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Planning Application: N6/1997/0133/TP


Decided - Granted

Land at Former Hyde School Site, Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City

Reduce height of trees by 40% in G1 and G2 and remove 3 No. trees in G3, with their replacement with the same specie and in the same position, covered by TPO 208

  • Howlands

  • Councillor Max Holloway
  • Councillor Jill Weston
  • Councillor Katherine Gardner


A C D Landscape Architects, FAO Mr S Dale,

A C D Landscape Architects, FAO Mr S Dale,

3b Wilson Street London

3b Wilson Street London

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Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2024/2307/EMT T4129 - Norway Maple - Remove deadwood and crown lift to approx 2.5m T4126 - Birch - crown lift to approx 2.5m. T4125 - Goat Willow - Re-Pollard removing up to 3m T8 - Ash - Neighbouring tree on car park boundary encroaching onto parking bays - Crown lift to approx 2.5m T7 - Cherry - Rear garden - Crown lift to approx 2.5m Reason - Works are for routine maintenance Granted 0
6/2024/2304/TPO T7 - Cherry - Rear garden - Crown lift to approx 2.5m Reason - Works are for routine maintenance TPO 750 (2018) G1 Granted 0
6/2023/1756/TPO T1 - Poplar - Located in rear garden - Re-pollard to previous or suitable points removing up to 3m T2 - Poplar - Located in rear garden - Re-pollard to previous or suitable points removing up to 3m T3 - Poplar - Located in rear garden - Re-pollard to previous or suitable points removing up to 3m T4-T5 - Poplar - Located in rear garden - Re-pollard to previous or suitable points removing up to 3m T6 - Poplar - Located in rear garden - Re-pollard to previous or suitable points removing up to 3m Reason - For general maintenance purposes TPO 750 (2018) G1 Granted 0
6/2023/1761/EMT T1 - Poplar - Located in rear garden - Re-pollard to previous or suitable points removing up to 3m T2 - Poplar - Located in rear garden - Re-pollard to previous or suitable points removing up to 3m T3 - Poplar - Located in rear garden - Re-pollard to previous or suitable points removing up to 3m T4-T5 - Poplar - Located in rear garden - Re-pollard to previous or suitable points removing up to 3m T6 - Poplar - Located in rear garden - Re-pollard to previous or suitable points removing up to 3m Reason - For general maintenance purposes Granted 0
6/2018/1429/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 7 (Lighting Scheme) on planning N6/2015/1131/FP Granted
6/2018/0345/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (materials samples), 3 (detailed plans of roads, footways, cycleways, foul and surface water drainage), 4 (construction management plan) ,5 (hard and soft landscaping) ,6 (tree survey, protection plan, arboricultural method statement and site monitoring schedule) and 7 (external lighting details) on planning permission N6/2015/1131/FP, dated 07/01/2016 Part Discharged 0
6/2018/0221/EM Erection of 5 x 3-bedroom terraced dwellings with off street parking and the retention of 1 x garage block, following the demolition of 57 existing garages Withdrawn 0
6/2017/2306/EM Erection of 12ft x 8ft office/studio to rear of property and decking following demolition of existing decking Granted 0
6/2015/1688/HOUSE Erection of ground floor rear and first floor side extension Granted
N6/2015/1131/FP Retention of 1 no. garage block. Erection of 5 no. three bedroom terraced dwellings with off-street parking following demolition of 7 no. garage blocks (totalling 57 no. garages) Granted

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