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Planning Application: 6/2021/0516/VAR


Decided - Granted

Mr Mark Peacock

Land at Panshanger, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2QJ

Variation of conditions 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 24, 28, 30, 31 & 32 on outline planning permission (6/2018/0873/OUTLINE) for a residential-led development of up to 650 residential units, a two-form entry primary school, provision of six gypsy and traveller pitches, a new local centre (comprising retail and community uses), new vehicular access from Herns Lane, car parking, associated infrastructure and landscaping works with all matters except access reserved



  • Haldens
  • Panshanger

  • Councillor Lucy Musk
  • Councillor Astrid Scott
  • Councillor Matthew Hobbs
  • Councillor Jane Quinton
  • Councillor Darrell Panter
  • Councillor Salman Khan


Mr David Jobbins

Ms Caroline Searle

30 Carlton Crescent Southampton SO15 2EW

C/O Agent 30 Carlton Crescent Southampton SO152EW
Description Distance
Area of Special Restraint 0.00
Green Belt 0.00
Landscape Character Area 0.00
Rights of Way 1.94
Rights of Way 0.00
Rights of Way 0.00
Urban Open Land 0.00
Community Asset 0.00
Adjoining Local Authorities 0.00
Cycle Paths 0.00
Cycle Paths 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 30mm 0.00
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Wildlife Sites 0.00
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00
Sand and Gravel Belt 0.00
Structural Landscape Area 0.00



If any documents do not appear to be shown below, please email including the case number. We will endeavour to publish any missing items within 10 working days.

To download a selection of individual documents place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all of the documents place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all of the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files. To view individual documents click on the File for the required row.

Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf (0 kb) Application form redacted 17/02/2021
Location Plan
ID06095-04-03-RevF Site Location 260619.pdf (0 kb) Site Location Plan 08/07/2019
30588AC013.pdf (0 kb) Proposed access from Panshanger Lane 04/04/2018
30588AC014.pdf (0 kb) Proposed access from Halifax Way 04/04/2018
D2972_433_Paramter Plan Landscape.pdf (0 kb) Landscape Parameter Plan 17/02/2021
D2972_434_Paramter Plan Access.pdf (0 kb) Access & Movement Parameter Plan 17/02/2021
D2972_435_Parameter Plan Indicative Proposed Landscaping.pdf (0 kb) Indicative Proposed Landscaping Plan 17/02/2021
D2972_432_Paramter Plan Land Use.pdf (0 kb) Land Use Parameter Plan 17/02/2021
13535-CRH-ZC-XX-DR-C-4280-P2.pdf (0 kb) Proposed access from Panshangar Lane 08/06/2021
D2972_202_REVF_S73 Concept Plan.pdf (0 kb) Illustrative Master Plan 03/08/2021
13535-CRH-ZA-XX-DR-C-4250-P3-A1.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Access from Herns Lane 09/07/2021
13535-CRH-ZB-XX-DR-C-4262-P2.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Access from Panshanger 09/07/2021
D2972_432_REVA_Parameter Plan Land Use-2 (002).pdf (0 kb) Land Use Parameter Plan 15/09/2021
Design & Access Statement
D2972_R006_REVE_Design Statement_lr.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement 26/02/2021
D2972_R006_REVH_Design Statement.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement 02/08/2021
Consultee Response
FW_ 6_2021_0516_VAR.pdf (0 kb) Objection - Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust 03/03/2021
Response_6-2021-0516-VAR.pdf (0 kb) Objection - HCC Highways 09/03/2021
620210516VAR_HERef_P01386230_D133159.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Historic England 09/03/2021
Comments.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Hertfordshire Constabulary 12/03/2021
Comments(1).pdf (0 kb) Call In - Councillor Jane Quinton 15/03/2021
Comments(2).pdf (0 kb) No Objection - Public Health and Protection - WHBC - Public Health and Protection 30/03/2021
6_2021_0516_VAR - Land North East of WGC - Panshanger .pdf (0 kb) Call In - Cllr Terry Mitchinson 18/03/2021
Response Letter.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Natural England - Attachment 30/03/2021
133003.pdf (0 kb) Objection - attachment - Environment Agency 30/03/2021
620210516VAR - LLFA 13.04.2021.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Lead Local Flood Authority 13/04/2021
6_2021_0516_VAR - Land North East of Welwyn Garden City (Panshanger)_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) No Comment - HCC Growth Team 11/05/2021
620210516VAR - LLFA 07.06.2021.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Lead Local Flood Authority 07/06/2021
Land NE WGC Panshanger 6.2021.0516.VAR_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Hertfordshire Ecology 14/06/2021
Response June 2021_6-2021-0516-VAR.pdf (0 kb) Comment - HCC Highways updated 23/06/2021
Response 2021_0516_VAR-Sport England-Email.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Sport England 03/08/2021
Response 2021_0516_VAR-Historic England-Letter.pdf (0 kb) Response-Historic England - Attachment 04/08/2021
WK125895 - Lnd Nth Panshanger Aerodrome.pdf (0 kb) WHBC Public Health and Protection - Attachment 05/08/2021
Comments(3).pdf (0 kb) WHBC Public Health and Protection - Email 05/08/2021
Comments(4).pdf (0 kb) Comment - Hertfordshire Constabulary 09/08/2021
Response 2021_0516_VAR- Environment Agency - Attachment.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Environment Agency - Attachment 11/08/2021
Comments(5).pdf (0 kb) Comment - Hertfordshire Gardens Trust 13/08/2021
Response HCC Highways Aug 2021_6-2021-0516-VAR.pdf (0 kb) Comments - HCC Highways 14/09/2021
620210516VAR - LLFA 26.10.2021.pdf (0 kb) Response LLFA 26/10/2021
Neighbour Representation - Without Personal Information
Objection Attachment 11 Chelveston Wewlyn Garden City _Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - Attachment 11 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW - Redacted 28/02/2021
Objection - 11 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 28-02-2021-Redacted_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 11 Chelveston Wewlyn Garden City Herts - Redacted 28/03/2021
