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Planning Application: 6/2024/2031/EM


Decided - Granted

Mr James Homer

18 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ET

Proposed new front door (white) as the lock is not working. The new door (black) is half glass meaning the hall will be warmer



  • Handside

  • Councillor Gemma Moore
  • Councillor Michal Siewniak
  • Councillor Anthony Skottowe


Heather Drummond Kenny

Heather Drummond Kenny

18 Rooks Hill, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6ET

18 Rooks Hill, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6ET
Description Distance
Conservation Area 0.00
Sand and Gravel Minerals Safeguarding Area 0.00
Estate Management WGC 0.00
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00
Sand and Gravel Belt 0.00
Great Crested Newts DLL Risk Zones 0.00



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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
EstateManagementConsentNoPersonalDataForm.pdf (50 kb) Estate Management Consent form 21/10/2024
Location Plan
location plan 18 rooks.pdf (379 kb) location plan 23/10/2024
Decision Notice PDF
Decision Notice_620242031EM.pdf (1187 kb) Decision Notice 28/11/2024
Officer Report PDF
Delegated Report_620242031EM.pdf (64 kb) Delegated Report 28/11/2024
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Anthony Skottowe 25/10/2024 15/11/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Anthony Skottowe 28/11/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Gemma Moore 28/11/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Gemma Moore 25/10/2024 15/11/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Michal Siewniak 25/10/2024 15/11/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Michal Siewniak 28/11/2024
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
16 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ET 25/10/2024 15/11/2024
20 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ET 25/10/2024 15/11/2024
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2025/0258/TC The tree to be felled is in the south-west corner of the garden and is considered to be dead and a danger if it fell, to both this property and the neighbours. Labelled as 'UNKN 8m (DEAD)' on drawing 3698 PL01B.pdf No Objection 0
6/2025/0108/TC Ash tree in the south-west corner of the garden Considered to be dead and a dangerous to both this property and the neighbours Labelled 'Ash 10m' on drawing 3698 PL01A.pdf Refused 0
6/2024/2065/HOUSE Erection of first floor rear extension, enlargement of garage and roof height increase, single storey extension to rear of garage and changes to fenestration. Granted 0
6/2023/2110/COND Submission of details pursuant to Condition 13 (verification report) on planning permission 6/2021/2260/FULL Granted 0
6/2023/0708/PN14 Demolition of the existing structures as part of site redevelopment to include installation of EV charging, and upgrade to shop facilities and fuel infrastructure Prior Approval Required and Refused 0
6/2022/2355/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 7 (A off site highway improvement works and B approved plans) on planning permission 6/2021/2260/FULL 0
6/2022/2220/COND Submission of details pursuant to conditions 1 (Construction Management Plan), 2 (Detailed surface Water Drainage Scheme), 5 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 11 (Noise Impact Assessment) and 17 (Surface Water Strategy Report) on planning permission 6/2021/2260/FULL Granted 0
6/2022/1749/COND Submission of details pursuant to conditions number 3 (remediation strategy), 4 (monitoring and maintenance plan), 6 (material samples), 10 (external lighting), 13 (remediation verification report), 14 (unexpected contamination), 15 (borehole installation scheme) and 16 (intrusive groundwork consent), on planning permission 6/2021/2260/FULL Granted 0
6/2021/2260/FULL Redevelopment of petrol station; including demolition of existing sales building, canopy link and car wash/jet washes, erection of a new sales building, provision of car parking spaces, provision of EV charging bays and associated plant, erection of a new bin store, retention of forecourt and canopy, and associated works Granted 1
6/2021/1771/EM Garage conversion and erection of first floor extension. Refused 0
6/2021/1631/TC Lawson Cypress - fell No Objection 0
6/2021/1639/EMT Lawson Cypress - fell Granted 0
6/2021/0980/TC Lawson Cypress to reduce by 6m height Hawthorn hedge behind Lawson Cypress to reduce height by approximately 3.5m No Objection 0
6/2021/0986/EMT Lawson Cypress to reduce by 6m height  Hawthorn hedge behind Lawson Cypress to reduce height by approximately 3.5m Granted 0
6/2021/0837/EMH Replace existing shed with a Summer house Granted 0
