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Planning Application: 6/2021/2047/FULL
Decided - Withdrawn
Ms Emily Stainer
Sylvia Adams House 24 The Common Hatfield AL10 0NB
Erection of 2 x 1 bed units
Mrs Renu Prinjha
C/O Agent
64 Anderson Drive
Leamington Spa
CV31 2RN
Description | Distance |
Parish | 0.00 |
Town Centre | 0.00 |
Article 4 HMO Direction | 0.00 |
Hertfordshire Ecological Network | 0.00 |
Sand and Gravel Belt | 0.00 |
Hatfield Heritage Assesment Areas | 0.00 |
If any documents do not appear to be shown below, please email including the case number. We will endeavour to publish any missing items within 10 working days.
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Select All | File | Description | Date Uploaded |
Application Form - Without Personal Information | |||
ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf (162 kb) | Application form redacted | 06/07/2021 | |
070721 Completed Applicaiton Form 24 The Common(1).pdf (534 kb) | Application Form - Redacted | 07/07/2021 | |
Block Plan | |||
1542_300_00_Proposed Site Layout Plan.pdf (538 kb) | Block Plan | 06/07/2021 | |
Elevations | |||
1542_302_00_Proposed Elevations.pdf (2037 kb) | Proposed Elevations | 06/07/2021 | |
1542_304_Elevation Comparison 01.pdf (359 kb) | Elevation Comparison 01 | 06/07/2021 | |
1542_305_Elevation Comparison 02.pdf (338 kb) | Elevation Comparison 02 | 06/07/2021 | |
1542_306_Elevation Comparison 03.pdf (343 kb) | Elevation Comparison 03 | 06/07/2021 | |
3809103EA1100.pdf (160 kb) | Existing Elevations | 06/07/2021 | |
Floor Plans | |||
1542_301_00_Proposed Third Floor Plan.pdf (157 kb) | Proposed Third Floor Plan | 06/07/2021 | |
3809102PA2100.pdf (205 kb) | Existing Floor Plans | 06/07/2021 | |
Location Plan | |||
1542_001_00_Site Location Plan(1).pdf (1188 kb) | Location Plan | 06/07/2021 | |
Plans | |||
1542_303_00_Illustrative Street Scene-compressed.pdf (98 kb) | Street Scene Compressed | 06/07/2021 | |
1542_110_00_Approed Sun Study - Existing.pdf (457 kb) | Approved Sun Study | 06/07/2021 | |
380901PA1100.pdf (265 kb) | Topographical Survey | 06/07/2021 | |
Site Sections | |||
3809104SA3100.pdf (143 kb) | Existing Sections | 06/07/2021 | |
Design & Access Statement | |||
05072021FinalPlanningDesignandAccessStatement.pdf (1012 kb) | Planning, Design & Access Statement | 06/07/2021 | |
Decision Notice PDF | |||
Decision Notice(1).pdf (78 kb) | Decision Notice redacted | 07/07/2021 | |
Supporting Information | |||
1542_311_00_Sun Study - Proposed.pdf (520 kb) | Sun Study | 06/07/2021 | |
SAH Flood Zone 1.pdf (516 kb) | Flood Zone Map | 06/07/2021 | |
30112020 Surface Water Flood Risk Map.pdf (523 kb) | Surface Water Flood Risk Map | 06/07/2021 |
Organisation | Name | Sent | Reply Due | Reply Received |
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council | Councillor Glyn Hayes | |||
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council | Councillor James Bond | |||
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council | Councillor Pankit Shah | |||
Hatfield Town Council | Jonah Anthony |
There are no neighbours associated with this application
Application Number | Proposal | Decision | Distance |
6/2024/2260/COND | Submission of details pursuant of condition 2 (swift nesting bricks, bird boxes and bat boxes), condition 3 (samples of the materials), condition 4 (solar panels), condition 5 (refuse and recycling storage), condition 6 (cycle parking storage) and condition 8 (balustrade/privacy screen) on planning permission 6/2023/2539/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2024/0941/COND | Submission of details pursuant of condition 7 (Car Parking Layout), condition 8 (Bicycle Store), condition 9 (Refuse Bins and Recycling Materials), condition 10 (Electric Vehicle Charging Point), condition 12 (Balustrade) on planning permission 6/2023/0627/VAR | Granted | 0 |
6/2024/0660/VAR | Variation of condition 15 (Approved Plans) on planning permission 6/2023/1014/VAR | Refused | 0 |
6/2023/2562/FULL | Erection of additional storey to approved 4-storey block of 8 self-contained flats to facilitate an additional 2 bed 4 person self-contained flat. | Not determined as appeal against non-determination | 0 |