2 Thumbswood, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4QE Objection 03-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 2 Thumbswood Welwyn Garden City AL7 4QE -Redacted 03/03/2021
68 Stirling Way, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2QA Comment 03-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Comment - 68 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA -Redacted 03/03/2021
6 Douglas Way, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2LY Comment 04-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Comment - 6 Douglas Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LY -Redacted 04/03/2021
Objection - attachment 25 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF -Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection attachment 25 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City - Redacted 06/05/2021
25 Martlesham, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2QF Objection 07-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 25 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF -Redacted 07/03/2021
22 Westcott, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PP Objection 08-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 22 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP -Redacted 08/03/2021
4 Westcott, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PP Objection 08-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 4 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP -Redacted 08/03/2021
Panshanger SDS1 Objection 9_3_21.pdf (0 kb) Objection attachment - 5 Chelveston WGC 09/03/2021
5 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 09-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 5 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 09/03/2021
23 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 09-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 23 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 09/03/2021
4 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 10-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 4 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 10/03/2021
6 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 10-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 6 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 10/03/2021
17 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 10-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 17 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 10/03/2021
14 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 11-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 14 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 11/03/2021
Objection - attachment 14 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City Herts AL7 2PW - Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection attachment - 14 Chelveston Welwyn Garden CIty AL7 2PW - Redacted 11/03/2021
Objection_15Chel_Plan_Mar_2021V2.pdf (0 kb) Objection attachment - 15 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW to Planning Application 6/2021/0516/VAR 11/03/2021
Comments on Planning Application 6_2021_0516_VAR CJLG20210311.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 20 Chelveston Welwyn -Attachment 11/03/2021
17 Halifax Way, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2QH Objection 11-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 17 Halifax Way Welwyn-Redacted 11/03/2021
17 Halifax Way, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2QH Objection 11-03-2021-Redacted(1).pdf (0 kb) Objection - 17 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH -Redacted 11/03/2021
3 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 11-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 3 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 11/03/2021
9 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 11-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 9 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 11/03/2021
16 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 12-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 16 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 12/03/2021
16 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 12-03-2021-Redacted(1).pdf (0 kb) Objection - 16 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 12/03/2021
4 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 12-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 4 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 12/03/2021
Planning Objection PDF.pdf (0 kb) Objection attachment - 18 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP Planning Objection PDF.pdf 12/03/2021
18 Westcott, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PP Objection 12-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 18 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP -Redacted 12/03/2021
Objection Comments.pdf (0 kb) Objection attachment - 21 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City 6/2021/0516/VAR - Objection Comments 13/03/2021
Objection to Planning Application- 6_2021_0516_VAR.pdf (0 kb) Objection attachment - 22 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City Objection statement to Planning Application: 6/2021/0516/VAR 14/03/2021
22 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 14-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 22 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 14/03/2021
9 Chedburgh, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PU Objection 15-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 9 Chedburgh Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PU -Redacted 15/03/2021
Objection to planning application 6.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 12 Chelveston -attachment 15/03/2021
Objection attachment - 24Chelveston _Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection attachment - 24 Chelveston WGC - Redacted 15/03/2021
24 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 15-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection- 24 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 15/03/2021
