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Planning Application: N6/1977/0539/


Decided - Granted

13 Roundwood Drive, Welwyn Garden City

Ground floor rear extension


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Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2023/2323/EMT 1 x Silver Birch to fell in front garden as tree is dying Granted 0
6/2023/2325/TC 1 x Silver Birch to fell in front garden as tree is dying No Objection 0
6/2023/1739/TC To fell, remove deadwood, pollard, crown lift and reduce mixed species of trees that run along Ayot Greenway from rear of 76 Brockswood Lane to rear of 8 Scholars Mews - Tree nos 3513 to 4624 - Tree nos 4853, 4878, 4882, 4887 to 4888 No Objection 0
6/2022/0591/EM Erection of Western Red Cedar-framed greenhouse adjacent to high existing close-boarded timber fence on the boundary with No.11. Granted 0
6/2021/2437/EMT Reduce 3 x Leylandii trees (T16, T17 and T23) by 30%, cut back lower branches to 1 x Beech tree (T14), and crown lift 2 x Hornbeam trees (T13 and T19) by 2m Granted 0
6/2020/2946/EM Replacement garage door Granted 0
6/2019/0048/EM Reduce crown of 2 x Oak trees by 30% Granted 0
6/2018/2905/TPO Reduce 2 x Oak trees by 30%-conservation area No Objection
6/2018/0935/TPO Crown reduction of 1 x Oak tree by 25% - Conservation area No Objection 0
6/2018/0671/EM Replacement of front door. Granted 0
W6/2011/1022/EM Erection of a timber garden room Granted
N6/2011/0360/FP Insertion of dormer to rear elevation. Increase in height of existing dormers, flat roof extensions and porch. Extension to existing hardstanding in front garden and existing vehicular cross over Granted
W6/2011/0361/EM Insertion of dormer to rear elevation. Increase in height of existing dormers, flat roof extensions and porch. Extension to existing hardstanding in front garden and existing vehicular cross over Granted

There are no NMAs associated with this application