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Planning Application: N6/1977/0246/CC
Decided - Granted
Mids Herts College, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City
External fire escape from youth wing
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Application Number | Proposal | Decision | Distance |
6/2023/2381/EMT | T1 - Mophead Robina and T2 - Ornamental Malus to reduce crown by 25-30% (approximately 5-6ft) in front garden as trees are overgrown | Granted | 1 |
6/2023/2390/TC | Ornamental Malus and Mophead Robina to reduce crown by 25-30% (approximately 5-6ft) in front garden | No Objection | 1 |
6/2023/2348/TPO | T1 and T2 - 2 x Hornbeams to fell to ground level as leaning over the footpath and Digswell road (TPO 724 W1) | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/2148/TC | Removal and replacement of False Acacia tree for like for like | No Objection | 1 |
6/2023/1521/TC | 1 x Oak to reduce tree skirt by 2m above the roof of the building to prevent damage to the trees | No Objection | 0 |
6/2023/0026/HOUSE | Erection of part single storey and part two storey rear extension, single storey side extension, Velux loft conversion, alterations to openings, patio area with balustrading and addition of solar panels to existing and proposed roofs | Granted | 1 |
6/2023/0028/EM | Erection of part single storey and part two storey rear extension, single storey side extension, Velux loft conversion, alterations to openings, patio area with balustrading and addition of solar panels to existing and proposed roofs | Granted | 1 |
6/2023/0034/FULL | Enabling development comprising the demolition of all existing buildings and structures, site clearance and all associated works in order to facilitate the site's redevelopment (subject to planning application 6/2022/2801/MAJ). | 0 | |
6/2022/2705/EMT | Crown reduce by 30% 1 x Hawthorn and 1 x Elder to remove storm damage branches and promote new healthy growth | Granted | 1 |
6/2022/2801/MAJ | Demolition of all existing buildings and structures followed by the erection of five buildings to provide 313 residential units (Use Class C3); car and cycle parking, cycle and refuse storage, hard and soft landscaping, external lighting, drainage, infrastructure and all associated works | 0 | |
6/2022/2641/TC | T1 Hawthorn Tree (X2 on plan) and T2 Elder Tree (X1 on plan) at rear of back garden require crown reduction of 30% to remove storm damage branches | No Objection | 1 |
6/2022/2468/HOUSE | Part single storey and part two storey rear extension, single storey side extension, Velux loft conversion, alterations to openings, patio area with balustrading and addition of solar panels to existing and proposed roofs. | Refused | 1 |
6/2022/2450/EM | Part single storey and part two storey rear extension, single storey side extension, Velux loft conversion, alterations to openings, patio area with balustrading and addition of solar panels to existing and proposed roofs. | Refused | 1 |
6/2022/2254/EM | Erection of a single storey front extension | Granted | 1 |
6/2022/2224/HOUSE | Erection of proposed front extension | Granted | 1 |
6/2022/2006/TC | T1 & T2 30% crown reduction on Acacia trees in rear garden | No Objection | 1 |
6/2022/2009/EMT | 30% crown reduction in 2 large trees (Robinia pseudoacacia) in rear garden | Granted | 1 |
6/2022/1577/EM | Replacement of existing gravel shared driveway with block paving | Granted | 1 |
6/2022/1562/EM | Proposal to block pave & widen the existing driveway to incorporate an existing footpath and area of lawn. | Granted | 1 |
6/2022/1121/EM | Installation of solar panels on to rear roof slope | Granted | 1 |
6/2022/1105/EIA | Request for screening opinion | Determined | 0 |
6/2021/2708/TPO | Reduce 1 x English Oak tree (T1009) by up to 4m and remove deadwood over 25mm in diameter Remove deadwood on 3 x Sessile Oak trees (T1019, T1020, T1025) Fell 1 x Ash tree (T1024) Remove all deadwood on 7 x English Oak trees (T1054, T1063, T1067, T1068, T1072, T1077, T1078) Prune 1 x Hornbeam tree (T1101) to give 2m clearance to roof line Fell 1 x Hornbeam tree (T1106) Reduce 1 x English Oak tree (T1109) by 2m Crown lift 1 x Hornbeam tree (T1093) Crown lift 1 x Laurel, prunus laureocerassus, Holly Ilex aquifolium saplings, Hornbeam Carpinus saplings and Oak saplings (T1081) covered by TPO | Granted | 0 |