2 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 16-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 2 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 16/03/2021
19 Westcott, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PP Objection 16-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 19 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP -Redacted 16/03/2021
Objection to planning 25.pdf (0 kb) Objection attachment -25 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City Herts 16/03/2021
25 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 16-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection- 25 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 16/03/2021
Objection - attachment 19 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW - Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - attachment 19 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City - Redacted 17/03/2021
19 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 17-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 19 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 17/03/2021
Planning Objection PDF (1).pdf (0 kb) Objection attachment - 18 Westcott Wewlyn Garden City AL7 2PP 17/03/2021
18 Westcott, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PP Objection 17-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 18 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP -Redacted 17/03/2021
Pages from plan_cgw_15-03-2021_10-34-13_8 (002)_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 21 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City 17/03/2021
6_2021_0516_VAR - Land North East of Welwyn Garden City Panshanger Welwyn Garden City AL27 2QJ_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 5 Chelveston Welwyn Garden CIty 15/03/2021
18 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 17-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection- 18 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 17/03/2021
Objection to planning 25 (1).pdf (0 kb) Objection - attachment 25 Chelveston Wewlyn Garden City AL7 2PW 17/03/2021
25 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Comment 17-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection- 25 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 17/03/2021
Objections by AL72PU.pdf (0 kb) Objections - attachment -7 Chedburgh Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PU 17/03/2021
7 Chedburgh, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PU Objection 17-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection- 7 Chedburgh Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PU -Redacted 17/03/2021
Objection-8 Chelveston,Welwyn Garden City 18Mar2021.pdf (0 kb) Objection - attachment - 8 Chelveston Wewlyn Garden City 18/03/2021
8 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Objection 18-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection- 8 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW Redacted 18/03/2021
Planning OBJECTION to 620210516VAR.pdf (0 kb) Objection - attachment 17 Westcott Welwyn Garden City 18/03/2021
17 Westcott, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PP Objection 18-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection- 17 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP -Redacted 18/03/2021
Planning Application - Objections.pdf (0 kb) Objections- attachment - 8 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 18/03/2021
8 Westcott, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PP Objection 18-03-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection- 8 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP -Redacted 18/03/2021
Objection attachment -29 Lemsford Village WGC_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection attachment - 29 Lemsford Village WGC- Redacted 06/05/2021
Objection - 29 Lemsford Village, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 7TN _Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 29 Lemsford Village Wewlyn Garden City, AL8 7TN - Redacted 19/03/2021
Planning Application_ 6_2021_0516_VAR_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection email - 5 Chedburgh Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PU - Redacted 22/03/2021
9 Godfries Close Comment 23-03-2021_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Comment - 9 Godfries Close, Tewin, Herts, AL6 0LQ- Redacted 23/03/2021
28 Wyton Objection 16-03-2021_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 28 Wyton redacted 16/03/2021
5 Chelveston - comment 0516 VAR_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Object - 5 Chelveston Redacted 29/07/2021
Objection 2021_0516_VAR - 5 Chelveston Welwyn-Email_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 5 Chelveston Welwyn-Email-Redacted 09/08/2021
Objection 2021_0516_VAR - 5 Chelveston Welwyn-Attachment_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 5 Chelveston Welwyn-Attachment-Redacted 09/08/2021
14 Chelveston - objection_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 14 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City - Redacted 16/08/2021
Comments on 6_2021_0516_VAR_CJLG 20210818.pdf (0 kb) Comments - 20 Chelveston Welwyn-Attachment 18/08/2021
20 Chelveston, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2PW Comment 18-08-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Comment - 20 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW -Redacted 18/08/2021
Objection 0516 VAR 11 Chelveston_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 11 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City - Redacted 19/08/2021
19 Halifax Way, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 2QH Objection 19-08-2021-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection - 19 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH -Redacted 19/08/2021
Legal Agreement
Panshanger s 106A deed of variation 4.2.2021(120746819.2)DJ.pdf (0 kb) Panshanger Proposed S106 Deed Of Variation 17/02/2021
Official Copy of Completed Title _ HD592937.PDF (0 kb) Official Copy Of Completed Title 17/02/2021
Panshanger Planning Obligations Summary of Revisions Feb 2021 .pdf (0 kb) Panshanger Planning Obligations Summary Of Revisions 17/02/2021
Panshanger DoV dated 11 April 2022_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) DoV dated 11 April 2022 redacted 12/04/2022
