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Planning Application: 6/2024/1323/MAJ


Decided - Granted

Mr James Wells

Premier Inn Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DA

Demolition of existing hotel restaurant and replacement with new building providing additional hotel bedrooms and breakfast room, together with alterations to the car park and all associated works



  • Hatfield Cent.

  • Councillor Kieran Thorpe
  • Councillor Pankit Shah
  • Councillor Ian Walsh



Mr Simon Millett

Premier Inn Hotels Ltd

Bourne House Cores End Road Bourne End SL8 5AR

Whitbread Court Houghton Hall Business Park Porz Avenue Dunstable LU5 5XE
Description Distance
Sand and Gravel Minerals Safeguarding Area 0.00
Parish 0.00
Article 4 HMO Direction 0.00
Article 4 Additional Storeys 0.00
Cycle Paths 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 30mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 30mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 100mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 100mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00
Sand and Gravel Belt 0.00
Hatfield Heritage Assesment Areas 0.00



If any documents do not appear to be shown below, please email including the case number. We will endeavour to publish any missing items within 10 working days.

To download a selection of individual documents place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all of the documents place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all of the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files. To view individual documents click on the File for the required row.

Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormRedacted(1).pdf (0 kb) Application Form redacted 06/08/2024
Block Plan
6067-P-003-Demolition - Site Plan.pdf (0 kb) Demolition Site Plan 10/07/2024
Landscape Plans
1164-SW-01 A.pdf (0 kb) Detailed Landscape Proposal 1/2 28/11/2024
1164-SW-02 A.pdf (0 kb) Detailed Landscape Proposal 2/2 28/11/2024
Location Plan
6067-P-001-A-Existing - Location Plan.pdf (0 kb) Existing Location Plan 10/07/2024
6067-P-100-Existing - Ground Floor Plan.pdf (0 kb) Existing Ground Floor Plan 10/07/2024
6067-P-101-Existing - First Floor Plan.pdf (0 kb) Existing First Floor Plan 10/07/2024
6067-P-102-Existing - Roof Plan.pdf (0 kb) Existing Roof Plan 10/07/2024
6067-P-113-A-Proposed - Roof Plan.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Roof Plan 10/07/2024
6067-P-200-Existing - Elevations.pdf (0 kb) Existing Elevations 10/07/2024
6067-P-211-B-Proposed - Sections.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Sections 05/08/2024
6067-P-600-Proposed Cycle Parking.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Cycle Parking 17/09/2024
6067-P-110-D-Proposed - Ground Floor Plan.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Ground Floor Plan 28/11/2024
6067-P-210-E-Proposed - Elevations.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Elevations 28/11/2024
6067-P-112-B-Proposed - Second Floor Plan.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Second Floor Plan 28/11/2024
6067-P-111-B-Proposed - First Floor Plan.pdf (0 kb) Proposed First Floor Plan 28/11/2024
Design & Access Statement
6067-C-Design Access Statement.pdf (0 kb) Design and Access Statement Rev C 28/11/2024
Planning Statement
Planning Statement_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Planning Statement redacted 07/08/2024
Transport Statement
2024-06-21 - PIX AGP South Hatfield - Transport Statement - 7977.pdf (0 kb) Transport Statement 10/07/2024
Consultee Response
620241323MAJ - LLFA 08.08.2024.pdf (0 kb) Objection - Lead Local Flood Authority 09/08/2024
Response_6-2024-1323-MAJ.pdf (0 kb) Objection - HCC Transport Programmes & Strategy 23/08/2024
1323MAJ Thames Water_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Comment - Thames Water - redacted 27/08/2024
6-2024-1323-MAJ Rsp1 SR.pdf (0 kb) Comment- Herts Ecology 04/10/2024
Comments.pdf (0 kb) Conditional Response - Public Health and Protection 08/10/2024
WK146734 - Premier Inn, Lemsford Road.pdf (0 kb) Conditional Response- Public Health and Protection attachment 08/10/2024
620241323MAJ - LLFA 08.10.2024.pdf (0 kb) Comment- LLFA 08/10/2024
Response_6-2024-1323-MAJ(1).pdf (0 kb) Comment- HCC Highways 09/10/2024
Comments(1).pdf (0 kb) Comment - Estates Department - Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council 08/11/2024
Neighbour Representation - Without Personal Information
Comment 03-08-2024_Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Comment - 12 Gilders Sawbridgeworth CM21 0EF 05/08/2024
26 Beehive Green, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4BG Comment 11-08-2024-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Comment- 26 Beehive Green Welwyn Garden City AL7 4BG -Redacted 11/08/2024
111 Wellfield Road, Hatfield, AL10 0BY Objection 12-08-2024-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Objection-111 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY -Redacted 12/08/2024
6-2024-1323-Premier Inn, Lemsford Lane, Hatfield, AL10 0DA.pdf (0 kb) Comment - WELWYN HATFIELD SWIFT GROUP - Comments from Welwyn Hatfield Swift Group 21/08/2024
Facts about swift bricks.pdf (0 kb) Comment - WELWYN HATFIELD SWIFT GROUP - Facts about swift bricks 21/08/2024
6 Parkway Close, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6HJ Comment 21-08-2024-Redacted.pdf (0 kb) Comment - WELWYN HATFIELD SWIFT GROUP -Redacted 21/08/2024
241016 Site Photos(1).pdf (0 kb) Site photos 16/10/2024
Decision Notice PDF
Decision Notice_620241323MAJ.pdf (0 kb) Decision Notice 03/12/2024
Officer Report PDF
Delegated Report_620241323MAJ(6).pdf (0 kb) Officer Report 02/12/2024
Biodiversity Survey & Report
Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment- Premier Inn Hatfield AL10 0DA.pdf (0 kb) Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment 10/07/2024
Statutory Biodiversity Metric- Premier inn Hatfield AL10 0DA.xlsx (0 kb) Statutory Biodiversity Metric 10/07/2024
