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Planning Application: 6/2024/2413/LAWP


Decided - Refused

Mrs Kerrie Charles

5 Rosecroft Lane Welwyn AL6 0UB

Certificate of lawfulness for a single storey side and rear extensions, with insertion of roof light to rear, alterations to openings to front and side elevations



  • Welwyn East

  • Councillor Roger Trigg
  • Councillor Julie Cragg
  • Councillor Terry Mitchinson




Stacy & Lauren Chew & Jarmain-Chew


5 Rosecroft Lane Welwyn AL6 0UB
Description Distance
Sand and Gravel Minerals Safeguarding Area 0.00
Parish 0.00
Parish 135.08
Rights of Way 32.82
Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00
Great Crested Newts DLL Risk Zones 0.00



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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf (233 kb) Applicationformredacted 20/12/2024
Block Plan
6086-ORD-2A extns.pdf (128 kb) Block Plan 20/12/2024
Location Plan
6086-ORD-1A.pdf (128 kb) Location Plan 20/12/2024
6086-E01.pdf (148 kb) Plans and Elevations as Existing 20/12/2024
6086-P01-OPTION-A.pdf (300 kb) Plans and Elevations as Proposed 20/12/2024
Consultee Response
Comments.pdf (73 kb) Comment - Welwyn Parish Council 22/01/2025
Decision Notice PDF
Decision Notice_620242413LAWP.pdf (75 kb) Decision Notice 12/02/2025
Officer Report PDF
Delegated Report_620242413LAWP(1).pdf (72 kb) Delegated Report 12/02/2025
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Welwyn Parish Council Arooj Afzal 13/01/2025 22/01/2025
Welwyn Parish Council Arooj Afzal 13/01/2025 22/01/2025
Welwyn Parish Council Arooj Afzal 12/02/2025
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Julie Cragg 12/02/2025
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Julie Cragg 13/01/2025
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Julie Cragg 13/01/2025
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Roger Trigg 13/01/2025
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Roger Trigg 13/01/2025
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Roger Trigg 12/02/2025
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Terry Mitchinson 12/02/2025
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Terry Mitchinson 13/01/2025
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Terry Mitchinson 13/01/2025

There are no neighbours associated with this application

Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2024/2410/HOUSE Proposed loft conversion, with alterations to the roof including raising the roof height and formation of dormers to the front and rear elevations Granted 0
6/2021/2790/TPO Ash (T1) Reduce by 30% due to excessive shading. Horse Chestnut (T2) Reduce by 30% due to excessive shading Horse Chestnut (T3) Reduce by 30% due to excessive shading Withdrawn 0
6/2021/2654/TPO Reduce 1 x Ash tree (T1) and 2 x Horse Chestnut trees (T2, T3) by 30% covered by a TPO Granted 0
6/2020/1974/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension Granted 0
6/2020/1794/PN8 Flat roofed single storey rear extension Prior Approval Refused 0
6/2020/1305/PN8 Prior approval for the erection of a single storey rear extension measuring 8 metres in depth, 2.8 metres in height and 2.8 metres to the eaves Refused 0
6/2019/3148/HOUSE Erection of a part single, part two storey side and rear extension, creation of a basement and the construction of a front dormer and the enlargement of an existing rear dormer Refused 0
642 (2017) for the continued amenity of the area following a review of the landscape. 0
6/2018/0389/HOUSE Alterations to roof including installation of 3 x front dormer windows and enlargement of rear dormer. Granted 0
6/2017/0616/HOUSE Erection of two storey and part single storey side extension with the installation of 2 front and 1 rear dormer window, following the demolition of existing garage. Refused 0
6/2016/2398/PN8 Prior approval for the erection of a flat roofed single storey rear extension measuring 8m. in depth, 3m. in height and 3m. to the eaves Prior Approval Required and Granted 0
6/2015/2013/LAWE Certificate of Lawfulness for existing side and rear extension with front infill Refused 0
N6/2015/1456/LAWE Certificate of lawfulness for existing side and rear extension with front infill Withdrawn 0
N6/2014/0840/LUP Certificate of lawfulness for loft conversion with altered roof, side and rear single storey extensions, new porch and new front hardstanding. Refused 0
N6/2014/0313/LUP Certificate of lawfulness for loft conversion with altered roof, side and rear single storey extensions, new porch and new front hardstanding. Refused 0
N6/2013/1952/FP Erection of a 4 bed detached dwelling following demolition of existing bungalow Refused 0
N6/2013/0605/FP Erection of side and rear single storey extensions and increase to ridge height Granted 0
N6/2012/2507/FP Erection of side extension and alterations to roof incorporating 1 dormer window and 3 roof lights Refused 0
N6/2012/2521/FP Erection of side extension and alterations to roof incorporating 4 dormer windows and 1 roof light Refused 0
N6/1998/1093/FP Single storey side extension Granted 0
N6/1998/0864/FP Erection of a single storey rear extension Withdrawn 0
N6/1995/0380/TP Reduce size of 4 No. Cypress Fir trees, 1 No. Wild Cherry and 1 No. Walnut tree covered by TPO 24 (Area 3) Withdrawn 0
N6/1993/0580/FP Demolition of existing garage and erection of side and rear extension with pitched roof over Granted 0
N6/1987/0259/FP Erection of detached garage Granted 0
N6/1983/0248/ Extensions and alterations Granted 0
N6/1981/0507/ Garage Granted 0
24 (1976) For the continued amenity of the land. 0

There are no NMAs associated with this application