A3 Granted
6/2024/0139/TPO Pollard two sweet spanish chestnut trees, marked as T1 & T2 , back to previous points on plan to keep them in good condition and maintain current size Granted
6/2024/0070/TPO T7 and T8 Oak 30% crown reduction to the previous points. (TPO 641) Granted
6/2024/0058/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension, formation of level access to property and outbuildings, decking, new automated access gates and boundary fencing Granted
6/2024/0045/TPO Tree T1 - Sweet Chesnut in the site plans - trim of canopy to original growth points and removal of epicormic growth on the trunk. Tree T2 - English Oak - trim of canopy to original growth points and removal of epicormic growth on the trunk. TPO 640 (2017) Granted
6/2023/2456/TPO T1 - Laurel reduce by 30% due to excessive shading. T2 - Hornbeam reduce by 20% side reduce back to boundary. T3 - Mixed Ash and Maple reduce by 20% side reduce back to boundary. All trees covered by TPO 640 (2017) G3. Granted
6/2023/2047/TPO To dig up self seeded Castinae and relocate it either elsewhere on land or to the local woods TPO 641 (2017) Withdrawn
6/2023/2009/HOUSE Erection of a two storey rear and side extension with roof alterations including proposed front dormer following demolition of existing conservatory Refused
6/2023/1906/TPO 3 Oak trees to crown lift to 5m, crown reduction by 30% to remove deadwood and overhanging branches. Covered by TPO 641 (2017) T9 & TPO24 A3. Granted
6/2023/1828/TPO T1- Crown reduction by approximately 1.5-2m from branch tips of small Hornbeam tree in front garden. T2- Crown lift Thuja to achieve 4m vertical clearance from ground level. T3- Crown lift Spruce in front garden by 1m Granted
6/2023/1610/TPO 3x Sweet Chestnut trees at no 14 Mardley Avenue - crown reduction to maintain, and to rectify any tree defects: T1 - Crown reduction of 4 meters in height (back to previous) and 2m in width (equating to 20%), tree is close to the dwelling of 19 Marlborough Close and foreseeable to cause mechanical damage in future T2 - Crown reduction of 2 meters, tree is growing up tight to the fence and over the garden of 19 Marlborough Close and 2 Rosecroft Lane obstructing light penetration to the garden T3 - Crown reduction of 2 metres (equating to 20%) with dead wooding, tree is growing up tight to the fence and over the garden of 2 Rosecroft Lane obstructing light penetration to the garden Granted
6/2023/1595/TPO 2 x Quercus ilex (evergreen oak) to lop back trespass by approximately 2 to 3m, pruning to a fork, growing point or bud, leaving a flowing branch line without stumps to BS3998:13.1 (due to trespass, shade and fence damage). TPO24 A3 (1976) Granted
6/2023/1265/TPO Fell oak tree (Oak T1). To replace with a silver birch or rowan further away from the boundary line. In addition we will also plant more thorny shrubs along the boundary fence such as climbing roses and Pyracantha. Refused
6/2023/1216/TPO 1 x Cherry to fell to ground level - TPO 642 (2017) G1 Granted
6/2023/1041/TPO T1 - 1 x Beech (right side) to reduce by approximately 3m in height, to reduce width by approximately 2m and raise canopy to 4m above ground level T2 - 1 x Beech (left side) to reduce by 3m in height, 2m in width, encroaching largely in to the garden to the left. Both trees are growing excessively over neighbouring properties T3 - 1 x Beech (centre) to dismantle in sections to ground level and remove a truncated semi dead stem. It prevents the owner from installing a secure boundary fence Granted
6/2023/1130/HOUSE Erection of a two storey rear and side extension with roof alterations including front dormer following demolition of existing conservatory Refused
6/2023/0888/TPO T1 reduce oak by 1.5 metres due to size and risk of damage. T4 reduce oak by 1.5 metres due to excessive shading and risk of damage. All trees covered by TPO 640 (2017) Granted