Decision Notice PDF
Decision Notice_620210516VAR.pdf (0 kb) Decision Notice 10/06/2022
Officer Report PDF
Delegated Report_620210516VAR(2)(3).pdf (0 kb) Officer Report 10/06/2022
Application Documents
Cover Letter Panshanger Section 73.pdf (0 kb) Cover Letter Panshanger Section 73 17/02/2021
1 BN-CR-20-102 - Panshanger Lane Welwyn Garden City - Stage 1 RSA -11-02-21.pdf (0 kb) Road Safety Audit 17/02/2021
D2972_435_REVA_Parameter Plan Indicative Proposed Landscaping-2.pdf (0 kb) Parameter Plan Indicative Proposed Landscaping-2 10/06/2022
Amended Plans
012_A.PDF (0 kb) Proposed access from Bericot Way 14/02/2019
ID06095-048-260619 Rev I Heights Parameters Plan.pdf (0 kb) Heights Parameter Plan 08/07/2019
ID06095-04-049 RevH 260619 Density Parameters Plan.pdf (0 kb) Density Parameter Plan 08/07/2019
Kate Harwood Comment 22-03-2021.pdf (0 kb) c/o Gardens, Ashridge, HP4 1NS 22/03/2021
Amendments Letter Panshanger Section 73 July 21(1).pdf (0 kb) Amendments Letter Panshanger Section 73 July 21.pdf 03/08/2021
D2972_FAB_00_XX_L_PP_9003 Key Views and Methodology.pdf (0 kb) Landscape Visual Impact Assessment: Key Representitive Viewpoints and Methodology 08/06/2021
Site Notice
Site Notice_620210516VAR.pdf (0 kb) Site Notice 12/03/2021
Superseded Plans
30588AC009 Rev C.pdf (0 kb) Proposed access from Herns Lane GHost Island right turn 04/04/2018
30588AC012.pdf (0 kb) Proposed access from Bericot Way 04/04/2018
ID06095-04-03-RevD Site Location 29.03.2018 A1.PDF (0 kb) Site Location Plan 29/03/2018
ID06095-04-085-RevC Panshanger Parameter Plan Pack 270318 4.pdf (0 kb) Heights Parameters Plan 29/03/2018
Heights Parameters Plan.pdf (0 kb) Heights Parameters Plan 18/12/2018
ID06095-04-085-RevC Panshanger Parameter Plan Pack 270318 3.pdf (0 kb) Density Parameters Plan 29/03/2018
Density Parameters Plan.pdf (0 kb) Density Parameters Plan 18/12/2018
ID06095-04-085-RevC Panshanger Parameter Plan Pack 270318 5.pdf (0 kb) Landscape Parameters Plan 29/03/2018
Landscape Parameters Plan.pdf (0 kb) Landscape Parameters Plan 18/12/2018
ID06095-04-085-RevC Panshanger Parameter Plan Pack 270318 2.pdf (0 kb) Land Use Parameters Plan 29/03/2018
ID06095-04-085-RevC Panshanger Parameter Plan Pack 270318 6.pdf (0 kb) Access & Movement Parameters Plan 29/03/2018
ID06095-086-RevE 141218 Illustrative MP.PDF (0 kb) Illustrative Masterplan 18/12/2018
D2972_202_REVB_S73 Concept Plan.pdf (0 kb) Illustrative Masterplan 17/02/2021
Supporting Information
Schedule of Proposed Conditions Variation.pdf (0 kb) Schedule Of Proposed Conditions Variation 17/02/2021
Schedule of Proposed Conditions Variation REV A(3).pdf (0 kb) Schedule Of Proposed Conditions Variation Rev A 10/03/2021
tf 1168 treefabrik - Technical Briefing Note 210224 v1.4.pdf (0 kb) Technical Briefing Note 26/02/2021
13535-CRH-XX-XX-RP-C-0001_EIACON_F1.pdf (0 kb) Statement of Conformity with the submitted Environmental Statement 01/04/2021
Response Letter Panshanger Section 73 May 2021.pdf (0 kb) Neighbour Comments Response Letter 14/05/2021
D2972_467_Local centre proposals.pdf (0 kb) Local Centre Proposals showing Separation Distances 14/05/2021
D2972_207_REVA_Local Centre Photomontage.pdf (0 kb) Local Centre Photomontage 14/05/2021
Schedule of Proposed Conditions Variation REV C.pdf (0 kb) Schedule Of Proposed Conditions Variation Rev C 04/10/2021
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust 09/03/2021 30/03/2021 03/03/2021
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust 10/06/2022
Tewin Parish Council Caroline McFarlane 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Tewin Parish Council Caroline McFarlane 09/03/2021 30/03/2021
Tewin Parish Council Caroline McFarlane 10/06/2022
Natural England Consultation Service 09/03/2021 30/03/2021 30/03/2021
Natural England Consultation Service 10/06/2022
Natural England Consultation Service 03/08/2021 13/08/2021 17/08/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Ayesha Rohale 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Ayesha Rohale 25/02/2021 18/03/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Ayesha Rohale 10/06/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Barbara Fitzsimon 10/06/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Barbara Fitzsimon 25/02/2021 18/03/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Barbara Fitzsimon 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jane Quinton 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jane Quinton 25/02/2021 18/03/2021 15/03/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jane Quinton 10/06/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Lucy Musk 10/06/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Lucy Musk 25/02/2021 18/03/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Lucy Musk 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Mike Larkins 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Mike Larkins 25/02/2021 18/03/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Mike Larkins 10/06/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Terry Mitchinson 10/06/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Terry Mitchinson 25/02/2021 18/03/2021 18/03/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Terry Mitchinson 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Housing Trust Dave Rush 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Housing Trust Dave Rush 09/03/2021 30/03/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Housing Trust Dave Rush 10/06/2022
HCC - Rights of Way (South) Dawn West 10/06/2022
HCC - Rights of Way (South) Dawn West 25/02/2021 18/03/2021
HCC - Rights of Way (South) Dawn West 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
East Herts Council Director of Planning 10/06/2022
East Herts Council Director of Planning 09/03/2021 30/03/2021
East Herts Council Director of Planning 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Lead Local Flood Authority Fiona Lai 03/08/2021 13/08/2021 26/10/2021
Lead Local Flood Authority Fiona Lai 10/05/2021 20/05/2021 07/06/2021
Lead Local Flood Authority Fiona Lai 09/03/2021 30/03/2021 13/04/2021
Lead Local Flood Authority Fiona Lai 10/06/2022
Hertfordshire Constabulary Gerry Brophy 10/06/2022
