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Planning Application: 6/2016/0995/FULL


Decided - Granted

Mr S Dicocco

Oshwal Centre, Coopers Lane Road, Northaw, Potters Bar, EN6 4DG

Erection of single storey rear extension and internal alterations



  • Northaw and Cuffley

  • Councillor Bernard Sarson
  • Councillor George Michaelides
  • Councillor Barbara Fitzsimon

Northaw and Cuffley


Mr L Vekaria

Oshwal Centre

Saloria Architects Unit 27 Cygnus Business Centre Dalme London NW10 2XA

Oshwal Association of the UK Oshwal Centre Coopers Lane Road Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4DG
Description Distance
Listed Buildings Combined 0.00
Green Belt 0.00
Landscape Character Area 0.00
Parish 0.00



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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormNoPersonalData.pdf (134 kb) Application Form - Without Personal Data 20/05/2016
Application Form & Tree Sketch - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormNoPersonalData(1).pdf (100 kb) Application Form - Redacted-NMA 07/09/2018
Location Plan
6842-02-P1 Site Plan Oshwal House.pdf (214 kb) Site Location Plan 20/05/2016
112.pdf (527 kb) NMA Plans, Elevations And Sections 07/09/2018
Consultee Response
Comments.htm (3 kb) Comment - Northaw & Cuffley Parish Council 30/06/2016
From.pdf (6 kb) Comments - Conservation Officer WHBC 04/05/2017
Decision Notice PDF
Decision Notice_620160995FULL.pdf (239 kb) Decision Notice PDF 05/07/2017
Officer Report PDF
Delegated Report_620160995FULL(3).pdf (32 kb) Officer Report 05/07/2017
Amended Floor Plans
6842_170621_Oshwal Centre_SSRE_6842-33-P2_plans_6842_B1.pdf (180 kb) Plans 21/06/2017
Amended Plans
6842_170621_Oshwal Centre_SSRE_6842-36-P3_elev_6842_B1.pdf (139 kb) Elevations 21/06/2017
6842_160518_H191.5 Planning Statement_SSRE_6842_B1.pdf (1260 kb) Planning Statement 20/05/2016
6842_160519_heritage statement_R3_6842_B1.pdf (735 kb) Heritage Statement 20/05/2016
Site Notice
Site Notice_620160995FULL.pdf (95 kb) Site Notice 12/04/2017
Superseded Plans
6842_160519_6842-31-P1_Plans_SSRE_6842_B1.pdf (321 kb) Floor Plans 20/05/2016
6842_160519_6842-32-P1_elevations_SSRE_6842_B1.pdf (224 kb) Elevations 20/05/2016
6842_170426_Oshwal Centre_SSRE_6842-35-P2_elevations_6842_B1.pdf (190 kb) Elevations 28/04/2017
6842_170313_Oshwal Centre_SSRE_6842-33-P1_plans_6842_B1.pdf (321 kb) Floor Plans 14/03/2017
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
WHBC - Conservation Andrew Robley 26/04/2017 28/04/2017
WHBC - Conservation Andrew Robley 05/07/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Bernard Sarson 05/07/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Bernard Sarson 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor George Michaelides 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor George Michaelides 05/07/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Irene Dean 05/07/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Irene Dean 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
Northaw & Cuffley Parish Council The Clerk 05/07/2017
Northaw & Cuffley Parish Council The Clerk 14/06/2016 05/07/2016 30/06/2016
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
Warrenwood 39 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
Fox Meadow 40 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
1 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
2 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
3 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
4 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
5 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
6 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
7 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
8 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
9 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
10 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
11 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
12 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
13 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
14 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
15 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
16 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
17 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
18 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
19 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
20 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
21 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
22 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
23 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
24 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
25 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
26 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
27 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
28 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
29 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
