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Tree Preservation Order: 7

19 Canonsfield Road Welwyn AL6 0PY

for the continued amenity of the land.

Type Count Identifier Species
Individual Oak
Area Several trees of what ever species
Area Several trees of what ever species

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Tree Preservation Order
01049266.pdf (560 kb) Miscellaneous (DMS Info Document: 605783 Page No(s).: 1)
Application Number Proposal Decision
6/2024/1190/FULL Erection of replacement dwelling and associated landscaping following demolition of existing dwelling
6/2024/1082/TPO T1 - Oak. Proposed works to the Oak are to do a 1m reduction of entire tree, keeping a nice shape and balance. Reasons for this are to reduce in height and to allow light into properties. Tree I.D Tag 0126 TPO 626 (2017) Granted
6/2024/0065/TPO T1, T2, T3 Elm trees- to fell as trees are dead and in close proximity to neighbouring gardens / houses Granted
6/2023/1944/FULL Erection of a dwellinghouse following the demolition of an existing house Withdrawn
6/2022/2517/TPO Changed to; T1 – Fell Elm due to disease. T2 – Hornbeam crown reduction by 30% (1m back from original pollard points) T3 – Pollard/monolith Ash to 10m G1 –Fell dead Elm marked with pink spray. T4 – Fell Ash due to disease. T5 – Horse Chestnut – reduce crown by 3 metres due to dead limbs and signs of bleeding canker. T6 – Oak – Reduce East and South side of tree by 1.5m All trees covered by TPO 626 (2017) Granted
6/2022/2345/TPO Periodic reduction to the crowns of Oaks T2, T3 and T4 by 30% to prior pruning points. Such action will preserve health, shape and size of trees, as well as to minimise localised seasonal shrink/swell within the zone of influence of the roots of these trees. TPO 495 (2015) Granted
6/2020/3212/HOUSE Insertion of new rear elevation dormer window and a roof light on the front elevation over staircase Granted
6/2020/1665/TPO Remove x1 [T284] Elm tree Reduce x1 [T121] Horse Chestnut tree by 30% Reduce X1 [T146] Hornbeam Tree by 25% Remove x1 [T288] Elm Tree Reduce x1 [T095] Hornbeam Tree by 25% Reduce x1 [T096] Hornbeam Tree by 25% Remove x1 [T285] Elm Tree Reduce x1 [T098] Hornbeam by 25% Reduce x1 [T286] Hornbeam by 30% Reduce x1 [T116] Hornbeam tree by 30% Reduce x1 [T116] Hornbeam tree crown spread on east side over road by 30% Reduce X1 [T287] Hornbeam tree by 30% Reduce x1 [T120] Hornbeam tree by 25% Remove x1 [T114] Hawthorn tree Granted
6/2020/1951/HOUSE Erection of a loft extension involving the insertion of three roof-lights and an obscured side window. Granted
6/2020/0655/TPO Reduce crowns of 3x Oak trees (T2, T3 and T4) (TPO 495) by 30% Prior Approval Required and Granted
6/2020/0570/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (method statement showing tree protection measures) 3 (external weather-boarding) on application 6/2019/2276/HOUSE Granted
6/2019/2718/TPO Reduce 1x Oak tree (T2) by 30% Fell 2x Oak tree (T3 and T4) Refused
6/2019/2276/HOUSE Erection of two storey side extension and installation of 2 x rear dormers, insertion of new stair to access the garden from patio area. Granted
6/2017/1066/TPO Removal of horse chestnut tree covered by TPO 07 (1974) Granted
S6/1978/0512/ Two detached houses with double garages Refused