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Planning Application: N6/1995/0939/TP


Decided - Granted

Land at Sherrards Training Centre, Rectory Road, Welwyn Garden City

Works to an Oak tree within Area A1, covered by TPO 194

  • Sherrards

  • Councillor Jean-Paul Skoczylas
  • Councillor Frank Marsh
  • Councillor Leo Gilbert


Admiral Homes, Jansell House,

Admiral Homes, Jansell House,

Stopsley Beds

Stopsley Beds

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Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2024/0441/TPO T1: Beech - Remove to ground level - Longitudinal crack up main stem G2: x2 Hollies - Remove to ground level - Squirrel damaged dead tops G3: Cherry Laurel - Remove 5 stems to ground level - Make way for panel fencing Granted 0
6/2024/0280/TPO Dead and dangerous Sycamore covered by TPO 194 Granted 0
6/2023/2369/TPO Hornbeam lopping. Tree deprived of light and is straggly. To reduce by 20% in order to retain shape and reduce size Tpo 907 Granted 0
6/2023/1657/TPO Reduce height of 1x Lime Tree by 2.5m in height and 2.5m in width (back to previous pruning points) and lift canopy to 4m above ground level in order to alleviate car parking issues, alleviate end weight on limbs and retain a suitably sized tree for the location. Tree covered by TPO 907. Granted 0
6/2023/0673/HOUSE Erection of single storey rear extension Granted 0
6/2022/0748/TPO TPO 194 (1995) T1: Sycamore - Reduce height by approximately 4m (see red arrow on photo attached) - Reason: to encourage more upright form (tree currently leaning toward properties) Granted 0
6/2022/0246/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension. Granted 0
6/2021/2916/TPO Due to excessive overhanging and shading the following works are requested to trees in TPO194 1. 25% crown reduction to Portugese Laurel 2. 20% crown reduction to Common Beech Granted 0
6/2020/1173/TPO Fell 1 x dead Scots Pine Tree Granted 0
6/2018/1220/TPO Reduce 1 x Silver Birch tree by 2m in height and 2.5m in width - Covered by TPO 194 (G2 - 1995) Granted 0

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