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Planning Application: 6/2024/1032/OUTLINE


Decided - Refused

Mrs Sarah Madyausiku

83 Great Ganett Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DD

Detached dwelling at rear of existing dwelling (Outline application with all matters reserved).



  • Panshanger

  • Councillor Jane Quinton
  • Councillor Darrell Panter
  • Councillor Salman Khan


Mr Graeme Bowie

Mr Jim Robinson

9D Roydon Road, The Maltings Stanstead Abbotts Stanstead Abbotts SG12 8HQ

83 Great Ganett Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 3DD
Description Distance
Sand and Gravel Minerals Safeguarding Area 0.00
Estate Management WGC 0.00
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00
Sand and Gravel Belt 0.00



If any documents do not appear to be shown below, please email including the case number. We will endeavour to publish any missing items within 10 working days.

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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf (331 kb) Applicationformredacted 03/06/2024
Consultee Response
Response_6-2024-1032-OUTLINE.pdf (69 kb) Comment- HCC Highways 09/07/2024
Comments.pdf (79 kb) Comment- Lorraine Davis - WHBC - Client Services 15/07/2024
WK145492 - 83 Great Ganett.pdf (70 kb) Conditional- Public Health & Protection- WK145492 - 83 Great Ganett.pdf 16/07/2024
Comments(1).pdf (75 kb) Conditional- Public Health and Protection - WHBC - Public Health and Protection 16/07/2024
Neighbour Representation - Without Personal Information
6 Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3DJ Objection 08-07-2024-Redacted.pdf (75 kb) Objection- 6 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ -Redacted 08/07/2024
87 Great Ganett, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3DD Objection 10-07-2024-Redacted.pdf (74 kb) Objection- 87 Great Ganett Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DD -Redacted 10/07/2024
Objectons.pdf (28 kb) Objection- 87 Great Ganett Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DD Attachment 10/07/2024
83 Great Gannett application.pdf (26 kb) Objection- 7 Holwell Hyde-Objection to the proposed separate dwelling _Redacted 16/07/2024
7 Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3DJ Objection 16-07-2024-Redacted.pdf (74 kb) Objection- 7 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ -Redacted 16/07/2024
1 Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3DJ Objection 18-07-2024-Redacted.pdf (77 kb) Objection- 1 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ -Redacted 18/07/2024
8 Holwell Hyde objection.pdf (80 kb) Objection- 8 Holwell Hyde objection.pdf 19/07/2024
8 Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City, HERTS, AL7 3DJ Objection 19-07-2024-Redacted.pdf (74 kb) Objection- 8 Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City, HERTS, AL7 3DJ -Redacted 19/07/2024
7 Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City, HERTS, AL7 3DJ Objection 19-07-2024-Redacted.pdf (73 kb) Objection- 7 Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City, HERTS, AL7 3DJ -Redacted 19/07/2024
Objection 2 Holwell Hyde .pdf (26 kb) Objection- 2 Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City, HERTS, AL7 3DJ - Comments 20/07/2024
Objection 2 Holwell Hyde-20-07-2024_Redacted.pdf (53 kb) Objection- 2 Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City, HERTS, AL7 3DJ -Redacted 22/07/2024
Holwell hyde.pdf (145 kb) Objection - 85 Great Ganett Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DD - photo 22/07/2024
85 Great Ganett, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3DD Objection 22-07-2024-Redacted.pdf (76 kb) Objection - 85 Great Ganett Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DD -Redacted 22/07/2024
81 Great Ganett, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3DD Objection 23-07-2024-Redacted.pdf (74 kb) Objection - 81 Great Ganett Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DD -Redacted 23/07/2024
OUTLINE - 3 Holwell Hyde.pdf (53 kb) Objection - 3 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ - comments 24/07/2024
3 Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3DJ Objection 24-07-2024-Redacted.pdf (75 kb) Objection - 3 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ -Redacted 24/07/2024
OBJECTION 2_Redacted.pdf (494 kb) Objection - 5 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ - comments - redacted 25/07/2024
Objection 25-07-2024_Redacted.pdf (55 kb) Objection - 5 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ - redacted 25/07/2024
4 Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3DJ Objection 25-07-2024-Redacted.pdf (75 kb) Objection - 4 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ -Redacted 25/07/2024
