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Planning Application: 6/2024/1127/FULL


Decided - Granted

Mrs Sarah Madyausiku

Morrisons Supermarket 40 Black Fan Road Welwyn Garden City AL7 1RY

Creation of electric vehicle charging zone with electric vehicle chargers, substation enclosure, low voltage panel, meter cabinet and associated works



  • Panshanger

  • Councillor Jane Quinton
  • Councillor Darrell Panter
  • Councillor Salman Khan


Mrs Kate Gapper

Motor Fuel Group

Brunel House 2 Fitzalan Road Cardiff CF24 0EB

10 Bricket Road St Albans AL1 3JX
Description Distance
Sand and Gravel Minerals Safeguarding Area 0.00
Cycle Paths 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 30mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 100mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00
Sand and Gravel Belt 0.00
High Pressure Gas Pipeline 0.00
Great Crested Newts DLL Risk Zones 0.00



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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormRedacted(1).pdf (377 kb) Amended application form redacted 25/07/2024
Block Plan
Welwyn Garden - 14313-2319-BP- BlockPlan.pdf (694 kb) Block plan 17/06/2024
Location Plan
14313-2319-LP-RevA-Location Plan(2).pdf (588 kb) Location Plan 31/07/2024
Welwyn Garden - 14313-2319-207 - Substation Details.pdf (585 kb) Substation Details 17/06/2024
Welwyn Garden - 14313-2319-209 - Meter Details.pdf (570 kb) Meter Details 17/06/2024
Welwyn Garden - 14313-2319-208 - LV Details.pdf (584 kb) Lv Details 17/06/2024
Welwyn Garden - 14313-2319-206 - EV Charger Details.pdf (565 kb) Ev Charger Details 17/06/2024
Consultee Response
33862614_CadentGas.pdf (115 kb) Cadent Gas - Site map 27/06/2024
LSBUD Ref_ 33862614 Your Ref_ 6_2024_1127_FULL (DE) Planning Application Holding Objection_Redacted.pdf (173 kb) Cadent Gas - Holding Objection 28/06/2024
Comments.pdf (72 kb) Comment - WHBC - Public Health and Protection 12/07/2024
Response_6-2024-1127-FULL.pdf (76 kb) Comment- HCC Highways 16/07/2024
Comments(1).pdf (73 kb) Comment - WHBC - Public Health and Protection 02/08/2024
LSBUD Ref_ 34256517 Your Ref_ 6_2024_1127_FULL (DE) Planning Application Holding Objection.pdf (726 kb) Objection- Cadent Gas 02/08/2024
34256517_CadentGas.pdf (592 kb) Objection- Cadent Gas attachment 02/08/2024
Response_6-2024-1127-FULL(1).pdf (71 kb) Comment - HCC Transport Programmes & Strategy 21/08/2024
1.jpg (239 kb) Comments - Cadent - attachment plan 01/08/2024
2.jpg (349 kb) Comments - Cadent - attachment plan 01/08/2024
3.jpg (247 kb) Comments - Cadent - attachment Existing site plan 01/08/2024
4.jpg (101 kb) Comments - Cadent - attachment Location plan 01/08/2024
5.jpg (248 kb) Comments - Cadent - attachment Existing site plan 01/08/2024
6.jpg (273 kb) Comments - Cadent - attachment Proposed site plan 01/08/2024
7.jpg (69 kb) Comments - Cadent - attachment plan 01/08/2024
CAD_SP_SSW_22 _ feb 2023(1).pdf (5246 kb) Comments - Cadent - attachment safe working 01/08/2024
EA_3WWX_34256517.pdf (97 kb) Comments - Cadent Gas- No objection 28/08/2024
EA_3WWX_34636455.pdf (233 kb) Comment- Cadent Gas 06/09/2024
Decision Notice PDF
Decision Notice_620241127FULL.pdf (5091 kb) Decision Notice 05/09/2024
Officer Report PDF
Delegated Report_620241127FULL(1).pdf (86 kb) Delegated Report PDF 05/09/2024
Site Notice
Site Notice_620241127FULL.pdf (120 kb) Site Notice 27/06/2024
Site Plan
Welwyn Garden - 14313-2319-200 - Existing Site Plan - Rev A.pdf (1007 kb) Existing Site Plan 31/07/2024
Welwyn Garden - 14313-2319-201 - Proposed Site Plan - Rev A.pdf (1506 kb) Proposed Site Plan 31/07/2024
Superseded Plans
Welwyn Garden - 14313-2319-LP - Location Plan.pdf (650 kb) Location Plan 17/06/2024
Welwyn Garden - 14313-2319-200 - Existing Site Plan.pdf (699 kb) Existing Site Plan 17/06/2024
Welwyn Garden - 14313-2319-201 - Proposed Site Plan.pdf (794 kb) Proposed Site Plan 17/06/2024
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
HCC Water Officer Catherine Gilbert 25/06/2024 16/07/2024
HCC Water Officer Catherine Gilbert 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
HCC Water Officer Catherine Gilbert 05/09/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Darrell Panter 05/09/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Darrell Panter 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Darrell Panter 25/06/2024 16/07/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jane Quinton 25/06/2024 16/07/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jane Quinton 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jane Quinton 05/09/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Salman Khan 05/09/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Salman Khan 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Salman Khan 25/06/2024 16/07/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Economic Development 25/06/2024 16/07/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Economic Development 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Economic Development 05/09/2024
Hertfordshire County Council HCC Minerals and Waste Team 05/09/2024
Hertfordshire County Council HCC Minerals and Waste Team 25/06/2024 16/07/2024
Hertfordshire County Council HCC Minerals and Waste Team 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 31/07/2024 21/08/2024 21/08/2024
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 25/06/2024 16/07/2024
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 05/09/2024
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 05/09/2024
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 25/06/2024 16/07/2024
Cadent Gas Limited Mr S Carter 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 27/06/2024
Cadent Gas Limited Mr S Carter 31/07/2024 21/08/2024 01/08/2024
Cadent Gas Limited Mr S Carter 05/09/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Parking Services 05/09/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Parking Services 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Parking Services 25/06/2024 16/07/2024
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 31/07/2024 21/08/2024 02/08/2024
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 12/07/2024
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 05/09/2024
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
40 Black Fan Road Welwyn Garden City AL7 1RY 01/08/2024 22/08/2024
Hilmore House Gain Lane Bradford BD3 7DL 01/08/2024 22/08/2024
Hilmore House Gain Lane Bradford BD3 7DL 01/08/2024 22/08/2024
7 Elsons Mews Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FP 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
9 Elsons Mews Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FP 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
11 Elsons Mews Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FP 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
