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Planning Application: N6/1998/0986/FP


Decided - Granted

43 Mardley Hill Welwyn AL6 0TT

Proposed loft conversion, incorporating provision of three dormer windows and replacement of existing flat roof with pitched roof

  • Welwyn North



B J Gooding,

Mr M Sampson,

83 Chalkdell Fields St Albans

43 Mardley Hill Welwyn

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Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2024/1922/TPO Oak tree to reduce by 25% back to previous cuts (TPO 641 (2017)) Granted 0
6/2024/0758/FULL Retention of outdoor seating area Granted 0
6/2024/0058/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension, formation of level access to property and outbuildings, decking, new automated access gates and boundary fencing Granted 0
6/2022/0263/TPO T1 - Apple tree - reduce by 30% due to poor health and deadwood and decay within the crown. TPO 24 A3 T2 - Oak tree - to reduce back to previous points, 20% crown reduction. TPO 641 (2017) T4 - Growing over the drive - Previous coppice, reduce the weight of the stems to prevent potential split outs at base T3 - Large Beech tree - to reduce by 30%. TPO 641 (2017) T16 - Very close to the house in the back garden - excessive shading - growing over neighbours garden a fair amount Granted 0
6/2021/0517/HOUSE Erection of low level front garden wall, sliding vehicular access gate and water feature Granted 0
6/2020/2928/TPO G3 - Pine and Silver Birch - Reduce to ground level Granted 1
6/2017/2321/TPO Crown reduce multi-stem oak by upto 30% covered by TPO 641 (2017) Granted 0

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