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Planning Application: S6/2015/1205/NM


Decided - Granted

Mrs Kerrie Charles

51 Pine Grove, Hatfield, AL9 7BL

Non material amendment following approval of planning permission S6/2014/1349/FP - Addition of Solar thermal and Photovoltaic panels to roofscape, removal of window on South Elevation, alteration to layout of rooflights (on flat roof area) general rationlisation/further detailing of floor plans and alterations to external materials




Mr E Ross

Mr T Odell

B3 Architects Unit 2 114 The Matrix Glasgow G4 0HL

51 Pine Grove Hatfield AL9 7BL

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Elevation and Floor Plans
P001 proposed plans, sections and elevations.PDF (4839 kb) P001 proposed plans, sections and elevations (DMS Info Document: 886492 Page No(s).: 1)

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Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
S6/2015/1317/AD Installation of non illuminated banner sign Granted
S6/2014/1349/FP Erection of two storey front extension, two storey and single storey side and rear extensions, roof terrace to rear and alterations to roof to incorporate loft conversion Granted

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