Energy Statement
C8869-TLP-00-XX-XX-BP-100 P01 Energy Strategy.pdf (0 kb) Energy Strategy 10/07/2024
Flood Impact Assessment
P23-926 - Flood Risk Assessment Drainage Statement Report - AGP Hatfield - Issue 2.pdf (0 kb) Flood Risk Assessment Drainage Statement Report 17/09/2024
Noise Impact Assessment
Noise Impact Assessment.pdf (0 kb) Noise Impact Assessment-superseded 10/07/2024
Noise Impact Assessment Rev01.pdf (0 kb) Noise Impact Assessment 05/08/2024
Site Plan
6067-P-002-A-Existing - Site Plan.pdf (0 kb) Existing Site Plan 10/07/2024
6067-P-010-D-Proposed - Site Plan.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Site Plan 28/11/2024
Superseded Plans
6067-P-010-B-Proposed - Site Plan.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Site Plan 10/07/2024
6067-P-110-B-Proposed - Ground Floor Plan.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Ground Floor Plan 10/07/2024
6067-P-111-A-Proposed - First Floor Plan.pdf (0 kb) Proposed First Floor Plan 10/07/2024
6067-P-112-A-Proposed - Second Floor Plan.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Second Floor Plan 10/07/2024
6067-P-210-A-Proposed - Elevations.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Elevations 10/07/2024
6067-P-211-A-Proposed - Sections.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Sections 10/07/2024
1164-SW-01.pdf (0 kb) Detailed Landscape Proposal 1/2 10/07/2024
1164-SW-02.pdf (0 kb) Detailed Landscape Proposal 2/2 10/07/2024
6067-P-210-B-Proposed - Elevations.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Elevations 05/08/2024
6067-P-010-C-Proposed - Site Plan.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Site Plan 05/08/2024
6067-P-110-C-Proposed - Ground Floor Plan.pdf (0 kb) Proposed Ground Floor Plan 05/08/2024
Supporting Information
PEAPRA Premier Inn Hatfield AL10 0DA.pdf (0 kb) Prellminary Ecological appraisal and roost Assessment 10/07/2024
BS5837 - Premier Inn Hatfield - Arbtech TSR 01 - 17-06-24.pdf (0 kb) Arboricultural Survey to BS5837:2012 10/07/2024
BS5837 - Premier Inn Hatfield - Arbtech AMS 03 - 15-08-24.pdf (0 kb) Arboricultural Method Statement 17/09/2024
BERS - Premier Inn Hatfield AL10 0DA - v3 - 06082024.pdf (0 kb) Bat Emergency and Re-Entry Survey 17/09/2024
2024-09-11 - PIX AGP South Hatfield - Highways Response - 7977.pdf (0 kb) Response to Highways 17/09/2024
Sustainablity Assessment
Sustainability Statement.pdf (0 kb) Sustainability Statement 10/07/2024
(332)2428-SB-PA-Premier_Inn_Hatfield_R01 BREEAM.pdf (0 kb) BREEAM Pre Assessment Report superseded 10/07/2024
(332)2428-SB-PA-Premier_Inn_Hatfield_R01 BREEAM(1).pdf (0 kb) BREEAM Pre Assessment Report 05/08/2024
Travel Plan
2024-09-11 - PIX AGP South Hatfield - Travel Plan - 7977.pdf (0 kb) Travel Plan 17/09/2024
Tree Survey
BS5837 - Premier Inn Hatfield - Arbtech AIA 03 - 15-08-24 (A0).pdf (0 kb) Arboricultural Impact Assessment 17/09/2024
BS5837 - Premier Inn Hatfield - Arbtech TPP 03 - 15-08-24 (A0).pdf (0 kb) Tree Protection Plan 17/09/2024
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
HCC Water Officer Catherine Gilbert 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
HCC Water Officer Catherine Gilbert 03/12/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Ian Walsh 03/12/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Ian Walsh 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Kieran Thorpe 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Kieran Thorpe 03/12/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Pankit Shah 03/12/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Pankit Shah 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Economic Development 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Economic Development 03/12/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Estates Department 03/12/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Estates Department 02/08/2024 23/08/2024 08/11/2024
Lead Local Flood Authority Fiona Lai 02/08/2024 23/08/2024 09/08/2024
Lead Local Flood Authority Fiona Lai 17/09/2024 08/10/2024
Lead Local Flood Authority Fiona Lai 03/12/2024
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 17/09/2024 08/10/2024 08/10/2024
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 02/08/2024 23/08/2024 23/08/2024
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 03/12/2024
Hatfield Town Council Jonah Anthony 03/12/2024
Hatfield Town Council Jonah Anthony 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 17/09/2024 08/10/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 03/12/2024
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 03/12/2024
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 17/09/2024 08/10/2024 03/10/2024
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 05/08/2024 26/08/2024
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 26/09/2024 17/10/2024 08/10/2024
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 03/12/2024
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
12 Gilders Sawbridgeworth Hertfordshire CM21 0EF
80 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0EA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
82 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0EA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
84 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0EA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
86 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0EA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
88 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0EA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
90 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0EA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
92 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0EA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
94 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0EA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
96 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0EA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