Hertfordshire Constabulary Gerry Brophy 09/03/2021 30/03/2021 12/03/2021
Hertfordshire Constabulary Gerry Brophy 03/08/2021 13/08/2021 09/08/2021
Hertfordshire County Council HCC Growth Team 09/03/2021 30/03/2021 11/05/2021
Hertfordshire County Council HCC Growth Team 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Hertfordshire County Council HCC Growth Team 10/06/2022
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 10/06/2022
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 08/06/2021 18/06/2021
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 25/02/2021 18/03/2021 09/03/2021
The Ramblers' Association Ian Hardy 09/03/2021 30/03/2021
The Ramblers' Association Ian Hardy 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
The Ramblers' Association Ian Hardy 10/06/2022
Hertfordshire Gardens Trust Kate Harwood 10/06/2022
Hertfordshire Gardens Trust Kate Harwood 03/08/2021 13/08/2021 13/08/2021
Hertfordshire Gardens Trust Kate Harwood 09/03/2021 30/03/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 25/02/2021 18/03/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 10/06/2022
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 10/06/2022
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 09/03/2021 30/03/2021
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 25/02/2021 18/03/2021 14/06/2021
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 25/02/2021 18/03/2021
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 10/06/2022
Cadent Gas Limited Mr S Carter 10/06/2022
Cadent Gas Limited Mr S Carter 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Cadent Gas Limited Mr S Carter 09/03/2021 30/03/2021
Environment Agency Natasha Smith 09/03/2021 30/03/2021
Environment Agency Natasha Smith 03/08/2021 13/08/2021 11/08/2021
Environment Agency Natasha Smith 10/06/2022
Thames Water, Development Control Nicky McHugh 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Thames Water, Development Control Nicky McHugh 09/03/2021 30/03/2021
Thames Water, Development Control Nicky McHugh 10/06/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Parking Services 10/06/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Parking Services 09/03/2021 30/03/2021
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Parking Services 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Affinity Water Ltd Planning Team 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
Affinity Water Ltd Planning Team 10/06/2022
Affinity Water Ltd Planning Team 09/03/2021 30/03/2021
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 09/03/2021 30/03/2021 30/03/2021
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 03/08/2021 13/08/2021 05/08/2021
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 10/06/2022
Sport England Roy Warren 10/06/2022
Sport England Roy Warren 03/08/2021 13/08/2021 03/08/2021
Sport England Roy Warren 09/03/2021 30/03/2021
NHS Sheila Addison 09/03/2021 30/03/2021
NHS Sheila Addison 03/08/2021 13/08/2021
NHS Sheila Addison 10/06/2022
Historic England Tom Goodman 10/06/2022
Historic England Tom Goodman 03/08/2021 13/08/2021 04/08/2021
Historic England Tom Goodman 25/02/2021 18/03/2021 10/03/2021
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
5 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
28 Wyton Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 2PF 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
9 Godfries Close Tewin Herts AL6 0LQ 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
c/o Gardens Ashridge HP4 1NS 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
Genaral Aviation Awareness Council Spring Green Cottage Shaftesbury SP7 0PZ 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
Apartment 4 Tewin Water House Tewin Water Welwyn AL6 0AA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
Grebe House St Michaels Street St Albans 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
2 New Road Woolmer Green Knebworth SG3 6JX 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
Hertfordshire Gardens Trust c/o Gardens Ashridge Berkhamsted 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
18 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
3 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
4 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
4 Jordans Hilly fields AL7 2HD 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
10 Mendlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QG 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
Apt 5 Tewin Water House Tewin Water Welwyn AL6 0AA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
9 Witchford Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PR 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
33 Quantock Rise Pawlett Bridgwater Somerset TA6 4SD 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
7 Chedburgh Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PU 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
20 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
6 Tewin Water House Tewin Water Welwyn 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
108 Brooksfield Welwyn Garden City AL7 2AN 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
Tewin Bury Farm Hertford Road Welwyn Garden City AL6 0JN 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
13 Chilterns Hatfield AL10 8ju 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
265 Hertingfordbury Road Hertingfordbury SG14 2LB 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
Apt 2 Tewin Water House Tewin Water Welwyn Herts AL6 0AA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
73 Langstone Ley Welwyn Garden City AL7 1FR 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
48 The Platters Gillingham ME8 0DJ 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
5 Chedburgh Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PU 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
17 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
1 Tewin Water House Tewin Water Welwyn AL6 0AA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
Panshanger Lane SG14 2TS 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
21 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
West End Lane Pinner HA5 3NU 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