6/2023/0914/TPO T2. Oak tree reduce the crown by 25%. Granted
6/2023/0939/HOUSE Erection of single storey rear extension and raising of existing side extension roof to match following demolition of existing conservatory Granted
6/2023/0922/TPO Crown reductions by up to a third (10-15-feet (3 to 4.5 metres) from height and width) to maintain: T1 & T2 Sweet chestnuts - leaning over the corner of the property, close to the house at 19 Marlborough Close. T3 & T4 Sweet chestnuts - they heavily lean over the garden of 2 Rosecroft Lane. Refused
6/2023/0812/TPO Beech trees: T1 and T3 - whole crown reduction to 8m above ground level to provide sufficient clearance to property that would cause severe injury. T2 - tree stump - remaining trunk removal as is assumed dead. No replacement of tree but to grow a natural lawn, and will be planting various species of plants, shrubs, wildflowers etc to encourage wildlife into the garden, which has not been possible before due to suffocation by the sheer volume of droppage of the trees Withdrawn
6/2023/0820/TPO Reduce crown 1 x A1 Oak (Quercus robur) by 15% covered by TPO 641 Granted
6/2023/0670/TPO Fell T1 dead Horse Chestnut within TPO 24 Area 3 Granted
6/2023/0571/HOUSE Erection of a single storey side extension following demolition of rear conservatory Granted
6/2023/0500/VAR Variation of condition 6 (approved plans) to change finish to render on planning permission 6/2020/1902/FULL Granted
6/2023/0270/TPO Reduce Pine tree by approximately 30% to suitable growth points, this is due to excessive shading to both properties No.9 & No.11. Also an uneven canopy with larger branches over no.9. Reduce branches over hanging both properties. Refused
6/2023/0085/TPO Oak tree G2 TPO 643 (2017) - 4m reduction from top of tree, 25% reduction in width and removal of deadwood. The tree overhangs a public footpath behind our garden. Refused
6/2023/0210/HOUSE Erection of a two storey rear and side extension with roof alterations including a front dormer and side windows, following the demolition of existing side and rear extensions Withdrawn
6/2022/2776/HOUSE Erection of single storey part rear extension following the demolition of existing rear conservatory and the continuation of raised patio and partial garage conversion to form larger utility room and ensuite and installation of skylights. Granted
6/2022/2782/HOUSE Erection of front porch, and part two, part single storey side and rear extension incorporating conversion of existing garage space and elongation of existing rear dormer window. Elongation of front dormer window and external alterations. Change of external materials and landscape works Granted
6/2022/2864/COND Submission of details pursuant to conditions 3 (Bat nesting boxes details and design) and 4 (Landscaping details) on planning application 6/2020/1902/FULL Granted
6/2022/2808/TPO T1 - Oak - Remove Ivy covered tree - Poor specimen T2 - Conifer - Fell - small tree not growing well T9 - Pine - Fell - Dead T10 - Pine - Fell - in decline T11 - Pine Fell - in decline All trees covered by TPO 633 (2017) Granted
6/2022/2636/COND Submission of details pursuant of condition 1 (external materials) on planning application 6/2020/1902/FULL Withdrawn
6/2022/2473/HOUSE Erection of veranda to the rear of house Granted
6/2022/2612/HOUSE Erection of a part single storey, part first floor side extension with installation of roof lights Granted
6/2022/2558/TPO T1 pine - fell to ground level as the tree has outgrown its location and is close to house and neighbouring property Granted
6/2022/2487/TPO 50ft Oak tree to reduce by 30% TPO 24 A3 Granted
6/2022/2402/VAR Variation of condition 2 (revised drawings) on planning permission 6/2022/0971/HOUSE Granted
