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Tree Preservation Order: 3
Broxbourne Woods
Type | Count Identifier | Species |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Beech | |
Group | Chestnut | |
Group | Fir | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Chestnut | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Beech | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Beech | |
Group | Beech | |
Group | Fir | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Holly | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | 0 | Conifers |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Willow | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Ash | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Hornbeam | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Hornbeam | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | 0 | Deciduous |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Fir | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Fir | |
Group | Elm | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Elm | |
Group | Fir | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Silver Birch | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Ash | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Sycamore | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Fir | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Ornamental | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Silver Birch | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Lombardy Poplar | |
Group | Lombardy Poplar | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Sycamore | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | 0 | Oak |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Oak | |
Group | Fir | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Conifers | |
Group | Deciduous | |
Group | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | 0 | Deciduous |
Woodland | Ornamental | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | 0 | Deciduous |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | 0 | Deciduous |
Woodland | Mixed Hardwoods | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous | |
Woodland | Conifers | |
Woodland | Deciduous |
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Select All | File | Description | Date Uploaded |
Tree Preservation Order | |||
3 brox.pdf (4479 kb) | Correct Order | 21/09/2017 | |
Tree Preservation Order - Plan | |||
TPO3 PLAN.pdf (8360 kb) | Plan | 14/12/2018 |
Application Number | Proposal | Decision |
6/2024/2207/FULL | Erection of a single storey side extension to an existing outbuilding | Granted |
6/2024/1433/MAJ | Erection of dwelling following the demolition of existing dwelling with a reconfiguration of the domestic curtilage and associated works | Granted |
6/2024/1554/FULL | Erection of a dwellinghouse with attached double garage and alterations to existing access from Carbone Hill | Granted |
6/2024/1570/PN10 | Prior approval for the change of use and conversion of existing agricultural storage building to one 3-bedroom dwelling | Prior Approval Required and Granted |
6/2024/0838/HOUSE | Erection of a single storey rear extension | Granted |
6/2024/0801/HOUSE | Erection of a two storey rear extension | Granted |
6/2024/0721/PN10 | Prior approval for a change of use from agricultural building to one dwellinghouse | Prior Approval Required and Refused |
6/2024/0669/PN27 | Prior approval for the enlargement of a dwelling house by the construction of an additional storey | Prior Approval Required and Granted |
6/2024/0522/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of three single-storey rear extensions, two single-storey side extensions, a single-storey basement underneath the original dwellinghouse and a single-storey outbuilding | Granted |
6/2024/0224/TPO | G1- 9 x Poplar trees to fell to 7ft (2.1m) stump. | Granted |
6/2024/0126/HOUSE | Erection of a ground floor rear extension, installation of new dormer window to rear elevation, replacement of existing window reveal detailing, removal of existing front door and porch and installation of new window, reinstatement of original front door, replacement of timber windows to match original, blocking up existing window on side elevation at first floor level, alterations to window sizes on rear elevation at first floor level, installation of velux rooflight and internal alterations | Refused |
6/2024/0132/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of a single storey leisure outbuilding | Granted |
6/2024/0121/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for proposed enlargement of a dwellinghouse by the construction of a side and rear extension | Withdrawn |
6/2023/2566/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of a single storey rear extension, two single storey side extensions, two rear conservatories, single storey basement underneath the original dwellinghouse and single storey outbuilding | Refused |
6/2024/0018/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of single storey side and rear extensions | Granted |
6/2024/0021/PN27 | Prior approval for the construction of an additional storey to facilitate the enlargement of the dwellinghouse to a maximum of approximately 7.46m in height | Prior Approval Required and Granted |
