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Planning Application: C6/1988/1242/FP


Decided - Granted

Red Lodge, High Road, Hatfield, AL9 6HU

Two storey rear extension and replacement garage




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Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2018/0951/TPO Tree A (Sycamore) Bottom limb to be reduced by approximately 2-3m. Over extended branch directly above rear access to property. Tree B (Oak) Reduction of branch overhanging kids play area by 2-3m. Over extended branch will be reduced to mitigate potential failure over playing area. Tree C (Horse Chestnut) Crown lift to 4m and reduction of overextended branch located above walkway by approximately 2-3m. Tree D (Horse Chestnut) Removal of extensively decayed top by 1.5m in Height (previously failed). Singular reaming leading stem to be reduced by 4-5m snapped. Tree E (Sycamore) Reduce crown by 6m in height. Tree has extensive decay within the trunk at approximately 6m. Failure of leading stem has occurred leaving an asymmetrical crown. Tree F (Sycamore) Fell. Removal is required due to extensive lean towards property. Decay is evident within the root plate. Hollowing at the base is a concern. There are visual symptoms of decay. Granted

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