6/2022/2313/TPO T1 - Oak Tree - Reduce by 30% (3 meters) due to excessive shading T2 - Oak Tree - Reduce by 30% (3 meters) due to excessive shading T3- Chestnut Tree - Reduce by 30% (3 meters) due to excessive shading All trees covered by TPO 640 (2017) G3 Granted
6/2022/1753/TPO Two beech trees (either end of a set of three) to crown lift to 4m above ground level, and to crown reduce western beech by 2m and eastern beech by 1.5m. (Amended) (TPO24 A3) Granted
6/2022/2027/TPO 2x large Oak trees to reduce by 30% - Close to the house and neighbours property along with excessive shading TPO 641 (2017) G4 Granted
6/2022/1539/TPO Reduce crowns of 1 x Oak and 1 x Beech trees by 25-30% to alleviate weight on leaning stems. Covered by TPO 24 A3 Granted
6/2022/1662/TPO 1 x Ash to reduce height by approximately 3m height, reduce width by 2m to allow more light 1 x Oak to reduce by approximately 2.5m in height to allow more light Trees covered under TPO 642 (2017) G1 Granted
6/2022/1733/TPO 1 x Apple to remove lowest branch (approximately 2-3 inches) See annotated picture. Client wants to install a new fence as the old one is ivy ridden and rotten. 1 x Apple to fell to ground level. The tree is almost on the fence line and will prevent a new boundary fence being installed. the trees crown is excessively overhanging the neighbouring property and becoming a nuisance Granted
6/2022/1502/TPO T1 fell Thuya tree (G1 of TPO 633). Refused
6/2022/1456/HOUSE Installation of heat pump Granted
6/2022/1218/COND Submission of details pursuant to Condition 1 (Arboricultural assessment) on planning permissions 6/2021/2391/HOUSE Granted
6/2022/1191/HOUSE Erection of rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory Granted
6/2022/0862/TPO Reduce height of Holly and Elder tree by 20-30%. Removal of 4 overgrown conifers affecting building works to neighbours. Pruning of all trees and hedges on property in rear garden and front roadside, long overdue. Withdrawn
6/2022/0971/HOUSE Erection of two storey extension to the front on the eastern flank, incorporating study on the ground floor and dressing room on the first floor, and two storey extension to the front on the western flank, incorporating double garage on the ground floor and bedroom extension on the first floor Granted
6/2022/0811/HOUSE Erection of a part single storey and part two storey front and rear extension. Granted
6/2022/0263/TPO T1 - Apple tree - reduce by 30% due to poor health and deadwood and decay within the crown. TPO 24 A3 T2 - Oak tree - to reduce back to previous points, 20% crown reduction. TPO 641 (2017) T4 - Growing over the drive - Previous coppice, reduce the weight of the stems to prevent potential split outs at base T3 - Large Beech tree - to reduce by 30%. TPO 641 (2017) T16 - Very close to the house in the back garden - excessive shading - growing over neighbours garden a fair amount Granted
6/2022/0092/VAR Variation of condition 1 (matching brickwork) on plannig permission 6/2020/2048/HOUSE Granted
6/2022/0088/TPO Walnut tree - reduce the height and width by 40% in our garden for safety and general maintenance. The tree is not covered with specific TPO, however we believe it falls within the general TPO covering this area. Withdrawn
6/2021/3540/HOUSE Erection of single storey side extension following demolition of existing conservatory Granted
6/2021/3498/HOUSE Single storey rear conservatory Granted
6/2021/3468/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension Granted
6/2021/3033/HOUSE Part demolition, part erection of a single storey rear extension with wraparound brick plinth, and erection of garden steps Granted
6/2021/3265/LAWP Certifcate of lawfulness for the erection of garage conversion with insertion of PVCu window and rooflight. The wall below window will be render to match existing. Granted
6/2021/3239/HOUSE Conversion of existing integrated double garage to a habitable room and erection of a new detached double garage Refused
