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Planning Application: S6/2014/2108/EI


Decided - Granted

Mr Mark Peacock

Lands South East of, Northaw Road East, (Cattlegate Farm), Cuffley, Potters Bar, EN6 4RD

EIA Screening for proposed development of a primary district heat network



  • Northaw and Cuffley

  • Councillor Bernard Sarson
  • Councillor George Michaelides
  • Councillor Barbara Fitzsimon

Northaw and Cuffley


Mr N Bennett

Mr N Bennett

Metropolis Planning & Design 4 Underwood Row London N1 7LQ

Metropolis Planning & Design 4 Underwood Row London N1 7LQ

There are no constraints associated with this application



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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
01426200.pdf (8828 kb) WEHOTHERM DISTRICT HEATING PIPE SYSTEM (DMS Info Document: 846481 Page No(s).: 1)
846481.pdf (8828 kb) WEHOTHERM DISTRICT HEATING PIPE SYSTEM (DMS Info Document: 846481 Page No(s).: 1)
Officer Report
01428902.pdf (468 kb) EIA Screening Opinion (DMS Info Document: 848308 Page No(s).: 1)

There are no consultees associated with this application

There are no neighbours associated with this application

Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
S6/2014/2292/FP Installation of pipework to provide a primary distribution heat network Granted
S6/2014/1697/PP Outline application for residential led mixed use development comprising up to 493 residential dwellings; 115 retirement units with associated care and administrative facilities; 3,138 sqm of retail/leisure/community floorspace; primary school; energy centre, together with associated infrastructure including new vehicular access, public open space, landscaping, car parking and other associated works with all matters reserved except for access and scale [number of storeys]. Refused
S6/1989/1028/OP Outline proposal for residential development and tree belt screen Refused
S6/1988/0901/OP Site for 26 dwellings and tree belt screen Refused
S6/1980/0761/ Double garage Refused
S6/1977/0170/ Two storey building to include shop, offices and flat Refused
S6/1975/0158/ Site for replacement house, re-erection of existing barns and chicken houses, new barn and stables Refused
S6/1975/0605/ New stable block comprising 4 loose boxes, hay store, feed and tack room Granted

There are no NMAs associated with this application