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Planning Application: N6/1990/0281/FP


Decided - Granted

Land at Digswell Rise, Welwyn Garden City, Welwyn Garden City

Site for residential development

  • Sherrards

  • Councillor Jean-Paul Skoczylas
  • Councillor Frank Marsh
  • Councillor Leo Gilbert


McLean Homes North London & Tarmac Homes South

McLean Homes North London & Tarmac Homes South

Hertford, Herts S

Hertford, Herts S

There are no constraints associated with this application

Approval Subject to s106


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Legal Agreement
34204.pdf (398 kb) Legal Agreement 27/10/2005
Decision Notice
34189.pdf (171 kb) Decision Notice 27/10/2005
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Network Rail Ms Amanda Ashton 01/01/1990
Environment Agency Natasha Smith 01/01/1990
Thames Water, Development Control Nicky McHugh 01/01/1990

There are no neighbours associated with this application

Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2025/0081/EMT Remove lower branches from beech trees and fir tree up to max 2.5m that are over-hang a car parking area and neighbouring shed and garden. Reduce height of the fir and beech tree by 20% max 1
6/2024/1789/HOUSE The replacement of all doors and windows with new white U.P.V.C Double glazing keeping to the same style and design of the existing. The retention of a bathroom window installed which will also be replaced Granted 0
6/2024/1836/HOUSE Garage conversion to form a habitable room (study) including replacing garage door with new brickwork and window and proposed infill front porch Granted 0
6/2024/1713/TC Line of six beech trees to reduce height by approximately 3m and lateral branches over the gardens of 2,4 and 6 Blakemere by 2-2.5m. No Objection 1
6/2024/1715/EMT Line of six beech trees to reduce height by approximately 3m and lateral branches over the gardens of 2,4 and 6 Blakemere by 2-2.5m. Granted 1
6/2024/0757/HOUSE Replacement windows and door Refused 0
6/2024/0174/TC 1 x Lime Tree -repollard by 2m back to existing pruning points No Objection 2
6/2024/0175/EMT 1 x Lime to repollard back to existing pruning points (approximately 2m) Granted 2
6/2023/2386/EM Replacement of front door and front bay window as the current ones are over 30 years old.  We wish to improve security and energy efficiency Granted 1
6/2023/2077/EMT To maintain a suitable size for the garden, reduce the following: 1 x Apple - by 2m height and 1.2m width thin canopy by 20% volume 1 x Pear - by 2.5m in height and 1.2m in width 1 x Box elder - by 2m height 1.5m in width Granted 0
6/2023/1799/EMT 30% reduction of Elm tree back to previous reduction point Granted 1
6/2023/1611/HOUSE Erection of a two storey rear extension Granted 0
6/2023/1522/TC 30% reduction of Elm tree back to previous reduction point No Objection 1
6/2023/1162/HOUSE Erection of a two storey rear extension Withdrawn 0
6/2023/0842/EMT Line of Beech trees, rear of 2,4,6 Blakemere Road, WGC reference planning application 6/2023/0309/TC Reduce crown by up to 1.5-2m (or back to boundary) on Eastern side to: 1.minimise the risk of dead/hung up crown debris 2.minimise the risk from existing deadwood within the crowns 3.maintaining the overall crown overhang to an appropriate size/spread 4.improve natural ambient light to the adj property block, specifically Nos 84, 86 & 88 Granted 0
6/2023/0920/TC G2 - Group of Plum to fell - these are in poor condition, poor form and are reaching the end of their lifespan. G3 - Group of Leyland cypress to reduce by 3m in height as they are starting to become too large and dominate the rear corner of the garden No Objection 0
6/2023/0925/EMT G2 - Group of Plum to fell - these are in poor condition, poor form and are reaching the end of their lifespan. G3 - Group of Leyland Cypress to reduce by 3m in height as they are starting to become too large and dominate the rear corner of the garden Granted 0
6/2023/0790/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension Granted 0
6/2023/0788/HOUSE Conversion of garage to form habitable space Granted 0