30 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
31 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
32 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
33 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
34 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
35 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
Oshwal House Coopers Lane Road Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4DG 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
37 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
38 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
41 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
36 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
42 Firs Wood Close Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4BY 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
The Lodge Oshwal House Coopers Lane Road Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4DG 14/06/2016 05/07/2016
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2023/2509/TPO T2 oak to reduce height and spread by 2m. T3 oak to reduce height by 2m. T4 oak to reduce height by 1.5m and spread by 2.5m. T5 oak to reduce height by 1.5m. T6 oak to reduce height by 2.5m. All covered by TPO178 Granted 0
6/2018/2300/LB Omission of 5 x rooflights from south-facing roofslope of extension Granted
6/2018/2225/LB Repair and maintenance to walls, floors and timber fixtures, repainting and waxing to match the existing treatments to include installation of wainscoting in bridge rooms, reinstatement of existing doorways Granted 0
6/2018/1092/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (material samples) and 2 (details of windows, roof lights, link glazing and doors), on planning permission 6/2016/0995/FULL, dated 05/07/2017 Granted
6/2018/1093/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (material samples) and 2 (details of windows, roof lights, link glazing and doors) on listed building reference 6/2016/0347/LB, dated 05/07/2017 Granted 0
6/2018/0136/LB Restoration, repair and replacement of existing windows. Granted
6/2018/0137/LB External refurbishment including replacing the existing render and paint Granted
6/2017/2912/COND Submission of details pursuant to conditions 1 (material samples), 2 (details of new windows, roof lights, link glazing and doors) 3 (details of eaves, parapets, verges, abutments and chimney stack), 4 (details of cast iron rainwater goods) on listed building consent 6/2017/2594/LB Part Approved / Part Refused
6/2017/2914/COND Submission of details pursuants to condition 2 (hard and soft landscaping plan) on planning permission 6/2017/1268/FULL Granted
6/2017/2594/LB Erection of single storey rear extension and internal alterations to include merging of existing male and female toilet facilities to form a new male bathroom, removal of existing toilet and existing store room to enlarge the office as well as partial conversion of canteen space to form the ladies bathroom Granted
6/2017/2592/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (materials samples), 2 (details of windows and doors), 3 (details of eaves, parapets, verges, abutments and chimney stack) and 5 (rainwater goods materials) on planning permission 6/2016/0995/FULL Part Approved / Part Refused 0
6/2017/2593/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (materials samples) on planning permission 6/2017/1268/FULL Granted
6/2017/0351/FULL Erection of single storey front extension (pronaos) to the temple to include 8 new columns and 3 domes. Granted
S6/2013/0916/FP Erection of two storey side extension Granted
S6/2012/2549/FP Erection of a single storey rear extension following demolition of existing ground floor extension and enlarged terrace area Granted
S6/2012/2404/FP Installation of new glazing facade to facillitate lift installation Granted
S6/1996/0503/FP Extension to Assembly Hall to provide toilets at first floor and foyer to ground floor Granted
S6/1992/0680/FP Erection of toilet block to serve children's playground Granted
S6/1991/0032/FP Provision of children's play area Granted
S6/1988/1057/FP New car park for 117 car parking spaces Granted
S6/1986/0234/FP Demolition of existing outbuildings and replacement with new community building in association with use of Hook House Granted
S6/1984/0352/ Single storey extension and alterations Granted
S6/1984/0353/LB Demolition of first floor extension, erection of single storey extension and alterations Granted
S6/1980/0046/ Extension and conversion of outbuildings to community buildings Granted
S6/1980/0692/ 9ft high brick wall Granted
S6/1979/0689/ Change of use from residential to spiritual, cultural and leisure activities of a religious body Granted
Reference Number Description Validated Date Expiry Date Reason For Change Officer Decision Decision Date
6/2016/0995/NMA Non material amendment for omission of 5no. rooflights from south-facing roofslope on planning permission 6/2016/0995/FULL, dated 05/07/2017 07/09/2018 05/10/2018 Mr William Myers Granted 26/10/2018