98 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0EA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
100 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0EA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
102 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0EA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
83 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
85 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
87 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
89 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
91 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
93 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
95 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
97 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
99 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
101 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
103 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
105 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
107 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
109 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
111 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
113 Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0BY 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
1 West View Hatfield AL10 0PH 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
2 West View Hatfield AL10 0PH 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
3 West View Hatfield AL10 0PH 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
4 West View Hatfield AL10 0PH 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
26 Beehive Green Welwyn Garden City AL7 4BG
6 Parkway Close Welwyn Garden City AL8 6HJ
Hatfield Fire Station Wellfield Road Hatfield AL10 0DA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
The Airfield Comet Way Hatfield AL10 0DA 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
99 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
101 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
103 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
105 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
107 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
109 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
111 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
113 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
115 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
117 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
119 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
121 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
123 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
125 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
127 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
129 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
131 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
133 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
135 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
137 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
139 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
141 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
143 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
145 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
147 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
149 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
151 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
153 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
155 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
157 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
159 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
161 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
163 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
165 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
167 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
169 Lemsford Road Hatfield AL10 0DT 02/08/2024 23/08/2024
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
S6/2014/0663/FP Installation of air conditioning units and erection of enclosed compound Granted 0
S6/2012/1881/AD Erection of a pole sign to carry Brewers Faye logo Granted 0
S6/2012/1141/AD Installation of 6 x fascia signs and 4 x other signs Part Approved / Part Refused 0
S6/2012/0468/AD Erection of signage Granted 0
S6/1999/0485/AD Erection of replacement illuminated signage on building, and new illuminated totem sign at entrance Granted 0
S6/1997/0460/AD Erection of illuminated and non-illuminated signs for Travel Inn and Brewers Fayre Granted 0
S6/1995/0873/FP Erection of a 40 bedroom Travel Inn, Public House and Restaurant together with parking and landscaping Approval Subject to s106 0
S6/1993/0247/FP Erection of Student Halls of Residence containing 393 study bedrooms, 2 warden flats and launderette together with associated car parking Refused 0
S6/1990/0988/FP Use of site for temporary car park for contractor's private vehicles until completion of The Galleria Granted 0
S6/1990/7028/AD Erection of white fabric horizontal banner Refused 0
S6/1990/0072/FP Temporary car park for period of one year on site previously approved for offices Granted 0
S6/1989/0148/OP Erection of office accommodation Granted 0
S6/1989/0087/FP Erection of temporary administration building Granted 0
S6/1987/1024/DE Landscaping details Granted 0
S6/1986/7016/AD Illuminated sign boards Granted 0
S6/1985/0025/ Site for retail and associated leisure complex, hotel and swimming pool, garden centre, residential housing and offices and access and car parking Granted 0
S6/1985/0687/DC Site for industrial commercial residential and recreational uses Granted 0
S6/1982/7003/AD Illuminated fascia sign Granted 0
S6/1980/0760/DC Site for industrial, commercial, residential and recreational uses Granted 0
S6/1979/0854/ Single storey rear extension Granted 0

There are no NMAs associated with this application