6/2021/3223/TPO 1 x Oak to remove major deadwood throughout canopy and reduce limbs growing towards property by 1.2m. Remove Ivy to a height of 3m. Withdrawn
6/2021/3145/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (hard and soft landscape works) on planning application 6/2019/2827/HOUSE Granted
6/2021/3046/TPO T1 - crown reduce 1 x chestnut tree by 3-4m and remove deadwood Granted
6/2021/2814/COND Submission of detail pursuant to condition 1 (The brickwork, roof tile, bond, mortar, windows, detailing, guttering, soffits and other external decorations of the approved extension must match the existing dwelling in relation to colour and texture) on planning permission 6/2021/0461/HOUSE. Withdrawn
6/2021/2721/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (materials) on planning permission 6/2021/0461/HOUSE Granted
6/2021/2733/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (external details of approved extension must match existing dwelling in relation to colour and texture) on planning permission 6/2021/0461/HOUSE Withdrawn
6/2021/2790/TPO Ash (T1) Reduce by 30% due to excessive shading. Horse Chestnut (T2) Reduce by 30% due to excessive shading Horse Chestnut (T3) Reduce by 30% due to excessive shading Withdrawn
6/2021/2391/HOUSE Erection of a pre-fabricated two bay wooden carport with a concrete base Granted
6/2021/2717/TPO Reduce 1 x Sycamore tree (T8) by 20-25% covered by TPO Granted
6/2021/2654/TPO Reduce 1 x Ash tree (T1) and 2 x Horse Chestnut trees (T2, T3) by 30% covered by a TPO Granted
6/2021/2676/TPO Reduce 1 x Oak tree (T1) by 3-4m and remove deadwood covered by TPO Granted
6/2021/2664/COND Submission of detail pursuant to condition 1 (materials) on planning permission 6/2021/1099/HOUSE Granted
6/2021/2648/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (tree protection measures) on planning application 6/2020/2048/HOUSE Granted
6/2021/2578/TPO Fell damaged pine and dead tree covered by TPO 24 ref A3 (Dead and dangerous application) Granted
6/2021/2508/TPO T1 - Oak - Fell to ground level due to basal decay and proximity to properties T2 - Oak - Reduce oak by approximately 2m to suitable growth points to allow more light T3 - Sweet Chestnut - Reduce crown by 3m Granted
6/2021/2276/HOUSE Erection of an residential annex with integrated garden shed and erection of single storey rear extension onto the existing house. Granted
6/2021/2127/TPO T1 - oak - crown reduce 1-2m and deadwood T2 - oak fell to ground level T3 - beech - crown reduce 4-5m T4 - beech - crown reduce 4-5m Granted
6/2021/2075/HOUSE First floor side extension (revised) Granted
6/2021/1884/HOUSE Retention of outbuilding Granted
6/2021/1732/TPO Fell 1 x Leyland Cypress tree Granted
6/2021/1697/TPO T1 - Sweet Chestnut repollard back to previous points gaining some control and access of light. T2 - Overall reduce and shape all round by approx 25%. T3 - T6 Are all neighbours trees. Looking to cut all trees back to boundary line T3 - Oak Tree to cut tree back to boundary line. T4 - T5 Lime Trees to cut trees back to boundary line. T6 - Pine Tree to shorten just a couple of limbs back a couple of meters. Granted
6/2021/1309/TPO TPO 640: G5 (Oak x2) - Reduce by one third and thin TPO 640: T9 and T10 (Spruce x2) - Remove wind damaged branches TPO 640: T8 (Cedar) - Remove wind damaged branch Granted
