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Tree Preservation Order: 691 (2017)

Black Fan Road and Cole Green Lane Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DQ

for the continued amenity of the land.

Type Count Identifier Species
Woodland 0 Deciduous
Woodland Evergreen
Woodland Deciduous
Woodland Evergreen
Woodland Deciduous
Woodland Evergreen
Woodland Deciduous
Woodland Evergreen

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Officer Report
Objection Comments TPO 691 (2017) AC amended.pdf (221 kb) Officer report 05/02/2018
Tree Preservation Order
TPO Order_691 (2017)(1).pdf (717 kb) TPO Order 12/02/2018
Tree Preservation Order - Correspondence
TPO 691.pdf (1364 kb) Objection - Tarmac Aggregates Ltd 01/11/2017
Application Number Proposal Decision
6/2025/0122/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for the extension of the existing front driveway, to improve vehicular access and provide additional off-road parking facilities for a family home
6/2023/1929/HOUSE Erection of single storey rear extension with a flat roof, skylight and external rear and side doors, raising of the garage roof and garage conversion, proposed first floor Juliet balcony and fenestration alterations Granted
6/2023/1594/HOUSE Erection of part single and part two storey rear extension, single storey front extension, including porch canopy to side, following removal of existing canopy and alterations to window openings to side and front elevations Granted
6/2023/0334/FULL Proposed extension and installation of additional external doors Refused
6/2023/0180/HOUSE Erection of part single and part two storey rear extension. Single storey front extension, including porch canopy to side, following removal of existing canopy and alterations to window openings to side and front elevations Refused
6/2022/2866/TPO T771: 1 x Hornbeam coppice to ground level. T775: 1 x Ash coppice to ground level. T770, T795, & T796: 3 x Hornbeam coppice to ground level. (See Arboricultural Assessment Report for more detail) All covered by TPO 691 (2017). Granted
6/2022/2424/FULL External additions for operational purposes - external recycling area. Refused
6/2022/2040/FULL Installation of wall louvres and extraction flues to a unit constructed following the grant of planning permission ref: 6/2019/1851/VAR. Granted
6/2022/2054/VAR Variation of condition 18 on application ref: 6/2019/1851/VAR Withdrawn
6/2022/2022/HOUSE Erection of part single and part two storey rear extension, part single and part two storey front extension, including porch canopy to side, and alterations to openings Refused
6/2022/1908/FULL External canopy and recycling area in connection with operational purposes. Refused
6/2022/1395/OUTLINE Outline planning application with all Matters reserved except Access (apart from internal circulation) for the Proposed Development as shown on the Parameter Plan, Land Use Budget, Access Arrangements Plans and Mineral Extraction Plans, comprising: 2,650 new homes; sites for two primary schools and one secondary school, including associated sports facilities; two mixed use local centres, which could include land uses within the following Use Classes: C1 (hotels); C2 (residential institutions); C3 (dwellinghouses); E (commercial, business and service); F1 (learning and non-residential institutions); and F2 (local community); a gypsy/traveller site, accommodating 15 pitches; a network of green infrastructure complementing that in the site’s environs and including extensive informal open space, as well as allotments / community orchards and play areas; vehicular access via the A414, B195 and Cole Green Lane, including the re-alignment of the B195; internal roads, footpaths, cycleways and bridleways; sustainable drainage and utilities infrastructure, including drainage basins, foul water pumping stations and electricity sub-stations; prior extraction of circa 162,000 tonnes of sands and gravels from that part of the site to the north of public footpath Hertingfordbury 023 and to the west of Birchall Wood; and management and control of the historic landfill in the central part of the site, including measures to ensure the safety of site users.
6/2022/0880/HOUSE Erection of single storey rear extension, and two storey front extension with alterations to openings Refused
6/2021/3547/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (contamination remediation scheme) on planning permission 6/2019/1851/VAR Granted
6/2021/3083/TPO T4 Pine, fell T1 Pine, fell T2 Oak, 25% crown reduction T3 Oak, 25% crown reduction G1, Maple x 6, fell Prune overhanging secondary branches over fence at number 30 Birchall Wood, primary branches to remain Granted
6/2021/2983/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 8 (SuDS features and drainage network) attached to planning application 6/2019/1851/VAR (a variation of application ref: 6/2018/2726/MAJ) Granted
6/2021/2840/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (surface water drainage) on planning permission 6/2019/1851/VAR Granted
6/2021/2107/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 12 (schemes for signs), on planning permission 6/2019/1851/VAR Granted
6/2021/1837/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition number 16 (external lighting) on planning permission 6/2019/1851/VAR Granted
6/2021/1650/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition number 19 (acoustic fencing), on planning permission 6/2019/1851/VAR Granted
6/2021/1152/PN15 Prior approval for a proposed telecommunications upgrade. Existing MBNL 15.0m High Hutchinson Engineering Phase 5 Streetpole. Proposed MBNL 20.0m High Valmont Slimline Monopole to be installed on new concrete foundation and associated ancillary works. Refused
6/2021/0518/TPO Fell 2 x Betula Pendula trees, fell 3 x Pinus Sylvestris trees, fell 3 x Prunus Avlum trees, fell 1 x Acer Pseudoplatanus tree, fell 2 x Acer Campestre trees, fell 1 x Salix sp tree, fell 1 x Fraxinus Excelsior tree, pollard 1 x Carpinus Betulus tree covered by TPO 627 Granted
6/2020/3431/PN15 Prior Approval for a proposed telecommunications upgrade (MBNL 20.0m High Valmont Slimline Monopole) to be installed on a new concrete foundation and with associated ancillary works following the removal of the existing MBNL 15.0m High Hutchinson Engineering Phase 8 Streetpole on root foundation and the ground made good. Prior Approval Refused
6/2020/3009/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 7 (external materials) on planning permission 6/2019/1851/VAR Granted
6/2020/2631/VAR Variation of condition 18 of planning application ref: 6/2019/1851/VAR (Removal of conditions 19 (hours of operation of machinery) and 20 (times of deliveries) on planning permission 6/2018/2726/MAJ) in order to use the entire site for B2/B8 Class only. Withdrawn
6/2020/1905/VAR Variation of condition number 23 (Approved Plans) of planning permission 6/2019/1851/VAR Withdrawn
6/2020/2274/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (contamination remediation scheme) on planning permission 6/2019/1851/VAR Granted
6/2020/1182/HOUSE Erection of a single storey front, side and rear and a two storey side and rear extension Granted
6/2020/0901/COND Submission of details pursuant to conditions 3 (Flood Risk Assessment), 4 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme), 6 (Demolition of Buildings) and 19 (Acoustic Fence) on planning permission 6/2019/1851/VAR, dated 09/01/2020 Withdrawn
6/2020/0871/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 14 (details of penetrative groundworks methods) on planning permission 6/2019/1851/VAR Granted
6/2020/0578/HOUSE Erection of part two storey and part single storey extensions. Refused
6/2019/1851/VAR Removal of conditions 19 (hours of operation of machinery) and 20 (times of deliveries) on planning permission 6/2018/2726/MAJ Granted
6/2018/2726/MAJ Erection of 4 industrial/commercial buildings within use class B8 with associated landscaping, access and infrastructure works Granted
574 (2016) for the continued amenity of the landscape.