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Tree Preservation Order: 141

The Old Cottage, Bell Lane, Bell Bar, Herts

for the continued amenity of the land.

Type Count Identifier Species
Individual Blue Atlas Cedar GeoID: 2962
Individual Blue Atlas Cedar
Individual Holly GeoID: 2866
Individual Holly GeoID: 2867
Individual Holly GeoID: 2868
Individual Oak GeoID: 2842
Individual Oak GeoID: 2843
Individual Oak GeoID: 2845
Individual Oak GeoID: 2848
Individual Oak GeoID: 2851
Individual Oak GeoID: 2853
Individual Oak GeoID: 2854
Individual Oak GeoID: 2855
Individual Oak GeoID: 2858
Individual Oak GeoID: 2859
Individual Oak GeoID: 2886
Individual Oak GeoID: 2954
Individual Oak GeoID: 2970
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2844
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2846
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2847
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2849
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2850
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2857
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2861
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2862
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2870
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2872
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2875
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2885
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2887
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2888
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2957
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2966
Individual Scots Pine GeoID: 2971
Individual Scots Pine
Individual Scots Pine
Individual Scots Pine
Individual Wellingtonia GeoID: 2877
Individual Wellingtonia GeoID: 2955
Individual Wellingtonia GeoID: 2958
Individual Wellingtonia
Individual Yew GeoID: 2864
Individual Yew GeoID: 2869
Individual Yew GeoID: 2871
Individual Yew GeoID: 2873
Individual Yew GeoID: 2876
Individual Yew GeoID: 2878
Individual Yew GeoID: 2959
Individual Yew GeoID: 2960

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Application Documents
TPO0141.pdf (674 kb) Tree Preservation Order 06/09/2017
Application Number Proposal Decision
6/2023/0694/TPO Oak tree -Full crown reduction, 30% approximately 4 metres from top and 3 metres from sides. The branches to the side are overhanging the roof of the house and near to making contact which would cause a lot of damage to the roof structure of the house. Granted
6/2023/0252/TPO T1 Large Mature Oak tree - Reduction to crown of tree by approximately 2.5 meters back to appropriate growth points. Granted
6/2022/2917/TPO Pine tree in front garden rotten and beginning to fall. Plan to cut down to the root and remove. TPO 141 T14 Granted
6/2022/0115/PN8 Prior approval for single storey rear extensions 8m in depth, and 3m in height. Prior Approval Not Required
6/2020/3290/PN8 Prior approval for the erection of a single storey rear extension measuring 4.83m in depth, 3.00m in height and 2.80 to the eaves Refused
6/2020/1714/HOUSE Erection of two storey front extension Refused
6/2020/1740/PN8 Erection of single storey rear extension to the rear of the original rear of the building Refused