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Planning Application: S6/1987/0068/FP
Decided - Granted
St Teresa's RC Church, Old Hatfield, Hatfield
Single storey rear extension to kitchen
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Application Number | Proposal | Decision | Distance |
6/2025/0186/PN33 | Prior approval for the change of use from offices (Class B1(a)) to dwellinghouses (Class C3) to create 8 flats | 0 | |
6/2021/0971/FULL | Change of use from offices B1(a) to dwelling houses C3 to include the creation of 9 residential units | Withdrawn | 0 |
6/2020/3250/TC | T1 Sycamore: fell to ground level Reason: Poorly formed fork at ground level. Self set tree. T2 Ash: fell to ground level Reason: Early signs of ash dieback. Poor fork near base. G3 Sycamore: crown lift to 5m. Prune northern tree laterally by 2m over nearby house. Reason: to improve clearance from nearby property | No Objection | 0 |
6/2018/0688/PN11 | Prior approval for change of use of site and building from offices B1(a) to dwellinghouses (C3) to include the creation of 9 residential units | Not Determined | |
6/2017/2416/TPO | Prune and lift canopy of two Holm Oaks trees - Conservation Area | No Objection | 0 |
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