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Planning Application: W6/1993/5345/EM


Decided - Granted

Ymca 90 Peartree Lane Welwyn Garden City AL7 3UL

Extension to YMCA hostel to provide 34 no. bed/sitting rooms, new store, car port and associated car parking




David Sutcliffe

Welwyn Hatfield YMCA Peartree Lane

33 Lemsford Village Herts AL8 7TR

Herts AL7 3UL

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Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2024/2206/COND Submission of details pursuant of condition 17 and 45 (ventilation) on planning permission 6/2019/2714/OUTLINE 0
6/2024/1528/COND Submission of details pursuant of Conditions 7 and 35 (External Lighting) and Conditions 18 and 46 (Electric Vehicle Charging) on planning permission 6/2019/2714/OUTLINE Granted 0
6/2024/0609/COND Submission of details pursuant to the final parts of Condition 3 (Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation) & the final parts of Condition 31(Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation) on planning permission 6/2019/2714/OUTLINE Granted 0
6/2023/2388/COND Submission of details pursuant to conditions 11 and 39 (Samples of Materials), 13 and 41 (Landscape Plan and Details) on planning permission 6/2019/2714/OUTLINE Part Discharged 0
6/2023/0013/COND Submission of details pursuant of conditions 5 (Drainage Scheme), 29 (Drainage Strategy) and 33 (Final Design of Drainage Scheme) on planning permission 6/2019/2714/OUTLINE Granted 0
6/2022/2887/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition numbers 3 (Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation), 10 (Construction Management Plan), 25 (Construction Management Plan), 31 (Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation), 38 (Construction Management Plan), and 53 (Construction Management Plan) on planning permission 6/2019/2714/OUTLINE Part Discharged 0
6/2022/2797/FULL Erection of electricity substation Withdrawn 0
6/2019/2714/OUTLINE Outline planning application for a hybrid application for demolition of existing hostel, development of a four storey 100 bed YMCA Hostel (All details submitted for determination) and up to 43 residential apartments (All details retained for future determination as reserved matters, except means of access) with associated car parking and landscaping. Granted 0
6/2018/3082/ADV Installation of 19 flat metal plate signs mounted by clamps to HCC lamp standards 15cm x 15cm Granted

There are no NMAs associated with this application