5 Briars Wood Hatfield AL10 8DA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
22 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
20 Weavers Row Halstead Essex 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
98 Hillyfields Welwyn Garden City AL7 2EA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
Panshanger Lane SG14 2TS 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
11 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
6 Alconbury Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QL 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
19 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
14 Chalgrove Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QJ 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
40 Sylvandale Welwyn Garden City AL7 2HT 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
1 Brooksfield Welwyn Garden City AL7 2BJ 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
David Lock Associates 50 North Thirteenth Street Central Milton Keynes MK9 3BP 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
193 Daniells Welwyn Garden City AL7 1QH 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
maesevan llanddarog sa328bu 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
15 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
16 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
17 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
18 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
19 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
20 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
21 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
22 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
23 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
24 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
25 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
26 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
27 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
28 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
29 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
30 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
30 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
32 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
42 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
44 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
46 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
48 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
50 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
52 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
54 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
56 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
58 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
60 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
62 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
64 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
66 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
68 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
70 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
72 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
1 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
18 Chalgrove Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QJ 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
19 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
21 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
3 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
5 Alconbury Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QL 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
5 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
7 Alconbury Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QL 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
7 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
12 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
15 Chalgrove Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QJ 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
15 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
16 Chalgrove Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QJ 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
16 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
17 Chalgrove Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QJ 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
17 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
19 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
17 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
18 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
21 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
14 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
15 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
16 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
83 Lincoln Close Welwyn Garden City AL7 2NP 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
84 Lincoln Close Welwyn Garden City AL7 2NP 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
Springmead Primary School Hillyfields Welwyn Garden City AL7 2HB 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
100 Hillyfields Welwyn Garden City AL7 2EA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
84 Hillyfields Welwyn Garden City AL7 2EA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
86 Hillyfields Welwyn Garden City AL7 2EA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
88 Hillyfields Welwyn Garden City AL7 2EA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
90 Hillyfields Welwyn Garden City AL7 2EA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
92 Hillyfields Welwyn Garden City AL7 2EA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
94 Hillyfields Welwyn Garden City AL7 2EA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
96 Hillyfields Welwyn Garden City AL7 2EA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
1 Berricot Green Hertford Road Digswell Welwyn AL6 0JE 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
3 Berricot Green Hertford Road Digswell Welwyn AL6 0JE 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
4 Berricot Green Hertford Road Digswell Welwyn AL6 0JE 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