6/2023/0546/HOUSE Erection of single storey rear extension to replace conservatory, porch infill extension and garage conversion Granted 0
6/2023/0396/EM Replacement of front door Granted 1
6/2023/0309/TC TREE WORKS - MAINTENANCE G1 – Line of beech trees (Originally planted as hedge but been allowed to grow to mature trees through lack of maintenance). Reduce crown by up to 1.5-2m (or back to boundary) on eastern side. Justification for works; 1.minimise the risk of dead/hung up crown debris 2.minimise the risk from existing deadwood within the crowns 3.maintaining the overall crown overhang to an appropriate size/spread 4.improve natural ambient light to the adj property block, specifically Nos 84, 86 & 88.” No Objection 1
6/2023/0274/TC T1 - 1 x Field maple (tree nearest house) to reduce by approximately 3m in height and 3m in width - Grown out reduction, too close to property and to maintain size T2 - 1 x Field maple to reduce by approximately 2m in height and 2m in width. Remove hanging branch. Grown out reduction with thick dense crown. To maintain size G1 - Line of leyland Cypress to reduce to previous pruning points (approximately 4m above ground level) - Outgrown Leyland Cypress hedges to reduce back to a more compact size G1 - 2 x Leyland cypress to reduce to approximately 4m above ground level Outgrown Leyland Cypress hedges to reduce back to a more compact size T3 - 1 x Weeping willow to dismantle in sections to ground level, to grind out stump to approximately 200 below existing ground level. Poor form, heavy lean causing mess and a nuisance to neighbour. No Objection 0
6/2023/0278/EMT T1 - 1 x Field maple (tree nearest house) to reduce by approximately 3m in height and 3m in width  - Grown out reduction, too close to property and to maintain size T2 - 1 x Field maple to reduce by approximately 2m in height and 2m in width. Remove hanging branch. Grown out reduction with thick dense crown. To maintain size G1 - Line of leyland Cypress to reduce to previous pruning points (approximately 4m above ground level) - Outgrown Leyland Cypress hedges to reduce back to a more compact size  G1 - 2 x Leyland cypress to reduce to approximately 4m above ground level Outgrown Leyland Cypress hedges to reduce back to a more compact size  T3 - 1 x Weeping willow to dismantle in sections to ground level, to grind out stump to approximately 200 below existing ground level. Poor form, heavy lean causing mess and a nuisance to neighbour. Granted 0
6/2023/0034/FULL Enabling development comprising the demolition of all existing buildings and structures, site clearance and all associated works in order to facilitate the site's redevelopment (subject to planning application 6/2022/2801/MAJ). 1
6/2022/2801/MAJ Demolition of all existing buildings and structures followed by the erection of five buildings to provide 313 residential units (Use Class C3); car and cycle parking, cycle and refuse storage, hard and soft landscaping, external lighting, drainage, infrastructure and all associated works 1
6/2022/2403/EMT Reduction in crown by 40% of mature beech tree Granted 2
6/2022/2361/TC Beech tree - 40% crown reduction. Branches are becoming entangled with telephone wires. In very strong winds this could well bring down those wires. No Objection 2
6/2022/2373/EMT Beech tree - 40% crown reduction Withdrawn 2
6/2022/1566/HOUSE Erection of single storey rear extension, first floor front extension & loft conversion including raising existing roof height, addition of rear dormer & rooflights to front Refused 0
6/2022/1314/EMT 1 x beech to reduce by approximately 2m height & width. Lift to 3m above ground level. Granted 0
6/2022/1316/TC 1 x Beech to reduce by approximately 2m height & width. Lift to 3m above ground level. No Objection 0
6/2022/1105/EIA Request for screening opinion Determined 0
6/2022/0848/HOUSE Erection of single storey rear extension, conversion of garage into habitable space and alterations to front and side openings. Granted 0
6/2022/0624/HOUSE Erection of rear conservatory Granted 0
6/2021/3351/TC Reduce crown of ash tree by 3-4 metres and reduction of mixed species hedge to previous height No Objection 1
