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Tree Preservation Order: 177
Colesdale Farm Northaw Road West Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4QZ
Type | Count Identifier | Species |
Group | Oak,Ash,Acer, Pine Trees |
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Tree Preservation Order | |||
01051837.pdf (482 kb) | Miscellaneous (DMS Info Document: 607287 Page No(s).: 1) |
Application Number | Proposal | Decision |
6/2025/0182/PN19 | Prior approval for the erection of two agricultural buildings for storage of hay and agricultural machinery | |
6/2024/1919/PN19 | Prior approval for the erection of an agricultural building measuring 35m in length, 15m in width, 3.1m to the eaves and 6.08m to the ridge | Prior Approval Required and Granted |
6/2024/1549/PN19 | Prior approval for the erection of an agricultural building measuring 35m in length, 15m in width, 3.1m to the eaves and 6.08m to the ridge | Prior Approval Required and Refused |
6/2023/2455/OUTLINE | Outline permission for residential development of up to 44 dwellings following demolition of existing buildings and structures at Colesdale Farm with all matters reserved apart from access | |
6/2022/2726/LAWE | Certificate of lawfulness for the existing storage or distribution Class B8 | Granted |
6/2019/2760/OUTLINE | Outline permission for residential development of site of up to 34 dwellings following demolition of the existing buildings and structures with all matters reserved apart from access | Refused |
6/2019/0882/OUTLINE | Outline permission for residential development of site of up to 38 dwellings following demolition of the existing buildings and structures with all matters reserved apart from access | Refused |
6/2018/2936/LAWE | Certificate of lawfulness for use of buildings as commercial | Granted |
S6/1990/0181/FP | Extensions and alterations to farmhouse | Approval Subject to s106 |
895 (2018) | for the continued amenity of the area following a review of the landscape |