6/2023/2347/FULL | Installation of two modular single storey units | Withdrawn |
6/2023/2281/FULL | Reuse and refurbishment of Building 3, to include a side and rear extension, for work associated with research and development and testing of new satellite technology on site, together with trenched cable linkage between gantry platform and Buildings 1, 2 and 3 and other associated works | Granted |
6/2023/1865/TPO | All trees to be felled to ground level and all are marked in orange paint T1-3, T5 and T12-13: Ash with advanced (stage 2 & 3) ADB with signifcant base cavities present T14: Large oak with extensive lower stem decay likely casued by fire damage T15 -T17: Ash with advanced (stage 2 & 3) ADB with cavities throughout stem and crown T18: Oak with extensive lower stem decay likely caused by fire damage T19: Ash with extensive lower stem decay likely caused by fire damage T20: Heavily leaning ash with stage 3 ADB All identified tree works are for H&S reasons (Stage 2 and Stage 3 ADB, plus structural decay resulting from fire damage) All arisings to be left on site and used to block unauthorised access by 4x4s and to prevent flytipping and further fire damage to trees. No re-planting proposed as felling is in a woodland setting, with natural regeneration present as well as suppressed intermediates & juvenile trees that will be released into the the upper canopy by proposed works. TPO 619 (2017) W1. TPO3 W10. TPO3 W11 | Granted |
6/2023/1785/TPO | G1 to fell 2 x Pine Trees as close to ground level as possible (TPO3 G51) due to being suppressed and in decline. | Granted |
6/2023/1772/PN27 | Prior approval for the construction of an additional storey to facilitate the enlargement of the dwellinghouse to a maximum of approximately 8.6m in height | Prior Approval Required and Refused |
6/2023/1662/HOUSE | Installation of new dormer window to rear elevation and rooflight to flank roof. Fenestration alterations to include replacement of existing window reveal detailing, removal of existing front door and porch with the installation of new window, reinstatement of original front door, blocking up of existing window on side elevation at first floor level, alterations to window sizes on rear elevation at first floor level and replacement of timber windows for metal to match original. | Refused |
6/2023/1301/FULL | Erection of detached dwelling and new vehicular access (resubmission of application 6/2020/1325/FULL) | Granted |
6/2023/0900/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for a proposed single-storey rear extension, single-storey side extension and single-storey basement underneath the original dwellinghouse and erection of single-storey outbuilding | Refused |
6/2023/0879/TPO | Ash tree to fell (advanced ash dieback). TPO 717 (2017) W1 | Granted |
6/2023/0801/TPO | Tree 1- Oak - Reduce height from 16 metres to 15 metres, reduce width from 8 metres to 7 metres to mitigate any other branches falling towards either the adjacent property or the road Tree 2- Dead Oak- Fell TPO 717 (2017) | Granted |
6/2023/0787/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of a single storey rear extension, two single storey side extension, single-storey basement underneath the original dwellinghouse and single-storey outbuilding | Refused |
6/2023/0730/FULL | Installation of a platform and service room, with trenched cable linkage between data room and platform and other associated works | Granted |
6/2023/0700/HOUSE | Erection of a single storey rear extension, installation of new dormer to rear elevation and roof light to side elevation, fenestration alterations, with external and internal alterations | Withdrawn |
6/2023/0360/VAR | Variation of conditions 3 (landscape plans) and 5 (approved plans) on planning permission 6/2020/2751/FULL | Granted |
6/2023/0229/FULL | Erection of a two bedroom dwelling house with parking and courtyard garden following the demolition of existing stable/barn buildings. Re-alignment of existing access track and new planting and habitat enhancement within surrounding paddock/woodland | Granted |
6/2022/2667/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition number 1 (Natural England EMS Licence) for 6/2022/0183/HOUSE | Granted |
6/2022/2521/TPO | Fell T1, T2 and T3 Hawthorne tree due to trees showing signs of crown failure and fungal decay at base of root. Covered by TPO 717 (2017) W1. | Granted |
6/2022/1841/TPO | G1 3 Oak Trees - Thin by 10% and remove deadwood - This will help to maintain the health of the tree and help more light into the garden. (TPO3 W37) | Granted |
6/2022/1731/FULL | Erection of two sets of gates and piers, one at the main entrance serving plots 2-6 and the other at the entrance of plot 1 | Granted |
6/2022/1288/HOUSE | Erection of a single storey timber clad contemporary garden building. | Granted |
6/2022/1076/TPO | Reduce 8 Lime Trees by 4-5 meters (4-5m off the top and brining the sides in to shape) due to excessive shading size and untidiness, all are covered by two blanket TPOs ( TPO3 W4 and TPO 618 (2017) W1) | Granted |
6/2022/1062/TPO | Group of 12 self seeded Sycamore trees - remove to ground level to avoid danger to property and traffic These trees have varying degrees of a fungal infection, kretzschmaria deusta (ustulina deusta) which has severely weakened the base. They are on the boundary of a new build house on the plot known as The Spinney and are in danger of falling on the house or into the adjacent main road (B158). | Granted |