6/2015/1729/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for proposed development of single storey rear extension Granted 0
N6/2015/1171/LUP Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of a single storey rear extension Refused 0
C6/1987/7040/AD One illuminated gantry sign and two illuminated signs on a proposed shop building Granted 1
C6/1988/7054/AD Illuminated faascia sign Granted 1
C6/1988/0452/FP Variation of condition 3 to Planning Permission Ref. No. C6/0591/87/FP to allow the car wash to operate between the period 0600 to 2300 hours Refused 1
C6/1988/0453/FP Variation of condition 2 to Planning Permission Ref. No. C6/0595/87/FP to allow the petrol filling station and convenience store to open between 0600 to 2300 hours Refused 1
N6/2014/0694/FP Retention of a free standing Automated Teller Machine and bollards Granted 1
N6/2014/0695/AD Retention of illumninated signage in relation to Automated Teller Machine Granted 1
N6/2012/1299/AD Installation of illuminated and non-illuminated signage (re-branding of existing Total signage) Granted 0
W6/1997/5373/EM Installation of 2 No. roof lights to rear elevation Granted 0
N6/1997/0738/LU Application of Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed development of installation of 2 No. roof lights to rear elevation Prior Approval Not Required 0
N6/1997/0671/FP Erection of an extension to existing petrol filling sales building, change of use to A1 (Retail) purposes, new plant room building, new binstore enclosure, and conversion of jet washes to rollover car wash facilities Granted 1
N6/1997/0452/FP Erection of a single storey extension to existing sales shop. Withdrawn 1
N6/1994/0849/FP Installation of binstores and drying areas Granted 0
N6/1994/0368/AD Erection of canopy fascia edges, building fascia and wash fascia Granted 0
N6/1994/0337/CA Complete demolition and removal of existing garages Granted 0
N6/1994/0338/FP Demolition of existing garages, and erection of 12 No. flats in two blocks, and 11 No. elderly persons bungalows, car parking, landscaping, and alterations to highway Granted 0
N6/1994/0309/AD Erection of 1 No. internally illuminated gantry sign Granted 0
N6/1993/0793/FP Erection of petrol filling station, with shop, forecourt refueling area, forecourt canopy, automatic car wash, No.2 jet washes, tank installation and surfaced areas, alterations to access Granted 1
N6/1993/0791/FP Erection of petrol filling station, canopy, retail convenience shop, car wash, landscaping and ancillary facilities. (Renewal of permission N6/0042/89/FP) Granted 0
W6/1993/5029/EM Installation of two rear velux windows Granted 0
W6/1992/5298/EM Installation of velux roof light in rear roof slope Granted 0
N6/1991/0329/FP Single storey rear extension Granted 0
N6/1991/0321/FP Erection of a new petrol filling station, convenience store, car wash and ancillary facilities Withdrawn 0
N6/1991/0322/FP Erection of a new petrol filling station, convenience store, car wash and ancillary facilities (duplicate application) Withdrawn 0
W6/1991/5129/EM Single storey rear extension Granted 0
W6/1991/5013/EM Installation of dormer window to rear Granted 0
W6/1991/5014/EM Loft conversion and rear dormer window Granted 0
N6/1990/0256/FP Siting of Portakabin Withdrawn 1
N6/1989/0450/FP Variation of Condition 7 of Planning Permission Ref. No. N6/042/89/FP to permit operation of the shop and car wash only between 0600 and 2300 and the sale of petrol at any time Granted 1
N6/1989/0377/FP Variation of condition 7 of Planning Permission Ref. No. N6/042/89/FP to permit operation of the site only between the hours of 0600 and 2300 on any day Granted 0
N6/1989/0042/FP Erection of a petrol filling station, canopy, retail convenience shop, car wash, landscaping and ancillary facilities Granted 1
C6/1987/0588/CA Demolition of existing building Granted 1
C6/1987/0589/OP Erection of petrol filling station with store, canopy car wash & restaurant with takeaway facilities, & associated access roads & car parking (App rec July, 1987) Refused 1
C6/1987/0590/OP Erection of petrol filling station with store, canopy,car wash & restaurant with takeaway facilities, & assoc. access rds with car parking (App. rec. July, 1987) Refused 1
C6/1987/0591/FP Erection of car wash and associated access roads with car parking. (Application received July, 1987) Granted 1
C6/1987/0592/FP Erection of petrol filling station with convenience store, canopy, and associated access roads with car parking (Application received July, 1987). Granted 0
C6/1985/0050/ Amendment to forecourt layout and resiting pumps and new canopy Granted 1
N6/1978/0410/ Ground floor rear extension Granted 0
N6/1977/0086/ Alterations to forecourt and access to provide new parking area Granted 1

There are no NMAs associated with this application