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Planning Application: S6/2011/2417/DS


Decided - Granted

Miss J Phillips

2 Carbone Hill, Northaw, POTTERS BAR, EN6 4PL

Discharge of condition 3 (hard and soft landscape works) and condition 4 (materials) from planning application S6/2011/1709/FP




Mr A Trigg

Mr Nigel Brunt

AT Design (Welwyn) Ltd 22 School Lane Welwyn AL6 9PH

2 Carbone Hill Northaw POTTERS BAR EN6 4PL

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Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 07/12/2011 28/12/2011

There are no neighbours associated with this application

Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2025/0031/HOUSE Erection of double detached garage 0
6/2024/2237/VAR Variation of Condition 6 (Drawing numbers) on planning permission 6/2023/0677/FULL 0
6/2023/0677/FULL Erection of a dwellinghouse Granted 0
6/2022/1099/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of a single storey side extension Granted 0
6/2022/1041/PN8 Prior approval for 8m deep single storey rear extension to the width of the original dwelling Prior Approval Not Required 0
6/2022/0854/PN27 Prior approval for the construction of an additional storey to facilitate the enlargement of the dwellinghouse to a maximum of approximately 10m in height Prior Approval Required and Granted 0
6/2022/0697/HOUSE Erection of front extension Granted 0
6/2022/0637/PN8 Prior approval for an 8m rear extension from the kitchen and dining room to form a family room measuring 8 metres in depth and 3 metres to the eaves Refused 0
6/2022/0583/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for two single storey side extensions Refused 0
6/2022/0322/HOUSE Erection of single and two storey front, side and rear extensions Granted 0
6/2019/1833/TPO Reduce 2 x Oak trees by 20%-30% (T8 and T6) Granted 0
6/2018/3158/HOUSE Erection of boundary fence, laurel hedge, brick piers and double gates following the removal of existing fence and entrance gates Granted 0
6/2018/2084/HOUSE Retrospective erection of garden store Granted
6/2017/2343/HOUSE Raised roof ridge and pitch and installation of dormer and 4x rooflights for loft conversion Granted
6/2015/2485/HOUSE Erection of single storey side extension following demolition of existing extension Granted
S6/2015/1185/FP Internal alteration to existing accommodation and insertion of windows and replacing roof Granted
S6/2007/1003/TP FELLING OF 4 HORNBEAMS, 4 ASH TREES, 1 OAK TREE AND 1 CEDAR TREE COVERED BY W1 TPO72. Part Approved / Part Refused

There are no NMAs associated with this application