Decision Notice PDF
Decision Notice_620241032OUTLINE.pdf (74 kb) Decision Notice pdf 19/08/2024
Officer Report PDF
Delegated Report_620241032OUTLINE(2).pdf (111 kb) Delegated Report pdf 19/08/2024
Application Documents
Robinson WGC existing site layout.pdf (97 kb) Existing Site Layout 03/06/2024
Robinson WGC proposed elevations 1.pdf (106 kb) Proposed Elevations 1 03/06/2024
Robinson WGC proposed elevations 2.pdf (97 kb) Proposed Elevations 2 03/06/2024
Robinson WGC existing and proposed site sections.pdf (97 kb) Existing And Proposed Site Sections 03/06/2024
Robinson site location plan existing blue and proposed red lined.pdf (144 kb) Site Location Plan 25/06/2024
Robinson WGC proposed site layout (with access points).pdf (107 kb) Proposed site layout (with access points) and floor plans 25/06/2024
Site Notice
Site Notice_620241032OUTLINE.pdf (120 kb) Site Notice 17/07/2024
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Darrell Panter 04/07/2024 25/07/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Darrell Panter 19/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jane Quinton 04/07/2024 25/07/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jane Quinton 19/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Salman Khan 04/07/2024 25/07/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Salman Khan 19/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Estates Department 17/07/2024 07/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Estates Department 19/08/2024
Hertfordshire County Council HCC Minerals and Waste Team 19/08/2024
Hertfordshire County Council HCC Minerals and Waste Team 04/07/2024 25/07/2024
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 04/07/2024 25/07/2024 08/07/2024
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 19/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 19/08/2024
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 04/07/2024 25/07/2024
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 04/07/2024 25/07/2024 15/07/2024
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 19/08/2024
Thames Water, Development Control Nicky McHugh 19/08/2024
Thames Water, Development Control Nicky McHugh 04/07/2024 25/07/2024
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 04/07/2024 25/07/2024 16/07/2024
WHBC - Public Health and Protection Public Health and Protection 19/08/2024
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
5 HoLwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ
7 Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City, HERTS, AL7 3DJ
8 Holwell Hyde, Welwyn Garden City, HERTS, AL7 3DJ
81 Great Ganett Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DD 04/07/2024 25/07/2024
85 Great Ganett Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DD 04/07/2024 25/07/2024
87 Great Ganett Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DD 04/07/2024 25/07/2024
1 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ 04/07/2024 25/07/2024
3 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ
4 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ
6 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ
7 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ
8 Holwell Hyde Welwyn Garden City AL7 3DJ 04/07/2024 25/07/2024
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2021/2095/EMT Reduce 1 x Oak by 2.5m Granted 0
W6/2002/0384/EM REAR CONSERVATORY Granted 0
W6/1997/5302/EM Erection of two detached dwellings Withdrawn 0
N6/1997/0434/DE Erection of 2 No. detached dwellings and garages. (Approval of reserved matters pursuant to outline permission N6/0187/94/OP) Granted 0
W6/1997/5064/EM Erection of 39 No. dwelling houses and garaging with associated roads and landscaping Granted 0
N6/1996/0924/FP The demolition of existing school buildings and erection of 60 dwellings, garages and car parking, new access roads and landscaping Approval Subject to s106 0
N6/1996/0569/FP Erection of 89 No. dwellings incorporating a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedroomed dwellings with garages, car parking, highways and other external works, including play area and cycle way Withdrawn 0
N6/1996/0570/FP Erection of 89 No. dwellings incorporating a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedroomed dwellings with garages, car parking, highways and other external works, including play area and cycle way Withdrawn 0
N6/1994/0187/OP Site for residential development (renewal of planning permission N6/0633/90/OP/CC) Approval Subject to s106 0
N6/1990/0633/OP Site for residential development Approval Subject to s106 0
E6/1968/0953/ FastPLANNING Historic Application Granted 0

There are no NMAs associated with this application