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Planning Application: W6/2014/1393/TE


Decided - Granted

Mr Oliver Waring

43 Fordwich Road, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6EY

Reduce 8 Poplar trees by 50%




Mr J Franks

Mr J Franks

Franks Forestry Ltd 64 Dalkeith Road Harpenden AL5 5PW

Franks Forestry Ltd 64 Dalkeith Road Harpenden AL5 5PW

There are no constraints associated with this application



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01405094.pdf (1088 kb) Miscellaneous (DMS Info Document: 830035 Page No(s).: 1)
Officer Report
2014-1393.pdf (19 kb) 24/02/2016
Decision Notice
01411989.pdf (113 kb) Miscellaneous (DMS Info Document: 835849 Page No(s).: 1)

There are no consultees associated with this application

Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
41 Fordwich Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EY 30/06/2014 21/07/2014
42 Fordwich Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EY 30/06/2014 21/07/2014
44 Fordwich Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EY 30/06/2014 21/07/2014
45 Fordwich Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EY 30/06/2014 21/07/2014
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2023/0268/HOUSE Erection of ground floor rear/side extension/first floor rear extension. Insertion of first floor windows to side elevations, insertion of flat roof lights & internal/external alterations. Re-roofing. External landscape works with structures Granted 0
6/2023/0271/EM Erection of ground floor rear/side extension/first floor rear extension, insertion of first floor windows to side elevations, insertion of flat roof lights & internal/external alterations Granted 0
6/2022/2678/TC 1 x Hawthorn to fell 1 x Cherry to fell These are young trees at present. New building is going up and will be in the way and cause problems in the future No Objection 0
6/2022/2680/EMT 1 x Hawthorn to fell  1 x Cherry to fell These are young trees at present. New building is going up and will be in the way and cause problems in the future Granted 0
6/2021/2494/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension to include insertion of roof light into existing flat roof and a single storey side/rear extension to attached outbuilding. Granted 0
6/2021/2495/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension and part first floor rear extension, to include insertion of roof light into existing single storey flat roof and insertion of 2 x windows to existing first floor side and rear elevations. Granted 0
6/2021/2498/EM Single storey rear extension to include insertion of roof light into existing flat roof and a single storey side/rear extension to attached outbuilding. Granted 0
6/2021/2499/EM Single storey rear extension and part first floor rear extension, to include insertion of roof light into existing single storey flat roof and insertion of 2 x windows to existing first floor side and rear elevations. Granted 0
6/2020/2949/HOUSE Erection of a part two storey, part single storey rear extension with roof light, proposed single storey rear extension to existing single storey side and rear addition, alterations to existing window openings and proposed window openings Granted 0
6/2020/2964/EM Erection of a single storey rear extension and a single storey, part two storey, part first floor rear extension to main dwelling, plus alterations to fenestration. Granted 0
6/2020/2583/TC Reduce 1 x Scots Pine tree rear limb by 1.5m in height and width, lift lower canopy by 0.5m. Reduce 2 x Apple trees by 1.5m height and 1m width. Reduce 1 x Pear tree by 1.5m height and 0.5m width covered by conservation area No Objection 0
6/2020/2585/EMT Reduce rear limb of Scots Pine by 1.5m height & width and lift lower canopy by 0.5m. Reduce 2 x Apples by 1.5m height & 1m width Reduce Pear by 1.5m height & 0.5m width Granted 0
6/2019/0447/EM Fell 1 x Goat Willow tree Granted 0
6/2019/0450/TPO Fell 1 x Goat Willow tree - covered by conservation area No Objection 0
6/2018/0191/EM Installation of single panel of bifold doors following removal of french doors Granted
6/2017/0200/ADV Installation of 32 x non-illuminated square metal signs measuring 15cm x 15cm at various locations in Welwyn Garden City Granted

There are no NMAs associated with this application