6/2021/3358/EMT T1 - crown reduce ash tree by 3-4m G1 - mixed species hedge reduce back to previous height Granted 1
6/2021/3359/EMT T1 (1 Hornbeam) - to reduce crown by 3-4m. G1 (Mixed species of hedge) - to reduce hedge back to pervious height. Granted 0
6/2021/3350/TC T1 (1 Hornbeam) - to reduce crown by 3-4m G1 (Mixed species of hedge) - to reduce hedge back to pervious height No Objection 0
6/2021/2701/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension Granted 0
6/2021/2704/EM Erection of a single storey rear extension Granted 0
6/2021/2563/EMT Reduce overgrowth on 1 x Beech Hedge back to original hedge height and cut off/prune branches on 1 x Fir tree Granted 1
6/2021/2528/TC Reduce overgrowth on 1 x Beech Hedge back to original hedge height and cut off/prune branches on 1 x Fir tree covered by a conservation area No Objection 1
6/2021/2185/EM Extension of existing driveway Granted 1
6/2021/2021/HOUSE Erection of a front porch infill extension and installation of front window to facilitate garage conversion. Granted 0
6/2021/1656/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension Granted 0
6/2021/1084/HOUSE Erection of single storey side/front extension, loft conversion with 1 x gable end window and insertion of 2 x rear facing roof lights Granted 1
6/2021/1091/EMH Erection of single storey side/front extension, loft conversion with 1 x gable end window and insertion of 2 x rear facing roof lights Granted 1
6/2021/0743/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of a rear extension Refused 0
6/2021/0484/TC Reduce 1 x Beech tree by 3-4m covered by conservation area No Objection 1
6/2021/0495/EMT Reduce crown of Beech Tree by 3-4m Granted 1
6/2021/0111/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension Granted 0
6/2020/3286/EMT Reduction 40% of mature copper beach tree Granted 2
6/2020/3114/TC Reduction 40% of mature copper beech tree No Objection 2
6/2020/3054/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of a single storey rear extension Refused 0
6/2020/2816/HOUSE Erection of single storey rear extension and partial garage conversion including alterations to fenestration Granted 0
6/2020/2809/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory and alterations to fenestration Granted 0
6/2020/1661/TC Reduce 1 x Plane tree by 50% No Objection 2
6/2020/1669/EMT Reduce 1 x Oak 4-5m height & 4m width Reduce 1 x Yew by 3m Granted 0
6/2020/1577/HOUSE Erection of front porch extension, with installation of new front door and side windows Granted 0
6/2020/0822/EM Formation of hardstanding following demolition of carport, erection of rear outbuilding and alterations to fascia wall Granted 0
6/2020/0704/TC Reduce 1 x Oak [T1] by 30% Reduce 1 x Yew Tree [T2] by 30% No Objection 0
6/2020/0304/HOUSE Alterations to the front and rear elevations to include new windows within the front roof slope and rear dormer and raising the roof height Not determined as appeal against non-determination 0
6/2019/2390/EM Reduce 1x Ash tree by 30% Reduce 1x Oak tree by 30% Granted 0
6/2019/1898/EM Reduce 1x Elm Tree by 2m Granted 1
6/2019/1755/TC Reduce overhanging branches of 1x Elm Tree back to previous reduction points. No Objection 1
6/2019/1308/EM Construction of chimney stack following removal of existing chimney breast/stack, installation of rear bi-fold patio doors and proposed dormer window to replace existing velux Granted 0
6/2019/1027/TC Fell 1 x Leyland Cypress No Objection 1
6/2019/1033/EM Fell 1 x Leyland Cypress tree Granted 1
6/2019/0863/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension and erection of a dormer window to facilitate conversion of loft Granted 0
6/2019/0556/EM Enlargement of drive hard-standing Granted 2
6/2019/0439/EM Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extension Granted 0
6/2019/0440/EM Reduce crown of 1 x Ash tree (1) by 30%, reduce 1 x Cypress tree by 20%, fell 6 x Ash trees (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and remove dead limb of 1 x Apple tree Granted 0
6/2019/0448/TPO Reduce crown of 1 x Ash tree (1) by 30%, reduce 1 x Cypress tree by 20%, fell 6 x Ash trees (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and remove dead limb of 1 x Apple tree - covered by conservation area No Objection 0