6/2021/1299/TPO Prune T1 Oak located at the front of property according to the following specifications: • Crown reduction by removing up to 2 meters growth pruning back to suitable growth points to leave a balanced crown Crown clean removing any damaged, diseased and deadwood Prune G1 Various Species, Beech, Berberis and flowering Current located at the front garden according to the following specifications: • Prune back hard garden side back to mainstem of Beech and following line down other species garden side Prune T3 Pine located at the front of property according to the following specifications: • Crown reduction by removing 1.5 meters growth in height pruning back to suitable growth points reduce lateral branches to leave a balanced crown Prune G3 Mixed Hegde located at the Left of driveway according to the following specifications: • Trim back sides and top to leave a tidy formative shaped hedge trimming back hard form driveway without cuasing possible future browning off Prune T1 Beech located at the left rear of house according to the following specifications: • Crown reduction by removing up to 2.5 meters growth pruning back to suitable growth points to leave a balanced crown bring down height enough but not too much as to keep privacy Crown clean removing any damaged, diseased and deadwood Granted
6/2021/1241/TPO Front beeches to be reduced by 1.5m in height Fir 1 to have lower limbs reduced. Fir 2 to be removed to make room for a new tree Both apples to be reduced back to old cuts, up to 1.5m Oak - lower limbs to be reduced by 1m over shed. Granted
6/2021/1099/HOUSE Replacement garage Granted
6/2021/1095/TPO Ash/Rowan - Reduce height and width by 30% Granted
6/2021/1005/TPO Fell oak tree T1 Granted
6/2021/0977/TPO Trees inside TPO 640 (2017) G2: T1 Oak: 20% crown reduction (approx 2m) + removal of deadwood T2 Oak: 20% crown reduction (approx 2m) + removal of deadwood T3 Oak: 20% crown reduction (approx 2.5m) + removal of deadwood Granted
6/2021/0943/TPO T1 - re-pollard 3-4m T2 - fell Beech tree to ground level T3 - oak tree 3-4m crown reduction T4 - Beech tree 5-6m crown reduction Refused
6/2021/0944/TPO T1 - Beech 5-6m crown reduction T2 - Beech 5-6m crown reduction Granted
6/2021/0796/TPO Reduce 2 x Oak by 1.5m, remove epicormic growth to height of 5m above ground level. RH Oak to remove low limb over summer house. Granted
6/2021/0792/HOUSE Erection of first floor side extension Granted
6/2021/0691/HOUSE Erection of a rear veranda Granted
6/2021/0576/HOUSE Retrospective planning application for replacement garage Granted
6/2021/0517/HOUSE Erection of low level front garden wall, sliding vehicular access gate and water feature Granted
6/2021/0565/TPO Reduce 1 x Ash tree by 3m & reduce width to balance crown, reduce 1 x Beech tree by 2m, reduce/prune 4 x Fruit trees by 1m, reduce 1 x Cherry Plum tree by 1.2m, reduce Lawson Cypress by 2m covered by TPO Granted
6/2021/0535/HOUSE Retention of a domestic outbuilding Granted
6/2021/0461/HOUSE Erection of single storey front, rear and side extensions, increase in ridge height to facilitate a first floor extension and associated alterations Granted
6/2021/0062/TPO 30% reduction of Spruce and Beech Granted
6/2020/3014/TPO Scots Pine T2 - Remove damaged/diseased branch Granted
6/2020/3351/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension and basement garden room Granted
6/2020/3389/HOUSE Erection of a first floor side extension Refused
6/2020/2928/TPO G3 - Pine and Silver Birch - Reduce to ground level Granted
6/2020/3066/TPO T1 Oak - 30% Thin, T2 Oak - 30% Thin, T3 Sweet Chestnut - 30% Thin Granted
6/2020/3073/TPO T1 Conifer - Crown reduction by 2-3m in height and 1m in spread T2 Conifer - Fell T3 Beech - Crown reduction back to previous cuts, approximately 2m from branch tips T4 Beech - Fell T5 Pine - Crown lift by 2m over neighbour's drive G1 Mixed broadleaf, mainly oak - Crown lift to get 6m height clearance over The Drive. Granted
6/2020/2953/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension, two storey side extension and roof alterations to facilitate additional rooms on the first floor Granted
6/2020/2956/TPO Oak (T5) - Reduction by 25% ( to where it was previously pruned to) Granted
6/2020/2048/HOUSE Proposed front garden wall and gates Granted
6/2020/2485/HOUSE Double storey side extension, part raising of roof ridgeline, new fenestration and internal alterations. Granted
