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Planning Application: S6/2012/1601/LB


Decided - Granted

Mr Mark Peacock

56 Bell Lane, Brookmans Park, HATFIELD, AL9 7AY

Repairs to chimney stacks including replacement of broken pots, repointing, reflaunching and resetting of damaged brickwork



  • Brookmans Park & Little Heath

  • Councillor Jonathan Boulton
  • Councillor Rebecca Lass
  • Councillor Mark Short

North Mymms


Mr D Palgrove

Mr D Palgrove

12 Highfield Drive EPSOM KT19 0AS

12 Highfield Drive EPSOM KT19 0AS

There are no constraints associated with this application



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Block Plan
Miscellaneous.PDF (19 kb) Miscellaneous (DMS Info Document: 712537 Page No(s).: 1)
Design & Access Statement
01223446.pdf (26 kb) Miscellaneous (DMS Info Document: 712534 Page No(s).: 1)
Consultee Response
01230466.pdf (21 kb) NORTH MYMMS PARISH COUNCIL (DMS Info Document: 716890 Page No(s).: 1) 10/09/2012
01223453.pdf (1144 kb) REAR (DMS Info Document: 712539 Page No(s).: 1)
01223455.pdf (834 kb) FRONT LEFT 2 (DMS Info Document: 712541 Page No(s).: 1)
01223456.pdf (635 kb) SHOWING PLAN - REAR ELEVATION (DMS Info Document: 712542 Page No(s).: 1)
01223457.pdf (354 kb) BACK CHIMNEY 2 (DMS Info Document: 712543 Page No(s).: 1)
01223458.pdf (1599 kb) FRONT (DMS Info Document: 712544 Page No(s).: 1)
01223459.pdf (896 kb) FRONT RIGHT 1 (DMS Info Document: 712545 Page No(s).: 1)
Officer Report
2012-1601.pdf (30 kb) 24/02/2016
Decision Notice
01244937.pdf (79 kb) Decision Notice (DMS Info Document: 723702 Page No(s).: 1)
01223463.pdf (105 kb) Miscellaneous (DMS Info Document: 712546 Page No(s).: 1,2,3,4)
Site Notice
Miscellaneous.PDF (417 kb) Miscellaneous (DMS Info Document: 712536 Page No(s).: 1)
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
North Mymms Parish Council Christine Wootton 23/08/2012 13/09/2012
Hertfordshire County Council Paul Donovan 23/08/2012 13/09/2012
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
50 Bell Lane Brookmans Park HATFIELD Hertfordshire AL9 7AY 23/08/2012 13/09/2012
52 Bell Lane Brookmans Park HATFIELD AL9 7AY 23/08/2012 13/09/2012
UPPER FARM Bell Lane Brookmans Park HATFIELD Hertfordshire AL9 7AY 23/08/2012 13/09/2012
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2024/1106/LB Internal alterations, including conversion of ground floor room to utility with new boiler and flue and walls to be dry-lined and plastered. Subdivision of bedroom to create new 1st floor bathroom. New shower room in 2nd floor bathroom. Installation of central heating system, flooring and skirting boards Granted 0
6/2023/2504/HOUSE Erection of rear extension, internal alterations and new access point and garage Withdrawn 0
6/2023/2505/LB Erection of rear extension, internal alterations and new access point and garage Withdrawn 0
6/2023/0001/TPO T1 – Ash – height 12m / spread 3m. Failed at base, fallen, and now laying across further trees and near a footpath. To remove tree. T2 – Ash – height 14m / spread 10m. Slight sign of ash die back on the right hand side of large trunk which forks over footpath. To remove leaning trunk with fork over footpath. Reduce remaining by 3m (height 14-11 & span 10-7), due to safety issue as stem leaning over footpath and first signs of ash die back. T3 – Ash – height 16m / spread 5m. Set in a cluster of other Ash trees and has first sign of ash die back. To remove tree due to footpath and road construction for short term access. Re-planting will take place. T4 – Ash – height 16m / spread 8m, has first signs of ash die back. To reduce crown by 3m all over (height 16-13 & span 8-5). and remove epicormic growth at base, due to size, health and location for trees, a reduction is advisable. TPO 14 A1 Granted 0
6/2022/2691/LB Works to include: Repoint front, rear and South side of property using a like for like lime mortar mix, remove existing sand a cement render to North side, remove existing sand and cement plinth and replace with appropriate (for the property) lime render plinth. Remove existing sand and cement render strip on the South end of the fascia of the property and restore existing brickwork, remove sand and cement render from the two chimneys visible from the road and replace with appropriate lime render. Remove sand and cement render from parapet and replace with lime render and repair lead box gutter and repairs to roof at rear of property on 2 story elevation– slipped tiles to be refitted. Granted 0
6/2019/1243/HOUSE Erection of single storey rear extension Granted 0

There are no NMAs associated with this application