6/2018/3194/EM Crown reduction by 30% of 1x Oak tree and 1x Sycamore tree Granted 0
6/2018/3122/TPO Remove dead wood and prune back branches of 1 x Oak tree and 1 x Catalpa tree and lift crowns to 3 metres - Conservation Area No Objection
6/2018/1692/EM Modification of Driveway Refused
6/2018/0433/HOUSE Installation of windows to the front and side elevation to facilitate garage conversion. Granted
6/2017/2503/TPO Reduce Two Lime Trees located in rear garden by upto 50% - Conservation Area Withdrawn 2
6/2017/2510/EM Reduce Two Lime Trees located in rear garden by upto 50% Refused 2
6/2017/1793/HOUSE Erection of a front porch infill extension and installation of front window to facilitate garage conversion Granted
6/2017/1841/TPO Prune two lime trees back to previous pruning points and crown lift both trees to 3m to abate encroachment over neighbouring rear gardens - Conservation Area No Objection
6/2017/1847/EM Prune two lime trees back to previous pruning points and crown lift both trees to 3m to abate encroachment over neighbouring rear gardens Granted
6/2017/1305/HOUSE Installation of window to facilitate conversion of garage to habitable accommodation. Granted
6/2017/1210/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for internal alterations to garage to facilitate conversion to habitable space Withdrawn
6/2017/0780/EM Erection of shed in rear garden following the removal of existing shed. Granted
6/2017/0761/EM Reduction of 2 Lime trees by 40% and removal of 1 x Copper Beech tree. Granted
6/2017/0665/TPO Fell 1x copper beech tree - covered by TPO 271. Granted
6/2017/0666/TPO Reduction of 2 x lime trees by 40% - Conservation Area. Granted
6/2017/0260/TPO Prune Lime tree located in rear garden by upto 35% - Conservation Area Granted
6/2017/0382/EM Prune Lime tree located in rear garden by upto 35% Granted
6/2017/0120/HOUSE Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear extension Granted
N6/2015/1492/FP Erection of a front extension and replacement of garage door with a window Granted
N6/2015/1129/LUE Certificate of lawfulness for the existing replacement of the garage door with window and extension to front door placement Withdrawn
N6/2015/0940/FP Conversion of garage and erection of front porch Granted
N6/2015/0822/FP Erection of two storey rear extension Granted
W6/2015/0823/EM Erection of two storey rear extension Granted
N6/2014/1614/NM Non material amendment following approval of planning permission N6/2007/0987/MA - Alteration of marking of 4 no existing carspaces Granted
N6/2014/0589/FP Conversion of garage into habitable accommodation Granted
N6/2014/0074/FP Installation of rear dormer Granted
N6/2013/2615/FP Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory Granted
N6/2012/1539/FP Conversion of garage to form a study (replace garage door with UPVC window) not in compliance with condition 4 of planning permission 1990/0281. Granted
N6/2009/2450/FP Removal of existing wooden fence and erection of new wooden fence in new position Granted
N6/2010/0825/FP Conversion of garage into habitable accomodation and erection of shed Granted
W6/2007/0986/EM Demolition of 1960's extension, swimming pool, changing room and plant room building. Conversion of rest home to four apartments including erection of small side extension. Erection of 10 dwellings comprising six No 3 bed houses and four No 2 bed houses. Demolition of thatched barn and erection of replacement oak framed barn for use as cart-shed style garaging and storage. Layout of parking and ancillary works. Granted
W6/2007/0988/EM Siting of temporary sales office for new residential development (2 years); erection of temporary site hoarding to sales logos to site frontage. Installation of temporary sales sign. Erection of two temporary flagpoles with flags (2 years) Not Determined
W6/2000/0208/EM REAR CONSERVATORY Granted
W6/1999/5056/EM Single storey front and side extension Granted
W6/1999/5057/EM Single storey side and rear extension Granted

There are no NMAs associated with this application