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Planning Application: S6/1993/0018/OP


Appeal Decided - Dismissed

Woodlands, Coopers Lane Road, Northaw, Hertfordshire

Outline application for the erection of one detached three bedroom bungalow

  • Northaw and Cuffley

  • Councillor Bernard Sarson
  • Councillor George Michaelides
  • Councillor Barbara Fitzsimon


R T Brailey

Mario Nicolaides Woodlands

11 Hill Rise Herts EN6 4ED

Northaw, Herts E

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Please click the appeal number to view further details.

Appeal Number Status / Decision Decision date
S6/1993/0018/OP Appeal Dismissed 19/07/1994

There are no documents associated with this application

Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
London Borough of Enfield Borough Planning Officer 01/01/1993

There are no neighbours associated with this application

Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2023/2269/FULL Erection of new dwelling following the demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings Granted 0
6/2021/2745/PN8 Prior approval for the erection of a single storey rear extension measuring 8m in depth, 3.5m in height, 3.5m to the eaves Prior Approval Required and Refused 0
6/2019/2458/PN8 Prior approval for the erection of single storey rear extension measuring 8m in depth, 3.5m in heights and 3.5m to the eaves Prior Approval Refused 0
6/2019/2560/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of a single storey side extension Refused 0
6/2019/1046/LAWP Certificate of lawfulness for the erection of a side and rear extension Refused 0
6/2019/0816/PN3 Prior approval for the erection of 3x agricultural buildings measuring 15.4 meters in length, 9.4m in breadth, 2.7m to eaves and 4.5 to ridge Prior Approval Refused 0
6/2018/3037/LAWE Certificate of lawfulness for Woodlands (dwellinghouse) as a residential dwelling and use of the outbuildings on the site in an incidental manner in association with the dwelling Granted 0
ENF/2018/0303 The formation of a hard surface Closed 0
S6/2014/1751/FP Retention of hardstanding, access, earth works and the proposed erection of a new agricultural building Withdrawn
S6/2014/0967/AG Agricultural building Refused
S6/2014/0104/AG Agricultural building Withdrawn
1994/0163 Without planning permission, change of use of the permitted use of the land from agricultural and/or forestry to residential use by the stationing of two vehicles thereon. Notice issued

There are no NMAs associated with this application