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Planning Application: N6/1994/0309/AD
Decided - Granted
Former Stadium Garage, Stanborough Road, Welwyn Garden City
Erection of 1 No. internally illuminated gantry sign
305 Management Services, The Courtyard,
Margram PLC, Suite 15e,
Gay Lane
Challenge House
There are no constraints associated with this application
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Organisation | Name | Sent | Reply Due | Reply Received |
Hertfordshire County Council | Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy | 01/01/1994 |
There are no neighbours associated with this application
Application Number | Proposal | Decision | Distance |
6/2025/0258/TC | The tree to be felled is in the south-west corner of the garden and is considered to be dead and a danger if it fell, to both this property and the neighbours. Labelled as 'UNKN 8m (DEAD)' on drawing 3698 PL01B.pdf | No Objection | 0 |
6/2025/0108/TC | Ash tree in the south-west corner of the garden Considered to be dead and a dangerous to both this property and the neighbours Labelled 'Ash 10m' on drawing 3698 PL01A.pdf | Refused | 0 |
6/2024/2065/HOUSE | Erection of first floor rear extension, enlargement of garage and roof height increase, single storey extension to rear of garage and changes to fenestration. | Granted | 0 |
6/2024/2031/EM | Proposed new front door (white) as the lock is not working. The new door (black) is half glass meaning the hall will be warmer | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/2110/COND | Submission of details pursuant to Condition 13 (verification report) on planning permission 6/2021/2260/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/1726/FULL | Replacement of existing timber double glazed windows with UPVC double glazing | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/1725/EM | Replacement of existing timber double glazed windows with UPVC double glazing | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/0708/PN14 | Demolition of the existing structures as part of site redevelopment to include installation of EV charging, and upgrade to shop facilities and fuel infrastructure | Prior Approval Required and Refused | 0 |
6/2022/2355/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 7 (A off site highway improvement works and B approved plans) on planning permission 6/2021/2260/FULL | 0 | |
6/2022/2220/COND | Submission of details pursuant to conditions 1 (Construction Management Plan), 2 (Detailed surface Water Drainage Scheme), 5 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 11 (Noise Impact Assessment) and 17 (Surface Water Strategy Report) on planning permission 6/2021/2260/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2022/1749/COND | Submission of details pursuant to conditions number 3 (remediation strategy), 4 (monitoring and maintenance plan), 6 (material samples), 10 (external lighting), 13 (remediation verification report), 14 (unexpected contamination), 15 (borehole installation scheme) and 16 (intrusive groundwork consent), on planning permission 6/2021/2260/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2021/2260/FULL | Redevelopment of petrol station; including demolition of existing sales building, canopy link and car wash/jet washes, erection of a new sales building, provision of car parking spaces, provision of EV charging bays and associated plant, erection of a new bin store, retention of forecourt and canopy, and associated works | Granted | 0 |
6/2021/1771/EM | Garage conversion and erection of first floor extension. | Refused | 0 |
6/2021/1631/TC | Lawson Cypress - fell | No Objection | 0 |
6/2021/1639/EMT | Lawson Cypress - fell | Granted | 0 |
6/2021/0980/TC | Lawson Cypress to reduce by 6m height Hawthorn hedge behind Lawson Cypress to reduce height by approximately 3.5m | No Objection | 0 |
6/2021/0986/EMT | Lawson Cypress to reduce by 6m height Hawthorn hedge behind Lawson Cypress to reduce height by approximately 3.5m | Granted | 0 |
6/2021/0837/EMH | Replace existing shed with a Summer house | Granted | 0 |
6/2018/1267/VAR | Variation of condition 10 (tenancy restriction) on planning permission N6/1994/0338/FP | Withdrawn | 0 |
N6/2014/0694/FP | Retention of a free standing Automated Teller Machine and bollards | Granted | |
N6/2014/0695/AD | Retention of illumninated signage in relation to Automated Teller Machine | Granted | |
W6/1995/5117/EM | Installation of bin stores and drying areas | Granted |
There are no NMAs associated with this application