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Planning Application: S6/1990/0344/FP
Decided - Granted
103 Newgate Street Village, Near Hertford., Hertford
First floor side extension
R A Rowe
Mr D Wilkinson
7 Farquhar Street
SG14 3EN
103 Newgate Street Village
Near Hertford
There are no constraints associated with this application
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Application Number | Proposal | Decision | Distance |
6/2024/2378/OUTLINE | Outline permission for the erection of up to 4 dwellings with all matters reserved except for point of access | 0 | |
6/2022/0502/OUTLINE | Outline permission for construction of up to 6 new dwellings, formation of access, car parking and turning space, and landscaping with all matters reserved | Refused | 0 |
6/2017/2851/HOUSE | Erection of single storey front extension | Granted | |
S6/1987/1060/FP | Erection of detached dwelling | Granted | 0 |
There are no NMAs associated with this application