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Planning Application: N6/1999/0777/FP
Decided - Granted
Land adjoining Gosling Sports Park, Stanborough Road, Welwyn Garden City
Residential development of 11 town houses and one other dwelling with accociated access and parking
Crest Homes (Eastern) Ltd,
Crest Homes (Eastern) Ltd,
Mark Road
HP2 7 DW
Mark Road
HP2 7 DW
There are no constraints associated with this application
There are no documents associated with this application
Organisation | Name | Sent | Reply Due | Reply Received |
Network Rail | Ms Amanda Ashton | 02/09/1999 | ||
Environment Agency | Natasha Smith | 02/09/1999 | ||
Thames Water, Development Control | Nicky McHugh | 02/09/1999 |
There are no neighbours associated with this application
Application Number | Proposal | Decision | Distance |
6/2024/0167/LAWP | Certificate of lawfulness to install 8 solar panels on roof | Granted | 0 |
6/2022/1106/FULL | Erection of 1 x detached 4 bedroom dwelling and detached 3 and a half storey building accommodating 6 no flats (4 x 2 bedroom and 2 x 3 bedroom flats), car parking, refuse and recycling bins enclosure, secure cycle storage, turning heads and use of the existing vehicular access following the demolition and removal of a pair of semi-detached dwellings. | 0 | |
6/2020/0467/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 c, d, e (Remediation) on application 6/2018/1922/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2019/2836/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 5 (cycle parking) on planning permission 6/2018/1922/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2019/1350/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 3a and 3b (Contamination) on planning permission 6/2018/1922/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2019/1106/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 1(submission of a detailed surface water drainage scheme for the Site) on planning application 6/2018/1922/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2019/0972/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (Acoustic Report) on planning permission 6/2018/1922/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2019/0767/HOUSE | Erection of a single storey rear extension and partial conversion of existing garage | Granted | 0 |
6/2019/0769/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (Remediation), on planning permission 6/2018/1922/FULL | Refused | 0 |
6/2019/0783/EM | Erection of a single storey rear extension and partial conversion of existing garage | Granted | 0 |
6/2018/3102/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (No development above ground level in any phase of the development shall take place until samples of the materials have been submitted) on planning permission 6/2018/2136/HOUSE | Granted | |
6/2018/2136/HOUSE | Erection of a single storey, part two storey rear extension, insertion of door to existing side elevation and formation of hardstanding driveway for new car park space | Granted | |
6/2018/1922/FULL | Erection of a three storey extension to northern elevation and single storey extension to entrance lobby (C1), alterations to car parking layout, landscaping and associated works | Granted | |
6/2018/1338/FULL | Erection of a three-storey extension to the northern elevation of the existing hotel and a single storey extension to existing entrance lobby (C1), alterations to car parking layout, landscaping and associated works | Withdrawn | |
6/2017/1601/EM | Change of use and conversion of existing double garage to self-contained annex | Withdrawn | |
6/2017/1607/FULL | Change of use from existing double garage to annex (C3) | Refused | |
6/2017/0843/EM | Change of use and alterations to convert double garage to home office | Granted | |
6/2017/0738/LAWP | Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed change of use from a garage to habitable room (home office) | Granted | |
W6/2014/0214/EM | Enlargement to existing hardstanding | Granted | |
W6/2013/2112/EM | Enlargement of vehicle hardstanding to front garden | Refused |
There are no NMAs associated with this application