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Planning Application: 6/2024/1960/FULL


Under Consideration

Mr David Elmore

11 and 12 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE

Erection of a two storey side/rear extension and single storey rear extension, new enlarged roof, and loft conversion to facilitate conversion into 5 x 1-bedroom units. Associated landscaping and access, and provision of parking with associated alterations to the parking layout for 12 Tolmers Gardens.



  • Northaw and Cuffley

  • Councillor Bernard Sarson
  • Councillor George Michaelides
  • Councillor Barbara Fitzsimon

Northaw and Cuffley


Ms Lisa Cheung

Sonar Group Ltd

Mulsanne Alchester Road, Chesterton Bicester OX26 1UN

11 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar Hertfordshire EN6 4JE
Description Distance
Northaw and Cuffley Neighbourhood Plan Area 0.00
Parish 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 30mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 100mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 100mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00
Sand and Gravel Belt 0.00
Great Crested Newts DLL Risk Zones 0.00


If any documents do not appear to be shown below, please email including the case number. We will endeavour to publish any missing items within 10 working days.

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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf (499 kb) Application form redacted 11/10/2024
Block Plan
Tolmers Gardens-Location Plan LP-01.pdf (109 kb) Location Plan 11/10/2024
Tolmers Gardens Existing and Proposed plans(1)_Part5.pdf (127 kb) Existing & Proposed Streetscape 16/10/2024
Tolmers Gardens Existing and Proposed plans(1)_Part6.pdf (697 kb) Existing Site Plan 16/10/2024
Tolmers Gardens Existing and Proposed plans(1)_Part7.pdf (729 kb) Proposed Site Plan 16/10/2024
Tolmers Gardens Existing and Proposed plans(1)_Part1.pdf (153 kb) Existing Plans & Elevations 16/10/2024
Tolmers Gardens Existing and Proposed plans(1)_Part2.pdf (442 kb) Proposed Layout - Ground & First Floor 16/10/2024
Tolmers Gardens Existing and Proposed plans(1)_Part3.pdf (150 kb) Proposed Layouts - Second Floor & Roof Plan 16/10/2024
Tolmers Gardens Existing and Proposed plans(1)_Part4.pdf (127 kb) Proposed Elevations and Sections 16/10/2024
Planning Statement
11 and 12 Tolmers Gardens Planning Statement September 2024.pdf (362 kb) Planning Statement 11/10/2024
APPENDIX A - 11 Tolmers Gardens Appeal Decision.pdf (148 kb) Appendix A - 11 Tolmers Gardens Appeal Decision 11/10/2024
Transport Statement
Transport Note_11 Tolmers Garden_Cuffley_FINAL.pdf (4807 kb) Transport Note 11/10/2024
Consultee Response
Comments.pdf (74 kb) Comment - WHBC - Client Services 22/10/2024
Comments(1).pdf (74 kb) Conditional response - WHBC - Public Health and Protection 08/11/2024
WK147186 - 11 and 12 Tolmers Gardens.pdf (71 kb) Conditional response- WHBC Public Helath and Protection attachment 08/11/2024
Response_6-2024-1960-FULL.pdf (90 kb) Comment - HCC Highways 11/11/2024
Comments(2).pdf (73 kb) Objection- The Clerk - Northaw & Cuffley Parish Council 14/11/2024
Neighbour Representation - Without Personal Information
Objection 31-10-2024_Redacted.pdf (74 kb) Objection - 10 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley 31/10/2024
10 Tolmers Gardens, Cuffley, Potters Bar, EN6 4JE Objection 31-10-2024-Redacted.pdf (75 kb) Objection - 10 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE -Redacted 31/10/2024
25 Tolmers Gardens, Cuffley, Potters Bar, EN6 4JE Objection 05-11-2024-Redacted.pdf (73 kb) Objection- 25 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE -Redacted 05/11/2024
11 Tolmers Gdns objections.pdf (37 kb) Objection- 25 Tolmers Garden attachment 05/11/2024
Objection to the adjusted planning at 11 Tolmers Gardens Dec 2024.pdf (630 kb) Objection - Flat 5 12 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE - Objection Comments 07/12/2024
Flat 5, 12 Tolmers Gardens, Cuffley, Potters Bar, EN6 4JE Objection 07-12-2024-Redacted.pdf (74 kb) Objection - Flat 5 12 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE -Redacted 07/12/2024
flat4 Objection 05-01-2025(2)_Redacted.pdf (104 kb) Objection- Flat 4, 12 Tolmers Gardens, Cuffley - redacted 10/01/2025
flat 4 Objection 05-01-2025(4)_Redacted.pdf (104 kb) Objection- Flat 4 12 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley- redacted 10/01/2025
flat 4 12 Objection 05-01-2025(8)_Redacted.pdf (69 kb) Objection- Flat 4 12 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley- redacted 10/01/2025
Objection to additonal planning on 11 Tolmers gardens from Flat 4 12 Tolmers Gardens.pdf (90 kb) Objection- Flat 4 12 Tolmers Garden attachment 05/01/2025
Site Notice
Site Notice_620241960FULL.pdf (120 kb) Site Notice 25/10/2024
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Barbara Fitzsimon 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Bernard Sarson 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor George Michaelides 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 21/10/2024 11/11/2024 11/11/2024
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 21/10/2024 11/11/2024 22/10/2024
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 21/10/2024 11/11/2024 08/11/2024
Northaw & Cuffley Parish Council The Clerk 21/10/2024 11/11/2024 14/11/2024
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
10 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley
10 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
23 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
24 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
25 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Cuffley Hall Maynard Place Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JA 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Cuffley Library Maynard Place Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JA 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
13 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
13A Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Flat 1 12 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Flat 2 12 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Flat 3 12 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Flat 4 12 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Flat 5 12 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Flat 6 12 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Flat 7 12 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Flat 8 12 Tolmers Gardens Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4JE 21/10/2024 11/11/2024
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2024/0769/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition number 4 (crown roof),5 (materials),6 (landscaping scheme),7 (refuse and recycling store and the cycle store),8 (allocation of car parking),9 (external lighting),10 (obscured glazing) on planning permission 6/2023/0374/FULL/ Appeal ref: APP/C1950/W/23/3323499 Granted 0
6/2023/1043/VAR Variation of condition 9 (Obscure glazing and non opening of side windows) on planning application 6/2020/2944/VAR Granted 0
6/2023/0374/FULL Conversion and extension to existing dwelling to create four self-contained units with associated infrastructure Appeal Allowed with Conditions 0
6/2023/0374/FULL Conversion and extension to existing dwelling to create four self-contained units with associated infrastructure Refused 0
6/2022/0922/FULL Conversion and extension to existing single dwelling house to create 4x 1 bed apartments with associated infrastructure Refused 0
6/2020/2944/VAR Variation of condition 14 (approved plans) on planning permission 6/2018/3125/FULL Granted 0
6/2019/3216/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (sample of materials) 2 (crown roof details) 3 (scheme of accessible housing) 4 (balcony flank screens) 5 (hard and soft landscaping works) 7 (cycle store) 8 (bin store) and 9 (shared surface access) on planning permission 6/2018/3125/FULL Granted 0
6/2018/3125/FULL Erection of 8 x apartments following demolition of existing bungalow Granted 0
6/2017/0474/FULL Erection of two semi-detached 4-bedroomed dwellings with associated car parking and landscaping, following the demolition of existing bungalow. Refused 0
S6/1985/0619/FP Two storey rear extension Granted 0

There are no NMAs associated with this application