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Planning Application: S6/1992/0775/FP


Decided - Granted

59 Pine Grove, Brookmans Park, Hatfield

Renewal of permission for two storey side extension (S6/0116/88/FP)

  • Brookmans Park & Little Heath

  • Councillor Jonathan Boulton
  • Councillor Rebecca Lass
  • Councillor Mark Short


Stephen Carrell Architect,

Mr M Holliday, Pine View,

23 Bulls Lane Hatfield

59 Pine Grove Hatfield

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Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2023/1626/TPO 3 x Oak- reduce by 20% (TPO170 G1) and 1 x Scots Pine reduce by 20% (TPO170 T3) as recommended to reduce the risk of subsidence Granted 0
6/2020/1292/TPO Reduce 3 x Oak tree by 20% under TPO170 G1 Reduce 1 x Scots Pine by 20% under TPO170 T3 Granted 0
6/2017/1106/TPO Crown reduce two oak trees by 20% and fell a dying oak tree covered by TPO 170 (1992) Granted
S6/2014/1201/TP Works to tree (T1) Scots Pine - Lift overhanging and deadwood, (T2) Scots Pine - deadwood only covered by TPO 433 and (T6 & 7) Scots Pine - deadwood only covered by TPO 170 Granted

There are no NMAs associated with this application