98 Hillyfields Welwyn Garden City AL7 2EA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
29 Lemsford Village Welwyn Garden City AL8 7TN 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
House Of Commons London SW1A 0AA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
Apartment 6 Tewin Water House Tewin Water Welwyn Herts AL6 0AA 26/02/2021 19/03/2021 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
7 Chedburgh Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PU 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
9 Chedburgh Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PU 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
2 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
3 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
4 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
4 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
5 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
5 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
6 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
8 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
9 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
11 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
12 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
14 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
15 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
16 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
16 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
17 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
18 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
19 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
20 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
20 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW
22 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
23 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
24 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
25 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
25 Chelveston Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PW 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
6 Douglas Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2LY 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
17 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
17 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
19 Halifax Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QH
29 Lemsford Village Welwyn Garden City AL8 7TN 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
21 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
25 Martlesham Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QF 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
68 Stirling Way Welwyn Garden City AL7 2QA 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
2 Thumbswood Welwyn Garden City AL7 4QE 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
4 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
8 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
17 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
18 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
18 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
19 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
22 Westcott Welwyn Garden City AL7 2PP 10/08/2021 20/08/2021
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2022/2495/PN14 Prior approval for the demolition of all former flying club buildings at the south of the site, plus all scattered outbuildings along the northern boundary of the site Prior Approval Required and Granted 0
6/2022/1480/COND Submission of details pursuant of condition 13a (archaeology) on planning permission 6/2021/0516/VAR Granted 0
6/2022/0186/HOUSE Erection of timber boundary fence to front garden Refused 0
6/2021/3436/RM Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the construction of the spine road and related highways including supporting drainage, infrastructure and landscaping works of the approved outline planning permission 6/2021/0516/VAR dated 10 June 2022 Granted 0
6/2021/3096/OUTLINE Outline application for the erection of up to 210 dwellings (Class C3), associated infrastructure, landscaping, provision of allotments and 12 x Gypsy & Traveller pitches with all matters reserved except access 0
6/2021/0757/HOUSE Erection of a first floor side extension Granted 0
6/2021/0622/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 21 (decommissioning of investigative boreholes) on planning permission 6/2018/0873/OUTLINE Withdrawn 0
6/2020/3387/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 20 (ground investigation works) on planning permission 6/2018/0873/OUTLINE Refused 0
6/2019/0813/HOUSE Erection of two storey rear and first floor side / front extension, including alterations to openings Refused 0
6/2018/2703/CN Masterplan for the development North East of Welwyn Garden City Not Determined 0
6/2018/0988/HOUSE Erection of a single storey front extension following demolition of existing front porch, garage conversion and insertion of roof lantern to roof of existing single storey rear extension. Granted 0
6/2018/0873/OUTLINE Outline application for a residential-led development of up to 650 residential units, a two-form entry primary school, provision of six gypsy and traveller pitches, a new local centre (comprising retail and community uses), new vehicular access from Herns Lane, car parking, associated infrastructure and landscaping works with all matters except access reserved Granted 0
6/2018/0158/OUTLINE Outline permission for the relocation of runway, erection of a clubhouse, hangar, car park and aircraft parking with all matters except access and layout reserved Finally Disposed Of 0
6/2017/2469/HOUSE Erection of wooden outbuilding in rear garden Granted 0
6/2017/1071/EIA Scoping request for a proposed residential-led development Granted 0
6/2016/1798/HOUSE Erection of fence to side boundary following removal of hedge Granted 0
6/2015/1584/HOUSE Erection of an open sided garden building Granted 0
N6/2015/1358/DM Demolition of 7no Stuctures and removal of 3 underground fuel tanks Prior Approval Not Required 0
N6/2015/0778/FP Garage conversion into habitable accommodation Granted 0
