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Planning Application: N6/1995/0569/AD


Decided - Refused

Lidl Foodstore, 71-81 Moors Walk, Welwyn Garden City

Retention of externally illuminated wall mounted sign

  • Haldens

  • Councillor Lucy Musk
  • Councillor Astrid Scott
  • Councillor Matthew Hobbs


Lidl UK Ltd, Jenny Lind House,

Lidl UK Ltd, Jenny Lind House,

49 Parkside Wimbledon

49 Parkside Wimbledon

There are no constraints associated with this application



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Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2022/0040/FULL Erection of a single storey front extension under existing canopy and erection of trolley bay following demolition of existing trolley bays Granted 0
6/2021/3173/FULL Alterations to building façade, and erection of 1 x trolley bay involving the removal of 1 x existing trolley bay Refused 0
6/2021/3050/ADV Installation of 2x internally illuminated totem signs Granted 0
6/2021/3051/ADV Installation of 2x internally illuminated fascia signs Granted 0
N6/2014/1337/FP Installation of wall mounted air conditioning unit Granted

There are no NMAs associated with this application