6/2020/2157/HOUSE Erection of side and rear extension and roof extensions with dormer window to front. Refused
6/2020/2261/TPO Reduce T1 Conifer by 2-3m in height and 1m in width fell T2 Conifer reduce T3 Beech approx 2m from branch tips fell T4 Beech lift T5 Pine by 2m over neighbour's drive lift G1 mixed broadleaf/oak by 6m over The Drive All the trees are covered by TPO 633 Refused
6/2020/2109/TPO Reduce 2 x Oak trees by 20% [T1 & T2] Granted
6/2020/2212/TPO Oak T1 – Reduce crown back to previous pruning points Granted
6/2020/2044/HOUSE Erection of single storey front, rear and side extensions, increase in ridge height to facilitate a first floor extension and associated alterations Refused
6/2020/1902/FULL Demolition of existing bungalow and construction of 2no Chalet style semi-detached houses. Granted
6/2020/1974/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension Granted
6/2020/1875/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension Granted
6/2020/1794/PN8 Flat roofed single storey rear extension Prior Approval Refused
6/2020/1774/TPO Fell 1 x Leyland Cypress Tree Covered by TPO 642 [2017] G1 Granted
6/2020/1628/TPO Fell 1 x Leyland Cypress Tree Covered by TPO 642 [2017] G1 Granted
6/2020/1600/TPO Fell 1 x Hawthorn Tree and replace Covered by TPO24 A3 Granted
6/2020/1527/TPO Reduce 1 x Spruce lower canopy by around 2.5m width. Lift over car port to clear by 3m. to maintain size under TPO24A3 Granted
6/2020/1448/TPO Reduce 2 x Oak trees by 2m in height and 2.5m width and reduce 2 x Beech trees by 2m in height and 3m in width (TPO) Granted
6/2020/1353/TPO Fell 1 x Leyandii Tree [T1] Covered by TPO 24 (Area 3) Granted
6/2020/1305/PN8 Prior approval for the erection of a single storey rear extension measuring 8 metres in depth, 2.8 metres in height and 2.8 metres to the eaves Refused
6/2020/1200/TPO Reduce 1 x Oak Tree [T1] by 20% Fell 1 x Oak Tree [T2] Refused
6/2020/0818/HOUSE Erection of two storey side and porch extension Granted
6/2020/0874/TPO Reduce 1 x Beech Tree [T1] by 30% Reduce 1 x Oak Tree [T2] by 30% Granted
6/2020/0738/HOUSE Erection of single storey side/ rear extension Granted
6/2020/0496/TPO Reduce 1 x oak by 20% covered by TPO24 Granted
6/2020/0516/TPO Reduce 4 x Oak Trees by 20% and thin by 20% Granted
6/2020/0397/TPO Reduce 1 x Oak (T1) TPO 640 (2017) G6 by 25% and crown lift to 7m Reduce 1 x Oak (T3) TPO 24) A3 by 25% and crown lift to 4m Reduce 1 x Pine (T2) TPO 640 (2017) G6 by 25% Granted
6/2020/0453/HOUSE Erection of a single storey side extension to facilitate the erection of a garage and a single storey rear extension with a replacement raised decking area with glazing and alterations to fenestration Granted
6/2020/0454/HOUSE Erection of front gates and new boundary wall Granted
6/2020/0294/HOUSE Erection of two storey front extension, erection of double garage and alterations to openings Granted
6/2020/0273/TPO Crown reduction 1x Oak tree (T3) by 2.5m in width and 3.m in height Granted
6/2020/0084/TPO Reduce 1x Pine tree by approximately 30% Granted
6/2019/3148/HOUSE Erection of a part single, part two storey side and rear extension, creation of a basement and the construction of a front dormer and the enlargement of an existing rear dormer Refused
6/2019/2781/HOUSE Erection of front porch and two storey side extension to form ancillary dwelling Refused
6/2019/2827/HOUSE Erection of front porch, single storey side extension, two storey side and rear extension and extension to existing front dormer Granted
6/2019/2535/HOUSE Erection of single storey first floor side and rear extension, installation of 1 x front facing dormer and 1 x rear facing dormer, and installation of 1 x rear Juliette balcony Granted
6/2019/1977/TPO Reduce 1x Walnut tree by 25% (TPO 698) Granted
6/2019/1872/HOUSE Erection of front gates and increase in fence height Withdrawn
