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Planning Application: S6/1998/0308/FP
Decided - Granted
Woodhurst Farm, Cattlegate Road, Northaw, Potters Bar
Extension to existing building to provide office/shower/wc facilities, ancillary to approved use as livery stables
Northaw and Cuffley
Mr P Nicholas,
Mr K Hockley, Ridgehouse Farm,
Rear of 1 Hereward Close
Waltham Abbey
Cattlegate Road
There are no constraints associated with this application
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Organisation | Name | Sent | Reply Due | Reply Received |
London Borough of Enfield | Borough Planning Officer | 01/01/1998 |
There are no neighbours associated with this application
Application Number | Proposal | Decision | Distance |
6/2024/2202/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for the siting of a static mobile home creation of a hardstanding to facilitate installation | 0 | |
6/2023/2057/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for the siting of a static mobile home for use ancillary to the main dwelling and creation of hardstanding to facilitate installation | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/1820/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of an outbuilding to facilitate a gymnasium | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/1573/LAWE | Certificate of lawfulness for the continued use of the static home as a single stand-alone dwelling on a permanent basis | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/0956/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for erection of an outbuilding for car storage | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/0066/PN27 | Prior approval for the construction of an additional storey to facilitate the enlargement of the dwellinghouse to a maximum of 12 metres in height | Prior Approval Required and Refused | 0 |
6/2021/2039/FULL | Erection of new storage barn | Withdrawn | 0 |
6/2019/0927/LAWE | Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of barn storage | Refused | 0 |
6/2019/0816/PN3 | Prior approval for the erection of 3x agricultural buildings measuring 15.4 meters in length, 9.4m in breadth, 2.7m to eaves and 4.5 to ridge | Prior Approval Refused | 0 |
6/2018/1167/VAR | Variation of condition 13 (number of vehicle movements) on planning permission 6/2017/0444/FULL, dated 29/06/2017 | Granted | |
6/2017/2447/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (landscaping) 3 (Imported materials) 4 (survey for badgers) 5 (wheel cleaning facilities) dated 29 June 2017 | Granted | 0 |
6/2017/2318/MAJ | Erection of 2 x 2-bedroom, 4 x 3-bedroom and 5 x 4-bedroom houses, including use of existing access and landscape screening | Declined to Determine | |
6/2017/0444/FULL | Creation of earth bund alongside the M25, measuring approx. 440m long and 25m wide with a maximum height of 4m. | Granted | |
S6/2014/1904/FP | Erection of first floor extension over existing garage | Granted | |
S6/2011/2710/CD | Proposed reprofiling of land to provide acoustic and visual mitigation | Objection | |
There are no NMAs associated with this application