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Planning Application: N6/2014/1337/FP


Decided - Granted

Mr R Aston

Lidl, 71-81 Moors Walk, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2BQ

Installation of wall mounted air conditioning unit



  • Haldens

  • Councillor Lucy Musk
  • Councillor Astrid Scott
  • Councillor Matthew Hobbs


Mr J Hanna

Mr J Hanna

Lidl UK GmbH Wellington Parkway Lutterworth LE17 4XW

Lidl UK GmbH Wellington Parkway Lutterworth LE17 4XW

There are no constraints associated with this application



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PROPOSED ELEVATIONS - 102.PDF (211 kb) PROPOSED ELEVATIONS - 102 (DMS Info Document: 836518 Page No(s).: 1)
PROPOSED ELEVATIONS - 104.PDF (257 kb) PROPOSED ELEVATIONS - 104 (DMS Info Document: 836520 Page No(s).: 1)
Floor Plans
EXISTING.PDF (337 kb) EXISTING (DMS Info Document: 836514 Page No(s).: 1)
PROPOSED.PDF (340 kb) PROPOSED (DMS Info Document: 836516 Page No(s).: 1)
Consultee Response
01416135.msg (44 kb) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (DMS Info Document: 839542 Page No(s).: 1)
01416277.msg (42 kb) Environmental health - Observation - Original - 12/08/14 (DMS Info Document: 839686 Page No(s).: 1)
01412694.pdf (747 kb) SPECIFICATION (DMS Info Document: 836508 Page No(s).: 1)
Decision Notice
01421415.pdf (127 kb) Miscellaneous (DMS Info Document: 843297 Page No(s).: 1)
Site Notice
Miscellaneous.PDF (406 kb) Miscellaneous (DMS Info Document: 836509 Page No(s).: 1)
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 07/08/2014 28/08/2014 12/08/2014

There are no neighbours associated with this application

Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2022/0040/FULL Erection of a single storey front extension under existing canopy and erection of trolley bay following demolition of existing trolley bays Granted 0
6/2021/3173/FULL Alterations to building façade, and erection of 1 x trolley bay involving the removal of 1 x existing trolley bay Refused 0
6/2021/3050/ADV Installation of 2x internally illuminated totem signs Granted 0
6/2021/3051/ADV Installation of 2x internally illuminated fascia signs Granted 0
N6/2011/2612/AD Installation of one illuminated and one non- illuminated box fascia sign Granted
N6/2005/1248/FP Redevelopment of existing neighbourhood centre comprising change of use of existing first floor retail use to six flats, remodelling of existing second floor residential units. Construction of new separate building comprising A class units (A1-A5) at Ground Floor and 9 residential flats on each of first and second floor (total 18). Demolition of existing garages, existing stairs and canopy. Creation of new stair access and substation. Remodelled vehicular access, parking and landscaping. Approval Subject to s106
N6/1995/0569/AD Retention of externally illuminated wall mounted sign Refused
N6/1991/0586/FP Continued use of take away shop (Class A3) without compliance of condition number 2 of Planning Permission Ref No N6/0098/91 to permit the opening hours from 09.00 to 22.30 on Monday to Sunday inclusive Granted
N6/1991/0098/FP Change of use from retail shop to class A3 use Granted
C6/1988/0027/FP Siting of a 1.3m diameter dish aerial on roof Granted
C6/1987/0027/FP Change of use to estate agency incorporating building society and financial services Granted
N6/1982/0162/ Use of premises as sauna/sunbed salon Granted
N6/1977/0562/ Use as licensed betting office Granted
N6/1977/0572/ Shop front, plant room/refuse room and canopy. (Application received October, 1977) Granted
N6/1977/7029/AD Illuminated fascia and projecting signs (Application received October, 1977) Granted
N6/1977/7035/AD Illuminated fascia sign Granted
N6/1975/0612/ Block of 4 shops and supermarket on ground floor, 10 service units on 1st floor, 4 flats and 2 bedsitters on 2nd floor with garages, parking and roads Granted

There are no NMAs associated with this application