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Planning Application: N6/1994/0338/FP
Decided - Granted
Case Officer
Land off, Stanborough Close and Stanborough Road, Welwyn Garden City
Demolition of existing garages, and erection of 12 No. flats in two blocks, and 11 No. elderly persons bungalows, car parking, landscaping, and alterations to highway
Vincent & Gorbing Assoc., Stirling Court,
Paddington Churches Housing Associatio
Norton Road
Oaklands House
Common Lane
There are no constraints associated with this application
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Select All | File | Description | Date Uploaded |
Decision Notice PDF | |||
81825.pdf (203 kb) | Decision Notice | 03/11/2005 | |
Amended Plans | |||
DC 1994 V9 2nd Oct 06 Import.PDF (325 kb) | DC 1994 V9 2nd Oct 06 Import (DMS Info Document: 267089 Page No(s).: 1,2,3) | 16/01/2007 | |
DC 1994 V9 2nd Oct 06 Import.PDF (142 kb) | DC 1994 V9 2nd Oct 06 Import (DMS Info Document: 267090 Page No(s).: 1) | 16/01/2007 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (87 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89237 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (242 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89238 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (230 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89239 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (206 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89240 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (194 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89241 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (135 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89242 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (147 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89243 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (207 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89244 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (86 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89245 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (86 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89246 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (75 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89247 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (266 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89248 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (199 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89249 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (204 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89250 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 | |
Application--Drawings.PDF (251 kb) | Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 89251 Page No(s).: 1) | 03/11/2005 |
Organisation | Name | Sent | Reply Due | Reply Received |
EDF Energy (Potters Bar) | EDF Energy (Potters Bar) | 01/01/1994 | ||
Hertfordshire County Council | Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy | 01/01/1994 | ||
Environment Agency | Natasha Smith | 01/01/1994 | ||
Thames Water, Development Control | Nicky McHugh | 01/01/1994 |
There are no neighbours associated with this application
Application Number | Proposal | Decision | Distance |
6/2024/2065/HOUSE | Erection of first floor rear extension, enlargement of garage and roof height increase, single storey extension to rear of garage and changes to fenestration. | Granted | 0 |
6/2024/2031/EM | Proposed new front door (white) as the lock is not working. The new door (black) is half glass meaning the hall will be warmer | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/2110/COND | Submission of details pursuant to Condition 13 (verification report) on planning permission 6/2021/2260/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/0708/PN14 | Demolition of the existing structures as part of site redevelopment to include installation of EV charging, and upgrade to shop facilities and fuel infrastructure | Prior Approval Required and Refused | 0 |
6/2022/2355/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 7 (A off site highway improvement works and B approved plans) on planning permission 6/2021/2260/FULL | 0 | |
6/2022/2220/COND | Submission of details pursuant to conditions 1 (Construction Management Plan), 2 (Detailed surface Water Drainage Scheme), 5 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 11 (Noise Impact Assessment) and 17 (Surface Water Strategy Report) on planning permission 6/2021/2260/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2022/1649/EM | Installation of three rear rooflights to facilitate the conversion of the loft to habitable space | Granted | 0 |
