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Planning Application: S6/1996/0092/DT


Decided - Granted

Golf Club, Golf Club Road, Brookmans Park, Hatfield

Erection of three tower mounted dual polar antennae and equipment cabin

  • Brookmans Park & Little Heath

  • Councillor Jonathan Boulton
  • Councillor Rebecca Lass
  • Councillor Mark Short


St Quintin, Chartered Surveyor

St Quintin, Chartered Surveyor

71 Queen Victoria Street London

71 Queen Victoria Street London

There are no constraints associated with this application

Prior Approval Not Required


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There are no neighbours associated with this application

Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2024/1131/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition number 1 (External Materials) and condition number 2 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) on planning permission 6/2023/1664/FULL Granted 0
6/2023/1221/OUTLINE Outline permission for the erection of 14 dwellings, with all matters reserved except for access 0

There are no NMAs associated with this application