6/2019/1704/TPO Crown reduce two sweet chestnut trees by 40% - TPO 24 Area Granted
6/2019/0991/HOUSE Side extension for a garage following conversion of existing garage Withdrawn
6/2019/1196/TPO Fell 2 x Beech tree Refused
6/2019/1257/HOUSE Erection of a two storey side extension and replacement entrance porch Withdrawn
6/2019/1161/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 3a (Tree Works ) on planning application 6/2016/2399/HOUSE Granted
6/2019/1127/TPO Reduce 2 x Beech tree by 2M , TPO 599 (2016) Withdrawn
6/2019/1056/HOUSE Erection of a two storey side extension, single storey side and rear extensions, roof extension and front porch. Granted
6/2019/0897/HOUSE Retention of replacement porch, roof alterations, with alterations to part of front roof space and replacement access steps to front of property. Granted
6/2019/0482/HOUSE Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear extension Granted
6/2019/0483/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for the Installation of a new dormer to rear roof slope Granted
6/2019/0270/HOUSE Erection of single storey first floor side extension, with front porch and garage canopy Refused
6/2019/0171/HOUSE Erection of a single storey side and rear extension and conversion of existing garage into habitable accommodation Granted
6/2018/3275/HOUSE Erection of single storey side extension following demolition of garage Granted
6/2018/2854/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (Existing Ground Levels) and 2 (Soft and hard landscape) on planning permission 6/2018/1461/HOUSE Granted
6/2018/2734/TPO Reduce 2x Oak Trees and 1x Sweet Chestnut Tree by approximately 30% - Covered by TPO 640 (2017) Granted
6/2018/2647/TPO Reduce 1x Oak (T3) by 25-30% to reduce whole crown back to previous reduction points, covered by TPO 24 A3 Granted
6/2018/2742/HOUSE Installation of 1 front dormer, 1 rear dormer and 2 rooflights for loft conversion, erection of a single storey rear/side extension, increase in height of garage. Construction of rear decking area and balustrade. Granted
6/2018/2460/TPO Reduce 1 x Beech tree and 1 x Oak tree by 25% covered by TPO 633(2017) Granted
6/2018/2462/TPO Reduce 1 x Beech tree by 10-12 feet and semi pollard 1 x Sweet Chestnut tree by 50% covered by TPO 633 (2017) Granted
6/2018/2429/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (boundary screening scheme) on planning permission 6/2018/1753/HOUSE Granted
6/2018/2416/TPO To fell Sweet Chestnut (G6) TPO643 No Objection
6/2018/2090/HOUSE Installation of 1 front and 1 rear dormer window and 2 rooflights to facilitate loft conversion, erection of a single storey rear extension and installation of front window to facilitate conversion of garage to habitable space. Reduction in the size of the side window. Installation of rooflights into existing single storey rear extension. Construction of rear decking area, with associated steps and balustrades. Refused
6/2018/1657/TPO Reduce 1 x Oak tree by 40% Granted
6/2018/1851/HOUSE Installation of front and side dormers to facilitate roof alterations and recessed rear terrace with balustrade. Erection of a front porch. Replacement front windows and doors. Alterations to windows and doors Granted
6/2018/1738/TPO Pollard and shape back 2 x Oak trees by 30 % covered by TPO 24 A3 Granted
6/2018/1753/HOUSE Erection of first floor side extension with front and rear dormers and single storey rear infill extension. Granted
6/2018/1773/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (Hard and soft landscape) on planning permission 6/2018/0600/HOUSE Granted
N6/1987/1068/FP Erection of detached dwelling with double garage after demolition of existing dwelling Granted
N6/1985/0014/ Single storey front and side extension to provide a garage Granted
N6/1979/0001/ Two chalet houses and double garages Granted