6/2022/1749/COND | Submission of details pursuant to conditions number 3 (remediation strategy), 4 (monitoring and maintenance plan), 6 (material samples), 10 (external lighting), 13 (remediation verification report), 14 (unexpected contamination), 15 (borehole installation scheme) and 16 (intrusive groundwork consent), on planning permission 6/2021/2260/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2022/1657/HOUSE | Installation of three rear rooflights to facilitate the conversion of the loft to habitable space | Granted | 0 |
6/2022/1057/EM | Installation of hardstanding in front garden | Granted | 0 |
6/2022/0699/EMH | Loft conversion with rear facing dormers | Withdrawn | 0 |
6/2022/0544/EM | Erection of two rear roof dormers | Withdrawn | 0 |
6/2022/0529/HOUSE | Construction of two rear dormers to facilitate the conversion of the loft to habitable space | Refused | 0 |
6/2021/2510/TC | 1 x Cherry to reduce by 1.2m height & width and lift to 2.5m, 1 x Portugal Laurel to reduce by 0.5m height and reduce width 1m and balance crown | No Objection | 0 |
6/2021/2520/EMT | 1 x Cherry to reduce by 1.2m height & width and lift to 2.5m, 1 x Portugal Laurel to reduce by 0.5m height and reduce width 1m and balance crown | Granted | 0 |
6/2021/2260/FULL | Redevelopment of petrol station; including demolition of existing sales building, canopy link and car wash/jet washes, erection of a new sales building, provision of car parking spaces, provision of EV charging bays and associated plant, erection of a new bin store, retention of forecourt and canopy, and associated works | Granted | 0 |
6/2021/2051/EM | Loft conversion | Refused | 0 |
6/2021/1643/HOUSE | Construction of 2 x rear dormers and 2 x front roof lights to facilitate the conversion of the loft to a habitable space | Refused | 0 |
6/2021/1771/EM | Garage conversion and erection of first floor extension. | Refused | 0 |
6/2021/1631/TC | Lawson Cypress - fell | No Objection | 0 |
6/2021/1639/EMT | Lawson Cypress - fell | Granted | 0 |
6/2021/0980/TC | Lawson Cypress to reduce by 6m height Hawthorn hedge behind Lawson Cypress to reduce height by approximately 3.5m | No Objection | 0 |
6/2021/0986/EMT | Lawson Cypress to reduce by 6m height Hawthorn hedge behind Lawson Cypress to reduce height by approximately 3.5m | Granted | 0 |
6/2021/0837/EMH | Replace existing shed with a Summer house | Granted | 0 |
6/2020/2611/EMT | Reduce 3x Lombarady Poplar by 50% and sever ivy at the base, reduce Large Tilia Europaea group by 6m and sever ivy at base and fell Dead Silver Birch to low stumps | Granted | 0 |
6/2020/2385/HOUSE | Erection of a single story rear extension | Granted | 0 |
6/2020/2063/HOUSE | Erection of a single story rear extension | Withdrawn | 0 |
6/2020/2037/TC | 3x Populus Italica (Lombardy Poplar) to rear of 14 & 16 Rooks Hill - reduce by 50% Sever Ivy at base Large Tilia x europaea (Lime) group on boundary of 14 Rooks Hill - reduce by 6 metres Sever Ivy at base Dead Betula Pendula (Silver Birch) group to rear of 14 Rooks Hill - fell to low stumps | No Objection | 0 |
6/2019/2874/TC | Fell 1 x Fir tree | No Objection | 0 |
6/2019/2063/TC | Pollard x 4 lime trees by 4-5m | No Objection | 0 |
6/2019/1577/TC | Fell 2 x Lombardi poplar trees (Dead and dangerous) | No Objection | 0 |
6/2019/1486/EM | Fell 2 x Poplar trees | Withdrawn | 0 |
6/2019/1384/TPO | Re-Pollard G1 2x Lime Trees Covered by TPO 902(2018) | Granted | 0 |
6/2019/1385/TPO | Re-Pollard G2 4x Lime Trees Covered by TPO 902(2018) | Granted | 0 |
6/2018/2206/TPO | Fell 6x Lime trees (G1) | Refused | 0 |
6/2018/2393/TPO | Fell 6x Lime Trees (G1) -Conservation area | Refused | 0 |
6/2018/2400/EM | Fell 6x Lime trees (G1) | Refused | 0 |
6/2018/2401/EM | Fell 6x Lime Trees (G1) | Refused | 0 |
6/2018/1715/EM | Erection of single storey rear extension | Granted | |
6/2018/1520/HOUSE | Erection of single storey rear extension | Granted | |
6/2018/1267/VAR | Variation of condition 10 (tenancy restriction) on planning permission N6/1994/0338/FP | Withdrawn | 0 |
6/2018/0984/EM | Erection of single storey rear extension | Withdrawn | |
6/2018/0881/EM | Formation of front hardstanding and removal of part of side hedge as well as the erection of a graduated retaining wall | Granted | |
6/2018/0947/HOUSE | Erection of single storey rear extension | Withdrawn | |
6/2017/2729/HOUSE | Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing outbuilding | Granted | |
6/2017/2736/EM | Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing outbuilding | Granted | 0 |
6/2017/2294/VAR | Variation of condition 10 (tenancy restriction) on planning permission N6/1994/0338/FP, dated 29/09/1994 | Withdrawn | 0 |
N6/2015/1171/LUP | Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of a single storey rear extension | Refused |
There are no NMAs associated with this application