C6/1987/0727/DE Details of soft landscaping Granted 0
C6/1988/0262/FP Two storey side extension Granted 0
C6/1988/0340/DE Erection of 136 dwellings with associated garages, car ports, parking and roads Granted 0
N6/2015/0310/DM Demolition of 7 structures on site Withdrawn 0
N6/2014/1799/FP Replacement of timber framed windows with UPVC double glazed units Granted 0
N6/2013/1418/FP Erection of single storey side extension Granted 0
N6/2012/2500/MA Proposed installation of covered walkway Granted 0
N6/2012/1316/FP Erection of single storey side extension, conversion of existing single integral garage into habitable accommodation, infilling of porch and addition of second floor habitable accommodation (bedroom and en-suite) within new and existing roofspace following the extension of the existing roof to create second floor gable end walls, with window and balcony in new gable wall and front and rear rooflights Granted 0
N6/2012/0654/FP Erection of conservatory Granted 0
N6/2012/1031/CD Proposed erection of a single storey double modular classroom for a temporary period of 7 years until August 2019 and 2 additional car parking spaces Objection 0
N6/2012/0317/FP Erection of single storey side, front and rear extensions, garage conversion and side dormers Granted 0
N6/2011/2605/FP Erection of single storey front extension Granted 0
N6/2011/2606/FP Erection of single storey front extension Granted 0
N6/2011/0053/FP Erection of single storey side extension, first floor side extension over existing ground floor, alterations to front porch and new garden store Granted 0
N6/2010/1615/FP Part conversion of garage to habitable accommodation to include a window on the front elevation and new french door on rear elevation Granted 0
N6/2005/0300/FP LOFT CONVERSION Granted 0
N6/2002/0581/FP REAR CONSERVATORY Granted 0
N6/2001/1244/FP ERECTION OF GARDEN SHED Granted 0
N6/1999/0341/FP Alterations to existing garage and erection of front porch and detached garage Granted 0
N6/1998/0568/FP Erection of a rear conservatory Granted 0
N6/1998/0513/FP Erection of rear conservatory Granted 0
W6/1997/5342/EM Erection of rear conservatory Granted 0
N6/1997/0597/FP Erection of two storey rear extension Granted 0
N6/1997/0399/FP Erection of single storey rear extension Granted 0
N6/1997/0247/FP Erection of two storey extension Granted 0
N6/1997/0063/CC Erection of single storey extensions for use as classroom and multi purpose hall, formation of additional hardplay areas and car parking Granted 0
N6/1997/0002/FP Erection of rear conservatory Granted 0
N6/1996/0976/CC Erection of mobile classroom for nursery accommodation Granted 0
N6/1996/0575/FP Erection of a rear conservatory Granted 0
W6/1996/5239/EM Erection of a rear conservatory. Granted 0
N6/1995/0922/FP Retention of rear conservatory Granted 0
N6/1995/0672/FP Erection of single storey rear extension to garage Granted 0
W6/1994/5235/EM Erection of 6' x 6' Tylap timber panels to rear side boundary Granted 0
N6/1994/0460/FP Extension to existing garage Granted 0
N6/1994/0457/FP Two storey side extension Granted 0
N6/1994/0459/FP Erection of a porch Granted 0
N6/1994/0262/FP Erection of two storey rear extension Granted 0
N6/1994/0125/FP Erection of rear conservatory and fence Granted 0
N6/1993/0781/FP Conversion of garage to study room Granted 0
N6/1992/0245/FP Erection of conservatory Granted 0
N6/1992/0179/FP Retention of temporary office building for air traffic control purposes Granted 0
N6/1991/0743/FP Two storey side extension to include new garage and conversion of existing garage to study Granted 2
N6/1991/0680/FP Erection of conservatory Granted 0
N6/1991/0524/FP Erection of rear conservatory Granted 0
N6/1991/0449/FP Erection of 39 dwellings with garages, together with associated road works Granted 0
N6/1991/0323/FP Erection of eight dwellings with associated garages (amended layout) Granted 0
W6/1990/5388/EM Replacement of existing windows Granted 0
N6/1990/0295/OP Site for commercial development including access roads, landscaping and loading areas Appeal Withdrawn 0
N6/1990/0524/FP Erection of 11 detached houses with garages (amended layout to Phase 9-10) Granted 0
N6/1990/0294/OP Site for residential development including landscaping areas, access roads and area reserved for community use Refused 0
N6/1990/0295/OP Site for commercial development including access roads, landscaping and loading areas Refused 0
N6/1989/0008/OP Site for residential development with associated landscaping, access roads and area reserved for community use Refused 0
N6/1989/0009/OP Site for residential development with associated landscaping, access roads and area reserved for community use Refused 0
N6/1989/0018/OP Site for commercial development Use Class B1 & B2, with associated access roads, landscaping, parking and loading areas Refused 0
N6/1989/0019/OP Site for commercial development Use Class B1 & B2, with associated access roads, landscaping, parking and loading area Refused 0
C6/1988/1192/DE Landscaping proposals for approval under reserved matters Granted 0
C6/1987/0565/DE Erection of 36 houses with garages, and associated road layout Granted 0
C6/1987/0868/OP Site for erection of aircraft hangarage & assoc. buildings related to airfield activities, & other buildings for (B1) business following dem. of all buildings Refused 0
C6/1986/0650/DE 24 detached houses and garages Granted 0
C6/1986/0814/ Flats and houses Granted 1
C6/1985/0596/OP Site for residential development Granted 0
C6/1985/0417/ Construction of distribution and roundabout. Granted 0
C6/1984/0284/FP Retention of temporary building for air traffic control purposes Granted 0
N6/1982/0275/ Site for residential development Refused 0
N6/1981/0270/ Site for residential development (40 acres approximately) Refused 2
N6/1981/0644/ Temporary accommodation for air traffic control purposes Granted 0
N6/1980/0194/ Ground floor rear extension Granted 0
N6/1979/0884/ Site for residential development Refused 0
E/1957/0010/ Use of land for residential development. Refused 0
N6/1990/0294/OP Site for residential development including landscaping areas, access roads and area reserved for community use Appeal Withdrawn 0

There are no NMAs associated with this application