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Planning Application: N6/1990/0631/FP


Decided - Granted

The Cherry Tree Public House 10 Bridge Road Welwyn Garden City

Erection of new retail shop (Use Class A1), with ancillary offices, storage and staff amenity area, together with servicing area and car parking, following partial demolition of existing building

  • Handside

  • Councillor Gemma Moore
  • Councillor Michal Siewniak
  • Councillor Anthony Skottowe


Chief Accountant John Lewis PLC

Waitrose Ltd

171 Victoria Street

171 Victoria Street SWIE 5NN

There are no constraints associated with this application

Approval Subject to s106


If any documents do not appear to be shown below, please email including the case number. We will endeavour to publish any missing items within 10 working days.

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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Legal Agreement
16195.pdf (548 kb) Application--Legal Agreement (DMS Info Document: 16195 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) 26/10/2005
00028322.pdf (548 kb) Legal Agreement 26/10/2005
Officer Report
16197.pdf (69 kb) (DMS Info Document: 16197 Page No(s).: 1,2) 26/10/2005
16228.pdf (190 kb) Application--Officer Report (DMS Info Document: 16228 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4) 26/10/2005
00028380.pdf (190 kb) Officer Report 26/10/2005
Amended Plans
Application--Drawings.PDF (241 kb) Site plan 27/10/2005
Application--Drawings.PDF (182 kb) Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 63393 Page No(s).: 1) 28/10/2005
Application--Drawings.PDF (173 kb) Ground Floor Plan 28/10/2005
Application--Drawings.PDF (190 kb) First Floor plan 28/10/2005
Application--Drawings.PDF (316 kb) Application--Drawings (DMS Info Document: 63408 Page No(s).: 1) 28/10/2005
Decision Notice
16190.pdf (164 kb) (DMS Info Document: 16190 Page No(s).: 1,2) 26/10/2005
00028296.pdf (164 kb) Decision Notice 26/10/2005
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Environment Agency Natasha Smith 01/01/1990
Thames Water, Development Control Nicky McHugh 01/01/1990
B.E.A.M.S Rob Uff 01/01/1990

There are no neighbours associated with this application

Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2023/0034/FULL Enabling development comprising the demolition of all existing buildings and structures, site clearance and all associated works in order to facilitate the site's redevelopment (subject to planning application 6/2022/2801/MAJ). 0
6/2022/2801/MAJ Demolition of all existing buildings and structures followed by the erection of five buildings to provide 313 residential units (Use Class C3); car and cycle parking, cycle and refuse storage, hard and soft landscaping, external lighting, drainage, infrastructure and all associated works 0
6/2022/1105/EIA Request for screening opinion Determined 0
6/2022/0617/FULL Installation of 2 Air Source Heat Pumps (revision to approved scheme 6/2021/1789/FULL). Granted 0
6/2021/1789/FULL Installation of 2 x air source heat pumps Granted 0
6/2020/1632/FULL Demolition of the existing masonry walls, entrance doors to the individual garages including the brickwork gable ends to create surface parking spaces Granted 0
6/2018/3082/ADV Installation of 19 flat metal plate signs mounted by clamps to HCC lamp standards 15cm x 15cm Granted
6/2018/2972/TPO G1 Shelter belt of mixed species trees crown raise first line of trees where trees encroach on parking spaces to 2-3 meters -Conservation Area No Objection 0
6/2018/1341/ADV Installation of 43 x signs including 6x panel signs, 3x DFT signs, replacing 28x existing panel signs and replacing 1 panel sign with an illuminated fascia at car park entrance. Following removal of 5x existing panel signs Granted 0
6/2018/0348/FULL Installation of two automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras to the car park with associated works. Granted 0
6/2017/2496/VAR Variation of condition 1 (specification of proposed works) and 3 (contract for redevelopment and planning permission granted) on planning permission N6/2015/0293/LB, dated 30/03/2017 Granted
6/2017/0200/ADV Installation of 32 x non-illuminated square metal signs measuring 15cm x 15cm at various locations in Welwyn Garden City Granted
N6/2015/1398/MAJ Installation of external seating and associated works Granted
N6/2014/0998/FP Installation of external horticultural units and relocation of ATM Granted
N6/2013/2708/FP Installation of external horticultural units Withdrawn
N6/2011/2304/FP Installation of free standing ATM pod Granted
N6/2011/1529/AD Installation of wall-mounted display case Granted

There are no NMAs associated with this application