26 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
28 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
30 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
32 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
34 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
36 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
38 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
40 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
42 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
44 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
46 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
48 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
50 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
52 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
54 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FQ 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
1 Latimer Gardens Welwyn Garden City AL7 1TP 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
2 Latimer Gardens Welwyn Garden City AL7 1TP 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
3 Latimer Gardens Welwyn Garden City AL7 1TP 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
4 Latimer Gardens Welwyn Garden City AL7 1TP 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
1 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
2 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
3 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
4 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
5 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
6 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
7 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
8 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
9 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
10 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
11 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
12 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
13 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
14 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
15 Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
Birchwood House Panshanger Drive Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LU 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
2 Great Sampsons Field Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FW 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
4 Great Sampsons Field Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FW 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
6 Great Sampsons Field Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FW 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
8 Great Sampsons Field Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FW 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
10 Great Sampsons Field Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FW 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
12 Great Sampsons Field Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FW 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
14 Great Sampsons Field Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FW 25/06/2024 16/07/2024 31/07/2024 21/08/2024
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2021/2316/FULL Installation of WeBuyAnyCar pod in Morrisons supermarket car park Granted 0
6/2021/2317/ADV Installation of 4 x non illuminated fascia signs and 4 x non illuminated hoarding signs. Granted 0
6/2018/0015/FULL Installation of canopy and portakabin within area of supermarket car park to create valeting franchise. Granted 0
6/2018/0016/ADV Installation of 2 x non-illuminated fascia signs, 3 x non-illuminated hoarding signs and 4 x non-illuminated printed vinyl wrap signs Granted 0
6/2017/1755/ADV Installation of 10 x internally illuminated fascia signs and 4 x acrylic non-illuminated signs Granted 0
6/2017/0931/MAJ Erection of retail pod Granted 0
6/2017/0571/MAJ Erection of single storey ground extension to existing supermarket to create an enclosed entrance lobby and extension to existing customer cafe Granted 0
6/2016/2317/MAJ Erection of front extension to existing supermarket to create an enclosed entrance lobby and extension to existing customer cafe Refused 0
C6/1987/7019/AD Illuminated signs Withdrawn 0
C6/1988/7017/AD Illuminated signs Withdrawn 0
C6/1988/7023/AD Illuminated signs and three flagpoles. Granted 0
C6/1988/7024/AD Three illuminated signs. Refused 0
N6/2014/0784/S73A Variation of condition 17 (Parking) of planning permission N6/2004/1334/FP - Erection of one hundred and twenty residential units and associated works Granted 1
N6/1999/0193/FP Extension to existing petrol filling station Granted 0
N6/1999/0179/FP Extension to existing superstore Approval Subject to s106 0
N6/1993/7007/AD Erection of roof mounted internally illuminated store sign Granted 0
N6/1992/7045/AD External signage to serve car park and petrol filling station Granted 0
N6/1992/0694/FP Single storey side extension Granted 0
N6/1992/7041/AD Illuminated signs to proposed shop Granted 0
N6/1991/0975/FP Erection of supermarket, petrol filling station, shop and carwash associated car parking and access Approval Subject to s106 0
N6/1991/0324/FP Erection of pick, pack and despatch building, warehouse extension and loading bay, change of use of office to canteen and extension of internal service road Approval Subject to s106 1
N6/1990/7021/AD Erection of illuminated advertisement sign Granted 1
C6/1988/0084/FP New entrance and alterations to elevations Granted 0
C6/1987/0089/FP Additional entrance and alterations to park and landscaping, in association with the internal sub-division of the building Granted 0
C6/1986/0385/OP Development for industrial, office and warehouse purposes Granted 1
C6/1986/7013/AD Six 8m high flag poles Refused 0
C6/1985/7008/AD One flag pole Granted 0
C6/1985/7009/AD Illuminated and non illuminated signs Granted 0
C6/1985/0155/ Garden centre Granted 0
S6/1985/7029/AD Illuminated signs Granted 0
C6/1983/0492/ Site for 2 non food Class I retail stores and associated car parking, roads and service yard Approval Subject to s106 0
N6/1983/0054/ Site for retail (class 1) non-food store Approval Subject to s106 0
C6/1983/0776/ New food Class I retail store Granted 0
N6/1982/0185/ Site for 9 small industrial units Granted 0
N6/1981/0340/ Site for petrol filling station and motor centre Granted 0
N6/1980/0148/ Portakabin for office use Granted 1
N6/1979/0079/ Change of use of building `G` from industry to warehousing and building `L` from warehousing to general industrial (class IV) use and new canopies Granted 1
N6/1978/0211/ Site for petrol filling station and motor centre Granted 0
N6/1977/0304/ Industrial warehouse development Refused 1
N6/1976/0408/ Site for demolition of two existing houses, workshops and sheds and erection of offices Refused 1

There are no NMAs associated with this application