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Planning Application: S6/1999/1048/FP
Decided - Withdrawn
Mrs E Jackson
94A The Galleria Comet Way Hatfield AL10 0YB
AL10 0XR
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Organisation | Name | Sent | Reply Due | Reply Received |
Lead Local Flood Authority | Fiona Lai | 30/11/1999 | 21/12/1999 | |
Hertfordshire County Council | Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy | 30/11/1999 | 21/12/1999 |
Address | Date Sent | Expiry Date | Date Reconsulted | Reconsult Expiry Date |
Application Number | Proposal | Decision | Distance |
6/2024/1785/FULL | Installation of drive-through service window, removal of ramps and railings, enlargement of external service door, amendment to road layout to serve drive-through | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/1827/ADV | Installation of 3 x internally illuminated fascia signs and 2 x internally illuminated hanging signs | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/1623/FULL | Change of use from existing HMO (class C4) 5-bedroom for 5 persons to HMO (class Sui Generis) 7-bedroom for 8 persons with installation of gate and fence to the rear of the site | Withdrawn | 1 |
6/2023/1227/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for garage conversion into a new kitchen | Granted | 1 |
6/2023/0368/ADV | Installation of 2 internally illuminated folded and welded aluminium fascia panel high level signs to replace existing | Granted | 0 |
6/2022/2637/PN8 | Prior approval for the erection a single storey rear extension measuring 6 metres in depth, 2.57 metres in height and 2.27 metres to the eaves | Prior Approval Not Required | 0 |
6/2022/2638/HOUSE | Erection of single storey front/side extension | Granted | 0 |
6/2022/2660/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for the change from Class E(a) to Class E(d). Intended hours of operation would be 24 hours 7 days a week. | Granted | 0 |
6/2022/2661/FULL | Proposed external alterations to provide new building access | Granted | 0 |
6/2022/2079/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for single storey front/side extension with hipped roof | Refused | 0 |
6/2022/2080/PN8 | Prior approval for single storey rear extension 6m in depth, 2.57m in height and 2.27m to the eaves | Prior Approval Required and Refused | 0 |
6/2021/3282/PN15 | Prior approval for the proposed telecommunications Rooftop installation upgrade; Proposed 3No. AOC4518R8v06 Antenna to be raised on proposed support poles (C/L Antennas 27.60m AGL) and associated ancillary works. | Prior Approval Required and Granted | 0 |
6/2021/2084/PN15 | Prior approval for the removal and replacement of 6no antennas. Internal upgrade of existing equipment room and associated ancillary works | Prior Approval Not Required | 0 |
6/2021/1827/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for erection of rear outbuilding | Granted | 0 |
6/2021/1829/HOUSE | Demolition of rear conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension and front lean to porch. | Granted | 0 |
6/2021/1184/PN15 | Removal and replacement of 6no antennas. Internal upgrade of existing equipment room and associated ancillary works | Prior Approval Refused | 0 |
6/2020/2119/PN8 | Prior approval for the erection of a single storey rear extension 6m in depth, 3.7m in height and 2.7m eaves height | Prior Approval Refused | 0 |
6/2019/3200/ADV | Installation of 3x digital freestanding signs and 1x digital booth screen | Granted | 0 |
6/2017/2030/FULL | Change of use of existing retail unit (A1) to Sui-Generis for use as a car rental (office) facility. | Granted | |
6/2017/0361/FULL | Change of use of part of the existing public circulation space (Sui Generis) to Assembly and Leisure (D2) for use as a climbing and adventure facility. | Granted | |
H/1999/5084/EM | Changes to existing car port to form garage | Granted | |
S6/1999/0136/DT | Erection of three polar antennae, one microwave dish and one equipment cabinet | Granted | |
S6/1999/0068/AD | Internally illuminated lettering sign on southern end wall of The Galleria | Refused | |
S6/1998/1115/FP | Erection of a spiral ramp to existing multi-storey car park | Granted | |
S6/1998/0739/AD | Erection of an illuminated sign on south end elevation | Granted | |
S6/1998/0298/FP | Change of use from creche to leisure use (Toddler World) | Granted | |
S6/1997/0998/AD | Display of internally illuminated sign | Refused | |
S6/1997/0794/FP | Erection of 4 No. 6 metre high lamp posts at the south elevation. | Granted | |
S6/1997/0801/AD | Display of banners on existing and new posts at south entrance | Granted | |
S6/1996/0969/AD | Erection of neon fascia sign | Granted | |
S6/1996/0906/FP | Change of use from Class D2 (Leisure) to amusement centre | Granted | |
S6/1996/0830/AD | Erection of freestanding internally illuminated pole mounted sign | Refused | |
S6/1996/0588/FP | Change of use of part of mall to D1 Childrens Amenity Area | Withdrawn | |
S6/1996/0580/AD | 2 No. self supporting totem signs at the north and south entrances | Granted | |
S6/1996/0427/FP | Infill of space under the UCI cinema to form amusement centre and restaurant. (Minor variation to floorspace shown in previous Planning Application S6/0462/95/FP) | Granted | |
S6/1996/0238/AD | 3 No. internally illuminated signs | Granted | |
