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Planning Application: S6/1992/0422/FP
Decided - Granted
Sankey's Cottage, Ponsbourne Park, Newgate Street Village, Hertfordshire
Single storey rear extension
I B Crossland
Mr J Piggott Sankey's Cottage
11 Starling Lane
Herts EN6 4JX
Newgate Street Vil
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Application Number | Proposal | Decision | Distance |
6/2024/2297/HOUSE | Erection of rear first-floor extension and alterations to fenestration | 0 | |
6/2018/3237/HOUSE | Erection of an extension to the existing front porch. | Granted | |
6/2018/2530/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness for erection of extension to existing front porch | Refused | |
S6/2015/1185/FP | Internal alteration to existing accommodation and insertion of windows and replacing roof | Granted | |
S6/2014/1171/TP | To Fell T1 (Sycamore) T2 (Corkscrew Willow) T3 (Sycamore) & T6 (Sycamore) covered by TPO 2 (W7) | Granted |
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