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Appeal: S6/1990/1014/FP

Planning Appeal

Colesdale Farm, Northaw Road West, Northaw, Potters Bar, EN6 4QZ

Change of use of agricultural land to golf course; change of use and extensions to existing agricultural buildings to form club house and ancillary facilities; new vehicular access; provision of car parking

Written Representations

Durants Park Holdings Ltd

Hertford Planning Service

304 High Street Herts

98-100 Fore Street SG14 1AB

Northaw and Cuffley

Northaw and Cuffley

Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust
London Borough of Enfield Borough Planning Officer
Hertfordshire County Council - S106 Obligations Denise Headland
Address Date Notified
Colesdale Farm, 1,2 Waterworks Cottages, Mill View Fa
1-15 Cattlegate Cott, Park Farm, Thorntons Farm, 3-23 The Ridgeway, Cuff Hills
Farm, Rambler Assoc, 1-43 & 2-26 Coles, 35,28 Burleigh, 13 Bradgate, 23 Northa
69 Northaw Rd West, 69 Theo, Wells Farm, Cons sent:-COS,TWA,NRA,LVW,EAG,EEL,BR

Appeal Dismissed

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Appeal Decision(s)
plan_bf_01-02-2016_09-26-12.pdf (1075 kb) plan_bf_01-02-2016_09-26-12.pdf 03/02/2016
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2025/0195/PN19 Prior approval for the erection of new farm building for storage of hay and agricultural machinery 0
6/2025/0182/PN19 Prior approval for the erection of two agricultural buildings for storage of hay and agricultural machinery 0
6/2024/1919/PN19 Prior approval for the erection of an agricultural building measuring 35m in length, 15m in width, 3.1m to the eaves and 6.08m to the ridge Prior Approval Required and Granted 0
6/2024/1549/PN19 Prior approval for the erection of an agricultural building measuring 35m in length, 15m in width, 3.1m to the eaves and 6.08m to the ridge Prior Approval Required and Refused 0
6/2023/2455/OUTLINE Outline permission for residential development of up to 44 dwellings following demolition of existing buildings and structures at Colesdale Farm with all matters reserved apart from access 0
6/2023/2373/FULL Retention of change of use of field to site for dog exercising, including the erection of post and wire fencing Granted 0
6/2022/2726/LAWE Certificate of lawfulness for the existing storage or distribution Class B8 Granted 0
S6/1990/1014/FP Change of use of agricultural land to golf course; change of use and extensions to existing agricultural buildings to form club house and ancillary facilities; new vehicular access; provision of car parking Refused