6/2022/0789/VAR | Variation of condition 5 (Approved plans) on planning permission 6/2020/2751/FULL | Granted |
6/2022/0734/HOUSE | Erection of a two storey rear extension and single storey side to rear extension with alterations to fenestration and external materials | Granted |
6/2022/0487/HOUSE | Installation of rear dormer to facilitate the conversion of the loft to habitable space | Granted |
6/2022/0395/FULL | Erection of 1 x two storey, 5-bed, detached dwelling, involving demolition of existing 5-bed dwelling | Granted |
6/2022/0183/HOUSE | Installation of seven rooflights | Granted |
6/2021/3420/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (boundary treatments) on planning permission 6/2019/1214/VAR | Granted |
6/2021/3263/COND | Submission of detail pursuant to condition 8 (fire hydrants) on planning permission 6/2018/0804/FULL | Granted |
6/2021/3158/HOUSE | Erection of a single storey extension above existing detached garage for use as an office | Withdrawn |
6/2021/2979/COND | Submisson of details pursuant to condition 7 (external lighting scheme) and condition 8 (details of cycle stores) on planning application 6/2020/1251/FULL | Granted |
6/2021/2641/LAWP | Lawful development certficate for erection of outbuilding | Granted |
6/2021/2462/COND | Submission of details pursuant to conditions 3 (hard and soft landscaping) and 6 (biodiversity enhancements) on planning permission 6/2020/1251/FULL | Granted |
6/2021/2572/LAWP | Erection of a single storey side extension and front porch | Granted |
6/2021/2157/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for a single storey side extension, front porch extension and erection of outbuilding | Refused |
6/2021/2142/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for erection of two storey rear extension. | Granted |
6/2021/2033/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (sample of materials) on planning permission 6/2018/1427/FULL | Granted |
6/2021/1949/TC | Tidy up a scruffy and neglected row of trees T1 - Syc. Repollard to old cuts approx. 2mtrs off height. T2 - Syc. Crown lift to 5m T3 & T4 - Syc. Small saplings - remove. T5 - Syc. Remove stem in front of T5 and crown lift to 5m. T6 - Syc. Sever ivy c/lift to 5m T7 - Syc. C/lift to 5m T8 & T9 - Syc. C/lift to 5m. Reduce by no more than 3m height and spread T10 - Cherry. C/lift to 4m. T11, T12, T13 - Scruffy Holly. Remove T14 - Cherry. Poor form. Remove to reveal nice mature lime tree behind it. T15 - Syc. C/lift to 5m and reduce height by no more than 3m T16 - Elm. Reduce height by 4m and lateral branches by no more than 3m T17, T18, T19 - Syc. Crown lift to 5m and sever ivy. | Granted |
6/2021/1888/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (internal noise), on planning application 6/2018/2863/FULL | Granted |
6/2021/1841/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (noise levels in external amenity areas), on planning permission 6/2018/2863/FULL | Granted |
6/2021/1780/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition numbers 1 (risk assessment, submission and implementation of remediation scheme, contamination report), 2 (emission reduction) and 5 (traffic noise) on planning permission 6/2020/1251/FULL. | Granted |
6/2021/1760/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 8 (external lighting), on planning permission 6/2018/2863/FULL | Granted |
6/2021/1673/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 6 (Hard & Soft Landscaping) and 7 (Site Levels), on planning permission 6/2018/2863/FULL | Granted |
6/2021/1693/TPO | T4 Hornbeam - remove T5 Hornbeam - remove T10 Grand fir - remove | Granted |
6/2021/1648/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of a two storey rear extension | Refused |
6/2021/1649/VAR | Variation of condition 10 (Site Vehicular Areas) and 20 (Approved Drawings), on planning permission 6/2018/2863/FULL | Granted |
6/2021/1495/TC | Sycamore (T1) - remove Flowering cherry (T2) - cut 4 branches (2 cut back 100%, and 2 by approx. 20% and 50% respectively) | No Objection |
6/2021/1357/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition number 4 (surface water drainage) on planning permission 6/2018/2863/FULL. | Granted |
6/2021/1143/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (internal noise levels), 2 (noise levels in external amenity areas), 3 (construction management plan), on planning permission 6/2018/2863/FULL | Part Discharged |
6/2021/1087/COND | Submission of details pursuant to conditions 1 (material sample) and 3 (landscape plans), on planning permission 6/2020/2751/FULL | Granted |
6/2021/0104/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (tree protection measures) on planning permission 6/2019/0744/HOUSE | Granted |
6/2020/2914/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 1(tree protection measures) on planning permission 6/2019/0744/HOUSE | Refused |
6/2020/2836/COND | Submission of details pursuant to conditions 1 (materials) and 2 (means of enclosure and boundary treatment) on planning permission 6/2019/1214/VAR | Part Discharged |
6/2020/2751/FULL | Erection of new dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling | Granted |
