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Planning Application: 6/2023/1915/HOUSE


Decided - Withdrawn

Mr Raymond Lee

1 Digswell Park Cottages Digswell Park Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 7NN

Erection of single storey extension to link existing house and outbuilding, conversion of outbuilding into habitable space and internal alterations including general and external refurbishment



  • Sherrards

  • Councillor Jean-Paul Skoczylas
  • Councillor Frank Marsh
  • Councillor Leo Gilbert


Ms Miriam Mohns

Mrs Karina Ridgewell

Unit G West 1-3 Coate Street London E2 9AG

1 Digswell Park Cottages Digswell Park Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 7NN
Description Distance
Listed Buildings Combined 0.00
Sand and Gravel Minerals Safeguarding Area 0.00
Estate Management WGC 0.00
Green Belt 0.00
Landscape Character Area 0.00



If any documents do not appear to be shown below, please email including the case number. We will endeavour to publish any missing items within 10 working days.

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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf (325 kb) Applicationformredacted 15/09/2023
0863-01-101_Redacted.pdf (210 kb) EXISTING ELEVATIONS 15/09/2023
0863-02-101_Redacted.pdf (218 kb) PROPOSED ELEVATIONS 15/09/2023
Floor Plans
0863-02-100_Redacted.pdf (374 kb) PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS 15/09/2023
0863-01-100_Redacted.pdf (158 kb) EXISTING FLOOR PLANS 15/09/2023
0863-01-116_Redacted.pdf (326 kb) EXISTING GROUND FLOOR PLAN & GARDEN 15/09/2023
0863-01-117_Redacted.pdf (348 kb) PROPOSED GROUND FLOOR PLAN & GARDEN 15/09/2023
Location Plan
0863-01-115_Redacted.pdf (385 kb) EXISTING OS & PROPOSED BLOCK PLANS 15/09/2023
0863-01-118_Redacted.pdf (172 kb) EXISTING & PROPOSED COMPARISION WITH NO 4 & AREA ANALYSIS 15/09/2023
Site Sections
0863-02-102_Redacted.pdf (307 kb) PROPOSED ELEVATIONS/SECTIONS 15/09/2023
Consultee Response
Comments.pdf (75 kb) Comment- Conservation Officer - Place Services 25/10/2023
6.2023.1915.HOUSE 1 Digswell Park Cottages Digswell Park Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 7NN.pdf (126 kb) Comment- Conservation Officer- Place Services - attachment 25/10/2023
Decision Notice PDF
Decision Notice_620231915HOUSE.pdf (21 kb) Decision Notice 08/11/2023
Heritage Statement
0863-Design and Heritage statement_Redacted.pdf (1909 kb) Design And Heritage Statement_redacted 15/09/2023
Site Notice
Site Notice_620231915HOUSE.pdf (85 kb) Site Notice 18/10/2023
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Place Services Conservation Officer 03/10/2023 24/10/2023 25/10/2023
Place Services Conservation Officer 08/11/2023
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Flavia Wachuku 08/11/2023
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Flavia Wachuku 03/10/2023 24/10/2023
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Frank Marsh 03/10/2023 24/10/2023
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Frank Marsh 08/11/2023
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jean-Paul Skoczylas 03/10/2023 24/10/2023
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jean-Paul Skoczylas 08/11/2023
Hertfordshire County Council Historic Environment Advisor 08/11/2023
Hertfordshire County Council Historic Environment Advisor 03/10/2023 24/10/2023
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 03/10/2023 24/10/2023
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 08/11/2023
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
3 Digswell Park Cottages Digswell Park Road Welwyn Garden CIty AL8 7NN 03/10/2023 24/10/2023
4 Digswell Park Cottages Digswell Park Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 7NN 03/10/2023 24/10/2023
2 Digswell Park Cottages Digswell Park Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 7NN 03/10/2023 24/10/2023
332 Knightsfield Welwyn Garden City AL8 7NQ 03/10/2023 24/10/2023
325 Knightsfield Welwyn Garden City AL8 7NJ 03/10/2023 24/10/2023
327 Knightsfield Welwyn Garden City AL8 7NJ 03/10/2023 24/10/2023
329 Knightsfield Welwyn Garden City AL8 7NJ 03/10/2023 24/10/2023
331 Knightsfield Welwyn Garden City AL8 7NJ 03/10/2023 24/10/2023
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2025/0166/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition number 1 (materials samples), 2 (window plans), 3 (insulation), 4 (fireplace) & 5 (roof repairs), on planning permission 6/2024/0988/LB 0
6/2025/0169/COND Submission of details pursuant of condition 1 (samples of materials) and condition 2 (additional drawings of new windows) on planning permission 6/2024/0987/HOUSE 0
6/2024/0971/EM Conversion of a curtilage listed Grade II outbuilding into habitable space with demolition of timber shed Granted 0
6/2024/0987/HOUSE Internal alterations to the Grade II listed building including general refurbishment and the conversion of existing outbuilding into habitable space Granted 0
6/2024/0988/LB Internal alterations to the Grade II listed building including general refurbishment and the conversion of existing outbuilding into habitable space Granted 0
6/2024/0263/EM Erection of single storey rear extension, Internal alterations to the Grade II listed building including general refurbishment and conversion of existing outbuilding into habitable space Withdrawn 0
6/2024/0259/HOUSE Erection of single storey extension to link existing house and outbuilding, conversion of outbuilding into habitable space and internal alterations including general and external refurbishment Refused 0
6/2024/0260/LB Erection of single storey extension to link existing house and outbuilding, conversion of outbuilding into habitable space and internal alterations including general and external refurbishment Refused 0
6/2023/1914/EM Erection of single storey extension to link existing house and outbuilding, conversion of outbuilding into habitable space and internal alterations including general and external refurbishment Withdrawn 0
6/2023/1916/LB Erection of single storey extension to link existing house and outbuilding, conversion of outbuilding into habitable space and internal alterations including general and external refurbishment Withdrawn 0
6/2021/2908/EMH Erection of a single storey front and rear extension, insertion of 1 x rear dormer, and extension to gable wall to left front elevation Granted 0
6/2021/2055/EM Removal of current shed and replacement with a larger shed/summer house. Granted 1
6/2019/1669/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (Drainage Scheme) and 3 (Landscapes) on planning permission 6/2019/0035/MAJ Granted 1
6/2019/0035/MAJ Demolition of single storey teaching block and minor garages and erection of a new two storey teaching block, reprovision of hard surfaced tennis courts and creation of associated hard and soft landscaping Granted 0
W6/1998/5375/EM Proposed rear conservatory Granted 0
W6/1991/5417/EM Internal alterations and new window to side shed Granted 0
N6/1989/0229/FP Single storey rear extension Granted 1

There are no NMAs associated with this application