6/2021/0982/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of a conservatory on rear elevation | Granted | 0 |
6/2021/1327/HOUSE | Erection of a front extension, porch extension and alterations to rear bay and windows | Granted | 1 |
6/2021/1319/EM | Single storey front extension, new porch and alterations to rear window and bay | Granted | 1 |
6/2021/1059/TC | Fell 1x dead hornbeam tree | No Objection | 0 |
6/2021/0677/TC | Fell 1 x Leylandii tree in College property covered by conservation area | No Objection | 1 |
6/2021/0731/EMT | Fell 1 x Leylandii tree on College property at rear of garden | Withdrawn | 1 |
6/2021/0587/ADV | Installation of freestanding information board | Granted | 0 |
6/2020/1632/FULL | Demolition of the existing masonry walls, entrance doors to the individual garages including the brickwork gable ends to create surface parking spaces | Granted | 0 |
6/2020/0383/TC | Fell 1x Elder tree | No Objection | 1 |
6/2020/0613/EMT | Fell 1x Elder tree | Granted | 1 |
6/2020/0358/EM | Fell 1x Ash Tree | Granted | 1 |
6/2020/0369/TC | Fell 1x Ash Tree | No Objection | 1 |
6/2019/2818/EM | Reduce 1x Ash tree by 33% | Granted | 1 |
6/2019/2821/TC | Reduce 1x Ash tree by 33% | No Objection | 1 |
6/2019/2404/EM | Replacement and enlargement of driveway | Granted | 1 |
6/2019/2172/EM | Replacement and enlargement of driveway | Granted | 1 |
6/2019/1858/EM | Alterations to fenestration | Granted | 1 |
6/2018/2479/TPO | Various tree works as per schedule covered by conservation area | No Objection | 0 |
6/2018/1430/FULL | Replacement of existing doors in blocks E, F, G, H and J | Granted | 0 |
6/2018/1563/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (tree protection) on planning permission 6/2016/2231/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2018/1135/TPO | Fell 1 x Elder tree and 1 x Hornbeam tree and reduce 1 x Hornbeam tree by approx. 3 m covered by TPO 724 (2018) | No Objection | 0 |
6/2017/1309/COND | Submission of details reserved by condition 3 (tree protection measures), on planning permission 6/2016/2231/FULL | Granted | |
6/2017/0936/EM | Crown reduce Silver Birch tree (T1) and Horse Chestnut tree (T2) by upto 40% plus removal of Horse Chestnut (T3) | Granted | |
6/2017/0200/ADV | Installation of 32 x non-illuminated square metal signs measuring 15cm x 15cm at various locations in Welwyn Garden City | Granted | |
6/2016/1845/TPO | Reduce 2 Robinia trees on the side of the rear garden by 30% and removal of lower level branches - Conservation Area | Granted | 1 |
6/2016/0114/HOUSE | To rebuild an existing brick and timber, pitched roof shed. | Granted | 1 |
N6/2015/0530/DS | Approval of details reserved by condition 8 (surface water drainage) and condition 12 (travel plan) on planning permission N6/2013/2377/MA | Granted | |
N6/2014/2321/NM | Non material amendment following approval of planning permission N6/2013/2377/MA - Substitution of Copper cladding for an alternative material and omission of louvres | ||
N6/2014/0767/DS | Approval of details reserved by conditions 3 (trees), 5 (hard and soft landscaping), 6 (construction management plan) and 7 (sustainability) of planning permission N6/2013/2377/MA | Granted | |
N6/2013/2377/MA | Erection of two storey front extension to create a new learning resource centre, single storey front extension to create a new engineering resource centre, addition of doors to student lounge, along with associated landscaping and changes to access and parking arrangements | Granted | |
N6/2012/2556/FP | Demolition of existing garage and erection of garage and single storey rear conservatory | Granted | 1 |
N6/2012/2559/FP | Demolition and rebuild of existing garage | Granted | 1 |
W6/2012/1259/EM | Erection of summerhouse | Granted | |
N6/2010/2005/FP | Formation of four storey lift tower | Granted | |
N6/2010/1624/FP | Erection of four storey lift tower with passenger lift and glazed link to existing B Block building | Granted | |
N6/2001/1605/FP | SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION | Granted | 1 |
N6/2001/1247/FP | SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION | Granted | 1 |
There are no NMAs associated with this application