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Planning Application: S6/1996/1024/FP


Decided - Granted

The Spinney, 27 The Ridgeway, Cuffley, Potters Bar

Erection of extensions and alterations to include enclosed swimming pool, conservatory and living accommodation over existing garage

  • Northaw and Cuffley

  • Councillor Bernard Sarson
  • Councillor George Michaelides
  • Councillor Barbara Fitzsimon

Northaw and Cuffley


Michael Aukett Architects, Atlantic Court,

T Leahy,

77 Kings Road London

51 The Ridgeway Potters Bar

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Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2025/0195/PN19 Prior approval for the erection of new farm building for storage of hay and agricultural machinery 0
6/2022/0868/PN19 Prior approval for erection of a new farm building for storage of hay and agricultural machinery Prior Approval Not Required 0
6/2018/3171/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of 1no. outbuilding for use as a gym and erection of 1no. outbuilding to house swimming pool Withdrawn 0
6/2018/3172/HOUSE Relocation of front entrance doors to form entrance hall in existing bay window/store, installation of rear dormers to facilitate loft conversion and alterations to openings Withdrawn 0
6/2018/1344/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of single storey basement and six single storey outbuildings Refused
6/2018/0342/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for a single storey basement, six single storey outbuildings and a rear dormer roof extension Refused
6/2017/2959/PN8 Prior approval for the erection of a single storey rear extension measuring 8m in depth, 4m in height and 2.8m to the eaves erection of single storey rear extension measuring 7.99m in depth, 4m in height and 2.8m to the eaves and erection of a single storey side extension measuring 12m in depth, 4m in height and 2.4m to the eaves Prior Approval Required and Granted
6/2017/2432/PN8 Prior approval for the erection of a single storey rear extension measuring 8m in depth, 4m in height and 2.8m to the eaves erection of single storey rear extension measuring 7.99m in depth, 4m in height and 2.8m to the eaves and erection of a single storey side extension measuring 12m in depth, 4m in height and 2.4m to the eaves Prior Approval Refused
S6/1980/0024/ Two storey side extension Granted 0

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