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Planning Application: S6/1984/7009/AD


Decided - Granted

British Aerospace, Hatfield

Illuminated wall signs


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Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2024/2298/TPO T029 Cherry - Remove limbs on the south side adjacent to the camera to prevent future problems T030 Cherry - Reduce limbs growing towards the security camera back by 1.5m to prevent future problems T031 Silver Birch - Reduce limbs growing towards the security camera back by 1.5m to prevent future problems T035 Silver Birch - Reduce back to curb line T039 Oak - Light crown lift to remove lower limbs from fencing TPO 701 (2017) G1 0
6/2024/0902/COND Confirmation that Condition 4 (Materials), Condition 5 (landscape), Condition 9 (Recycling), Condition 12 (Water drainage), Condition 13 (Surface water), Condition 14 (Archaeological work), Condition 17 (Street lighting), Condition 19 (Cycle storage), Condition 20 (Highway) on Planning permission S6/2003/1137/OP have been discharged Part Approved / Part Refused 0
6/2023/0330/TPO T9-T10 Willow x 2. Re pollard back to historic points. Trees covered by TPO 701 (2017) Granted 0
6/2019/0346/TPO Reduce limb of 1 x Tree of Heaven tree (T1) and reduce remaining crown by 30% - covered by TPO 701 (2017) Granted 0

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