6/2023/2539/FULL | Proposed two additional 1 bed units at third floor level to infill the section to the rear within the footprint of the building approved under the prior approval application 6/2020/3226/PN32 and alterations to fenestration and internal layout | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/1871/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition numbers: 3 (Hard and soft landscape scheme), 5 (Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels), 6 (Electric Vehicle (EV) charging facilities) on planning permission 6/2023/1014/VAR | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/1834/COND | Submission of details pursuant of condition 1 (accessible housing) and 2 (materials) on planning permission 6/2023/1014/VAR | Part Discharged | 0 |
6/2023/1496/FULL | Proposed two additional 1 bed units at third floor level to infill the section to the rear within the footprint of the building approved under the prior approval application 6/2020/3226/PN32. | Withdrawn | 0 |
6/2023/1195/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (piling method statement), condition 3 (accessible housing), condition 4 (materials samples), condition 5 (noise mitigation scheme), condition 6 (hard and soft landscaping), condition 8 (solar PV panels or suitable alternative), condition 9 (electric vehicle charging facilities), condition 11 (parking layout), condition 12 (bicycle stores), condition 13 (refuse and recycling) and condition 17 (external lighting scheme) on planning permission 6/2022/0289/FULL | Part Approved / Part Refused | 0 |
6/2023/1014/VAR | Variation of condition 18 (Approved plans) for planning permission 6/2022/0289/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/0871/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (construction management plan) on planning permission 6/2022/0289/FULL | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/0627/VAR | Variation of condition 12 (drawing numbers) on planning approval 6/2020/3226/PN32 | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/0442/HOUSE | Erection of an outbuilding | Granted | 1 |
6/2022/2152/COND | Submission of details pursuant of condition 1 (construction method statement), condition 2 (external materials), condition 3 (landscape) and condition 5 (noise) on planning permission 6/2020/3226/PN32 | Granted | 0 |
6/2022/0289/FULL | Erection of a four storey building to provide 8 x 1-bed, residential units with associated landscaping and parking, involving demolition of existing two storey building | Granted | 0 |
6/2020/3226/PN32 | Prior approval application for the demolition of existing offices and development of residential accommodation comprising 10 new flats | Prior Approval Required and Granted | 0 |
6/2020/1462/COND | Submission of details pursuant to condition 10 (details of any internal or external lighting), condition 11 (details of public realm improvements), condition 12 (motorcycle and cycle parking provisions) and condition 13 (landscaping scheme) on planning permission 6/2019/2478/MAJ | Granted | 0 |
6/2020/0912/COND | Submission of details pursuant to conditions 1 (construction method statement) 2 (surface water drainage scheme) 3 (site waste management plan) 4 (arboricultural method statement) 5 (method statement in accordance relevant British Standards and Best Management Practices) 6 (details of finished surface of parking areas) and 7 (details of the external materials of construction) on planning permission 6/2019/2478/MAJ | Granted | 0 |
6/2018/0147/PN8 | Prior approval for the erection of a single storey rear extension measuring 5.3m in depth, 3.1m in height and 3.036m to the eaves | Prior Approval Not Required | 1 |
S6/1999/0830/FP | Alterations to existing roof to pitched tiled roof, internal alterations, and new car parking layout | Granted | 0 |
S6/1999/0345/FP | Change of use from doctors surgery to B1 offices | Granted | 0 |
S6/1988/0324/FP | Two storey rear extension and new pitched roof to replace existing flat roof | Granted | 0 |
S6/1975/0490/ | New reception area and waiting room to Doctors surgeries | Granted | 0 |
S6/1974/0339/ | Change of use of first floor flat to doctors surgery and offices | Granted | 0 |
There are no NMAs associated with this application