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Tree Preservation Order: 934 (2018)

The Rectory 1 Fore Street Hatfield AL9 5AN

for the continued amenity of the area following a review of the landscape

Type Count Identifier Species
Individual 1 Snowy Mespil
Individual 1 Snowy Mespil

There are no documents associated with this TPO

Application Number Proposal Decision
6/2023/0340/TC T0380 Holly hedge – reduce to 5m high and 2.5m in spread. T0384 Sycamore x 1 – fell to ground level and treat against regrowth. T0386 Holly x 1 – reduce to 5m so it becomes part of the former hedge. T0387 Yew x 1 – lift crown to 4m above ground level by pruning out second-order branches at maximum 25mm diameter, reduce height by 2m, a little more on the eastern side. T0388 Walnut x 1 – fell to ground level and treat against regrowth. T0381 Sycamore x 1 – to - reduce heights by 2.5m and spread by 2m. T0382 Sycamore x 1 – to reduce height by 2.5m and spread by 2.5m. T0383 Sycamore x 1 – to - reduce heights by 2.5m and spread by 2m. Exempt from notice T0385 yew, T0389 smoke bush and self-seeded holly at front. TPO's 264 and TPO 934 (2018) are present Objection
6/2022/1725/TC Reduce 4 x Sycamore by 50% Reduce 2 x Yew & Holly by 50% Reduce 1x Yew by 50% Remove 2 x wingnut shrub Withdrawn
264 x