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Planning Application: 6/2022/1857/HOUSE


Decided - Granted

Ms Kirsty Shirley

77 Calder Avenue Brookmans Park Hertfordshire AL9 7AJ

Increase in roof height with installation of four front facing rooflight, rear dormer and rear air con unit, with alterations to fenestration and external elevations



  • Brookmans Park & Little Heath

  • Councillor Jonathan Boulton
  • Councillor Rebecca Lass
  • Councillor Mark Short

North Mymms


Mr John Myring

Mr & Mrs M & J Johnson

Westgate House 37-41 Castle Street Hertford SG14 1HH

77 Calder Avenue Hertfordshire Brookmans Park AL9 7AJ
Description Distance
Parish 0.00



If any documents do not appear to be shown below, please email including the case number. We will endeavour to publish any missing items within 10 working days.

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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf (175 kb) Applicationformredacted 09/08/2022
Elevation and Floor Plans
20315-S001.pdf (242 kb) Existing plans and elevations 09/08/2022
20315-P001-D.pdf (435 kb) Proposed plans and elevations 09/08/2022
Consultee Response
Comments.pdf (73 kb) Comment- Christine Wootton - North Mymms Parish Council 01/09/2022
Neighbour Representation - Without Personal Information
79 Calder Avenue, Hatfield, AL9 7AJ Comment 19-08-2022-Redacted.pdf (74 kb) Comment - 79 Calder Avenue Hatfield AL9 7AJ -Redacted 19/08/2022
12 Woodlands, Hatfield, AL9 7AN Objection 04-09-2022-Redacted.pdf (74 kb) Objection - 12 Woodlands Hatfield AL9 7AN - Redacted 04/09/2022
Decision Notice PDF
Decision Notice_620221857HOUSE.pdf (539 kb) Decision Notice 04/10/2022
Officer Report PDF
Delegated Report_620221857HOUSE(2).pdf (29 kb) Officer Report 04/10/2022
Site Notice
Site Notice_620221857HOUSE.pdf (85 kb) Site Notice 31/08/2022
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
North Mymms Parish Council Christine Wootton 15/08/2022 05/09/2022 01/09/2022
North Mymms Parish Council Christine Wootton 04/10/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jonathan Boulton 15/08/2022 05/09/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jonathan Boulton 04/10/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Rebecca Lass 04/10/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Rebecca Lass 15/08/2022 05/09/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Stephen Boulton 15/08/2022 05/09/2022
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Stephen Boulton 04/10/2022
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 04/10/2022
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 15/08/2022 05/09/2022
Herts & Middlesex Bat Group Mr Roger Havard 04/10/2022
Herts & Middlesex Bat Group Mr Roger Havard 15/08/2022 05/09/2022
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
75 Calder Avenue Hatfield AL9 7AJ 15/08/2022 06/09/2022
79 Calder Avenue Hatfield AL9 7AJ 15/08/2022 06/09/2022
12 Woodlands Hatfield AL9 7AN 15/08/2022 06/09/2022
79 Calder Avenue Hatfield AL9 7AJ
12 Woodlands Hatfield AL9 7AN
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2024/1082/TPO T1 - Oak. Proposed works to the Oak are to do a 1m reduction of entire tree, keeping a nice shape and balance. Reasons for this are to reduce in height and to allow light into properties. Tree I.D Tag 0126 TPO 626 (2017) Granted 0
6/2024/0892/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition number 1 (Crown roof cross section) and condition number 2 (Material details) on planning permission 6/2022/1857/HOUSE Granted 0
6/2017/1595/HOUSE Erection of a single storey rear extension and minor alterations to front elevation of garage roof and front gate Granted 0
6/2016/1960/TPO T1 - Oak To raise the east, south-east, south and south-west sides of tree canopy to gain approximately 5 metres clearance above ground level (including two branches over the neighbour's Apple tree). Reduce to provide 3 metres clearance from corner of the house covered by TPO 7 (1974) Granted 0
S6/2010/2921/FP Erection of part first floor part single storey rear extension, extension to front of garage, replacement pitched roof to garage and porch Granted 0
S6/1989/0998/FP Single storey rear extension Granted 0
S6/1987/0203/FP Single storey side extension Granted 0
S6/1986/0118/FP Two storey rear and single storey side extension Granted 0
S6/1979/0897/ Front entrance porch Granted 0
S6/1978/0002/ 47 Detached houses with garages and associated access roads Granted 0
S6/1977/0505/ Site for 51 detached houses and garages with associated access roads Appeal Withdrawn 0
S6/1976/0676/ 80 detached and terraced houses with garages and estate roads Appeal Dismissed 0
S6/1977/0505/ Site for 51 detached houses and garages with associated access roads Refused 0
S6/1977/0623/ Site for 51 detached houses and garages with associated access roads Refused 0
S6/1976/0401/ 61 Detached houses and estate roads Appeal Dismissed 0
S6/1976/0401/ 80 detached and terraced houses with garages and estate roads Refused 0
S6/1976/0676/ 61 Detached houses and estate roads Refused 0
S6/1974/0026/ First floor rear extension Granted 0
S6/1991/0122/OP Outline permission for the erection of one single storey dwelling Appeal Dismissed 0

There are no NMAs associated with this application