S6/1995/0628/FP | Formation of Helical ramp to south side of multi storey car park | Withdrawn | |
S6/1995/0495/FP | Change of use of existing creche to restaurant (Class A3) | Granted | |
S6/1995/0462/FP | Formation of new covered mall and infill of space under UCI Cinema with new restaurant and amusement centre | Granted | |
S6/1995/0074/FP | Infill beneath Pod building (Cinema). Renewal of consent granted S6/0070/90/FP | Granted | |
S6/1995/0031/FP | Erection of satellite antenna | Granted | |
S6/1995/0015/FP | Formation of new covered mall and canopy to link open car parking area, infill under UCI Building with new leisure facility. | Granted | |
S6/1994/0766/AD | Internally illuminated sign for the north elevation. | Refused | |
S6/1994/0463/FP | Lighting to roof access | Granted | |
S6/1994/0402/AD | Erection of No.2 internally illuminated signs | Granted | |
S6/1994/0243/AD | Internally illuminated fascia signs to front elevation of shopping centre | Withdrawn | |
S6/1993/0363/FP | Revised car parking layout of permission granted S6/1078/89/FP | Granted | |
S6/1993/0312/FP | Change of use to amusement centre | Granted | |
S6/1992/0547/FP | Permanent retention of refuse compactor to serve satellite building within enclosure adjoining boundary wall with Comet Road | Granted | |
S6/1992/0412/FP | Change of use from fitness club to nightclub | Refused | |
S6/1992/7029/AD | Internally illuminated fascia sign on elevation fronting Comet Way | Refused | |
S6/1992/7028/AD | Internally illuminated lettering | Granted | |
S6/1992/7019/AD | Erection of 2 illuminated signs | Granted | |
S6/1991/0956/FP | Revised external cladding for the central substation | Granted | |
S6/1991/0873/FP | Erection of single storey building for use as day nursery and nursery school | Withdrawn | |
S6/1991/7043/AD | Internally illuminated fascia signs and projecting box sign on western elevation | Granted | |
S6/1991/0513/FP | Permanent use of land for car parking for The Galleria | Granted | |
S6/1991/0514/FP | Permanent use of land for car parking for The Galleria | Granted | |
S6/1991/7029/AD | Internally illuminated fascia sign | Granted | |
S6/1991/0392/FP | Installation of shopfront | Granted | |
S6/1991/7025/AD | Erection of internally illuminated box signs and internally illuminated lettering on Galleria and pod; erection of illuminated feature film board | Granted | |
S6/1990/0698/FP | Erection of electricity sub-station to satellite building involving rebuilding of corner section of boundary wall adjoining Comet Road | Granted | |
S6/1990/0669/FP | Revised landscaping proposals | Granted | |
S6/1990/0670/FP | Revised elevations to the Galleria, link and pod buildings and south substation | Granted | |
S6/1990/0539/FP | Erection of two storey temporary site offices for contractor | Granted | |
S6/1990/0103/FP | Revisions to the road and car parking layout within the site | Granted | |
S6/1990/0068/FP | Temporary extension to northern car park at rear of 14-24 Worcester Road | Granted | |
S6/1990/0069/FP | Revised east elevation to link building including enclosure of Gallery walkway with green anti-sun glazing and alterations to staircase | Granted | |
S6/1990/0070/FP | Infilling beneath pod building (cinema) to form 680 sq m retail floorspace | Granted | 0 |
S6/1990/0073/FP | Use of units within link building for Creche, Hairdresser, Health & Fitness Club and Restaurants (previously Horticultural Hall) | Granted | |
S6/1989/1078/FP | Revisions to existing planning permission S6/161/89 including resiting and re-orientation of buildings, revision to layout and car parking, and revised landscaping | Granted | |
S6/1989/0459/FP | New roundabout and associated highway works | Granted | |
S6/1989/0262/FP | Revised elevations to the Galleria, Link and Satellite buildings, All other matters as previous planning consent S6/0075/87. Further revisions to elevations | Granted | |
S6/1989/0161/FP | Erection of 4 B1 Class (Business) Buildings, together with ancillary car parking, new access and alterations to the highway and landscaping | Approval Subject to s106 | |
S6/1989/0087/FP | Erection of temporary administration building | Granted | |
S6/1988/0593/FP | Relaxation of condition 3 of S6/0075/87 to allow a further 20,000sq.ft floor- space and 10,000sq.ft of class A2 (Professional and financial services) | Granted | |
S6/1988/0594/FP | Revised elevations and materials as condition 14 of planning permission S6/0075/87 (Application dated 06/88) | Granted | |
S6/1987/0075/FP | Retail development with associated leisure | Granted | |
S6/1987/0176/OP | Site for office complex with associated car parking, vehicular and pedestrian access and alterations to highways | Granted | |
S6/1985/0026/FP | Single storey side and rear extension | Granted | |
S6/1985/0687/DC | Site for industrial commercial residential and recreational uses | Granted | |
S6/1980/0760/DC | Site for industrial, commercial, residential and recreational uses | Granted | |
S6/1975/0003/ | Site for lock-up garage | Refused | |
S6/1975/0081/ | Site for detached house and garage | Refused | |
S6/1975/0349/ | Change of use from residential caravan site to storage of caravans including 1 residential (House no longer exists) | Refused |
There are no NMAs associated with this application