6/2020/2379/MAJ | Use of land as an extension to the existing caravan park for the provision of an additional 25 caravans (mobile homes) together with dog walk/amenity land, car parking and landscaping | Refused |
6/2020/1998/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 5 (details of visibility splays) on planning permission 6/2019/1214/VAR | Granted |
6/2020/1757/HOUSE | Erection of single-storey side extension following demolition of existing garage | Granted |
6/2020/1864/TPO | Removal of T1 Oak tree and 5ft full crown reduction of T2 Oak tree - prune back to natural growth points. covered by TPO 3 | Granted |
6/2020/1526/TPO | Fell 1 x Sycamore Tree (T1) (TPO Woodland G1) | Granted |
6/2020/1435/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (materials), on planning permission 6/2018/1572/HOUSE | Granted |
6/2020/1190/TPO | Fell 1 x Oak tree under TPO3 G62 | Refused |
6/2020/0715/HOUSE | Erection of single storey side infill extension and front porch | Granted |
6/2020/0853/TPO | Fell 1x Oak tree | Withdrawn |
6/2020/0233/FULL | Demolition of dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling | Granted |
6/2020/0004/HOUSE | Erection of an outbuilding and installation of outdoor swimming pool | Granted |
6/2019/2944/HOUSE | Erection of a part single storey, part two storey rear extension | Granted |
6/2019/2720/TPO | Pollard 1 x Ash tree (T1) by 15ft in height and 9ft on lateral branches | No Objection |
6/2019/2505/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of outbuilding and outdoor swimming pool | Refused |
6/2019/2040/FULL | Erection of single storey extension following demolition of existing office and entrance to the north elevation and replacement pitched roof to existing flat roof kitchen and toilet extension | Granted |
6/2019/2072/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (materials) on planning permission 6/2017/2911/HOUSE | Granted |
6/2019/1831/TPO | Fell 2 x Oak trees - Dead and Dangerous | Granted |
6/2019/1394/HOUSE | Erection of Conservatory | Refused |
ENF/2019/0078 | Alleged unauthorised works to trees and erection of fencing | |
6/2019/1215/TC | Fell 1 x Oak tree covered by conservation area | No Objection |
6/2019/0744/HOUSE | Enlargement of detached garage approved under extant planning permission S6/2007/0198/FP | Granted |
6/2019/0452/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (Materials) on planning permission 6/2018/2947/HOUSE | Granted |
6/2019/0345/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of single storey orangery | Refused |
6/2019/0331/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 6 (bat mitigation strategy) on planning permission 6/2018/0804/FULL | Granted |
6/2018/3272/MAJ | Replacement windows and erection of 20 accommodation pods and associated access works, landscaping, tree planting and site infrastructure | Refused |
6/2018/3273/LB | Replacement windows to a Grade II listed building | Granted |
6/2018/2863/FULL | Erection of 6 residential units following demolition of existing dwelling, supporting structures and associated ancillary buildings | Granted |
6/2018/2947/HOUSE | Erection of part single part two storey side/rear extension following demolition of existing single storey rear extension and conservatory and alterations to openings | Granted |
6/2018/2873/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 1( Landscaping Plan) on planning 6/2018/1572/HOUSE | Granted |
6/2018/2865/HOUSE | Erection of single storey front and side extension | Granted |
6/2018/2769/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for a double car port and pool house | Refused |
6/2018/1960/HOUSE | Erection of first floor extension , Internal alterations with window upgrades and construction of a new carport | Refused |
6/2018/1817/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (soft landscape) on planning permission 6/2018/0457/HOUSE | Granted |
6/2018/1678/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (Bat mitigation strategy) on planning permission 6/2018/0457/HOUSE | Granted |
6/2018/1572/HOUSE | Installation of open air swimming pool and erection of plant room | Granted |
717 (2017) | for the continued amenity of the landscape | |
619 (2017) | for the continued amenity of the landscape. | |
719 (2018) | for the continued amenity of the landscape. | |
607 (2017) | for the continued amenity of the landscape. | |
575 (2016) | for the continued amenity of the landscape. | |
563 (2016) | for the amenity of the landscape. | |
577 (2016) | for the continued amenity of the landscape. | |
582 (2016) | for the continued amenity of the landscape. | |
560 (2016) | for the continued amenity of the landscape. | |
585 (2016) | for the continued amenity of the landscape. | |
578 (2016) | for the continued amenity of the landscape. | |
580 (2016) | for the continued amenity of the landcsape. | |
530 (2016) | for the continued amenity of the landscape. | |
2004/0009 | Developing the land by laying thereon three strips of concrete each 3 metres wide, 20 metres long an d20 centimetres deep, set 3 metres apart | No breach found |
C6/1984/0133/ | Two storey extension | Refused |
559 (2016) | for the continued amenity of the landscape. | |
591 (2016) | for the continued amenity of the landscape. |